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9867371 No.9867371 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: times when the bill turned out more exorbitant than you had planned for

>> No.9867382

I pay attention to what I'm ordering

>> No.9867404

OK, you first

>> No.9869489

I ordered two cheeseburgers with bacon at mcdonalds and it came to >$10 after tax.

>> No.9869494

I ordered a burger and fries from 5 Guys and it was 15 dollars.

>> No.9869504

I got a sandwich and soup at Panera and it was like 16 bucks, shit is insane. I realized I could get a giant fucking Olive Garden meal for cheaper, so I just to that now.

>> No.9869514

That happened to me too. Walked up, ordered a burger with a drink, said no fries. Total was $12. I told the girl I didn't want fries, and she confirmed the price was $12. Was hoping for some gigantic monstrosity of a burger. It was the same as in n out for 4x the price.

Was at a Brazillian BBQ place in Hollywood on a date. Didn't bother looking at the price, was expecting $60 anyway. Came out to $175 for 2 people.

Dickies BBQ opened near my office, they didn't have any lunch specials yet because it was a soft opening, not the full menu. Ask for some meat, 2 sides, and a drink. Came to $18. Me and 3 coworkers ordering told the staff to put the sides back in their bucket, we'll just take the meat and a drink. Owner was there training people, was kinda embarrased and gave us a slight discount, 1 side, meat, drink was still $13.

>> No.9869564

Took my friend out to a sports bar to watch a soccer game. We both split an appetizer, each ordered an entree, and drank a total of 4 drinks together. I offered to pay for everything because her birthday was coming up.

>tfw the bill was $85, not including tip

>> No.9869612

Prices of casual restaurants is getting out of hand
>pint beer $7
>mixed drinks $9
>appetizers/small plates $9
>Entrees are $16
And thats at a non-hipster place with chiotskis on the wall.

I go to the same bar, and the girls know I'm not ordering their overpriced food anymore. Prime rib nachos are $12 for a small plate is ludicrous when I'm paying $6 for a beer.

>> No.9869632

>Go out to lunch with large group of people
>I order a sandwich and one beer, everyone else is ordering $20 entrees and pounding beers
>Bill arrives
>"Oh let's just split it equally"
Thanks guys, now I can't opt out without looking like a miser.

>> No.9869656

Bowl of beef pho and a Coke in a dingy lunch spot: $14. Was pretty average pho. This is what happens when you have a $15 minimum wage.

>> No.9869678

one time i went to a restaurant and ordered some food and drinks
turns out the food and drinks were more than i was expecting so i had to pay more than i expected

>> No.9869680

This shit happened once to me
>Friends going out to bar
>Not 21 yet so no drinks
>Only 3 of us
>I order basic bitch burger and water
>1 friend does the same
>Other friend orders like 30 wings and coke and appetizers
>The waitress splits or check evenly so we both ended up paying like 13 instead of 8 or 9 dollars

Since then i always make waitstaff give me individual checks for only what I order

>> No.9869851

well that's only 3 bucks per guy. not bad, really.

>> No.9869895

Virtually never. I order what I want, but price is always a factor unless it's a special occasion; even then, I'm aware of what I'm paying.

The only occasion I've ever been caught off guard barely counts due to being absolutely shitfaced in Vegas. I think it was a $30 gin and tonic, which was my last of the night at the hotel bar where the girl I met up with was staying.

>> No.9869936

Panera can charge those prices because they are their soup is the "best" of the chain gang especially if they have a drive-through. And the bread is pretty decent too. Sometimes you feel a little shitty and just want something clean and nourishing and thats when Panera steals your money.

>> No.9869944
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>Rare Wisconsin Whiskey
>129 USD
>the 1 is worn off
I bought it anyways. No regrets, it was really good.

>> No.9869968

What is crazy is that they aren't particually healthy but their advertising makes it seem so

>> No.9870194
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You don’t say

>> No.9870205

>the soyboy shout

>> No.9870213

What fucking beer are you getting, because it doesn't seem like an establishment where you can just get a bud light and chicken tenders. If the prices bothers you operate around specials.

>> No.9870219

>go to Dairy Queen
>get a box of tendies and a sundae
>buy my gf some stuff
> $15.
Mein gott.
enjoy munchies

>> No.9870220

>Being surprised at BBQ being expensive
Good BBQ takes a lot of prep work

>> No.9870225

What kind of mooch-ass friends do you guys have? I've never once split bills like that, the closest we've done is korean-style rotation where one night I pick up the whole bill, and then the next its somebody else, and then the next, etc. That way you end up spending a lot only once every half dozen times you go out, the rest of the times is basically free.

>> No.9870230
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>my gf

>> No.9870243

ITT: jews

you even use jewish words, you yiddish fucks.

>> No.9870251

Gramparents' 51st anniversary (first without my Grandma), went to a fancy-ish restaurant with Grampa and my mom. Mom left her card at home, so I picked up the check like a responsible idiot. 328 bucks. Thankfully I didn't have any other major financial decisions to make, and the steak was decent.

>> No.9870269

Bruh you could have gone to Wendy's and gotten two double baconators for the same orice wtf mane baka

>> No.9870288

Why would I go to a restaurant and order a bud light and chicken tenders?

>> No.9870315

Convenience, if they're the right price, say $1 domestics and a lunch special for chicken and fried for $5.

>> No.9870460

>$1 domestics
Nah, not even at the mexican places where they think I'm an immigration officer can you get $1 beers.

>> No.9870474

I know. I went to wendys recently and got a Jr baconator and it was better than half the price. Bigger than both, put together, the tiny pieces of crap mcdonalds serves you now.

>> No.9870492

Sure, it's rare, but not uncommon if they do it one day a week. I guess it depends on where you live. You can find stuff like that occasionally here.

>> No.9870539

>start new job
>its right next to DFW airport
>apparently every business on their border has crazy upcharge
>stroll into subway by office
>order 6 inch turkey or some basic shit
>go ahead and get sun chips and drink
>mexican cashier tells me its $12 and some change
>i laugh and tell her I only got a half sandwich
>she no comprende and keeps saying the price
>i open my bag and show her i only had a 6" sub
>"yes seer de leetle sanwish ees 8 dollas"
>mumble something about building the wall and pay

>> No.9870586

Ah, yes. Dallas. Home of the temporarily inconvenienced millionaire.

>> No.9870806
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Cheap fuck lol

>> No.9870884


>> No.9871084

Most smartphones have the calculator app. Use it.

>> No.9871209

Eh my friends don't insist on doing this shit

I will only buy someone food if I can trust that they'll actually pay me back, or if I am getting it as a gift or something

>> No.9871241


>be me
>work sends me overseas to Taiwan for 6 months
>coworkers and I decide to go for all you can eat Wagyu beef spicy hotpot
>have a great time, food was amazing and service was great
>once the check comes we realize its $2000 NTD a person, not per table

so about $60 USD per person. Not extreme, but Taiwan is the land where you can feed yourself on $3 USD a day so that was very expensive

>> No.9871465

Subways at jfk or LaGuardia airport, two standard footlongs, came out to be 30-40 dollars. I don't understand.

>> No.9871972

>eat wagyu
>wonder why its more expensive than $3

>> No.9872007

how about use your FUCKIN brain lmao

>> No.9872255

When I worked at Red Lobster there was a group who ordered a couple rounds of shots and wasn't too happy when the bill came. I don't know how much it was, and I know alcohol is overpriced there, but who the fuck orders shots at Red Lobster?

>> No.9873005

Took my ex out for our anniversary a few years ago, 2013 I think.
She chose the place and it was some fancy seafood place. Walked in and all the wait staff were clad in black dress clothes. Sat down and the menus they handed up were on fucking iPads. At this point I started sweating.
But the worst fucking part, holy shit
The lowest price on the menu was like $17, and then the waiter pointed out the lunch prices.
He said "The lunch prices are much more affordable and the portion sizes aren't much smaller."
"Okay, I will take the lunch portion of the Blackened salmon."
"I'm sorry, we stopped serving the lunch portions half an hour ago."

Like, what the fuck

>> No.9873266

>Since then i always make waitstaff give me individual checks for only what I order

Going out drinking and buying rounds is fucking gay and I'm never doing it again
>Invited to come along to after work drinks
>Fuck it I haven't been out with them inawhile
>Only want one or two beers or mixer at most
>They're doing rounds
>My rounds costs £40
>Why the fuck did I agree to this it isn't fun at all

>> No.9873311

>not being a team player

>> No.9873333
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>go to restaurant
>look at price of everything before I order
>bill comes out to what I expected
>pay and leave

>> No.9873354

you've never cooked barbecue before, have you anon

"haha i'll just get a separate check. i wasn't too hungry and money's really tight this month." isn't too hard if you're not autistic

i have never gotten a decent bowl of pho for less than 11 bucks, regardless of how dingy the environment was. shit, i've never gotten good pho in non-dingy environments.

gb2/pol/ assmunch

>six bucks for a beer, fries, and chicken
>in 2017
are you senile? it's not 1990 anymore

that's a great deal for all you can eat wagyu

>> No.9873367

gas yourself, kike

>> No.9873370

Was in San Francisco for work, was eating and didnt even realize I had racked up $80 until I got the bill. Then later that night I threw up $80 worth of sushi and proceeded to just shit my guts out all night into the morning and for the next two days.

That city is such a filthy shit hole.

>> No.9873392

Sounds like the problem wasn't San Francisco, it was you.

>> No.9873493

>You can find stuff like that occasionally here
It'd help to know where here is.

>> No.9873521

>all you can eat with expensive as fuck meat
>is expensive
wew lad

>> No.9873653

>you've never cooked barbecue before, have you anon
I have, you put some seasonings on meat, then cook on low heat or smoke for many hours. Its not labor intensive nor is it a science. Bubba in the deep south does it every week. Don't pretend because it tastes good that it should cost as much as some places charge.

>> No.9873722


>> No.9873796

Man the fuck up, you pussy

>> No.9873809

>get up at 3am
>start working on meat, everything's on the bbq by 4am
>ready to open at 11am
>if you don't cook enough you can't make more because it takes 8 hours to cook
>if you made too much you need to figure out something to do with it or just throw it away
>if people show up and you've run out they probably won't be back, so you always need to make more than you think you'll need

>> No.9873815

>traveling for work
>your company doesn't pay for 100% of all costs while you're traveling

What the fuck?

>> No.9873823

>if you made too much you need to figure out something to do with it
Literally refrigerate it and sell it like a chopped beef sandwich or in large potatoes for the following 2-3 days. This is normal.

>> No.9873837

but then you have to sell it for a fraction of what fresh bbq sells for.

>> No.9873849

That's why the fresh BBQ is marked up so damn high. I live in Texas and have done many massive cook-outs involving brisket, ribs, sausage, etc. Yes, it's labor-intensive, and takes a while, but there's good margin on charging $6-$8 on 1/3-1/2 pound of meat at the end of the day. When you include the insane margin on drinks, sides (cole slaw, potato salad, fries, etc), you definitely make some money.

>> No.9873852

>Hit up a sushi place because I got a $100 gift card for Christmas
>Figured there was no way I could eat more than $100 of sushi

>Had 8 alcoholic drinks
>Just kept ordering sushi
>Bill came out to $350

I worked at a garbage ass small firm (fuck you Community CPA!) that didn't reimburse for mandatory driving and travel meals.

>> No.9873874

>Korean bbq with best friend
>End up getting 5 bottles of seoljungmae
It's just so easy to drink and the bottles are so small

>> No.9873878

>I worked at a garbage ass small firm (fuck you Community CPA!) that didn't reimburse for mandatory driving and travel meals.
Wow, fuck that. I mean, I know my company is probably more generous, but when I travel, the owner encourages me to enjoy myself, and actually gets mad if I don't come back with some large bar tabs. It was weird at first, but after traveling with more senior coworkers and seeing what they order and talking to the owner, that's apparently normal. Tax write-offs and all that. It's not exactly spending $40 of pure cost for the company if you have $40 of food and drinks.

>> No.9873884

Dude that Dickies is asctually fairly reasonable. As for Hueland BBQ, was this a first date? If so I can sympathize.

The 5 Guys is bullshit straight up tho.

>> No.9873934

buying bulk spices
>...and black pepper
black pepper is $12/lb and i bought 60 dollars worth

>> No.9873973

Wow that's fucked, I've worked in both Europe and Canada, and in both places they force your company to cover like 15 bucks for meals while traveling alone.

>> No.9874022

Nah, not a first date, just unexpected.

$18 for a lunch is stupid, not reasonable. During their grand opening they had lunch specials nearer to $12 for similar to what we were trying to order.

>> No.9874054

If you were getting a burger, then yeah 18 is stupid. But there's a lot of effort and material put into smoking the meat that justifies the price.

>> No.9874138
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>visit miami
>go to tourist trap on ocean drive
>get four dacquiris and a shitty pizza
>$175 dollars
>turn 360 degrees
>walk out

>> No.9874479
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>walking around town with gf on holiday abroad
>saw a durian stall
>look at the fresh opened fruit
>offered to buy her some to try
>pick up some slabs on styrofoam
>total was like 28$
>bought it, it was holiday anyway fuck it
>maybe she'd like it
>she didn't
>I didn't
>it was flavorless af
>ended up throwing away the whole thing after nibbling some
I end up eating much better durian after I swipe off some from my friends' later and it is really good.
Still like durian though.

>> No.9874490

Sushi is almost always a trap, don't bother coming in before you know the price.

>> No.9874502

>50 years later

Tbh, that picture is iconic AF

>> No.9874670

Traveled to another city by bus for a film festival for just one day
Went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner before the way back
Ordered kabayaki and gyoza, shochu, and I think some other sake, I think it came out above $70, seemed kind of ridiculous but whatever.

>> No.9874684

>7.50 per person for dinner + dessert

how is that bad?

>> No.9874685

I got one (1) drink at a hotel bar once.

>> No.9874809

I went to a Vietnamese restaurant in Sydney once in a pretty pricey area. It was like $20 for Pho, which is of course, a peasant food consisting of boiled water and common weeds.

We also brought our own wine and corkage was something like $8-10 per person, meaning that we spent more on corkage than we did on our $4 sparkling wine.

Literally daylight robbery, why do people pay this.

>> No.9874815

>go to europe for the first time ever
>order tap water
>ask for bill

>> No.9875001

it's bad fast food, should be half of that.

>lying on the internet
in the netherlands, germany and belgium they're not allowed to charge for tap water afaik.

I've never had it happen atleast, but I've been denied tap water in places if you don't order a meal.

>> No.9875029

>>turn 360 degrees
So...you walked further in?

You should have told the person running the stall to go fuck their butt. Durian is not that expensive.

Maybe in flyover land. Sushi can be reasonable at any non-millennial establishment.

>Literally daylight robbery, why do people pay this.
You were literally in Sydney. What do you expect?

>in the netherlands, germany and belgium they're not allowed to charge for tap water afaik.
This is incorrect. Charging for tap water is common in two of these countries, especially considering a glass of iced water in the US is always free, no exceptions.

>> No.9875038

It can get out of hand quickly when people start ordering drinks tbf

>> No.9875041

lol I read an article about this place scamming people

>> No.9875049

I grew up frequently moving between those three, never been charged tap water.
though I have never been charged for tap water in the US either.

>> No.9875115

Sam houston race park has 50 cent beer night. Was hell to work those shifts

>> No.9875126
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>go to the club
>order three vodka cranberries

>> No.9875173
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high school me used to be such a retard virgin

>sophomore year, new bf
>take him out on first date to a jazz festival my city hosts yearly
>fairly popular event, asians cash in hard by setting up carnival food booths everywhere
>get hungry, only have $20
>go up to said booth and only see photos of food but no prices
>"how much is the..."
>before i can finish my inquiry the asian woman behind the booth scoops a bit of rice and cubes of mystery meat onto a styrofoam plate
>"i just wanna know how much the..."
>doesnt listen, nearly throws the plate into my chest
>beta mode hard
>"but i only have..."
>she becomes visibly red with rage
>"i only have $20 i was just asking how much the food was"
>as i pull it out to show her she grabs it from my hand
>left with a few spoons of greasy rice and mystery meat cubes to share with bf

petty but i never forgot about this incident

>> No.9875183

I have never not been charged for water in Germany

>> No.9875245
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>San Francisco
>That city is such a filthy shit hole
>mfw the city government lets the homeless shit everywhere and turn the place into little Mumbai

>> No.9875306

Was at a this club during summer that is mostly outdoors with a giant pool in the middle of it. Went to see Benny Benassi and was getting drink after drink at the bar for myself and girlfriend. Everytime I went to the bar I’d get a shot of whiskey and two vodka redbulls. They made me pay out at $200 bucks before I could get more alcohol then bounced my blacked out ass soon after.

>> No.9875677

>At a gig
>order a pint

>> No.9875683

every time I go to Subway
>$8 for a sandwich

make sammichs at home

>> No.9875773

Must have been real organic cranberries

>> No.9875784

Yuropoor here.

I would say Five Guys too because the displayed prices are tax free... Then once it’s time to pay they add the tax and you get fucked. 37 euros (44 usd) for 2 burgers and fries, one bottle of water and one beer. Fuck.

>> No.9875980

Durian is expensive m8, the good stuff is. The imported frozen 10$ durians are shit.

>> No.9876153

>ordering drinks, paying triple or five times the amount of money for someone pouring it in a glass and bringing it to you

Fuck that, I only ever buy 1 drink when I go sit down to last me through the meal. Unless I go to some dive bar where alc is cheap.

>> No.9876513

Damn, breh. How was the show, though? Were you in Vegas?

>> No.9877106

i'd just throw the shit in her fucking face at that point honestly

>> No.9877301

I know this is anti-thread but:

>Go to Red Lobster with a friend for lunch
>Actually turned out to be way less pricy than people tell me it is and the quality is fine for what it is

But also:
>Go to Five Guys
>Order [anything]

>> No.9877311

So why did she tell you? Or did she come back after you ordered and told you to reorder?

>> No.9877519

you have to specifically ask for tap water

>> No.9877570

>quality is fine
You must have a magic Red Lobster near you. I've been to 3 different ones always thinking it might be different this time, and every time some portion of my meal was overcooked and dry. The last time I ordered fish and chips, I thought "how could you possibly fuck up fish and chips?". The fish was dry as a bone and even dumping vinegar on them couldn't cover up how bland they were. Fuck red lobster.

>> No.9877703

Eh I get a $60/day per diem. I kind of like getting a per diem more. Whatever I dont use I just keep for myself, it only sucks when I'm in an expensive ass city like SF where its really easy to exceed my per diem. Most cities though its not hard at all to stay under.

Also I'm not a company employee I'm a freelancer contractor, so I don't really get tons of company benefits and shit.

My 2 coworkers that I ate with also ended up getting really sick.

>> No.9877867

>bitching about 5 dollars

dear god, did you get PTSD?

>> No.9877953

i once walked into a bar in town after travelling 4 hours on a train with no water and asked for a tap water, they gave me dirty fucking stink eye looks but served it to me.

How much of a fucking hassle is it to turn a tap on above a glass?

>> No.9877982

dude five bucks is a lot when you're living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.9877994

it really doesn't. prep is minimal, the smoker does most of the work

>> No.9878000

It's a lot of time investment, and takes fucking forever to make. It's not constant labor, but it is labor intensive.

>> No.9878014

no it's not, you slap some rub on the meat, and smoke it over night, make sauce in the morning along with sides. literally the only difference between that and other food is you smoke the meat overnight

>> No.9878026

The homeless ruin that place. San Fran is a fucking dump.

>> No.9878042

I wimper for anybody who has to eat your bbq. Must taste like bone dry chicken covered in sugar and vinegar.

>> No.9878046

jokes on you the place I used to work handled all the catering/bbq for the states pork council, everything cooked to their specifications. you can smoke shit at a low temp overnight and not have it dry out

>> No.9878072

>go to shitty chinese buffet
>surprised that you dont pay upfront, whatever
>finish eating
>get bill
>loudly state "what the fuck"
>old chinese grandma waiter turns around
>"wong tabre sorry"
>takes bill back to big party of people

i only had 15 dollars to my name at the time. that bill nearly gave me a heart attack

>> No.9878094

Just because its a business doesnt mean it was made well. What you guys cooked was probably 2/10 dog food.

>> No.9878124

yeah that's totally why we kept the contract