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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9857407 No.9857407 [Reply] [Original]

Whos still got Hanukkah Latkes left in the fridge? I'm down to my last one :(

>> No.9857416
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>being a kike

>> No.9857420

I put cyanide in it. Enjoy filthy zionist :)

>> No.9857423

Yeah what you going to do about it faggot?

Eat some of my fucking jew potatos

>> No.9857428

i like jewfoods. I never tried a latke though. Brisket is pretty good tho, and I like challah bread.

>> No.9857432
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>> No.9857435

Palestine is the belongs to the Palestinians.


>> No.9857436

>Implying jews invented brisket

>> No.9857440

Are you a girl?

>> No.9857442

Latkes are pretty much the best potato pancake you'll ever had. You coarse grate some potatoes and onions, squeeze all the liquid out of them and fry them in oil until they float. Eat them with sour cream, or if you're a child or an idiot apple sauce.

>> No.9857443

I am not Jewish, but I make these for saturday or sunday breakfast at least once a month. A little grate of onion in there, and a good cast iron to fry in, and about a TBSP of matzo flour after squeezing out the potato starchy liquid are my secrets to browned and crispy potato pancakes. Sour cream, and lots of salt. I never have leftovers, but I know you can freeze them and bake them again, if so, so you're lucky.

>> No.9857445


>> No.9857446

Why do Jews take credit for a ton of traditional European foods?
Smoked salmon is Norwegian for example. Not to mention like all Eastern European cuisine.

>> No.9857447

I’ll fit your dirty hairy jew ass into my gas oven. There’s probably some leftover ash of your grandpa I haven’t cleaned out

>> No.9857448

Are lattkes really a hanukkah thing? I'm surrounded by jews but as a non-WASP myself I understand how cringy it is when someone apes aspects of my culture. If it's ok to eat lattkes at this time of year please let me know.

>> No.9857451

I prefer baking powder over matzo flour. Corn meal also works pretty well but it makes them taste like fritters.

>> No.9857455

Do you have any qt jewess gfs?

>> No.9857458

w-what's wrong with applesauce on latkes? (sorry cream is admittedly better)

>> No.9857459

I meant sisters

>> No.9857460

No ones taking credit, jews just prepare them a slightly different way. The french and irish both have their own stews but no one thinks that someones trying to steal credit.

Lox and gravlax are both excellent. The worlds big enough for both duder.

>> No.9857463

No sorry I have an entire harem of feminist that was given to me by the High Jew Secret Club as a reward for helping promote so much race mixing.

>> No.9857471

If you put apple sauce on your latkes you're obviously a lil bitch who scared of cheese

>> No.9857479

Lol I'm sure you will, until then enjoy becoming socially, politically, and sexually obsolete before you're 45.

>> No.9857486

Its okay to eat Latkes whenever you want!

Jewish food culture isn't very judge-y. Just remember the right way to make something is always the way someones mama made it.

>> No.9857530

Jews really don't have their own ethnic food beyond some very basic middle eastern stuff.

>> No.9857537

Also true, same deal as Americans

>> No.9857554

>Chili con carne
>Deep dish pizza
>Buffalo wings
>Beef jerky
um, try again sweetie :)

>> No.9857587
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>a challenger approaches

>> No.9857605

After two Hanukkah parties in a row this gentile is done with latkes for a while, even though my Yiddisher neighbor offered to send me home with extras.

>> No.9857607


Are you a QT trap?

>> No.9857611

Thats the kindof thinking that leads to what weve become today
Embrace the nuclear family. Thats our culture

>> No.9857666
File: 55 KB, 634x423, James Townsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi my name is James Townsend from James Townsend and Sons Company
>Today I want to share with you an exciting new recipe that I found in an old Native American cookbook made of pioneer scalps
>It turns out that if you prepare it a very specific way, you can actually eat buffalo shit.
>The settlers were very ingenious when it comes to finding ways to survive the cold winters with little sustenance
>So what you do is you take the buffalo shit and you throw it into your campfire and completely bury it in the ashes and wait 4-6 hours for the fire to get cool enough for you to pull it back out again
>Here's what it looks like when it's done, let's taste it
>Hmm very interesting. Almost like a dry, smoky, shit-flavored jerky
>Another interesting note is that they used to store the cured buffalo shit for the winter in these big ceramic buffalo shit crock pots. Some legends say this is where the phrase "a crock of shit" got its name. I happen to be selling these on my website.

>> No.9857774

Wow, /pol/ is still assflamed over the orange fool. You fags are worse than sjw's.

>> No.9857797

Calm down Satan, it was just a dessert.

>> No.9857815

I actually enjoy his videos but I just wanted to lampoon on his technique

>> No.9857856

i chuckled.

>> No.9858094

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.9858129

I generally feel a sense of mistrust, unease and disgust around most jews.

I felt it before, but couldn't really put a finger on it.

>> No.9858168
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>> No.9858216
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Hey OP, made some Moroccan cigars for my oily food of choice.

>> No.9858254

better be careful anon, obama and his gang of indians are cracking down on internet hate speech

>> No.9858442

jesus dude, if you're gonna try to get people to yell >>>/pol you could stand to be a little more subtle. I understand it's winder break but have some standards.

>> No.9858447

I know what you're talking about.

>> No.9858457

eh, you would have done better to list a bunch of food that required new world ingredients (guess pizza and chili both sorta count).

>> No.9860359


I'm sorry to hear that anon, if some Jews hurt you in the past I hope you forgive them, just like not all white people are klan wearing inbred hicks not all jews are shiftless hucksters but I'm sorry as a Jew if some of us made you feel that way.

>> No.9860363

Those look tasty as fuck whats in them?

>> No.9860676

Strange, I've liked most jews (reformed) I've met irl. They're generally open hearted, intelligent, well educated and travelled, open minded about different cultures and behaviors and have a lively sense of humor which is often self deprecating. Pretty much the polar opposite of what you find on 4chan.

>> No.9860681

Gas kikes

>> No.9860684 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 713x584, D56A0797-15A7-478F-B0B4-796E8F3D3422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who is behind this post

>> No.9860690
File: 3 KB, 452x523, Who could it be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could be behind this post?

>> No.9860691


Is it the claws? I find myself looking at their hands because you need to be prepared for when the claws come out.

>> No.9861690

I don't think they're inherently bad I just think that Jews and Goys have inherent differences that are incompatible. Jews have a high group preference and seek out the wellbeing of their ingroup at the cost of others as a biological survival mechanism that' whites can't seem to pick up on. I don't think they are bad people, their nature just doesn't mix with white society in the longer term.