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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9858354 No.9858354 [Reply] [Original]

I have £10 to go towards food until the 8th of January

I'm so screwed. What do I eat, pasta? Can I buy enough pasta with that to survive 20 days? Should I eat from bins?

>> No.9858377

pasta rice or beans pick one if you're a big boy you could probably last a while without eating

>> No.9858379

Hope you like rice.

>> No.9858384

hit up homeless shelters and church's offering christmas and boxing day and new years dinner. gorge yourself. and maybe try food bins

>> No.9858417

dumpster dive you poor bastard

>> No.9858437

Lock yourself in your house and start eating your feces and drinking your urine.

>> No.9858456


The thing is I live in a small town where there aren't many restaurants or shelters

>> No.9858466

Go on food stamps

>> No.9858471
File: 38 KB, 750x718, tmp_5078-14758597464342022639212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I lived off of $20 a month food budget.

The key is to buy in bulk. You have Internet, you can spend more right now to average out to $15/month.

Buy 20lb bag or pinto beans, 20lb bag of rice. Congrats, you will not go hungry for 6 Months and all you spent was $40.

Now each month all you need are things to make it interesting. Tortillas, cheap cheese, eggs, frozen vegetables, potatoes/carrots, salsa, etc.

Rice and beans with Salsa is your staple. Burritos and tacos next. Make some soups and stews with carrots and potatoes and beans. If you wanna splurge, cheap meat.

Learn to fucking budget and stop making excuses for being a fag

>> No.9858499

I'll keep this in mind for next time

>> No.9859339

Nice thumbnail looks like dead body with stomach cut open and food in it.

>> No.9859378

this and learn how to make a good stew AND you need a herb garden.

I used to make bean/beef stew with a spicy tomato sauce which i ate with rice.
I bought the cheapest fattiest cuts of meat, sear those add some cube veg and general soup veg of liking, toss in beans tomatoes and a bit of stock and let that simmer.
You can live a few days of one pot.
In general stews are your way to go.
With the 10 bucks until 8th of january, youre fucked. make a water fast.

>> No.9859420

It's only 20 days jeez. Unless you're already Auschwitz level you'll have no problem water fasting for 20 days lardass.

Buy some cheap Lidl multivitamins for your upcoming fast.

>> No.9859441

You can in fact last for a long time with just pasta, as long as you make your own and not buy from store. Buy flour instead and make some, all you need for pasta is flour and salt. A 2lbs bag which is about a kilogram makes 20 servings. So use the rest with canned tomatoes preferably the ones that already have oregano and basil in them, and there you go.

>> No.9859467

Fellow Britfag here. You can buy a 3kg bag of pasta for under £1 at Lidl or Aldi. You can buy a tin of tomstoes for 30p. Buy 20 of those (might be even cheaper I'm bulk), a tub of basil or mixed herbs for £1, a bag of onions for £1 and a block of cheese, and your dinner is more than sorted for £12. At Asda you can buy 15 eggs for £1.19, so buy two packs of those. Get a bag of Wholemeal flour and a few packets of yeast and bake some bread. Now you've spent around £15 do get some salt, pepper and butter for another £2 and you have a few quid left to spend on whatever greens you want. Frozen mixed veg is decent value at 95p per kg, so get two or three of those and you should be sorted.

>> No.9859502

>guy has to survive on 10 bucks for 20 days
>buy a herb garden
4chan, everyone.

>> No.9859668

You find out what day and time food is reduced. Do you have access to a freezer?

Tesco/whatever other local shops you have will reduce bread espically at the end of the day- often to 10p and under. They do the same with fruit and veg - I'd be tempted to try and stock up on your veg that way.

>> No.9859678


Is it rural?

You can find instructions for a bow and arrow or a catapult on the internet and get yourself some wood pigeon or pheasant or partridge.

Get a fishing rod. Pike and carp are very common.

Just go into a cornfield at night and milk some cows.

>> No.9859688

flour, water and a packet of raisins
flour and water is subsidized to cost nothing, all the bread you want for next to nothing if you bake it yourself
and if you feel like you've been a good boy you can pop in a single raisin.

>> No.9859699

I'd bet it all on a game of poker and see if I can double my money. If not, no harm, no foul.

>> No.9859701

Depending on where you are you could hit up a Christmas homeless shelter, just don't wash or shave for a few days

>> No.9859708
File: 59 KB, 480x480, instant-ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any excess fat on you? If so you can try intermittent fasting.

Depending on how cheap instant ramen is where you live (in most places it's only a few cents per packet), you might be able to live off that without fasting.

You can also try buying rice and/or beans in bulk (or at least as much as you can for £10).

If you have drink a lot of water and fill your stomach that way. It should also keep you from getting dehydrated.

>> No.9859726

Start selling or pawning your belongings, or go get a loan.

>> No.9859750

One of the greatest parts of existence

>> No.9859751

>I have £10 to go towards food until the 8th of January

I am going to assume you have water and a pot.


Two bags of that gets you about a pound of rice per day, or 1600 calories per day.

That'll leave you hungry but not starving, with £3 left over.

Dry rice and dry pasta have about the same ratio of calories/pound, so if you can find pasta cheaper than rice, you can substitute some of that in.

To avoid going mad from boredom, spend that last £3 on one bag of these:


and two bags of these:


That's two kilos for twenty days, or 100 g each day with your rice. That'll be enough proteins to avoid getting protein deficiency.

And good luck, /anon/.

>> No.9859770


Oh, and: Once you have money again, if you have enough, buy twenty kilos of rice to just have in your pantry. It's a relatively small one-time investment, it stores magically if kept dry (This means not above the stove where you're boiling water, too!) and it means the next time you have £10 for 20 days, you can spend it on flavor/veggies because you already have a calorie base.

Also I linked to Tescos, I'm not sure they're the cheapest where you live it's just the only UK store I know that has its selection available on the internet for me to browse prices.

>> No.9859776

kek. don't listen to this nigger.

>> No.9859778

I feel it's also worth mentioning that sometimes in the 'world food' sections of Tesco they can have bulk rice, noodles, pasta etc for cheaper than the rest of the store.

>> No.9859784


>> No.9859799

>I feel it's also worth mentioning that sometimes in the 'world food' sections of Tesco they can have bulk rice, noodles, pasta etc for cheaper than the rest of the store.

I think the rice I linked to was from the world foods section actually.


Actually not a bad idea. Tescos (again) has potatoes for less than a pound per kilo


so if you have a potato peeler, you can leave out one of the bags of rice and instead buy two of these bags. If you don't have a good place to store all this, buy the lentils and rice and ONE bag of potatoes, then don't return for more potatoes until you've finished the first bag.

Potatoes store well, but they do need a bit of cold and darkness.

>> No.9859806

t. schlomo goldenberg

>> No.9859815

Buy a chicken. They eat hardly anything. Free eggs. Eat some of the eggs, sell the others. But more chickens with your profits.

Soon you'll have a chicken and egg empire.

>> No.9859877 [DELETED] 

>I have £10

>Lock yourself in your house and start eating your feces and drinking your urine.

>I have £10

>you need a herb garden.

>I have £10

>Get a fishing rod.

>I have £10

£10 AND the helpfulness of Anons, don't forget!

>> No.9859883

Do you have a way to cook? Cause you can live off bread and water for a while and you can get 5lb of flour for $1 from Dollar tree

>> No.9859894

>>9858354 (OP)
>I have £10

>Lock yourself in your house and start eating your feces and drinking your urine.

>>9858354 (OP)
>I have £10

>you need a herb garden.

>>9858354 (OP)
>I have £10

>Get a fishing rod.

>>9858354 (OP)
>I have £10

>Buy a chicken

4chan is the best.

>> No.9859901
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Rice and water with beans if you can afford them. Use whatever seasonings you have left to spice it up, if you even have that luxury.

>> No.9859995

Buy flour and yeast, bake bread
Celebrate christmas with salted herring on bread or if you can afford it with some boiled potato
Traditional cuisine in my country

>> No.9860009

wait for starbuck to throw their "expired food" out during weekend, a friend of mine does this and some times the shit he finds amazes me, 4 days before expiry, once even a full week before it was supposed to go expired. I know in England (London) theres an App for this, where they can let you know where the food pick up location is.

>> No.9860231

Put some tents up on a muddy field and get your m8s to dress up in Santa and elf costumes. Maybe staple some antlers and bells onto some dogs ears.

Charge chav parents £25 a pop to show their offspring a magical winter wonderland.

>> No.9860242

worst post I've ever seen

>> No.9860243

Sell your boy pucci for gains

>> No.9860246

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.9860247

he can get a live chicken for 5 euros, and then he'll get an egg per day, and get to eat the fucker afterwards

the other 5 euros goes to rice

>> No.9860254

eat other boipussies for gains

>> No.9860266

chicken eat air???

>> No.9860270

What in the sweet fuck is wrong with you. Lurk moar.

>> No.9860274


>> No.9860278


Why rice?

2 live chickens = 2 eggs per day. Eat an egg every day, when you have half a dozen spare eggs, sell them and buy another chicken.

Days 1 - 5 = 2 chickens
Day 6 - 9 = 3 chickens
Day 9 - 11 = 4 chickens
Day 11-13 = 5 chickens

>> No.9860285

Where are your chickens going to live?

>> No.9860291


There's trees everywhere. Just get some wood and make a henhouse.

>> No.9860293

chikin eat random shit if finds on the ground

>> No.9860299

in your house. don't be mean to your chickens.

>> No.9860318
File: 274 KB, 976x642, 1477743225320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steal food. There's two ways to do this:

1. Shoplift. Steal the food you desire at your next supermarket. Be careful not to get caught.

2. Restaurants. Go to to a restaurant, scan the situation, maybe ask for a table close to an exit. Order a big meal, maybe with some extra sides, wait for the right moment and slip out unnoticed.

I've done these a few times and literally nothing happens to you!

>> No.9860326

I was genuinely in this situation anon, but for a month.
I bought oats (50p), milk (fuck knows), sachets of vanilla sugar (about 30p for 10), cooking chocolate (about a quid), sachets of tomato soup (40p for 2 bowls),rice (quid for a bag), frozen veg (quid for a bag) and tuna (most expensive, quid for a tin).

For breakfast I'd have oats with melted chocolate, OR vanilla sugar, OR milk, on a sunday all 3. I have a really sweet tooth so it doesn't do me well to always only eat savoury.
For lunch I'd have tomato soup, gives me that compy feeling. Then dinner I'd have the rice, vegetables and tuna. For the first two weeks it was only wiht veg, but I began to feel weak.

And sometimes the idea of having the same thing AGAIN makes me feel sick, so I just skip the meal. Eventually I'll be hungry enough to eat whatever I have.
It's awful actually, I can't deviate from this diet now. If I have red meat, chicken, ice cream, alcohol, carbonara then I'll have diarrhoea/be sick/get a headache. But so long as I stick to it I feel healthy and full of energy like I never was before.

>> No.9860327

You are absolute trash.

>> No.9860334

go donate some plasma or pawn something.. that sounds so depressing

>> No.9860348

Go Lidl and buy rice, dried beans/lentils, couple onions and maybe a few eggs.

Go to the butcher and ask if he's got any bones for your dog (boil these with a bit of seasoning if you have any for a bit of flavour in the rice/bean combo).

>> No.9860372

Anyone know the youtube link about the image in OP?

>> No.9860379

Nevermind, found it. Thanks anyway and remember that Jesus loves you.

>> No.9860381

just dumpsterdive it's so much easier

>> No.9860409

Why would I dumpsterdive (am I some hippie?), when I can go to a great restaurant, have caesar salad, a filet mignon and some nice blueberry cheesecake crumble and just not pay for it?

>> No.9860441

bcus guys like you get raped in prison

>> No.9860458

Whoa, why would I go to prison? I already said I never got caught

>> No.9860487

Pasta will cover your calories, but you need more than that.

Eggs are cheap for protein and try to find some cheap vegetables.

>> No.9860495

Bcus you just confessed on a polynesian cat collectors boards. FBI is on their way to your location.

>> No.9860497

>polynesian cat collectors boards
kill yourself

>> No.9860498

Why do we always have these stupid fucking threads everyday? The answer will always be rice, beans, lentils. Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.9860504

And stealing. You forgot stealing.

>> No.9860505

Steal, murder, and pillage old chap.

>> No.9860513

Ramen is usually available for at least 25p a pack, and less if you buy supermarket own-brand. Two of those is a meal for anyone. 20 days is 40 packs, one meal a day. 4 for a pound, that's £10 exactly. It's not fun, at all, but you can live on that.

>> No.9860518

So he'll get <100 calories per day for almost a month, followed by a scrawny chicken at the end. Brilliant.

>> No.9860534

conventional pasta is cheaper at weight, than ramen.

>> No.9860539

>the other 5 euros goes to rice
and don't pretend you're not a fatty. Use the occasion to lose some chub.

>> No.9860544

you have to go back

>> No.9860548

rice is a terribly poor source of nutrition

>> No.9860560

asia objects

>> No.9860575

they are wrong.

rice is not only extremely arduous interms of resources/energy to produce, but also has very little caloric or otherwise nutrition value.

>> No.9860581

380 cals per 100 gr dry like any other grain

>> No.9860597

It just has less vitamins but nothing you can't tough out for 20 days.

>> No.9860599

better off with pasta or potatos, and they probably cost less.

>> No.9860605

By bleach and battery acid and drink that.

>> No.9860610

Not him, but stealing out of necessity is a lot less shitty than stealing out of greed

>> No.9860655


Stealing is stealing m8.

Many shops and restaurants operate on shoestring budgets, often making losses for much of the year and the owners working all hours to make ends meet.

OP could work as a casual day labourer instead of resorting to stealing.

>> No.9860674

>better off with pasta

They are within 1% of each other, calorie/weight, and if you think 1 % is significant, then I am sorry to report that rice is 1% superior to pasta per weight of product.

Dry pasta: 3.71 kcal/gram
Dry rice: 3.74 kcal/gram

>> No.9860687

>am I some hippie

You've managed to be worse than a hippie, you're a thief.

>> No.9860735

How can you not have any food at home? i have enough to eat three times a day for 4 months just in the pantry and the freezer

>> No.9860799


>> No.9860823

Oooh, look at Mr. Whiteknight on his high horse.....

>> No.9860836

you need a grill in the thread to whiteknight you fucking moron. kys and never post here again.

>> No.9860857

literaly the saem

>> No.9860863

you're gonna fucking die mate

>> No.9860893

how unimaginative are you, you super retarded autist?

>> No.9860896

8th of Jan? I bet you're a student.

>> No.9860900

>>> Anonymous 12/19/17(Tue)21:21:43 No.9860893>>9860836
>how unimaginative are you, you super retarded autist?

>> No.9860948
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>> No.9860973

You put a lot of effort in anon well done.
When I was skint it was the price of the gas or leccy to cook stuff that killed me.
I cooked rice by boiling water at work and half filling a Stanley flask with rice and topping it up then letting it sit till I got home.
I stole a set of condiments from weatherspoons and lived like this for 3months with occasional meals from friends and family.
I could have carried on indefinitely but my situation changed I remember a tv program about people surviving in Canada and they ate a few limpets a day and still managed to chop wood and shit.
It's all mental

>> No.9860987

8th of January is my birthday, thanks for reminding me that I am one year closer to death from liver failure

>> No.9860991

Collect scrap metal and donate plasma for extra cash

>> No.9861004


Go get paid retard. Mow a lawn, help an old lady organize her crap, clean out a garage. How do people like you survive this long even with 0 initiative or will to thrive?

>> No.9861009

coconut water and a pasty

>> No.9861168

Isn't it illegal to die in the UK?

Just ask the gubbermint to give you some NEET bux

>> No.9861188

So you're bong? Go to Morrison's around 1 hour before closing. With any luck the staff will be reducing shit they neglected to check and you can pick up things worth £3-£5 for 30p or less. Half of it can be shoved in the freezer.

>> No.9861204

Find a food bank in your area

>> No.9861284

That shit makes you feel horrible

>> No.9861300

Put a suit on and hit up some Christmas parties OP.

Museums, art galleries, universities, offices, book launches. No one will question you.

>> No.9861323

I got just the thing for you

>> No.9861431

>You put a lot of effort in anon well done.

Going hungry is the fucking worst, I feel for OP.

My advice in
was learned first hand - I never got down to *just* rice, but I did have days in a row back around 2005-2006 where it was rice + an onion.

You get fucking tired of that reeeeal quick.

>> No.9861438

>instant ramen
You people are retarded. Ramen is always much mre expansive thn the amount of kcals-ratio for normal spaghetti. How much noodles are there in one pack? 50g? Costs around 0,50€. Well, for the same amount you can get 10 times the amount of noodles ad buy a instant broth yourself.

>> No.9861451

Too bad you weren't around when that one retard took on a bet to survive off of $100 in food for six months.

>> No.9861462

How did that end?

>> No.9861466

Maruchan says hello

>> No.9861474
File: 202 KB, 500x281, 1505840631081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP best advice here

>> No.9861477

>go mow a lawn in the middle of winter

Retard alert.

>> No.9861485

I don't know but I wish I could find out. He made one massive thread that I saw and then I never saw him again. I think around now he would have been finishing the six months.

Anyway, if he actually tried it he probably gave up before the end. Eating just rice and pasta for six months would be like torture.

>> No.9861486

Honestly, I don't think you'll survive. Rip, op.

>> No.9861489

Similar to this. Wear a suit, be clean shaven and carry an empty briefcase. Walk into any motel or hotel with a free breakfast in the lobby, go to the elevators and go up. Come down 5 minutes later and just set to. Don't make a hog of yourself and act decorous and no one will question you. I literally lived on this through a six month period of rough times. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, it's not like you'll be arrested in the unlikely event some Pajeet was paying enough attention to get butthurt about it. Asians are intimidated by cleancut white people in suits carrying briefcases anyway.

>> No.9861530
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This will sound like bait/pasta but if I was you I'd be giving serious consideration to hunting/trapping/eating pigeons (assuming you live in a city). It a myth that they are "rats with wings", they're very clean, they wouldn't survive if they weren't. There's a lot of free protein flying around the city. You could probably make a snare out of shoelace if you researched it. Cutting them up would require a relatively strong stomach though.

>> No.9861551

worse than dumpsterdiving
don't do this

>> No.9861567

Either kys or please stop false-flagging that you’re British.

>> No.9861573

pasta? fucking retard

>> No.9861905

Buy flour...

>> No.9862490

a 12 pack of ramen at sams club is 1.80, thats 48 servings or 2 a day for 8 bucks. Probably what 2.20 at walmart?

Yeah it would suck but you wont really be hungry.

>> No.9862774

>glosses over whole point of post to nitpick a turn of phrase
hi OP

>> No.9862778

rice and beans friend... also you can not eat for several days at a time and be perfectly fine

>> No.9862892

>Just go into a cornfield at night and milk some cows

This had me in tears

>> No.9862996

thanks reddit

>> No.9863091

a literal cockney

>> No.9863184


I promise I wrote cow field and my phone changed it to cornfield.

>> No.9863192

>Either kys or please stop false-flagging that you’re British.

>There are no poor people in the UK

KYS yourself.

>> No.9863199

Go to a food bank OP.

According to the Labour Party they even give out free food to nurses on 23k plus salaries. They're definitely going to give you free food. That way you can keep your £10 and spend it on booze.

>> No.9863217

Depends where he lives. In my country when i told them i had only 120 bucks to spend each month (for food (and cigs, i bought the imported russian fake ones that tasted like shit)) they didn't care.

But to get ontopic. As mentioned before, noodles are a bad choice. Better to get rice with scrambled eggs and green beans. Put some salt, pepper and soya sauce on that bitch and eat away.

>> No.9863236

better start catching some crow, buddy:

i'm not joking. also, there's a twist when they eat the cooked crow meat if you just want to skip passed the chatter.

>> No.9863246

>Cutting them up would require a relatively strong stomach though.

wrong. there's a vid with Ramsay just pulling the wings off very easily to reveal the breast meat. Of course, he was doing it to field pigeons but their anatomy is very similar to city birds. Also, anyone scared about butchering meat should just wear fucking latex gloves and get used to it, stop being a pussy.

i'm actually going to start killing crows and city birds for meat just for fun. I linked a video down below showing two guys eating crow meat and they say it tastes a lot like duck. I love duck meat but crow would be much more affordable. YEEEEHHHAAAAWW

>> No.9863270

When I was in my 20s I could tell you where all the (accessible) fruit trees and pecan trees were for miles around. Also bamboo shoots and dandelion greens (only smooth spine, the spiked ones are no good) are nice free food, they cook just like spinach.

>> No.9863345

p-please explain why, i'm getting all necessary nutrients, right?

>> No.9863389

Try and eat less tuna. Mercury, you know? Try and use chicken thighs and stick to tuna 3x a week at most. Or you could use canned sardines, smaller fish don't accumulate mercury like tuna does.

>> No.9863431

Grow your own vegetables. Spend $40 on seeds once and you'll have endless vegetables of all kinds pissing out of your ears all year around.

>> No.9863433

Yes, spend your money on seeds in late December and hope to be well fed all the way through to early January.

Are you paid by monsanto?

>> No.9863661

This. The lazy fucking NEET could just work literally any job for a day and he'd have $90 worth to play with.

>> No.9863694

>could just work literally any job for a day

Ah yes, the coveted "literally any job" demographic.

>> No.9865357


There are Mexicans in America and Poles in Britain who stand on the side of the road and get hired as day labourers. The money's good.

>> No.9865505

>a pack of condoms and lube of lube
Just sell that boipucci and feed yourself for the month

>> No.9865529

If you aren't already very very lean you could just waterfast those 20 days

>> No.9865794
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>> No.9865848

I used this method during a rough period in my 20's. I am now a multi-millionaire.

>> No.9865851

>6 eggs will buy you a chicken

>> No.9865853

buy the biggest sack of rice you can and then get a job

>> No.9865865

The sauce will be the costly part of pasta unless you eat 700cal+ a meal of pasta

>> No.9865930

>. I linked a video down below showing two guys eating crow meat and they say it tastes a lot like duck. I love duck meat but crow would be much more affordable.

B-bbut isn't it illegal to kill these animals? I'm pretty sure if i tried this i would be arrested or beat up. Really makes you think.

>> No.9865950
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Tonight I am making soup from a can of stewed tomatoes and spices. Merry Christmas.

>> No.9865958

I didn’t know you got to decide that. Say hi to the warden for me

>> No.9865991
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>Many shops and restaurants operate on shoestring budgets

lmao, the big supermarket chains budget in shoplifting in their prices anyway. Just nick a can of tuna or two OP and don't be a retard in the future. ALWAYS pay rent, utilities and stock on food on pay-/dole day.

>> No.9866037


You won't get arrested for killing and eating a crow, anon.

Although there's a very good chance that the crow's friends will take every opportunity to make your life a living hell. Crows are incredibly spiteful animals.

>> No.9866112
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This one just £1.

>> No.9866150

>Crows are incredibly spiteful animals
Can confirm, I havent eaten any but have shot some of those bastards when they were raiding my corn and noticed an unusually large amount of crow shit deposited in irritatingly strategic locations around my yard afterwards.

>> No.9866317

You're pretty much fucked.

Get rice, mi goreng and as much tuna as you can afford. Maybe get some vegetables to fry up like onions/garlic or some peas to add to your slop.

>> No.9866498

Read up on intermittent fasting

>> No.9866696

corvids are quite intelligent

very high encephalization index, up there with dolphins and and elephants

youd be pissed too if someone ate one of your family memebers

>> No.9867238

you can literally beg people for money and have your budget again in a few hours

>> No.9868261

Actually I'm kind of curious - how did you end up in this situation to begin with?

Sudden unexpected expense?
Sudden loss of income?
Debt you couldn't hold off on paying any longer?

>> No.9868277


>> No.9868389
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How fat are you? (serious question).

If you have some and aren't a twig, you can legitimately just fast.
Your body is a survival machine, the fatter you are the longer you can fast with absolutely no ill health effects.

After 3-4 days of it, you'll kick into focus mode and won't even miss food.
Plus it's actually very good for you - it triggers autophagy and cleans up all the shit your cells hoard (for situations exactly like this).

>> No.9868423

Homemade egg fried rice is about the only thing you can afford to live on with that budget for 3 weeks.

>> No.9868437

>How fat are you? (serious question).

Tweekers are not known to be super big to start with.

>> No.9869326

Just did the same thing bro. Rice and ramen are really you’re only option. Only a couple of bucks for a bag of rice and ramen is typicallly around $.25 a pack. Or you could skip out on the ramen and buy a few cans of beans instead. Shit sucks but already you’ll get some sort of nutrition

>> No.9870087

Lentils/kidney beans for nutrition and rice to bulk out the calories you fucking idiot.

>> No.9871982

go dumpster diving

>> No.9871998

dal bhat power 24 hour!

>> No.9872739

eat one meal a day. easier and more sustainable than fasting if you've never done it before. also you can spend a bit more each day on food if it's one reasonable sized meal a day.

>> No.9872772

Go to a chain restaurant right before they're about to close.

They'll be more than willing to sell you leftovers for a largely discounted price, or even for free, so they don't have to waste it by throwing it out.

Works like a charm a good 95% of the time.

>> No.9872803

Fasting feels so good and so bad at the same time, it's pretty strange.

>> No.9872844

You guys don't have food banks?

>> No.9872845

Do what ever the refugees are doing

>> No.9872852

That's so fucking sad

>> No.9872855

Have you had heavy snow yet?
You can shovel driveways for money.
Anyway, your best bet is looking for odd jobs to do.

>> No.9872863

Flour make unleavened bread
any kind of vegetable

If you aren't a child you should have salt or any sort of flavoring to make is not bland

>> No.9872922

Why not just go to a supermarket, get a load of food, then put it all through the self service things as bananas? If you do it when its busy you will get away with it.

>> No.9872952

>Anon accidentally puts a spoon through the scanner
Gets busted for putting though 3 kilos of almonds as beef tomatoes

>> No.9872967
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>> No.9874182

8th of January smacks of a UK Student Finance payment date.

>> No.9874196

>10 meals
>less than four days' worth of food

>> No.9874202

Rice, flour

If there's a Sikh gurdwara nearby they'll feed you once a day and are great people

Food banks etc

>> No.9874249

sikhs helped me through 6 months of homelessness, truly great people. now i'm well of enough to donate to the gurdwara every paycheck.