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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9834507 No.9834507 [Reply] [Original]

What's the Chad cooking oil?

>> No.9834516

Olive oil is for pussies that cook on medium heat. The true chad cooking oil is rendered and strained fat from pork belly. Go ahead. Debate this. Pro tip.. you can’t.

>> No.9834518

>superficially strong but ultimately tasteless and unsubstantial
>popular with little girls
>most of it is just synthetic waste

Literally cottonseed oil.

>> No.9834529


Can confirm I use it for everything and I have soy leaking out of my nipples

>> No.9834536

Heart Kek had at your soy lactation. Do you wear a bra? Oh and bye you gotta render it yourself. If you buy rendered fat at 10x price you are also a fag.
2x bonus if you render it from a hog you killed yourself

>> No.9834594
File: 20 KB, 531x531, 1512257405258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're taking this a bit far for what it is

>> No.9834605

Unrefined Corn Oil, or as the Native Americans call it," Maize Oil."

>> No.9834622

Yeah but it’s fun for me. And in my opinion lard is the ultimate in cooking lube. And if you pay store price for it you are a cuck without a doubt, especially if you are /ck/ inclined. Hence the indulgence

>> No.9835126
File: 157 KB, 425x282, carloooooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one that isn't virgin.

>> No.9835134

why do you think he picked extra virgin olive oil for the image you fucking dunce

>> No.9835166

That faggot thought he was being clever, continue to laugh at his retardation

>> No.9835167
File: 625 KB, 853x480, burl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us Chads cook with animal fats. I've got lard, chicken fat, and beef tallow all in my fridge.

>> No.9835169
File: 73 KB, 800x792, 1511104807275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all fun and games until you find out EVO is a scientifically proven High-T booster

>testosterone levels increased by 17% after 2 weeks

>> No.9835172

Well first of all you're an idiot if you buy olive oil in a clear glass container

>> No.9835227


>> No.9835244
File: 89 KB, 700x1000, Grapeseed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin Olive Oil vs the Chad Grapeseed Oil

>> No.9835250
File: 94 KB, 864x960, delet clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the extra virgin olive oil

>> No.9835259

confit some duck legs, they're not that expensive

> have delicious duck meat more often
> have cooking fat all week

>> No.9835288

Oeabyt iuk

>> No.9835291

Same reasoning behind putting beer in dark bottles to protect it from light rays.

>> No.9835293

Beef tallow or lard.

>> No.9835767

Oh right, clear. Yep that's silly.

>> No.9835821

>implying all olive oils can't stand heat

>> No.9835846

>the Chad oil

The virgin cooking enthusiast adds too much butter or oil to his pans (because he's so afraid of food sticking or burning) and overwhelms the delicate and excellent flavors of his ingredients.
The Chad cook has never even touched cooking oil, and exclusively uses a metal spatula to scrape his food off the pan, maintaining the temperature perfectly and creating a taste so exquisite it is unknown to mortal man.

>> No.9835871


>> No.9835949
File: 225 KB, 940x400, Rapeseed-Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad oil
>Demonstrates virility and strength
>Doesn't take no for an answer

Obviously rapeseed oil.

>> No.9835953


>> No.9836616

this is probably correct

>> No.9836958

Rapeseed oil is canola oil, you fucking mong.
The Chad cooking oil is palm oil.

>> No.9836988

I bet you oil your palms plenty, incel loser.

>> No.9837000

>chad cooking oil
>Orangutans literally die off it his presence

>> No.9837011

You must have missed the “ev” in op’s image

>> No.9837038

lard is the only good cooking oil
lard + wood-burning stove = god tier food

>> No.9837078


Let me guess, you're 300+ lbs

Enjoy cardiac arrest and a short life

>> No.9837085

I'm actually 56 kgs, skellington mode and I never managed to gain weight. My blood pressure is also perfect

>> No.9837089

Fucking people and their propagandized view of saturated fatty acids, I swear. Yeah keep firing up that canola oil.. let’s compare arteries in 20 years.

>> No.9837090

also I don't understand the connection here. you know what lipids are, don't you?

>> No.9837095

not to mention lard is a thousand times healthier than these shitty homone ridden oils

>> No.9837110

Yeah. Exactly. Dude thinks industrial lubricants are suitable alternative to animal fats as food lube. He’s gonna have a bad time. Enjoy your liquid shits canola dude

>> No.9837113

You're a homo.

>> No.9837119

n-no bully

>> No.9837144

coconut oil... for obvious reasons....

>> No.9837158
File: 11 KB, 600x600, camelina oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camelina sativa oil.

> Camelina grows like a weed: can survive spring frosts, grows fast in most temperate regions, requires little water or fertilizer, immune to insects, improves soil health when grown between wheat harvests
> Camelina oil has a robust, rich, nutty taste that is far more interesting than any other oil
> The highest omega 3 content of anything besides flaxseed oil
> Heat-safe up to 450F and long shelf life due to high antioxidant content
> Has been modified to provide fish oil-like levels of DHA and EPA, initially to feed farmed fish, but may eventually improve global human health while reducing over-fishing

>> No.9837170


>Studies have shown camelina-based jet fuel reduces net carbon emissions by about 80%
>On September 4, 2011, the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron used a 50/50 blend of camelina biofuel and jet fuel at the Naval Air Station Patuxent River Air Expo, the first time an entire military aviation unit flew on a biofuel mix
> In June 2011, a Gulfstream G450 became the first business jet to cross the Atlantic ocean using a blend of 50/50 biofuel developed by Honeywell derived from camelina and petroleum-based jet fuel

>> No.9837181

Lard, beef tallow, sesame, olive, ghee, duck fat, semi refined peanut

>> No.9837191

Huh. Gotta try this. I prefer the taste of death to the taste of nuts but I’m intrigued

>> No.9837231
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Camelina seeds are also good in salads, a little crunchy and full of flavor. If you set them in water overnight, like with chia seeds, they gel and are sort of similar to chia pudding (which has a texture sort of like tapioca pudding).

Pic is chia seed pudding, but it's a similar concept.

>> No.9837343


>> No.9837482

I use olive oil more than anything else, with butter a close second, but drippings and lard are probably my favorites. They are easy to work with, and have all those nice flavors. Is coconut oil worth trying? I know there's some in the kitchen, but I've never done anything with it besides rubbing my feet.

>> No.9838271


I got some pure mangalista fatback unrendered today. Gonna render it down with some whole garlic gloves and sage. That's gonna out-chad any plain old factory farmed lard.

>> No.9838275

That said, if I was cooking beef I'd use beef dripping, same for lamb. Duck fat for duck, goose fat for chicken.

Beef friend in lard would be shit and weirdly sweet.

>> No.9838283

If you can find me a hog of sufficient quality that hasn't been raised in the wild, of the correct breed, I'll happily kill, butcher, and render myself. But I doubt you can, hence I leave that to people with access to very fucking good pigs.

>> No.9838309

My nia. Although my preferred is from County Down. I use a garlic infused rapeseed oil and it is beautiful.

>> No.9838476
File: 283 KB, 640x638, e705cc63fc112a77ac0492692772853a9c0ca831ff90115706d57625218c5320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neutral flavor, works in both low and high temp recipes. Olive oil taste s like burnt ass oil.
t. Burnt asss oil manufacturer.

>> No.9838591

Depends on the dish, but animal fats in general obliterate vegetable oils in terms of everything except cost. I would never pair lard with pasta though. Beef is a way better choice.

>> No.9838608

>Vegetable lipid has fewer calories than animal lipids
>being this stupid

A fat has 9kcal per gram.

>> No.9838972

>not clarified butter

>> No.9839010

Agreed. I keep beef fat rendered and filtered around as well. Poultry are targets of opportunity, so to speak.