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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9859633 No.9859633 [Reply] [Original]

British cuisine

WTF is a minge pie?

>> No.9859647 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9859652

These are (fruit) mince pies. My dad calls them FMPs.

>> No.9859656

Doesnt minge mean vagina?

>> No.9859658
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Apparently shit typography

>> No.9859661


Isn't mince a gay thing? Like a mincer?

>> No.9860952

To be accurate, a minge is the bushy protuberance of pubic hair that obscures the vagina.

>> No.9862080

this is shopped, I can tell from the pixels and having seen a few shops in my time

>> No.9862102

Too bad you'll never see a minge that isn't pixels

>> No.9862119


>> No.9862124

ask your dad faggot

>> No.9862153

Damn, I wish I was britstanian.

>> No.9862273


So tired of this /b/ tier ‘haha look I read the label wrong haha lol umad’ shit.

Take it to /b/ you fucking pubeless wonder.

>inb4 Bang’s Oliet root beer

>> No.9862747

ask your mom

>> No.9863141

The most delicious of all Christmas foods. Second only to your mother's all-butter crust minge

>> No.9863161

>mince pie
>contains jam
>not mince meat


>> No.9863254

Welcome to British humour. We like to confuse and foreigners.

>> No.9863560

they always have them at xmas at my local gay disco

>> No.9863629
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I wouldn't mind a having a minge pie for Christmas, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.9863646

but it's still used as an abstract for it no?
For instance similar expressions
"I'm getting a bit of trim later"
"stuffing some bush tonight"
"got some weird muff last night"
I'd assume it has the same sort general usage

>> No.9863668


>contains beef
>not ham


>> No.9863687

It's minge as in pussy.

>> No.9863746


I jam my meat into your mum's minge m8.

>> No.9863976

This is fake. And old.

>> No.9864132
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>mincemeat contains no meat
>minced meat is just called mince
>mince pie contains neither mincemeat nor minced meat, but jam instead

>> No.9864200

>WTF is a minge pie?

A shoop. You can tell from the pixels and having seen many shoops in your time.

>> No.9864212

>minge pie
That's what I call your mom

>> No.9864952

But anon, it DOES contain mincemeat. It's just not minced meat, but dried fruit in sauce CALLED mincemeat that comes in jars.

>> No.9865372

What's a sweetmeat then?

>> No.9865456

I learned something today.

>> No.9865460

What's a minger then?

>> No.9865490


Ah minger, a word that manages to have both a soft g and a hard g at the same time.

It's pronounced different, means someone ugly/nasty. You can also use minging for something in general that's nasty

>> No.9865517

No such thing, you might be thinking of sweetbread

>> No.9865518

>British cuisine
>Says "From Iceland" right on the label
I wonder what OP meant by this?

>> No.9865543

>knows full and well that Iceland is a store in the UK
>pretends to be retarded anyway to earn a measly (You) or two

>> No.9865556

Actually, I didn't know that.

Why would that be retarded tho? I don't live in the UK.

>> No.9865610

No it doesn't.
It means the cunt.