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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9822499 No.9822499 [Reply] [Original]

>cooking is fun
>all this preparation
>washing vegetables
>peeling vegetables
>cutting vegetables
>timing the cooking of several ingredients just right
>then cleaning everything up
>all this for a meal you finish in a few minutes

>> No.9822508

For me, seeing the food transform into something delicious is the fun part. Experimenting with different flavors is fun too.

Obviously if you're too lazy to cut things and clean up then cooking is not for you.

>> No.9822530

Depends what you're eating, but some veggies can be prepped out and stored for the week. It cuts down the time it takes during the week to throw a meal together.
I also like to cook a couple of cups of grains or beans and have them ready to heat up, just add a bit of water if it seems dry.
Cooking is a lot of work, but it's fun playing with colors, flavors, and textures.

>> No.9822532

Sweet are the fruits of your own labor, OP.

Also, try making larger recipes and having leftovers rather than putting all that effort into one meal.

>> No.9822540

I know, I kind of shut down my brain or go into automatic mode while doing the MEP, also cooking is only fun when you are creating something, modifying it or making it for someone else, also when is something challenging, tough nailing it is more fulfilling than fun.

>> No.9822555

No one is forcing you to cook.
Buy the precooked stuff and pay double. It's a free country.

>> No.9822565

>not having a fire pit in yohf backyard to sqewer apples,onions,potatoes and peppers while your meat is sizzling on sticks or a single big pot.
>not eating on leafs or wood palletes that have been charcoals to prevent backteria.
>not cooking outside in general

>> No.9822569

>wanting flies swarming around your food

>> No.9822579

>put on some good music
>take the time to prepare everything correctly
>everything is convenient and in reach
>clean as you go so you never get overwhelmed
>enjoy the act of creating something
>sit down and savor what you made
it's to help you unplug from bullshit, like watching a movie, playing a video game, reading a book, etc.

alternate ending
>make a big batch of stuff instead of just one dinner
>portion it out for later
>simultaneously unwind while you cook and ensure you won't have to spend time and money on food later

slow down and try to enjoy the journey, op

>> No.9822960
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>learn recipes
>expand your knowledge
>impress women/friends
>eat healthy and not a fatfuck
>eat mcdonalds and processed freezerfood
>get dick cancer
>instead do something worthless with your time
>don't impress women/friends
>eat garbage and feel like garbage

Pick one.

>> No.9822979

>don't impress women/friends
I cook all the time and I never impress women.

>> No.9822983

I enjoy the process. Same way serious car enthusiasts enjoy fixing shit on their 60 year old classic.

>> No.9823001

It's wintertime if there's still flies around you need to move out of your third world shithole

>> No.9823042

lose the shirt, friend

>> No.9823045

Better than watching some overwatch gameplay or some shit

>> No.9823068

>if there's still flies around you need to move out of your third world shithole

You mean MS and AL?

>> No.9823071

I feel the same way you do.
Cook in bulk you mong.

>> No.9823074

Smoke repels flies and skeets.