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File: 426 KB, 2048x1152, Red_Snapper_Whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9855197 No.9855197 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite fish? Red Snapper is probably my favorite, the real thing is expensive but the texture is perfect. It's hard to go wrong cooking snapper.

>> No.9855221


>> No.9855229

i haven't really found a fish that i don't like
the best fish i've made was a pan-fried rockfish i caught myself, something about putting in effort to acquire food myself makes it more satisfying

>> No.9855244

Too many to list. Right now, I'm on a cod kick, though.

>> No.9855246

Mackerel. Always mackerel.

>> No.9855273

monkfish is probably my second favorite, the texture is really nice but i think snapper is a little better. it's also harder to find good monkfish where i live. the last time i had monkfish i made thai curry with it.
rockfish is really good, i wish i had gotten to go fishing while they're in season.

>> No.9855282

>it's also harder to find good monkfish where i live
I actually haven't had a chance to have monkfish in a while. I usually would have to go out of my way to a place that specializes in seafood to find it. Every time I've had it it's been a real treat though.

>> No.9855286

Yellowtail, it's oily enough to have flavor, but still white and flakey.

>> No.9855313

My negro.

Pan. Nice and hot. Olive oil. Mackarel fillet, in. Sea salt. 4 minutes. Flip. 2 minutes.

Eat. Delicious.

>> No.9855323

>the real thing is expensive but the texture is perfect
Evidently it's the only fish in the Caribbean seas because that's practically all they sell down there and it's cheaper than dirt.

It is really good though. Can't remember exactly what the dish we had was called but it was really tasty and really spicy. Just remember that the English translation of it was something like "acid kissed".

>> No.9855334

yeah i have no idea why it's so expensive in the U.S., they are really plentiful and easy to catch in the gulf. i guess people realized how good they are for eating and that they could get away with charging ridiculous prices for it here.

>> No.9855342

You're probably thinking of escovitch, but it doesn't mean 'acid kissed,' really. At least, not in any language spoken in the Caribbean by any reasonably sizeable population there.

>> No.9855344

I'm a simple man. I stick to fresh tuna.

>> No.9855355
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That's what it was. Snapper Escabeche.

>> No.9855363

Dover Sole. I could eat that every day.

>> No.9855429

Will you guys make fun of me if I say salmon? I'm from the Midwestern United States, and I haven't had a lot. I like also really buffalo fish, but it has too many bones to eat regularly.

>> No.9855447

Salmon is pretty good as long as it's not that farm raised dyed and pumped with water stuff. Very good with bourbon peppercorn and some broccoli couscous.

I might get called a basic bitch but haddock is definitely one of the best fishes imo. Apparently, a lot of people who arent from the north east havent heard of it or had it before.

>> No.9855450

Mackrel only tastes good as a cold cut.

>> No.9855465
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Here's what I'm eating

>> No.9855471

Snapper, cooked over mesquite charcoal with a little lemon, salt, and pepper

>> No.9855479

You're busted. Broken. Is that dried mango or cantelope? With a side of bleucheese?

>> No.9855509
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, this is some red snapper I cooked earlier. Not the prettiest but even with my lack of cooking skills it was delicious, you can't fuck up with this fish.

>> No.9855514


Hi gordon

>> No.9855532
File: 130 KB, 680x441, babyback-ribs-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barbecue for me. Baby-back ribs, you can just taste the poor, innocent baby pigs that went into making something so delicious. We domesticated wild boar into pigs for a reason, and that reason is barbecue baby-back ribs.

>> No.9855542
File: 1.98 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled sea bass I made the other day

>> No.9855604

If you really wanna elevate it, try putting some sumac on after cooking it.

>> No.9855622

seconding, sockeye salmon is delicious
never get "atlantic" salmon at the store, wild-caught is much better. i've heard king is the best wild salmon but i've never had it, only sockeye.

>> No.9855641

I disagree, but I feel that way about salmon. I will only eat cold smoked salmon. Hot salmon is horrible to me.

>> No.9855643

really hard to choose just one.
snapper is great, but so are dorado, atlantic cod, perch and many others too

>> No.9855686

I love lightly fried perch fillets

>> No.9855699

I don't have a favorite, but this looks good, I love White Sea Bass

>> No.9855715

How do you like to season it and cook it?

>> No.9855726

Where the FUCK is the FUCKing pepper? Fuck. Me.

>> No.9855733

Giant Grouper when I can get it.

>> No.9855882

it's good however you want to cook it. i always like grilled fish but baked snapper is still delicious. i always use sea salt, butter, and either lemon or lime no matter how i cook it. garlic/parsley are good too, and i've tried walkerswood jerk seasoning on the grill but i think you can't go wrong going simple with just lemon and butter. snapper has a really good flavor and firm texture naturally and the lemon+butter goes really well with it, it's kinda like eating shellfish.

>> No.9855891

grouper is really good, i've never found giant grouper outside of florida. i had fried goliath grouper when i was down there and it was probably the best fried fish i've ever had.

>> No.9856310

>what is your favorite fish

fucking amerimutts.

>> No.9856333

Ceviche, probably

>> No.9856370

>filthy plate on floor covered with electrical wire
I can tell you consider rice a luxury food dont you

>> No.9857855
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I love me a Hammerhead Shark.

>> No.9858279

>control f
>no wahoo

come one guys

>> No.9858329

unironically anchovies

>> No.9858337

Walleye, but it's probably due to childhood memories.

There's nothing like being out on the lake in the dark of night, and sometimes hauling ass to shore when the lightning starts to strike near. The fish just tastes so much better when you get it just before or during a storm...

>> No.9858349

I was scared to cook skate but now it is one of my favourite fish. So easy to over or undercook though.

>> No.9858925

Lingcod or sablefish

>> No.9859229

pangasius or tilapia

>> No.9859259
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redfish/red drum

>> No.9859289

Fucking gross. Any women who eats fish on a date is a whore. And she probably sucks so much cock. She can't smell her terrible fish breath.

If she's nordic. She's already a whore.

>> No.9859308
File: 78 KB, 792x539, goc_fewer-fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you fucking retards should stop eating fish. You know by 2050 88% of stocks will be overexploited at current rates of fishing, also plastic and toxin pollutants mean that fish are becoming hazardous to health. You fucking idiots are killing the oceans. Enjoy your fucking McJellyfish sandwich in 2060.

>> No.9859397

The filet o fish fish

>> No.9859443

snapper is great, and super easy to catch. Those fuckers will bite at anything.
I live in an area no native to them, and the closest comparison is scup.
mackerel is bait for better fish.

>> No.9859446

The ocean needs to stop being a fag and git gud

>> No.9859461
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I’m not gonna day it’s the tastiest because it’s not, but growing up along the Great Lakes yellow lake perch has enormous nostalgic value for me, and whenever it’s available to me I’ll pay whatever they’re asking to relive that.

>> No.9859637

Never had it but it's probably very similar to walleye since it's in the same family so I'd imagine it's an excellent fish.

>> No.9859640



>> No.9859659

Yup. Pickerel is also basically the same thing, even lake sunfish (ie pumpkinseed) are difficult to distinguish, although the last are a bit ‘fisher’ normally (although all of the above mentioned taste of ‘fish’ unlike some super mild whitefish).

The main difference is walley or pickerel tend to be caught by the handful, while yellow perch can often be caught by the hundred, so it encourages different preparation: perch are probably more commonly eaten at ‘frys’ where pretty much all you’re eating is one fillet after another after another after another, simply battered any fried.

>> No.9859694

Fresh yellow lake perch are fantastic. My other favorite inland fish is black crappie.

>> No.9859714


>> No.9859724

North America abounds in great whitefish in natural abundance. It’s a shame the government goes to such efforts to artificially stock game fish to keep the bass-boat crowd happy (which eat the whitefish).

>> No.9859743

>not needing to stock bass
Fuck you and fuck every speed-boater and pontoon faggot that destroys the reeds. I wouldn't have a problem with your statement if there weren't pricks ruining the ecosystem drunkenly destroying cover for bass.

>> No.9859749

AFAIK mostly they stock salmon/trout, which eat all the perch.

>> No.9859827

Salmon and trout aren't typically found in lakes though. Riverfish aside, they stock several stillwater fishes, and often because of jackasses.

To hell with perch though, I think of all the perch I've caught only two or three didn't have worms. They were delicious but fuck are they parasite-ridden.

>> No.9859840

I don't usually eat fish because it smells but I like fish sticks.

>> No.9859862

I'm pretty sure there were some trout species in the inland NA lakes natively, but most trout/salmon are stocked (dunno if they now reproduce natively or not).

I'm vaguely aware of this because it's been an ongoing issue between the US and Canada: Canada still has a (tiny) commercial fishing fleet on the lakes and so oppose the US stocking the lakes in the interest of game fishers.

>> No.9860626

anything that you caught yourself

>> No.9860653

Good tip. I might try that if I run into sumac.

>> No.9860667
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Probably not objectively the best, but I swear to god the most I've enjoyed fish is fresh rainbow trout that I just pulled outta the creek and threw on my cast iron while I was traveling and camping around the country. That and I also grew up fishing for largemouth bass as well, so they always bring back some serious nostalgia.

A little bit of butter, salt, and pepper sizzling in my cast iron skillet as the sun sets over the creek I'm camping along as the fire crackles happily... Fucking Christ I miss that. Ready for spring.

>> No.9860673

Meant to respond to >>9855604

But yeah, Atlantic salmon is depressing. King is king.