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File: 100 KB, 747x518, PapaWho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9869951 No.9869951 [Reply] [Original]

Who is going to be in their commercials now?

>> No.9869952

>kowtowing to niggers and SJWs that don't even eat your pizza
Really gets the ol' neurons firing.

>> No.9869954
File: 92 KB, 1024x576, ritchie-steve-201307159571_1024xx2400-1350-0-110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cunt probably

>> No.9869955

Hopefully someone who doesn’t have autistic compulsive ticks. Papa John always does a weird head nod after every line in a commercial.

>> No.9869957

peyton manning, you ding dong

>> No.9870007

Blames declining sales on footsball, instead of shit tier product and poor management, If you're not #1, you're a loser, and they're running #3, soooo . . . .

>> No.9870030
File: 32 KB, 460x276, Raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buckle for SJW's.
>Wonder why your product is still shit.

>> No.9870063
File: 376 KB, 900x702, COMMENCE_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That man has too little face for the amount of head it needs to cover.

>> No.9870130

Are chain pizza sales in general going down because of how unhealthy and low quality they all are? Or is it something that is uniquely bad about Papa John's?

>> No.9870135

>Pissing off your majority white consumer base by supporting BLM bullshit

He deserved it, as does the NFL.

>> No.9870136

Better local pizza joints are on the rise.

>> No.9870166

I used to think that too but a branch of a small chain in my neighborhood closed down recently in spite of the fact that it had everything going for it:

>Closest pizza joint to a very large swath of houses.
>Primed for lots of impulse dine-in/carryout consumers: attached to a gas station located right at a freeway exit.
>Prices comparable to the larger national chains.

Only lasted about 6 months. I think people are just ordering less pizza

>> No.9870187


There's a street in my town with FIVE (5) fucking pizzerias within seven minutes of each other, and they're all still kicking.

Still, your story is strange.

>> No.9870678

Lol no. My dominos almost always has lines going out on the friday and weekends. Its one of the smaller shops though. The papa johns and pizza hut is always empty. Little ceasers and local places do well enough. But everyone here really loves dominos and i agree with them. Its actually really good. All the shitty local places that you faggots pin as perfect are way to bready, sauce is way to sweet, or its just a messy pizza hut tier za with yellow globs rolling off the side. Shits nasty (and overpriced)

>> No.9870686

someone that isn't a white christian hetersexual cis gendered male, pretending to be a papa john's employee/manager/franchise owner.

they'll want to distance themselves from Schnatter's republican supporting legacy.

>> No.9870692

>sales already down
>say something that brings a bunch of negative attention to your brand
business wizard deserves a promotion

>> No.9870695

>It's literally becoming impossible to be a conservative public figure without the court of public opinion shaming you into retirement

>> No.9870711

the public doesn't give a shit if you're conservative. what they don't like is when you send out dog whistles to racists. unfortunately the modern GOP can't seem to understand that there's a difference

>> No.9870714
File: 65 KB, 600x450, soylent_green_logo_l1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most important ingredient - our team members
How long until they turn Papa John into pizza?

>> No.9870722

He looks like a normal guy. Do you have a deficit in processing faces?

>> No.9870729

Talk Shit, Get Hit

>> No.9870735

>when you send out dog whistles to racists
>"The controversy is polarizing the customer, polarizing the country,"
JESUS CHRIST fit this man for a white robe and a pair of jackboots.

>> No.9870744

and that's the other thing you people don't seem to get. we know you're racist even when you're not wearing an SS uniform or burning a cross. it's not a "false accusation" and it's not because "you're a straight white CISmale". it's because you say racist shit all the time and act surprised that people think it's offensive.

playing dumb doesn't get you anywhere. keep that shit bottled up, or find a circle of your fellow inbreds where you can talk like that. don't do it in public unless you're willing to face the consequences.

>> No.9870745

Don't worry, I'm sure the SCOTUS will rule that not buying things from Republican-owned businesses violates the owners' free speech, and then Congress can pass a law requiring everybody to eat Papa John's and Chick-fil-A at least once a week.

>> No.9870750

>implying you should do your goddamn job while at work instead of politically prothletising is racist
And then you piss bridle and whine to conservatives about doing the same goddamn thing, you people could at least try to be consistent.

>> No.9870754

I guess that's a reference to some delusional crackpot conspiracy you read about on facebook, I'm pleased to say that went over my head

>> No.9870757

Remember how shitty Dominos used to be before they changed their recipe? Truly inspirational

>> No.9870767

>reading comprehension
Let me spell this out for you nice and slow retard: >NFL players are at work
>NFL players decide to broadcast their politics instead of doing the thing they're supposed to do for work
>conservatives say boo
>the same limp-dicked democrats who swore up and down that anyone has the right to make political statements at any point routinely delight in getting conservatives fired for even mild points like the one this guy made
>but is diffrent cuz rasism duhhh
Kill yourselves.

>> No.9870783

>force people to participate in a national loyalty ritual that has literally nothing to do with their jobs
>waah why are they being political!
Have you ever considered that maybe you're not as smart as you think you are?

>> No.9870787
File: 725 KB, 826x1200, pizzachains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Individual anecdotal examples never mean much, especially in food which is a difficult business in general. The profit margins on pizza are pretty outrageous, though, so I'd imagine it's a bit easier to succeed in than most.
According to this, Papa John's was trending upward as recently as a couple years ago.

>> No.9870792

I wouldn't make a pizza place attached to a gas station my go to. Also, who gets pizza when they're traveling?

>> No.9870796

>force people that you're paying to do something
Yeah, that's called "being employed" there bud, try it some time.

>> No.9870799

Papa John's tastes like vomit and garbage, absolutely horrible.

>> No.9870801

Its impossible to work with someone that thinks you should be dead or at the very least is never willing to acknowledge that you have any talent.

>> No.9870804

Sadly, there are a great many people in this world who have never and will never make that consideration.

>> No.9870814

>that thinks you should be dead
Getting real sick of this line. I know some hardline conservatives, way too hard line for me, and even they don't want any minority group dead. The left needs to stop being so goddamn dramatic.

>> No.9870817

Does conservative mean racist to you? It should be obvious from context that racists/homophobes were being talked about. The black community has long said all racists were republicans but not all the republicans were racists.

>> No.9870834

I'm just responding to OP, because I don't feel like it is worth picking out a chain of comments that specifically address this issue, but to get to the point: I know this guy personally, through a series of fundraising/sponsorship programs we did together involving semi-professional sports (if you live around here then you will know exactly what I'm talking about; if not, then don't worry about it, as it wasn't particularly impactful). He is just as obnoxious as he might seem, but it seems to come from a genuinely good-hearted nature. If anything I feel bad for the guy; he was clearly never cut out to be CEO of a nationwide chain, and his wife is a massive bitch who is constantly bossing him around like a dog. He is probably better off than most of us ever will be, so I just want to respect him as a loveable goof whose success went way too far

>> No.9870838

They get paid to play football, not for their etiquette during the national anthem. Kneeling or not standing during the national anthem is not illegal and no employer can force their employees to do it.

>> No.9870839

>playing dumb
Sure, whatever, the point is liberals hear their coworker say something like "I don't want some tranny in the bathroom with my daughter" and have an autism fit and assume this means that person literally wants them dead. I guarantee I've spent more time around more conservatives that you would call racist homophobes than you have, and I don't know a single one of them that advocates for genocide, I'll say it again, stop being so dramatic.

>> No.9870843

Cry more, swamp butt. The pushback has begun.

>> No.9870845

>Kneeling or not standing during the national anthem is not illegal
Neither is having a strong view on diversity hires in STEM but thank god that Nazi at google got taken down right? :^)

>> No.9870850

Nah, minorities should just quit whining. Calling out racism is divisive, why can't they just man up when I scream "nigger" in their eardrums so loud it causes permanent hearing loss.

>> No.9870867
File: 1.25 MB, 300x149, 1509656935602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling out racism is divisive, why can't they just man up when I scream "nigger" in their eardrums so loud it causes permanent hearing loss.
He's doing it, he's doing it! look at him go!

>> No.9870880

This isn't the first time he's stepped down as CEO.
He's still chairman of the board of directors.
He'll still be in the commercials.
His pizza still sucks.

>> No.9870889

>no employer can force their employees to do it
Sure they can. Obviously, not compelled with physical force, but an employer absolutely can require it for continued employment.

>> No.9870890

I fully remember, it was pretty dire at one point. But they are so much better and modified the formula and ratio of sauce/cheese/toppings to be just right now and its divisive, but i love the garlic seasoning they put on the crust. Its the only pizza crust ive ever eaten

>> No.9870919

Domino's is still a terrible choice, they just actually make something that is edible now.

Are there any people here who ate it during their heyday in the 80s? I remember as a child eating Papa Johns for the first time and it was totally different. The cheese had a completely different taste and texture than what it does now. It was a very slow change but it definitely changed. The pizza still mostly looks the same, but cheese congeals in a really strange way now. PJ tried to blame football but corporate engineered all the taste out of a pizza that used to actually be good.

>> No.9870937

and lose out on skilled (potentially uniquely skilled) employees.

Do not do anything you are adverse to. Just say no, and let them deal with their hangup.

>> No.9870946

Let's be frank, Papa John's crusts are terrible. Worse than dry moldy cardboard.

>> No.9871010


Their cheese supplier adds wood pulp to the grated cheese in order to keep it from sticking during storage. That's why it congeals so grossly and tastes literally like chewing on birch.

>> No.9871030

How do u upboat in this place

>> No.9871033

By leaving and never coming back.

>> No.9872000

You will have to back this one up with proof

>> No.9872051


What's with the fucking syntax in the OP pic? Why is each sentence it's own paragraph. Do people genuinely make a livable incoming writing at this kind of a level?

>> No.9872062

Written by uncultured swines, for uncultured swines