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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 600x324, FastFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9825345 No.9825345 [Reply] [Original]

Fast food is going too kill the sit-down industry as millennials become older. Fast-food reviewers are not just a random meme, the young generations prefer getting fast-food and doing whatever, not tipping and sitting down. You're going to see fast food overtake a big chunk of the restaurants, what we're going to be left with is a glorious assortment of fast-food options. Fast-food jumping will become a normal thing, going from drive through to drive through as you'll get a coffee from the big M.D then tacos from Jackn Box; this will be a cool and hip thing to do for everyone.

heres a word from a wise, invest in fast food tody

>> No.9825368

Nice try fast food shill

>> No.9825378

Where's Panda Express!

>> No.9825420

t. Yum! shill

>> No.9825421

This is correct for friendless people. More automation in sit down restaurants is a given though

>> No.9825432

Nah, millennials are killing chain fast food too. Only going to be single location locally run quick gourmet food places.

>> No.9825513

Millennials in addition to being economically fucked and headed into a low wage job boom yet stiff upper market are also economically mentally handicapped. Not singling them out, it's just information we have right now. It could be same for the lower generations as they'll be in the millennial wake and more fucked up whether what anyone wants or spergs on about. Yet they don't want a bean and rice diet, it's why value slash box deals are so popular, all people want is a mass of food and that's what is sweeping the industry. It's why Carl's Jr can load a mass of food for only five dollars that'd cost twelve individually. It's why mcD is doing so poorly with their poverty fancy product line, mcD will never do shit with their upper poverty class line of food and that's what their learning. The future is a mass of cheap shit that knows it's shit but tastes good.

>> No.9825517

You're right, Panda is fast food with the novelty of a sit down. It's here to stay.

>> No.9825527

isnt this because older people earn more money, so go to slightly more expensive places than young people? so when millenials get older and start earning more, they will sit their hipster asses down on some artisinal vinyl booth seats in a retro diner instead of fast food.

>> No.9825543

No, Millennials and potentially all generations after the Millennials will be vitriolically different from normal American pathology that when we gauge millennial analytics that it's better to view them as a singular individual people's slash nation and not as what we'd generally call American.

>> No.9825569

nigga wtf u smoking

>> No.9825600

The American as we know it when looking at the 1900s from the marketing analytics isn't going to be here for much longer. The American is a specific marketing pathology that is basically a branching way of thought that marketers and government's use as a framework to sell too Americans. It's interesting that despite all political thought that even in political extreme Americans from all spectrum's share the same marketing and pathological for the sake of secrecy, phenotype too where the neuro level is now showing slight variation in which highly advanced marketers target. This goes on to true propaganda, but I don't want to get sucked.

>> No.9825613

Trying to sound smart but you don't even know which "too" to use.

>> No.9825620
File: 15 KB, 215x234, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about semantics, you spooks jump quick

>> No.9825621

Realistically, it's probably more along the lines of "It's the year 2031, I'm 27 years old and I have barely any expendable income, mostly due to the hostile government takeover by the Deep State in the year 2019, which dissolved all national boundaries in North America and created a definite one-party welfare system. My developmental years were nourished by places like Taco Bell, who, for better or worse, have remained consistently mundane, yet satisfyingly affordable. My culinary knowledge is sub-entry-level and my ambition and creativity was brought to heel by the public education system and the Wendy Williams Experience. I often contemplate suicide, however, my knowledge of ways to kill is overshadowed by my own cowardice. I'm skinny-fat. Wendy Williams I have no children and I was raised by a single mother whose entire culinary expertise, if one can call it that, existed inside of a crock pot. I ha

>> No.9825663

Fool I'm a millennial and I have not eaten at whatburger since June. And I only got chicken tendies. Fast food is dying. I'd rather shit myself at the Olive Garden than wait in line with all the Walmart mouth breathers

>> No.9825705

Fast food is literally not dying. Restaraunts open and close so often, how fucking often do you see a mcdonalds closing? You are a moron for posting your opinion as if it is backed up by any kind of fact

>> No.9825709

Yeah because the family of four travellig in their dodge minivan on a highway route in summer are going to hunt out the local gourmet food place for 8 dollar sandwiches or hey could just go to mcdonalds for a tasty mchicken

>> No.9825963
File: 100 KB, 840x485, annual-meat-consumption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict long-term consumption of meat and dairy will decline for environmental, health, ethical, and cost reasons. We've already seen consumption plateau in the early 00s and trend downward since then. I think by the 50s or 60s we will return to pre-WII levels of production and mirror other carb-based civilizations like Latin America (beans/whole corn), the Middle East/Europe (grains), and Asia (rice).

>> No.9826006

>I predict long-term consumption of meat and dairy will decline for environmental, health, ethical, and cost reasons.
pffft ahahahaha

>> No.9826010

>t. brainlet

>> No.9826015

Do you have an actual argument or will you just shitpost like a moron?

>> No.9826019

not going to happen. we're just going to find ways to make it cheaper and cheaper to the point where it no longer even resembles what any 20th century person would have recognized as "meat"

it's already getting to that point, you have people who will freak the fuck out at bones or fat or skin on the meat, eventually we'll have nightmare animals that continuously extrude some hideous, bleeding, cylindrical foam meat bars infused with their edible own antibiotic gel

>> No.9826374
File: 372 KB, 854x859, Abstract Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I regret being born into this dystopic cyberpunk timeline.

>> No.9826394

>the young generations prefer getting fast-food and doing whatever, not tipping and sitting down

You should probably try meeting more "young people" that aren't NEETs.

>> No.9826736

You should seek out a local hipster joint, yes.

>> No.9826814

I am 18 and have a full-time job. I only go to traditional restaurants when I am visiting family or I have a gift card. Granted, the main reason is because I am poor, but I do prefer the speed of fast food. Even if I had money, I would only go to local/unique restaurants. That's why places like Applebee's and Olive Garden are promoting their to-go services.

>> No.9826827

19 and I have a part time job in college. When I get food from a restaurant, I usually only get an entree for takeout and bring it home and use my own sides and drinks. Pretty easy to eat for under $5 that way.

>> No.9826921
File: 2.91 MB, 512x288, 1512372248296.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tasty McChicken

>> No.9827054


I think there are several subgroups of millennial that have vastly different preferences as far as food goes.

> eats fast food ironically
> mainly eats fast casual, doesn't like sit-down or fast-food environments
> goes only to trendy local establishments
> cooks as much from scratch as possible, wants to LARP as little house on the prairie

>> No.9827119

>Fast food is going too kill the sit-down industry as millennials become older.
I hope so. Fuck those one-off family run sit down restaurants, I want a professional franchise based food preparation model that's been tested millions of times across the nation when it comes to my food, not some random creepy recipe a guy got from his grandma that comes out differently each time one of his cooks makes it.

>> No.9827133

>I want a professional franchise based food preparation model that's been tested millions of times across the nation

Why? That's a recipe for bland mediocrity. Why settle for lowest-common-denominator rather than something that's actually aligned with your tastes?

>> No.9827137

Don't know what that guy's argument might be if he has one, but I'm pretty confident he's right. I would bet my life savings on meat and dairy still going strong fifty years from now. Normal people like meat and dairy products, a lot. Normal millennial people like meat and dairy products, a lot. If there's a hint of supply side fulfillment problems this will just spur some new innovation to make sure more meat and dairy products can be produced some alternative way, like growing it in a lab or whatever.
There is not a sizable population of non-ethnic Americans who would be OK with switching to a rice or grains only diet. The few non-ethnic people who would be OK with that are the mentally ill Soylent crowd.

>> No.9827144

It's not mediocre, it tastes great. You just have a shit definition for "good" vs. "mediocre."
We take for granted how great most of the major fast food chains' food tastes because it's constantly on tap at a moment's notice with zero effort required to get some. But these places have flavor down to a science you can't even conceive of with your limited non- franchise product orchestrator brain.

>> No.9827154

>good is the opposite of mediocre

>> No.9827166

I never said they were opposites. I used "vs." and you wrongly assumed all comparisons involve opposites with that limited intellect I already mentioned you have.

>> No.9827204

Go home Ayn Rand, you're drunk.

>> No.9827216


The last group is most comfy tho

> tfw fiance wants to be stay at home wife and manage garden / cook / sew so we can be as self-sufficient as possible
> tfw cost of living is so cheap that I can pay off my house <5 years and be able to live on minimum wage if I need to and still have delicious food

>> No.9827222

>Waaah millenials are awful and the source of all our problems!!!
I didn’t know they had wifi in nursing homes. Or wait, maybe K&W started offering free wifi? Stop shitposting and finish your chicken-fried steak gramps.