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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9868394 No.9868394 [Reply] [Original]

It's sad enough that people pretend to enjoy anything less than medium for a steak, but when I see someone ask for a burger like that I want to groan.

Practically raw meat doesn't taste good. Humans evolved to enjoy cooked food. It's not wrong to enjoy your food cooked because a hipster told you otherwise.

Protip: I've worked front and back of house for years in chain restaurants and respected kitchens. You're not Guy Fieri getting a filet mignon, you're some dude who gets his opinions from the internet, and we're all laughing about it

Stop embarrassing yourself and order it medium well.

>> No.9868399

Medium rare for me

>> No.9868401


>> No.9868403

a burger is already minced meat, I like it slightly pink or well done.
a steak becomes tough if overcooked, therefore its better to have it rare or medium rare

>> No.9868408

Hahahaha yeah buddy whoop yeah, posting on 4chan! Yeah! Having opinions and starting threads! Wooo

>> No.9868415

>he doesn't eat steak tartare
>he doesn't eat carpaccio
lmao what a pleb

>> No.9868417

medium rare, and pass the A1

>> No.9868418

>don't get your opinions online
>trust me, a person online

>> No.9868427

I've had rare and thought it was good but prefer medium rare and will probably order medium if I don't trust the restaurant to properly cook the steak.

My family has always cooked medium well to well done when we have steak at home and because of that I always used to think I didn't like steak.

>> No.9868432

I eat my steak medium or medium rare because i dont give a shit about what literal who's on the internet think about my preferences.

>> No.9868454

I hate anything over medium rare, and I usually can't get a real rare steak at resturants even though thats what I normally order. I ate a lot of raw foods growing up, I only cook meat enough to add to the natural flavor.

>> No.9868670

>0.1/10 bait. At least you got replies.

I've been eating my steaks medium rare since I was a kid, long before the internet was any sort of factor in the development of my opinions. I always ordered medium well because my parents didn't want me getting sick from undercooked meat, but it was always dry and tough. I argued and argued that medium was better until they let me order medium, then I started pushing for medium rare. I was in my mid teens when I had my first medium rare steak. I'm never going back to those National-Lampoon-Turkey looking steaks. To this day my parents give me grief about it whenever we go out for dinner together, and I do love them, but they are truly some of the dullest, most unpleasant people I know. Those memes about white people not liking flavor are about my parents.

>> No.9868681

I like well done, rare, whatever, it's meat. I won't waste my animal friends' sacrifices.

>> No.9868687

I like a nice rare steak because I like the flavor of meat. You are a faggot.

>> No.9868691

Is it just me or does a rare steak taste a little like nice, clean pussy?

>> No.9868734
File: 377 KB, 676x776, aaron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-hey guys I really, really like women

>> No.9868740

That is some delicious tasting pussy then. Clean ones take like nothing and the not so clean ones are awful.

Also, OP is a child.

>> No.9868874

fuck im dying

>> No.9868967

Medium because I'm afraid of getting worms.

>> No.9868974

I had a medium rare sirloin steak last night at a restaurant. It was tender and delicious. Fuck yourself you contrarian.

>> No.9868983

Sorta' agree.

Cooking creates flavour, but it also dries out meat. It's about getting the balance right.

>> No.9868989

Shitty bait, enjoy your (you's)

>> No.9868992

>humans evolved to enjoy cooked meat
Not how evolution works, brainlet.

>> No.9868999

I like my steak medium-medium rare because I dislike how chewy rare steak is. I usually go medium at shitty restaurants because I doubt their ability to cook medium rare properly.

>> No.9869000

In this case it is.

Cooking meat makes it easier to digest, causing you to get more energy out of it, plus it does wonders for preventing infections of all sorts. Those with a taste for cooked meat will out-compete those who prefer it raw (or rawer).

>> No.9869013
File: 42 KB, 400x323, watcat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're all laughing about it
That's your argument? I'm going to blow your mind by putting together the following string of words together in this order for the FIRST TIME EVER:

"I sure hope those restaurant employees approved of my dining choices this evening."

>> No.9869026

I kind of prefer medium-rare especially for burgers but I usually just say rare cause I think they'll get mad about the extra level of specificity and spit in it

>> No.9869050

>look how manly I am, please look at me, I am a big boy, I eat my meat raw!

>> No.9869060

Fucking city boy. I like my steak cooked 5 seconds on one side and 5 seconds on the other. Cowboys ain't got time for that nonsense shit. I can take a red skin 8 dAys out of the week but I need my sleep.

>> No.9869076

>a steak becomes tough if overcooked
And cooking it well done does not overcook it you retard. You can have well done and have it soft and juicy, if cooked right.

>> No.9869115

>laughing at customers who, by asking for a rare steak, decrease the time of cooking said steak

Fuck you OP. as an ex-grill worker rare/med-rare steaks were the best orders

>> No.9869211
File: 40 KB, 700x532, laughingtapeworms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He eats rare steak