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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9873804 No.9873804 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you grow out of Reviewbrah, /ck/?

>> No.9873888

I always assumed that his suits fitted so badly because they are so cheap. I'm sure he'd wear a better fit were he able to afford one.

>> No.9873899
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Never watched and never will.

>> No.9873951

>A man has his life together better than a child
Real shocker. What did you accomplish at his age again?

>> No.9874143

This is why i'll never buy a suit in a clothing shop again. That shit needs to fit perfectly not to come over as retarded. People even assumed i was the manager because i was wearing a colbert that was slightly more casual than reviewbrah's, but wasn't a tight, masculine fit. Says enough.

>> No.9874180

You forgot to mention his kick-ass t-shirt collection and his electric collection of military stuff in the background.

>> No.9874187

I like how he's friends with just about every MRE review youtuber. It's a nice friendly community.

>> No.9874293

he claims he prefers older styled suits that are more roomy, but yeah just as you said, he's probably too poor to buy real bespoke suits.

>> No.9874301

When will you grow out of hero-worship, OP?

>> No.9874302
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aaaaand dropped

>> No.9874560
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>not watching both

>> No.9874599
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>> No.9875059

Stop replying to yourself. You stupid women know literally nothing about suits.

>> No.9875467

reviewbrah is an adult

>> No.9875471

27 and counting

>> No.9875752
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No one is forcing you to make out with him, homo boy

>> No.9875765


>> No.9875811


>> No.9875848

fanboy tries to make a joke no one understand.

At least give some context fatfag,
are they your cousins ballslickitclean?

>> No.9875925

>skincare videos

>> No.9875933

I heard about him maybe 2 years ago. I still tune in every 3-4 months when I've rolled the dice with some new fast food abomination. I like to hear his thoughts as I'm eating the meal. Usually, he echoes my thoughts on an item. I like him, but I also kind of feel sorry for him, and I feel like the least I can do is throw him some views and likes on his channel every couple months.

>> No.9876037

This. I also watch Varg AND The Golden One. It doesn't have to be either or. They may seem similar from the outside looking in but they are very different channels. I vary depending on what I'm looking for and my mood.