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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9874043 No.9874043 [Reply] [Original]

Should food companies be allowed to create artifical scarcity in the marketplace in order to drive up demand?

>> No.9874058

It's capitalism, so they can manage their supply and demand however the fuck they want.

>> No.9874059

Whats wrong with american white men? are they all whiny manchildren?

>> No.9874070

xenoestrogens in the water supply

>> No.9874086
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Everything after 2010 has just been a very long trip to the bizarro universe. Not sure wtf is going on but "reality" can no longer be trusted.

>> No.9874091

A lot of gimmick cereal doesn't sell well if it's on the shelf year-round.
Therefore, the alternative to limited availability might well be cessation of production.

>> No.9874098


Scalpers are buying it online by the boxful, its not their fault they didnt expect people to scalp fucking cereal

>> No.9874106

>buying it by the boxful
do you normally purchase cereal by the kibble?
fucking THINK you goddamn baboon

>> No.9874113
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>> No.9874127
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>be allowed
Oh sure, let's centralize the food supply based on state mandate, that will never lead to any problems.

>> No.9874128

they have a ton of it at the store near me

>> No.9874130

no, let's make regulation based on tampers thrown by manchildren

>> No.9874133
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>> No.9874142


The mayans said "end of the world in 2012".

The physical destruction, no, but definitely social.

And The Office finished in 2013, I also consider that a casualty of a less funny world.

>> No.9874160

the mayans died out due to a self inflicted drought because they deforested the entire range of their woodlands
not exactly masters of foresight

>> No.9874177

Yes, I'm sure they make the fucking super mario cereal right next to their wahoo bing bong machines, it's not like they licensed that shit out to some gigantic cereal factory somewhere, obviously nintendo are the ones fucking up.

>> No.9874181

yet hes technically 100% right, isn't he, you hairless baboons ass?

>> No.9874193

Sure, they can if they like. With a popular brand name you can use scarcity to drive up demand and price to justify a limited run of a product. Most foods can't really get away with that since you can just buy a competing brand for probably less. If all you wanted was the cereal you could just get lucky charms. If they were out of lucky charms you could get the generic. But put a fancy label on it and you have to get that one specifically.

>> No.9874227
File: 2.00 MB, 1046x700, the free market provides.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the alternative? The State forcing them to stock so-and-so much? Fuck that.

Also, didn't McDonald's say they would bring back that meme sauce in December? What happened with that?
I was hoping for a second round of laughing either at the millennials because there still wasn't enough or at McD because there was way too much.

>> No.9874231
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>be me
>buy 12 pc chicken tenders meal
>"That'll be 36$ at the window, thank you!"

>> No.9874263

thats fucking alchemist heady topper to a T. and it's not even that good

>> No.9874315

is Nintendo actually stooping to not allowing their partners to produce enough fucking cereal to meet demands so it looks better? I thought the NES Classic was bad but this is another level

>> No.9874377
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You know, they may have been on to something. This definitely does not seem like the same world from five years ago.

>> No.9874410

I work for Kellogg’s. They make a shitload of this stuff. If your store didn’t order it, sorry but sucks to be you. Didn’t know about the scalper thing. I’ll have to look into that.

>> No.9874413

For bullshit branded induced-nostalgia garbage? Yes, they absolutely should. Let the retards kill each other over cartoon sweet-and-sour sauce and video game sugarbombs.

Necessities like fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, and dairy? Well, they'll do it when it suits them anyway, but it's fucked up.

>> No.9874416

we definitively evolved

>> No.9874423



>> No.9874437
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>> No.9874441

This is whathappens when you raise children like feminists want them to be raised.

>> No.9874446

/v/ thread in disguise.

>> No.9874451

Of course it shouldn't be allowed. Suppliers who can't meet demand should go straight to the gul- uh, freedom court.

>> No.9874460

>the numale open mouth gape
Why do they all do it?

>> No.9874466

Yeah it's definitely been five years

>> No.9874467

Who fuckin gets upset about a product not showing up in stores? If nintendo doesn't stock it then they get none of your money, it's not your loss

>> No.9874473

Why doesn't this whiny child understand that once the product is passed onto the middleman, it is no longer Nintendo's responsibility in providing access to the product?

>hur dur what are logistics chains

>> No.9874474

Ew. You think? Fuck that board for real.

>> No.9874475

Because it's what women do when they take selfies, and they have no other reference point

>> No.9874481

To remind redneck neanderthals what teeth look like

>> No.9874550

Probably something to do with cuckold and their wife's bull's load

>> No.9874617

It's the soylent grin

>> No.9874635

>twitter screencap in OP

You must be 18 years or older to browse 4chan. Fuck off.

>> No.9874643

That's honestly a pretty good comeback. But if that's what I wanted that I'd wipe it off your mother's tits.

>> No.9874650

>This is whathappens when you raise children like feminists want them to be raised.

More or less.

My kid's classmate got a 3 day out-of-school suspension for telling another boy to "man up, nancy". 2 hours later, another boy was suspended after a girl told him to man up. his crime was apparently forcing her into the position of having to tell him to man up because he wasn't catering to her by letting her get in in front of him at the lunch line.

shit is crazy, man.

>> No.9874652

>Companies artificially increase demand of a luxury good that no one would ever need for survival
No problem here. It's only when it's a need when I have a problem with it. If you're autistic enough to pay ridiculous amounts for super mario cereal then that's on you. Your personal financial responsibility should be exploited by anyone and everyone if you're that fucking stupid.

>> No.9874657
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>> No.9874667

>believes nintendo makes both video games and cereal
>doesn't know a company can lease another company's IP to use on their product

American public school education.

>> No.9874672

Get your shit together and buy cultivars, not brands.

>> No.9874675

nope, that's how it went down. they said the boy had antagonized the girl by denying her request to cut in line too aggressively and she made some comment about manning up and treating girls with respect. my kid said the whole scene was very chill and there was no 'aggression'. I have no reason not to believe him since it wasn't him in trouble.

>> No.9874750

/x/ told me CERN fucked up and we are in a different timeline than we are supposed to be.
That's why everything went so wierd almost from one day to the next.
But then again /x/ is full of unmedicated schizos. Would explain some things though