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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9856780 No.9856780 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite comfort/depression foods

-entenmanns crumb cake
-pancakes (from a certain diner here (andrew’s diner) on Staten Island only. Their pancakes are very soft, sponges and delicate, and with just the right amount of melted butter and syrup they put me into a gastronomic euphoria. tldr best pancakes I’ve ever had)
-kosher deli pastrami on club with thousand island or spicy mustard (pic related)
-Scottish smoked salmon (regular nova lox can do as well), onions, capers and whipped scallion cream cheese on toasted bagel
-sausage and peppers
-Chinese bbq pork buns
-cheeseburger with Swiss cheese, fried egg and onion rings/grilled onions, topped with worchestershire infused mayonnaise
-New York pizzeria Sicilian/pan Pizza (they’re pretty much the same thing)
- extremely thin slices of any kind of imported prosciutto or salt cured ham
-borscht with salt pork
-meat/sauerkraut/mushroom pierogies
-kielbasa sausage
-cheese blintzes with sour cream and lingonberry preserves
-Nutella crepes
-country fried steak (or chicken fried steak for you Texans)
-pasta with puttanesca sauce
-pasta with carbonara sauce
-mozzarella sticks
-cheesesteaks with cheese whiz/american cheese and grilled onions
-Kishka derma
-challah bread with shmaltz
-matzo ball soup

Inb4 antisemitic slurs. I bet half of 4chan is Jewish

>> No.9856793
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Chorizo, mozzarella and baby leaf spinach sandwiches.

>> No.9856799
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>> No.9856907
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Stop using food to deal with your problems.

>> No.9856922

That looks orgasmic

>> No.9857182

I'm about to turn 32, but when I was in my early twenties one of my favorite things to do was make a pot of velveeta & rotel. I'd fry a pound of ground beef and add Old El Paso taco seasoning. Then I'd pour a bowl of chips into the largest bowl I had and smother it with taco meat, melted velveeta & rotel, sour cream, black olives, pickled jalapenos, diced onion, lettuce, and tomatoes. I'd eat until I was sick and drink several shots of whiskey and pass out.

>> No.9857205

French dip
Sandwiches, mostly

>> No.9857422
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Chop Cheese my nigguh

>> No.9857931

Macaroni and Cheese (Kraft 3 Cheese or Shapes; it's been ages since I've heard of the Crazy Noodles variety)
Pillsbury Flaky Biscuits and Cinnamon Rolls

>> No.9858271

So enjoying the beef stew I made while it snows outside is "using food to deal with my problems"? People can find food comfy/enjoyable and not be making up for any kind of deficiency.

>> No.9858285

Anything sweet or salty primarily just plain ol chips or a cookie would do me

>> No.9858373

Spam and eggs over rice. I cook the eggs over easy so the yolk mixes with the rice.

>> No.9858378

>Chop cheese
That's a crappy melt, just because its out of new york doesnt mean its something special.

>> No.9858422

Korean Short Ribs. I used to order from my local place so much that they recognized my voice over the phone as soon as I said hello. I spent like 40$ a week there at one point.

Chicken Wings

Pork Belly


These are all the foods that I eat when im sad. And when im celebrating.

>> No.9858423

>rotel and velveeta
I use to love this shit so much when I was younger. But I hadn't had it in about 10 years, and recently a co-worker made a batch of dip based on it and brought it to work for our weekly potluck lunch. And despite how well I remembered loving it and how excited I was, it was just so fucking salty that I could barely eat it. I guess tastes just change over time.

>> No.9858460

>comfort food

you have to weigh at least 400lbs to justify the existence of this term

>> No.9858467

Well I tend not to eat when I'm depressed, so I guess I don't have one, but I do like cooking when I'm sad. Guess I'd have to go with shepard's pie then, since it's the most fun to cook.

>> No.9858480
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Being a woman works too
Comfort food helps me feel better by 400% when I'm on my period. mostly just pizza with maybe some bocconcini and prosciutto or pasta, literally any kind of pasta so long as it's covered in parmesan cheese. Red wine is really nice too. White makes me throw up.

I wish I lived near a really good ramen bar, I feel like tonkatsu ramen would be really good comfort food.

>> No.9858482

I guess if you're vegan and despise eating then yeah it sounds a bit weird

>> No.9858487

Show us your cooter bitch

>> No.9858491
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here you go anon

>> No.9858495

Brb rubbing one out k thnx

>> No.9858508

For me, comfort food is what I used to eat when I was overweight. I’ve lost a lot of weight, but I miss foods like menudo, and fast food burgers. Every once in a while I’ll order a McDouble and fries and just reminisce back to my high school days.

a lot of it has to do with getting older. I just had my first prostate exam, and it didn’t go well. I went to McDonald’s for old times sake and ordered 20 McNuggets, some fries, and a coffee. I watched some soccer on the tv and looked around, until I realized that I became that guy I used to joke about. The older man who just sits at the table, looking for someone to talk to. Surprisingly this didn’t scare or sadden me. It was the most comforting thought I ever had. I used to worry that I’d end up this way. And now that I have, I embrace it.

>> No.9858515

>im a girl btw pay attention to me
fuck off

>> No.9858534

>"huuur you have to be so fat to eat comfort food"
>actually no a lot of girls eat comfort food when they're hormonal t.girl
unironically jump in front of a train you dumb cunt

>> No.9858547

The proper thing to do would've been to say something like "I heard women like comfort food during their period", so that you get your point across, without advertising to everyone that you're a woman.

>> No.9858556


>> No.9858559

>fuck off cunt

>> No.9858562

Not taking social cues and knowing what's appropriate is a symptom of autism

>> No.9858564

>being so afraid of interacting with women that you tell them they're not allowed to share their anecdotal experience as women on an anonymous chinese sweatshop appreciation webzone
I'm not the one who derailed the thread you literal retard.

>> No.9858570

>I'm not the one who derailed the thread you literal retard.
yes you are you hormonal PMS monster

>> No.9858573
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Make me.

>> No.9858581

>being so afraid
lmao no

>> No.9858584
File: 28 KB, 534x400, cmon_son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the sperglord who can't read
>im a girl btw
without responding in unadulterated autistic fury

>> No.9858593

>lol fuck off
>unadulterated autistic fury
you seem to have trouble processing other people's emotions

>> No.9858662

4chan is not jewish

>> No.9858672

fuck this is my shit

>> No.9858693


>> No.9859664

Most likely true, but still my favorite comfort food. Nostalgia is a factor

>> No.9860354

Never had that, and I am Argentinian, chorizo is pretty common here specially in sandwichs (Choripan). Gonna give it a try.
Pizza is all I need for comfort.

>> No.9860366

I bet you pronounce it this way as well, you fucking flyover retard.

>> No.9860368

This is with Spanish cured chorizo. Not sure if that makes a difference.

>> No.9860375
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I don't eat out of depression. I would say a comfort food of mine is just the way I bake macaroni and cheese in a casserole dish. Very simple with plenty of cheese, butter, and milk. I don't do that often.

>> No.9860382

Oven dodger

>> No.9860398

Oh thanks for pointing that out, we have that kind of chorizo here too.

>> No.9860617
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lazy degenerate fat fuck here.. cant eat anything i like anymore but i hate being fat more than i love food..

>> No.9860709

Tuna and sweetcorn pasta.

>> No.9860720
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These are definitely way up there on my list. Also, fried chicken and mac n cheese.

>> No.9860830

am I to assume 'comfort' food is something you only eat very occasionally after a bad day or something ... or just something you really like that maybe you eat once or twice a week without shoveling it in yourself on the regular?

I routinely consume what I would consider my comfort foods in the latter fashion and I don't really have a so-coveted delicacy that I would eat in the former

>> No.9861482

Cutoff for women is 180 lbs

>> No.9862230
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Barbecue. I love a fat pile of brisket and ribs with greens and pit beans.

>> No.9862336


>> No.9864131

I came

>> No.9864165

Would you even get full off this?

>> No.9865425

Stop burning churches.

>> No.9865639
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>pasta with carbonara sauce
>not eating carbonara sauce by its self7

>> No.9866958

>tri tip sandwiches
>buffalo wings
>costco hot dogs and pizza
>japanese style curry

>> No.9867286

>using based varg to shill your shitty opinions

>> No.9867295
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>> No.9867793

You’re a big fat pussy for insulting complete strangers on the internet because you know I’ll never find or meet you so you pretend you’re the big man. I bet you never even touched a girl that wasn’t your mom before. Burn in hell you fucking dirtbag

>> No.9867823

i dont care what anyone says. costco kirkland hot dogs are delicious. obviously not on the same tier as thumanns or abeles & heymann but its still delicious to grill up at 3 am with some grilled onions and thousand island

>> No.9868008
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burgers, the restaurant doesn't matter as long as they are cheap and good

>> No.9868044

God it's annoying when some indignant bantzless retard engages a joke/troll post like this. Are you female? I see that a lot on here because girls can almost never deal with facetious rhetorical devices.

>> No.9868050


Varg is a degenerate killer living off welfare with no way to support his 8 children like the darkies he claims to oppose. He's also a massive European D&C shill that considers Italians are a bunch of quarter Arab mongrels (statistically and demonstrably false) and makes the case that once there's even a drop of Middle Eastern blood in someone's overwhelmingly European lineage that bloodline can never be bred back to a standard purity level.

Ethnonationalists and eugenicists like him that are basically white niggers are the fucking worst. Mediterraneans in general in terms of historical context and global achievements shit on anything Scandinavians have ever done. The most noteworthy fact about Varg is that he drove all the way across Norway to murder some black metal faggot he didn't like and then literally claimed he dindu nuffin in the aftermath when he was punished for his snownigger crimes. You should seek to idolize someone who isn't a complete imbecile.

>> No.9868058

also Burzum sucks

>> No.9868060


have women finally just taken over the roastie meme?

i was wondering how long it would take them to catch on to how to shut that one down

>> No.9868061


depends on height.. you can't just say 180 is the cutoff without knowing height

>> No.9868346
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>> No.9868361

kill yourselves

>> No.9868639

kill.self (you)

>> No.9869530

I would if i had any idea how or why.

>> No.9869560

I've only had authentic tonkatsu twice but it was excellent.

>> No.9869566

How about I push your shit in?!

>> No.9869791

>visible salt crystals.
i'm mclovin' it.

>> No.9869793

You'd eat a mass of previously melted, cold, soft cheese? Are you obese?

>> No.9869802

Don't write like a man if you're a woman. I can't tell the difference, fuck off.

>> No.9869821

I never got how some people can drink if they are sad. I've always just drunk socially (minus the few beers here and there) and if i drink i get hyperactive and have a very short attention span. I can't process deep thoughts like sadness very well in that state, and the hang over would just make me feel worse.

>> No.9869845

my nigga, those little pot pie things are surprisingly good

>> No.9869858

It's probably because idiots think you can just melt it and serve, you have to add milk when melting velveeta or its tastes like complete garbage. I am often shocked at how many people don't do this.

>> No.9869942

post tits

>> No.9870379

Those are sesame seeds, you inbred eurotrash.