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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9876240 No.9876240 [Reply] [Original]

I'm spending Christmas by myself. What should I cook for dinner, and what should I do?

>> No.9876257


>> No.9876511

Spend Christmas with someone.

>> No.9876525

Hey man listen, all christmas' in your life won't be Good. This is one of them so just write it off as a loss and cook whatever u want because you are skipping Christmas this year.

>> No.9876526

make your favorite meal for yourself.
and get a cat or dog. really helps with the loneliness and stuff.

>> No.9876532
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Mulled wine until you pass out. Only way to Christmas alone.

>> No.9876568
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I hate mulled wine but yeah maybe a selection of booze that will make me pass out or start singing 'all by myself' like Bridget fucking Jones

I'm also going to make myself steak and mashed potatoes because that's my favourite

And a pretend boyfriend out a broomstick.

>> No.9876571


I wish I were you.

>> No.9876575

vodka and your favourite McChicken

>> No.9876576
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>> No.9876588


>> No.9876604
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... I was referring to the idea of getting a nice bottle of alcohol, treating yourself to a good meal; and pretending you have a bee-ef. I'm not sure what there wasn't to get.

>> No.9876634


>> No.9876689
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Around where I live I see more and more people opening their homes to people who have nobody else with whom to celebrate Christmas. They'll be small families typically who take in one person or maybe a couple and let them join in with the food and dancing around the tree and all that. I assume the lonely person helps with the dishes and maybe pays a little for the food or something but it's more or less entirely charity. It's not juust for junkies and drunks either; the news segments etc. I see about it often have pretty regular folks who just don't have a family they can spend Christmas with.
Maybe your area has something like that too? I'm guessing they have facebook groups or something for it.
Maybe you'd end up making some friends in the process. Hell, maybe just find another lonely person and spend Christmas with them if joining a family of strangers doesn't appeal to you.

We've always had goose for Christmas but if I were cooking only for myself I'd go with a duck instead. You can finish off one of those by yourself over a couple days and they're much cheaper than geese.

>> No.9876718

Oooh, duck.

I may try that.

>> No.9877502
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>tfw haven't celebrated Christmas since I was like 12

Seconding this. It's how I'm dealing with the holidays, and it's working wonders.

>> No.9877539

This sounds like the start of a comfy christmas adventure movie! Just go out and try to find someone to spend christmas with, i bet you go on a huge adventure like a seth rogen movie. Keep us updated.

>> No.9877573

there are some places that have a gathering of ppl with nowhere to go on christmas to have a dinner together, usu churches

>> No.9877577

Maybe consider attending the local gay DINK couple's dinner?

Are you going to get comfy with video games later?

>> No.9877580

just order a pizza and then netflix n chill
i'll be alone, too. i plan on getting beer and wings and leaving the mess until the next day

>> No.9877590

Doing brunch with family and then I'm alone later. Mom may want to do stuff. Both boyfriends are about and hour away and likely busy that day. I couldn't get either of them to come with me to the mall today to watch people panic shopping.

>> No.9877591

If it was me, I would probably make confit de canard with a delicious salad and then eat my weight in cheese and crackers, plus a lot of wine.

>> No.9877600

I got some shit from Trader Joe's last year because I didn't want to cook but I knew shit would be closed. I was miserable until I ate by myself and honestly I enjoyed not having to deal with people or cleaning up pans and shit. I just browsed the internet and smoked some green, nice day.

>> No.9877632
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Where you at, op? I'll spend Christmas with you <3

If you're nearby

>> No.9877638

Is your family dead? Are you dead to them? Just far away? Why no bf?

>> No.9877681

Go to a dive bar at the end of the night and buy a round for the staff.

>> No.9877761

Cyanide soup

>> No.9877829

Why does /ck/ always assume the poster is gay?

>> No.9877842

You don't need to be gay to enjoy having a bf. You can chill and cuddle and maybe brustle, without kissing/sucking/fucking.

>> No.9877902

Why aren't you gay you little faggot

>> No.9878011

pls no f-slur pls k thx :-)

>> No.9878126

If your a hot girl I can be your bf

>> No.9878129

You won't meet a gf on 4ailchan.

>> No.9878176

Only tgf

>> No.9878186

Tabletop game friend?

>> No.9878213

I see myself spending christmas alone every year in 10 years. If you have friends (i don't) then spend it with them, or you could go hiking (winter hiking is fun). You could volunteer at a soup kitchen or something to help people out. That's what I would do.

>> No.9878223

>both boyfriends

are they aware of each other? If not, santa is getting you herpes for christmas

>> No.9878244

They are aware. One of them is without benefits and generally unpleasant.

>> No.9878259

>cook world's smallest turkey
>tfw no cranberry
>trudge out to the store
>run in to old friend

>> No.9878262

Trans gf

>> No.9878266

why keep him around then? Is he rich?

>> No.9878272

nah he should just cook a porg

so it's a man, a boyfriend

>> No.9878280

First off, realize you're no different than the idiots that run to their family because they're told, "muh xmas, muh brotherhood one day only, muh family who I despise, muh shopping for literal garbage" and insist on fighting, scrabbling and maintaining petty grievances. The human condition is defined as being entirely alone. Embrace it and realize you're superior by not falling for the (((tricks))).

Having said that, I'd roast a chicken, make oyster dressing, roast a butternut squash with a wild rice stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy and a nice ceasar's salad. You'll eat like a king for a minimum of 3 days. And the beauty? You don't have to interact with husks and shells of humans.

>> No.9878284

I like to think I'm a positive influence.

>> No.9878288

>thinking you can change a man
The dude is rich and buys you stuff lol

>> No.9878300

He doesn't anymore, and he gets $16/hour. I usually don't let him in my place because everything he sits on smells cheesy from wearing the same pants several days in a row without undies or thorough cleaning.

>> No.9878376

wtf, you are crazy to keep a person like that in your life, let alone call him a "boyfriend" (which he's not because he isn't even getting any).

>> No.9879279

surprise anon! the vaginafags and qt twinks and gayfags on 4chan are actual maladjusted social retards just like you! not me though.

>> No.9879281

Why is everyone assuming I'm a guy?

>> No.9879286

shutup and eat another bag of dicks gaylord rofl

>> No.9879292
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But also you are an actual man with a penis.

>> No.9879297


>> No.9879835

That's news to me.

>> No.9879839

I saw a delicious-looking recipe for Salami Bread on foodwishes. Been dying to try it out, that's what I would do.

>> No.9879842

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.9879854

I have to drive all day to go to a few different places. Tuesday, I'm going to stay home all day and make rad coffee and some kind of cheese souffle for breakfast, sip on whisky all day and watch movies, then roast a chicken and some vegetables for dinner. Do shit like that. Keep it simple, but nice. Call your parents at some point.

>> No.9879881

Where do you live anon

>> No.9880349

show bobs and vangene

>> No.9880450

Going by this gyro place to ask out this Muslim guy from Palestine I've been crushing on for months now. If he punches me or something then I can just say it was a hate crime and sue him and the establishment to get some sand people oil money.

>> No.9880470

Check out Henry’s Kitchen on JewTube. He has a lot of episodes pertaining to cooking for one.

>> No.9881320


>> No.9881343

>doesn't realize every third world country has a corrupt oligarchy
I met a rich pally once, he was a braindead aging club kid who loved burning his trust fund on a series of business plans that were so stupid it defied belief. His parents were connected with some company that was famous in palestine (I don't remember the name)

Not the guy you're replying to

>> No.9881541
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I tried to spend Christmas alone but my mother guilt-tripped me into a family visit and now I get to spend the next few days babysitting brats, running last minute errands, and cooking for everyone like I end up doing every big holiday. All I wanted was to fix myself a nice small meal and enjoy lots of booze and video games in solitude.

>> No.9881922

I'm going to the liquor store now. I'm putting on nice shoes and trousers so that the cute cashier thinks I'm going to a christmas eve dinner. They won't suspect a thing heh heh heh ;_;

>> No.9881961

this 1000x

what I wouldnt do to escape all the bullshit and just chill by myself

>> No.9881991

Why not go out on a limb and ask the wench out? I guarantee you she's as lonely and fucked up as you are.

>> No.9882064

I’ve spent the last few Xmas by myself. Don’t really mind it, one year for Xmas I was dating a girl and I got dragged around all over the state seeing her family. Wasn’t really my thing. All the free food is nice tho

>> No.9882110

I'm way too much of a sperg to do that without making it super weird and getting myself banned from the store. I like that store. They have a great selection and the prices are reasonable.