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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 720x411, ARS_breadfruit49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9840554 No.9840554 [Reply] [Original]

name a worse fruit

>> No.9840590 [DELETED] 

black people

>> No.9840606

Graham Norton.

>> No.9840755

George Takei

>> No.9840758

Milo Yiannopolous

>> No.9840760

Hillary Clinton

>> No.9840762

the strange kind

>> No.9841234

Those things are pretty good once they're prepared. You're supposed to fry them up with oil and salt. Raw though, it's pretty gross. Like thick, underbaked bread.

>> No.9841918
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makina is extremely dislikable

>> No.9841935


>> No.9842014


>> No.9842026
File: 1.58 MB, 3293x2848, pleb filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good. I spent my recent durian budget on a gift for the bf

>> No.9842160
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Absolutely disgusting

>> No.9842177

>I spent my recent durian budget on a gift for the bf
is that you, my brother sam? how has it been? i hope all is well.

>> No.9842204

>posts an irrelevant blog to let everyone know they're female

>> No.9843300

Yeah, no. I've just got the gays....BAD.

>> No.9843306

hence the name


>> No.9843310

I'm so sorry anon. Is it terminal? how many dicks a day are you up to?

>> No.9843317

found the pleb that can't cook

>> No.9843407

Six. It’s bad. The doctor says pretty soon it’ll get so bad I’ll start posting on reddit.

>> No.9843437
File: 151 KB, 1600x1600, red delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good if you can get it super fresh.

but good luck. you probably have to own a tree in your yard and pick one yourself.

>> No.9843991

what is this

>> No.9843995

Don Lemon

>> No.9843997



>> No.9843999


>> No.9844025


1/50 isnt mushy shit

>> No.9844027
File: 27 KB, 480x640, 20840740_1538926656130024_4586568867733036568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one of these fuckers (forget how to spell the name) fresh once in Singapore some years ago. Never thought something so typically repulsive could be so breathtakingly tender abd decadent, especially for being a wild picked fruit. Really opened my eyes to the real joys of traditional cuisine across the globe. I totally get why Anthony Bourdain is how he is now because of that.

>> No.9844032

You ate a longcat ? Ok.

>> No.9844036

fried breadfruit is amazing, you shitter

>> No.9844086


>> No.9844227
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>> No.9844428

It's pretty good. Sometimes I score one with damaged skin for $1.

>> No.9844432

Cooked it, was still inferior to plantains and sweet potatoes.

>> No.9844439

I like Red Delicious. Has a nice floral flavor. People only hate it because they've had old ones because it stores well, and they guzzle too much refined sugar.

>> No.9844653
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>> No.9844694


>> No.9844802

She's dogshit in her own route but decent and sometimes even good in the common route

>> No.9844879

How to spot a westerner

>> No.9844880


>> No.9845336
File: 52 KB, 620x366, kiwano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka overpriced slimy cucumber

>> No.9845420


>> No.9845446

>posts an irrelevant blog to let everyone know you're male

>> No.9846068
File: 937 KB, 3264x2448, prickly-pear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are terrible. they have the texture of dry, crumbly styrofoam filled with hard seeds.

>> No.9846080


This. Never had a more disappointing fruit

>usually don't mind seeds in fruit but these seeds....don't bother trying to chew them just use them in a pellet gun
>tastes like bubblegum but DAT TEXTURE
>also I knew it was a cactus before I grabbed it but I didn't think it would still have thorns. I'm still picking some out of my hand and dick to this day.

>> No.9846233

Aside from you?

>> No.9846301
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Seeds aside, these are pretty damn good.

>> No.9846363

It's a crunchy squash thing. What's not to like?

>> No.9846553


>> No.9846576

i haven't eaten this raw, but chayote is great in a stirfry or steamed
It's like a juicy soft carrot

>> No.9846611

it's a grainy piece of shit with disgusting tough skin and horrible texture. Them being fresh has nothing to do with it; other apples you can leave in the fridge for 6+ months and they'll still taste fine. Red delicious is just irredeemable

>> No.9846891

yo my grocery store has signs over these that say "not for human consumption"

>> No.9847020

severely underrated but I giess there are no britfucks here. good job m8

>> No.9847031

see also: guava

>> No.9847038

I like it. The big ones I get in season are crisp, and thick skin means more nutrients.

>> No.9847044

Are you confusing it with osage orange?

>> No.9847112
File: 156 KB, 1200x980, memefruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Overpriced, just tastes like a kiwi. Total meme fruit.

>> No.9847145

I think he's funny

>> No.9847162

Red Delicious apples. How the fuck do they keep selling those fucking things?

>> No.9847169

Fuck you guava juice is delicious

>> No.9847171

I keep buying them because I enjoy the floral flavor of the thick skin and I don't care that they're mealy because I'm not a picky princess.

>> No.9847173

Perhaps because they don't give a fuck over your shitty opinion

>> No.9847174

Whole guavas have annoying hard seeds.

>> No.9847175

Did you fuck it or why the dick

>> No.9847177


Fuck these. Protip if you find them in the wild: THe "prickly" part isn't just big visible spikes. They're covered in these hair-like fibers that get in your skin and you don't notice at first. But then any time you brush that area, it tugs the "hair" and hurts like shit. It's an absolute nightmare to get them all out too.

>> No.9847186

Not really, the first time I eat this was on my site visit. There was a huge motherfucking cluster of these fucks and the guard jokingly allowed me to pick it.
It is not that bad, I've dealt with cactus before so I knew it. Got some prick on my hands but got it off shortly after.
For the taste though..I think it's akin to leavy dragonfruit.
These kind of prick is common in cacti.

>> No.9847237

Grapefruit. Tastes like ass.

>> No.9847271

There is being picky and then there is eating cardboard soaked in 98% water 2% apple juice

>> No.9847514
File: 550 KB, 1890x1055, Sugar apples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar Apples are the most loathsome fruit I've ever laid upon my tastebuds.

>> No.9847568

Maybe you had a bad one? Or ate the peel? I paid $6 for one and it was a dud but then I found a brown and damaged one on the dollar rack and it was excellent.

>> No.9847613
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That looks just like a chirimoya, which are kinda great.

These fruits will make you gay though, Aguaje.

>> No.9847781 [DELETED] 


Is that durian? Fuck durian.

>> No.9847784


I'm Singaporean, and I hate it. It's banned on public transport for a reason. It not only tastes like shit, but smells like shit.

>> No.9847792


>> No.9847800


>faggot likes durian

Checks out.

>> No.9847812


>> No.9847836

you shut your whore mouth

>> No.9847853

Shit taste.

>> No.9848153

Dragonfruit tastes like a lightly soiled diaper

>> No.9849625

Ah I see you're a foreigner in singapore

>> No.9849640
File: 37 KB, 500x500, Dragon-fruit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White dragonfruit doesn't taste like a diaper, it's just really mild and barely sweet. Refreshing if you refrigerate it and eat it on a hot day though.

Purple ones are much more flavorful and sweeter. I read that the purple ones are rounder with shorter and more narrow "spikes" which seems to be true judging by this pic. Try to find them if you can before dismissing it completely.

>> No.9849679

Durian is somewhat divisive.
Maybe it's like Cilantro in that it tastes different for different people?
I've heard folk say that it tastes like vanilla custard, which tbf is something that I really dig. So when I was offered some I jumped at it, thinking "maybe it tastes better than it smells".
It didn't. In fact it didn't taste like vanilla custard at all, but more like rotten onions and sick.
I don't like Durian. And when I see someone eating one all I can think of is a dog throwing up on the floor then lapping it up.

>> No.9849693

Some people just really really like onions

>> No.9849695
File: 33 KB, 560x342, rambutan_fruit.jpg.560x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives me the heebie jeebies

>> No.9850112

Lacking in polyphenols and such so not a good value nutritionally.

>> No.9850862

I peel them, corse salt, bake in the oven, then eat with mustard because it tastes just like soft pretzels...

>> No.9851128

Why they put a toilet brush in the picture

>> No.9851543
File: 125 KB, 643x439, dog's arse fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9851921


You use glue to remove the hairs / thorns from your hand / arm.
apply glue to the area, wait for it to dry, then peel it off, it pulls out all the thorns with it.

>> No.9852278
File: 32 KB, 500x491, 1512511916852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very nice

>> No.9852290
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1513195303582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha look at the little fella go

>> No.9853517

what the fuck even is it

>> No.9853522


>> No.9853523

bitter melon

>> No.9853769

dog buttholes

>> No.9853801

Medlars. I've never had one but they have to get brown and squishy before they're edible. Also they look like butts.

>> No.9854150

>name a worse fruit

>> No.9854163

It's been bred to have no flavor. Even people in the apple industry hate it. It's been genetically destroyed in the attempt to preserve its appearance. There's a lot of documentaries about the apple industry that are surprisingly interesting. Look it up.

>> No.9854170


I like the crisp texture and mild flavour, RD are refreshing like a watermelon.

>> No.9854183


Not everybody likes their food to taste like sugar. As somebody who hates most fruit for being too sweet I really like red delicious. They're like mini watermelons as far as im concerned.

>> No.9854316


>> No.9854496

I almost never eat sugar that isn't in fruit, so it all tastes good to me. RD is way better than most wild apples :-)

>> No.9854500

These are delicious. My grandpa gets these by the bucket, and they're perfect for breakfast/snack. You're all just salty they charge $4.00+ each up north

>> No.9854606

Nigga I have been trying to find Snozzcumbers for years, the supply really dried up when the queen moved all the giants to that island and we had to start sending them care packages of nothing but Snozzcumbers. Do you know how fucking EXPENSIVE Fropscottle has become? I would make it at home, but like I said, I cant find any goddamn Snozzcumbers, you gotta tell me where you found that shit, at least send me some seeds bro.

>> No.9854644

Is the entire industry dependent on new people getting tricked once or do some actually like it?

>> No.9855199

I hear they're getting more popular now that they're calling them medlars, apparently they're actually pretty good.

>> No.9855328

Underrated post

>> No.9855370

this is fucking delicious

>> No.9855383
File: 19 KB, 355x355, 81jaULbR4CL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't at all delicious and usually have a mealy texture. The most basic piece of fruit you can get year round at the grocery store or school cafeteria. Crappy oranges are also pretty crappy.

>> No.9855435

I shipped up some Florida oranges this winter and I'm never not doing that ever again holy shit they are so much better than the trash I normally eat

>> No.9855512

I can't believe the Bounty with through all that trouble for this shitty fruit

>> No.9855519
File: 98 KB, 612x491, c7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9855545

>durian budget
What, do they cost $100 or something?

>> No.9855552

Usually $10-$20 for only a thousand calories. $2-$3 per pound and it's mostly rind.

>> No.9855555

I enjoy them. Just understand that it tastes very close to Kiwi before you plop down $2.50 each for them.

>> No.9855564

Those are awesome, I love them

>> No.9855600

Dude wtf durian is expensive af

>> No.9855712

ITT: Plebs

>> No.9857111

dates are disgusting

>> No.9857156

What if you put some in a blender with cocoa, vanilla, flax and stuff? I put congealed chickpea or white bean sludge in mine :-)

>> No.9857736

meant for
bf is new so I spent $43.

>> No.9857750

how much of a pleb do you have to be to not like natural caramel

>> No.9859199
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>> No.9859416


>> No.9859585
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing was an extremely underwhelming waste of time and money.

>> No.9859588

Red Delicious is fucking awful, Gala and Fuji are easily the best.

>> No.9859598


You have shit taste in apples.

>> No.9859603


Most dried fruits are nastt. At least dates arent as bad as dried apricots.

>> No.9859790
File: 61 KB, 324x486, 7DC0FCFC-5520-419B-A089-79A8C1F2B465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read my mind.
Toplol good sir.
On the topic of shite fruit, I can’t really say, other than the obvious ones. In America pretty much all fruits on the market were phenotypically altered to last longer and test better than there predecessors. I can however think of a delicious fruit. The Pawpaw (Asimina tribola) Which grows in the region I live. Actually I remember a nasty a fair amount of Apricots I’ve tasted in Virginia were bitter and totally nasty.
TLDR: Pawpaws good, Apricots aren’t.

>> No.9859810

Red Delicious were grown for their look, not their taste
It’s why literally every other apple tastes better

>> No.9860055

These are actually really good if you can get them for a decent price.

>> No.9860638

Bitch, mango is the best fruit.