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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9827611 No.9827611 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hey anon, let me help you with the pasta"

>> No.9827711

why do you want to break the pasta?
>it's easier to eat than long pasta
why don't you just cut it with a knife or fork before picking it up?
>but why do that when I can just do this? *CRACCKK*

fucking tards

>> No.9827730

Should you vacuum it first too? Shit look at all that dust

>> No.9829666

I don't get why people cook them without breaking them. They'll cook unevenly. If you break them don't do it like a hulk, do it more slowly and aim for your pot. Literally NEVER have this problem.

>> No.9829684

Ohh my god this thread

>cutting pasta

>being unable to cook the easiest thing ever in an even way

where am I god damn

>> No.9829694

advice from satan, figures

>> No.9829704

It literally doesn’t matter if you crack it or don’t crack it, but damn does it make a satisfying sound and sensation when you do so I always crack mine.

>> No.9829705

>They'll cook unevenly
are you making pasta in a kettle?

>> No.9829716
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>Not making your own pasta when you eat it


>> No.9829735

Satan, you're such a moron holy shit
Just move the fucking noodles into the water, they start getting flexible within seconds of hitting water

>> No.9829745

Fucking white people, you dont even know how to cook pasta.

>> No.9829754
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>he doesn't own a spaghetti pot

>> No.9829773

>pours oil in water
>"helps prevent boiling over"

>> No.9829794

They'll stick up, the other part goes soft then it lowers itself when it gets soft and THEN it will cook that part. Why not just break them and get everything in the water? Besides eating long-ass spaghetti is a fucking bother anyway.

>> No.9829809

It takes like 10 seconds for the pasta to get soft enough that you can use a utensil to push the remainder into the water. I don't think those 10 seconds are going to ruin your dish.

>> No.9829845

spaghetti pot
the rice cooker of pastas

>> No.9829854

everything you just said is moronic.

>> No.9829940

You are fucking stupid, have you even made spaghetti before?

>> No.9830141

Yeah, tons of times, but I usually put them into the pot before boiling. Same results.

>> No.9830144


>> No.9830182

really, truly, what's the big deal?

It tastes the same broken/not broken.

fucking retards.

>> No.9830207

I swirl my pasta on a fork when I eat it.


>> No.9830212

Huh. I always wondered why I do that

>> No.9830250

I want you to leave this board, if people pull this shit in my kitchen you are out

>> No.9830282

please tell me how broken pasta tastes any fucking different.

>> No.9830366

Don't fucking grind the pasta then. You can easily crack it four times in your case.

>> No.9830617

If you can't swirl it around on your fork until the serving is a size of a tennis ball you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9830639

>Shucking you pasta

>> No.9830641


Damn it it ma

>> No.9830643

When I throw noodles into boiling water sometimes the water isn't deep enough to completely submerge the pasta, but you can push it down a little so the noodles bend in the middle. They'll start to get soft soon enough and won't stick out of the water.

>> No.9831057

where tf am i

>> No.9831116

Why hate on ricecookers? I keep mine going pretty much 24/7. Its easily the nicest thing in my kitchen.

>> No.9831123

the reason why retards snap the pasta is because they dont put the pasta into boiling water

>> No.9831143

makes it easier to twirl without spooling up the whole fucking plate

>> No.9831153
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Snapping spaghetti to fit the pan?! Ha! That's nothing! I don't even grind up the meat for the bolognese, I just dump a slab of beef on top!

>> No.9831203

sometimes i snap it twice and pretend it's rice

>> No.9831269

The whole point of pasta is to have a length that can wrap around your fork easily.
Even with it broken in half it is an extremely simple task.

>> No.9831290



>> No.9831327

But, I boil my water and do this regularly.

Mostly its a habit from being a cook in the military, we break the pasta in half to eek out more servings. Recently when I made carbonara I didn't break them and, the experience wasn't much different besides longer noodles requiring me to twirl it more on my fork.

>> No.9831338

ITT poor fag potlet

>> No.9831365

Sometimes when I crack mine I notice small pieces of noodle fall behind the stove and what have you. I slice mine now. Just lay on the cutting board and cut in the middle. Then I drop it all in the water. Easy.

>> No.9831379

One of my roomates made pasta and cracked it like in OP's pic and got sharps of spaghetti all over the stove. Just fucking cut it with a knife when it's cooked

>> No.9831395

you mean... a pot?

>> No.9831432
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>using a knife with spaghetti

>> No.9831439

t. has a blunt knife

>> No.9831444

a pot specifically large enough to fully submerge spaghetti without breaking it

>> No.9831447

>cook spaghetti
>in my fusilli pot
stop me if you can

>> No.9831449

Wow.... he.... cracked pasta, and there was a small mess to clean up.... amazing story

>> No.9831525

Why not just crack it downwards into the pot.

>> No.9831567

You know you can crack it without the shards going everywhere right? You just put your hands closer to the point you’re cracking. Way easier than getting a knife and cutting board out for something you don’t beed them for.

>> No.9831579

Everything you said was stupid

>> No.9831588

>spaghetti pot
>the rice cooker of pastas
Useful when you make lots of pasta?

>> No.9831622

>put spaghetti in a sauce pot
>half the spaghetti sticks out of the pot

>put spaghetti in a spaghetti pot
>spaghetti is fully submerged and cooks evenly
You seriously don't have a spaghetti pot?

>> No.9831716

>put spaghetti in pot
>within seconds it's softening and falls the rest of the way into the pot

>> No.9831746

Everything you said is stupid

>> No.9831774
File: 46 KB, 200x200, spaghetti-10279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this will fix it all

your welcome

>> No.9832117
File: 59 KB, 645x729, 1512675964487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put half the noodle in the water
>in 15 microseconds it softens
>push the rest of the noodle in

>> No.9832262


Your comment was entirely idiotic

>> No.9832275

Friendly reminder: anyone who refers to pasta as 'noodles' is a fucking spastic.
As you were.

>> No.9832292


>> No.9832296

>not having a fucking huge single usage pot in your single kitchen for a one serving dish once every week

>> No.9832313

>"but yes of course i buy tons of very specific low quality kitchen utensils that only do one thing and clutter everything"

>> No.9832342

There sure are a lot of people in here who are way into the length of their spaghetti.

>> No.9832354
File: 14 KB, 1152x648, Noodles and Pasta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will help educate your spergbrain.

>> No.9832356

couldn't agree more

>> No.9833595

Mr. Anon, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.9833860

>why do it quickly and extremely efficiently when you could manually do the same thing over and over when your actually trying to enjoy it

>> No.9833881

Use a bigger pot. But even when I've mad spaghetti in a smaller pot, it softens quickly enough to push it down into the water and it cooks fine. I don't like broken spaghetti because you can't wrap it around your fork as well, and it gives it a different texture. The texture of it being wrapped around your fork in a tight ball is great, and breaking it messes with that. I think if you're breaking it you might as well get a smaller pasta shape because you're kind of missing the point of the long strands.

>> No.9834175

If you're not using boiling water, that's not the case. Usually weigh my food so I don't overeat. Can't put a pot with boiling water on a scale.

>> No.9834211

*if you're not using boiling water before putting the spaghetti in.

>> No.9834246

Weigh it before and use dry nutritional facts. Fucking retard.

>> No.9834265

>he doesn't weigh his water while it's heating to ensure autistic perfection in water level once it reaches boiling
Get it together senpai

>> No.9834304

Why do that when you can just put in the pot directly? Pre-heating the water or put it in cold water then heat it makes no difference to the result of the pasta. What is the big deal?

>> No.9834337

forgot penne