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9839317 No.9839317 [Reply] [Original]

Ok recently I like to pick up my domino's and one thing I notice is they only use one cutter on all pizzas
What the fuck? Is this normal? How about those allergens and shit?
I am not allergic to anything and has no problem with it, but just curious.
Also why they don't change gloves while cleaning? I saw the same gloves working with fabreze and black trash bags. Is this normal?

>> No.9839329


>> No.9839378


>> No.9839391

Glove changing is a thing that should happen, also washing hands between every single glove change. But the pizza cutter is cleaned every 2 hrs and used on every pizza but ones with anchovies and a different is one used on desserts. Pizza employees do not get allergen training and the stores are not liable for any cross contamination of allergens and cannot gurantee allergen free anything. Fuck you if you cant eat mushrooms or tomatoes.

>> No.9839407

When I used to work at a Domino's, customers could request that we use a clean cutter, or if it was a gluten free we had a seperate cutter for those.

>> No.9839422

>people are supposed to wash their hands, use clean tools, and change gloves frequently
>they don't

Wait til you people read about how this shit plays out in hospitals.


>> No.9839502

Wtf how about peanuts and shrimp? Don't those wimps literally die eating those?
How bad is gluten allergy really, does it affect them that bad like shrimps and peanuts?

>> No.9839509

Worked at a pizza place for about a combined 3 years.

Not EVERYONE did it, but I 'cleaned' the cutter after every pizza. I say 'cleaned' because it normally consisted of a complete wipe-off with a soaked rag, which also got itself cleaned whenever there was a minor lull.

We also had a separate cutters for seafood and dessert pizzas.

>> No.9839514

Gluten allergy is a meme, but yeah welcome to chain food.

>> No.9839517

Kind of not surprised desu

>> No.9839518

Peanuts and shrimp will never be inside a fucking dominos or chain pizza place. Why the hell would there be and if there is, then sure, allergen training would probably by practiced. They can try their best to prevent contamination but it would still be at the customers own risk for consumption. Pizza joints are a weird grey area between restaurants and fast food. Some things just dont usually apply.

>> No.9839519

>dessert pizza
Is this the sweden pizzas I heard about, those with bananas and shit

>> No.9839525

One of my friend literally cannot eat anything that's out of water, so pretty sure he'll die eating anchovies.
Also because i saw on those allergen phamphlet about seafood and nuts, so I just use those examples.

>> No.9839533

No. The dessert pizzas we did were actually kinda bomb. Normally we'd use butter on the crust, bavarian cream, and strudel. Then some would have cinnamon, apple, or cherry depending on the order. Topped with a pipping hot super sweet glazed. It was to die for, but oh boy was it fucking PACKED with calories.

>> No.9839536

Despite what most pizza places will tell you, they do not keep anchovies in stock. At least, here in the mid-west/south. They will keep shrimp well before anchovies, and the shrimp are flash frozen and kept away from every other ingredient.

>> No.9839538

Uhh mate we have it here though
Also we had chicken satay (satay is GOAT peanut sauce). Cannot find the pic but here's a post

>> No.9839544

So basically like apple pie pizza?
>all those sweet shit
My teeth hurts

>> No.9839551

How about anchovies?

>> No.9839558

Yeah. Welcome to the South and shit. It was so fucking sweet you were done after one slice, if you made it that far. Some people even wanted a cup of the icing to go with it. One guy would always order and medium pepperoni and green pepper pizza, along with a medium dessert pizza with extra cinnamon. Eat it by himself in the store. He'd do it at least three times a week. Only left minimal scraps.

Funny enough, barely saw him gain any weight after 3 years.

But yeah, that sweet shit is cancer. Most local places come up with these HEAVY calorie basded recipes that just KILL people. Even smaller chains do it. We made our own homemade ranch in-house every morning. It made me almost vomit everytime i watched it. Some people (like 8 times or so during my tenure) bought it by the 5 gallon bucket things we kept them in. Made me fucking sick.

Really tasty though.

>> No.9839564

Only time we had anchovies they were kept in the back as well. Every pizza place I know of either doesn't serve anchovies, or advertises them but doesn't serve them.

To give a little inside look, though, shrimp is handled somewhat carefully. I worked for a modest chain (roughly 10-12 stores over two states) and we had to wear gloves when using the seafood. That being said, there was no special cutter for them whatsoever.

Also, if you're getting shrimp or anchovies from a pizza place, you're really doing it wrong. They always keep them super frozen, and just microwave them before putting them on a pizza. It's super cheap shit that we get in bulk. Midwest/South is awful when anything seafood is involved, including pizza.

Not for sure how other states handle it, though.

>> No.9839565

>a cup of icing
You people are monsters

>> No.9839572

i know. life is suffering in the south and midwest. Once you become self-aware, existence is pain.

>> No.9839573

5 gallon? Jesus mate
How the fuck they manage to use all that shit without it going bad first?

>> No.9839578

What was so gross about the ranch?

>> No.9839579

>no special cutter
Well that will and still can cause someone to die though

>> No.9839584

Well, it was evidently fucking ranchid.

>> No.9839586

Southerns use ranch on EVERYTHING. By the end of the day, we normally had a bit left. We did a buffet along with our normal orders, and the buffet had the salad bar with the homemade ranch on it. IT's almost funny watching how fast people gobble it down.

We even had a customer who ordered a delivery and wanted extra homemade ranch cups, and made sure he stressed EXTRA, flip out and throw the whole pizza at our delivery boy because he only got 3 homemade ranch cups with his medium pizza.

For reference, these aren't ACTUAL cup measurements. They're smaller, but one cup of these can coat a fairly decent sized salad completely.

Southerns and Midwesterns fucking crazy over ranch. Btw, we were considered a super small pizza place. We only made about 1500-2000 a day.

>> No.9839596

Heaps and fucking heaps of mayo. No buttermilk or anything. This was apparently the brainchild of the original owner.

for a five gallon bucket, they normally went through about two 'jugs' of mayo, a shiton of garlic power, Normal ranch ""Light"" ranch dressing, white vinegar, this shit we called "fairy dust" which is a spice comboination that I didn't know the recipe to and all the owner knew, and more than I care to admit amounts of sour cream.

What made it nasty was just the fucking size and how disgusting it all looked. IT wasn't the paper white ranch you get at the store. This was some like yellow rancid looking shit. Like I said, it tasted really good and had a good tangy-ness to it, but holy fuck.

Yeah. Luckily, we never had anything like that. Weirdness thing with allergies that showed up was a guy brought in his own dough that was gluten free and asked me to make a special pizza for him on it.

But yeah, pizza places are the bridges of America. They're all failing, and fucking waiting to kill someone. Health organzations need to hit pizza places harder.

>> No.9839603

Wait what
It's not possible to make pizza without adding flour during kneading, unless it is gluten free that'd be pointless

>> No.9839607

It was like a really tan piece of pizza dough looking stuff. Looked extremely homemade. No idea what was in it, but he said he couldn't have our dough because of gluten. Sometimes he'd just come in with like a piece no bigger than two slices and ask us for certain toppings. It made charging him a hell of a lot harder.

If it helps figuring out what was in it, because I have no idea, it was super thin, but was really dark when he gave it to me.

>> No.9839608

Sounds like a comfy place

>> No.9839614

Paid nice. Southern and Midwest people tip super good. No real drama. Only left because I got a better job. Only real problem was nepotism in management, but even that wasn't an issue because the place pretty much ran itself. Especially since it was owned by a mini-chain who took care of our inventory.

>> No.9839621

Probably some weird shit like chia flour or potato flour or something
Gluten free food subtitutes are weird

>> No.9839670
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>surgical equipment left inside patients
>double digit % deaths from hospital errors
Hositals are scary when you realize the average person works there.

>> No.9839795

I have eaten on street hawkers where they only wash the plate with murky brown water so I am immune now.
That being said thanks for giving me this clinical nightmare

>> No.9839814

Just ask them to clean cut it. Vegetarians often ask for this.