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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 325x225, Vegan-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9818558 No.9818558 [Reply] [Original]

Can this be a thing now? There must be some of you on here. Vegetarians and meatcucks not welcome, unless you're seeking advice on making the transition.

>inb4 'lol soyboys':
'The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.'
'The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.'
'The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk.'

A couple of things I'm curious about:
What are you making for Christmas dinner?
How do you deal with having to sit around people eating meat?

>> No.9818560


>> No.9818563

>arbitrary restrictions
>based on arbitrary distinctions
Fuck right off

>> No.9818577
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First post for SONYBROS!

>> No.9818873

If I wasn't in a position to hunt, kill and butcher most of my own meat, I might consider vegetarianism because the US meat industry products are pure, adulterated garbage not fit to slop animals. But I'd never give up my backyard chicken eggs or raw dairy, so veganism is out. Plus, I refuse to belong to prosletising cults like the abrahamic religions or vegans.

>> No.9819382


Definitely watch this if you haven't

>> No.9820068

>science says soy doesn't feminize men!

So what is it that vegans are eating that makes them little stick girls, and why won't they stop?

>> No.9820210

lol soyboys

>> No.9820225

Fuck off OP, too many good boards have been ruined by generals.

>> No.9820370

I’m vegan and trying to start up a vegan restaurant. This is my first time here, and I’m glad to see this thread. I’m a nazi pol fag mainly, but this board seems great!

>> No.9820718
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Phytoestrogens and Disease: http://tinyurl com/hfxu23q
Phytoestrogens and Heart Disease: http://tinyurl com/zg2nh7a
Phytoestrogen and Kidney Disease: http://tinyurl com/jtwyanb
High soy can result in 59% less breast cancer study: http://tinyurl com/j8ywsra
Soy yields 13% lower LDL/Bad Cholesterol Study: http://tinyurl com/hhf4weq
Soy and Men Hormones Study: http://tinyurl com/hsu4wqk
Meta-analysis on men, soy and phytoestrogen extracts: http://tinyurl com/ja5s9k2
30-50% of men get manboobs: http://tinyurl com/zb58cbs
Phytoestrogen content of various foods: http://tinyurl com/z3kpvsw
220 women over 2 years soy study: http://tinyurl com/z4tbb7d
Meta-analysis on 47 studies no estrogen change: http://tinyurl com/hsm6ctb
Soy being fine for men: http://tinyurl com/zwddamh

Think of it this way: An estrogen molecule is like a jumbo jet that attaches to the Jetway of an airport. It discharges passengers into the terminal, which is suddenly a busy, noisy place. Phytoestrogens, being weak estrogens, are like small, private planes with few passengers and no cargo, yet they still occupy the Jetway after landing. When phytoestrogens occupy the cell, normal estrogens cannot. Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms


>> No.9820720

What's gonna be on your menu? Give us some chef-tier recipes!

>> No.9820725

lol dairyfairies

>> No.9820946

I have a legit question, I am not trying to be judgmental or anything, just curious....If a product claims it's vegan and claims it tastes like some meat item, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of being vegan?
Second question,
I personally am a meat eater (dabbles every so often in alt food) and wish to try a newbie vegan dish is stir fry really the best way to intro myself to vegan cooking?

>> No.9820956

>If a product claims it's vegan and claims it tastes like some meat item, doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of being vegan?
No. Vegans don't eat animal products because it's immoral, unhealthy, and essentially unnecessary murder.
Some people need their meat taste because they are babies who can't live without tasting a certain texture/flavor. Most vegans only eat imitation meat a few times per year. There's no need for it. It's expensive and boring.
To turn your question around:
If a product claims to use plant products, spices, etc- doesn't that defeat the purpose of not being vegan?
>is stir fry really the best way to intro myself to vegan cooking?
Every single recipe can be made without animal products. Try hummus.

>> No.9820969

I have tried hummus, was ok, prob wouldn't go out of my way to get it again
Also spices and such aren't exactly a selling point on that argument, but i do get your point.
Also beef wellington cannot be made vegan style, tad of an exaggeration on that bit, still see your point.

relating to a question sorta ignored here, what is your best vegan meal you'd suggest?

>> No.9820972

>"If a product claims to use plant products, spices, etc- doesn't that defeat the purpose of not being vegan?"
>As if normal, meat-eating humans are opposed to eating vegetables
This was a thing typed by someone who thought it was a stellar point.

Open question: Does veganism affect cognitive function?

>> No.9820975


>> No.9820978

Healthier = Smarter
So yes, it does. In a positive way. Thanks for asking.

>> No.9820983

you do realize this is just a different wellington style dish? you know, like lobster wellington?

>> No.9820984

To finish answering:

What's your favorite recipes?

Curry, crockpot recipes, rice and beans, buffalo cauliflower, spicy seitan, overnight oats, tofu crumble, pasta, etc. Everything can be made with vegan ingredients.

>> No.9820985

>Vegans are healthier

You're kinda confirming my suspicion about your cognitive function (as well as other's assertions that your diet is a weird religion)

>> No.9820989

vegans should just post in the food gore threads

>> No.9820991

>one person dies of veganism makes a solid argument

Nice blog article, kiddo.

>> No.9820999
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Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarkers of antioxidant status and cardiovascular disease risk. [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Like Bacon, Sausage and Hot Dogs? Then Beware: They May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

"Neu5Gc elicits an immune reaction that might contribute to a whole spectrum of human-specific diseases"

Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Harvard School of Public Health » milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Eating less meat and dairy may help reduce osteoporosis risk, Cornell studies show.

Milk--the promoter of chronic Western diseases
PMID: 19232475

>> No.9821001

well personally I enjoy some classic spaghetti
I have tried zucchini noodles and promptly figured out I am highly allergic to zucchini

>> No.9821002

Due to measured levels of dioxin that exceed safety standards, the National Academy of Science has for years recommended that people avoid eating a diet rich in animal fats.

Change in quality of life and immune markers after a stay at a raw vegan institute: a pilot study

The role of diet and physical activity in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivorship: a review of the literature

Interindividual differences in response to plant-based diets: implications for cancer risk

An impact of the diet on serum fatty acid and lipid profiles in Polish vegetarian children and children with allergy. [Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

Effects of a long-term vegetarian diet on biomarkers of antioxidant status and cardiovascular disease risk. [Nutrition. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. [Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Understanding the Problems with Dairy Products
1. Osteoporosis 2. Cardiovascular Disease 3. Cancer 4. Diabetes 5. Lactose Intolerance 6. Vitamin D Toxicity 7. Contaminants 8. Health Concerns of Infants and Children

Nutrient Density of Animal and Plant Foods:

Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets (a summary)

>> No.9821003
File: 21 KB, 640x640, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IGF-1 Levels of vegans and others: http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/cebp/11/11/1441.full.pdf
IGF-1 in blood correlated with cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2743036/pdf/ukmss-27731.pdf
IGF-1 and Cancer growth: https://academic.oup.com/edrv/article-lookup/doi/10.1210/er.2008-0022

95% of cattle are given estrogen to increase growth:

Mammal estrogens are 10,000x more potent than xenoestrogens and meat can contribute to 40% of estrogen intake:
http://tinyurl com/yayt4qlc

Adolescent Daily Milk = 302% increase prostate cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249408/pdf/kwr289.pdf
Increase in prostate cancer with dairy Japan: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12710911

Vegan Patrik Baboumian Breaks World Record for Most Weight Ever Carried
Rates of cancers, especially hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate cancer and breast cancer, are significantly lowered when omitting animal products, like cow's milk, from the diet. Not only that, but plant foods, such as soy and flaxseeds, have protective effects on the body to prevent or reverse the development of these types of cancers.

Flaxseeds and its effects on prostate cancer:







>> No.9821004

Three, actually.

I know, its hard to bear reading things that burst your bubble.

Very good quote from that, btw:
>Indigenous cuisines offer clues about what humans, naturally omnivorous, need to survive, reproduce and grow:
>traditional vegetarian diets, as in India, invariably include dairy and eggs for complete protein, essential fats and vitamins.
>There are no vegan societies for a simple reason: a vegan diet is not adequate in the long run.
Oh snap.

>> No.9821005

Flaxseeds and its effects on breast cancer:





Soy and prostate cancer:




Soy and breast cancer:











Dairy and prostate cancer:








Dairy and female cancers:






>> No.9821009
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Daily reminder that vegans live healthily for ~10 years longer on average

Acne, dairy and cancer (PMID: 20046583)

Hormones in milk can be dangerous By Corydon Ireland

Pork May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Milk consumption: aggravating factor of acne and promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies

Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer

Dairy Linked to Acne Development

Celebrated Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd, presents the overwhelming evidence showing that animal protein is one of the most potent carcinogens people are exposed to.

TMAO: A Toxic Substance Formed When You Eat Meat Can Make You... Dead Meat

Meat, dairy may be as detrimental to your health as smoking cigarettes, study says

Vegan Blood Fights Cancer 8x Better

Animal Protein and the Cancer Promoter IGF-1

Vegan diet in physiological health promotion. [Acta Physiol Hung. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI

>> No.9821013
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I came here to see some vegan food. Not all these article links.

>> No.9821014
File: 124 KB, 960x960, tumblr_nkqcotyVdA1sm22kio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Vegans have higher testosterone


-Animal-derived estrogens (60–70%) in the human diet is milk and dairy products

From <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4524299/>


- Processed meattrash lowers sperm count


- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man


- Casomorphine in milk is addictive


- Milk gives you prostate cancer


- Milk gives you acne


- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer


- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups


>> No.9821016

>those steroid zits on his chest

Lmao. Also

>wanting to live on this wretched planet for longer than you have to

>> No.9821017

>Eat meat
>Increase cancer risk over a 30-year period

>Go vegan

I think you need to reevaluate what you consider HEALTHY.

>> No.9821020

nytimes isn't a source
there are zero arguments against veganism
keep your face in the dirt if you like

>> No.9821022

>thinking vegan only eat lettuce
>being retarded
pick two

>> No.9821023

>Spurging out and posting an avalanche of junk science
Yeah, this shit really seems like a cult.
Like, a really stupid cult.

>> No.9821031
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>junk science
Can't handle the facts anon?
You came to a vegan to claim that countless studies by Ph.Ds and researchers on nih.gov claim junk science?
Have you passed highschool yet?

>> No.9821038

why can't vegans post vegan food that looks good instead of focusing on ethics that nonvegans don't give a fuck about? Oh right, it's because their food sucks.

>> No.9821042

Most noodles are vegan, obviously just not egg noodles.

>> No.9821043
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>> No.9821044
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>> No.9821046

Why doesn't my doctor tell me to go vegan then?

>> No.9821049

Its not junk science because its untrue, its junk science because the sheer volume of articles has convinced you that meat gives you cancer, when in reality, the increased risk is minor.

In medicine, you use what's called "Best practice", meaning the thing least likely to kill somebody.
SO, you can either have a small increase in cancer risk, or a guarantee of malnutrition.

Protip: The fact that veganism kills babies is telling.
It means that your lifestyle only functions by calling up your body's nutrient reserves.
Babies don't have that, so they just die.

>> No.9821050
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Because your doctor wants to keep you coming to him. That, or his knowledge is from decades ago.
Plant-based diets are healthier by a long-shot.

>> No.9821056

oh, so the highly educated doctors that say the thing you agree with are right, but my highly educated doctor who says the thing you disagree with is a quack. Got it.

>> No.9821057

Veganism is fit for all stages of life.
Prove me wrong.
inb4 you post an article about a baby dying because vegan
inb4 you can't

>> No.9821058

>Prove me wrong
>Except that proof you already showed me, which doesn't count
Lol, this faggot.

This is why there aren't vegan generals. You people are retarded snowflakes.

>> No.9821059
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Oh, I didn't realize that 14 of the 15 leading causes of death in the US are caused by veganism.
Oh wait, right, it's caused by meat and dairy.
The 15th being accidental death.

>> No.9821060

babies are pretty much all vegan though. Vegans generally allow breastmilk since it isn't taken by force.

>> No.9821061

There's been vegan general on /fit/ for years. But you wouldn't know that, would you? kek


>> No.9821062

>Vegans have higher testosterone
Vegans have higher testosterone because their diet increases sex hormone-binding globulin*

>SHBG was significantly higher in the vegans than in the meat-eaters, leading to a corresponding increase in T in order to main-tain constant levels of FT

>At puberty the SHBG level halves in girls and goes down to a quarter in boys.

So basically a vegan diet raises something that's normally higher in girls and the body has to create more testosterone just to offset this. HMM

>> No.9821063

I guess I should listen to you, and not my doctor then.

>> No.9821070

Ask your doctor if a plant-based diet is healthier then. See what he says. I doubt you've asked.
As for having a practice, I would never alienate someone by forcing them to change their diet unless they were specifically unhealthy.

>> No.9821071

>plant-based diet
But that's not the same as your vegan religion, is it?

>> No.9821073

>meat gives you cancer, when in reality, the increased risk is minor.
It was a change from 5% to 5.9% chance of colon cancer if you ate 50g of processed meat every day. They just said that unprocessed meat also probably increases the risk, but they weren't positive. It's possible that the curing process is what increases the risk.

Most people eat too much meat (and sugar) and not enough fruit/veg/whole grains, but that doesn't mean meat is bad all the time in any amount.

I wonder what's going to happen to the vegan movement when cultured/lab-grown meat is available in stores. It's such a fascinating thing. I think if they just shun it, they're going to slowly become more irrelevant.

>> No.9821074
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So you're in the omnivore religion?

>> No.9821075

As a whole food vegan, I don't even eat soy once a month because stores don't stock dry soybeans. Asians here prefer to just buy their tofu for $0.95 I guess.

So I usually put chickpeas and yellow peas in my automatic unfiltered soymilk maker instead of paying too much for Bob's Red Mill beans.

>> No.9821077

"Plant-based diet" =/= full vegan. Most Americans would benefit from reducing their meat intake. Doctors will tell you that. But they won't generally tell you to absolutely avoid all animal products for your health, because there's no science to back that up.

>> No.9821078

Okay OP, riddle me this. I'm recovering from Lyme disease and require about three times as much protein as normal thanks to all that collagen-eating the disease likes to do. Seitan is out of the question and soy does weird shit to me, and there is plenty of evidence out there which suggests I should be eating a paleo diet, not grains and legumes. Also it causes me intense physical pain to avoid animal products, especially if I avoid meat. That being said, I do not enjoy eating animal products and I would very much like to be a vegan. If you have some kind of insight that would actually help, I'll dump you good cat pictures.

>> No.9821079

>drink an extra 1000 calories worth of sugar with soda
>get fat
>get sick
>meat and dairy did this

>> No.9821080

>t. didn't read the study
"This increase is significant but modest (20-30%)"

>> No.9821082


>Overall, the lifetime risk of someone developing colon cancer is 5%. To put the numbers into perspective, the increased risk from eating the amount of processed meat in the study would raise average lifetime risk to almost 6%.

>> No.9821083
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Let me guess, it's that poorly done Austrian study?

*clicks link*

Nope, it's that plain starved baby again.

>> No.9821086

Stick your head in the dirt as much as you like. Science isn't random correlation. Read the studies and come back, rather than >ur wrong and ur studies r wrong

>> No.9821089

This site doesn't link a reference for that statistic.

>> No.9821092

Is semen vegan?

>> No.9821093

that looks good. Needs more squash to be filling though

>> No.9821095

Yes, unless you obtain it by coercion ;-)

>> No.9821105

I get that a vegan diet is better for you, but what's the point in living that long if you can't enjoy decent food?

>> No.9821116

vegans are static even on 4chan as the most pretentious, condescending, inane cult-esque of faggots

and absolutely nobody is surprised in the slightest

>> No.9821129

I'm manly for eating meat but also stop hurting my feelings when you criticize my meat-eating.

>> No.9821134

Firstly, basing your entire life off of taste will lead to a sad existence.
Secondly, learning to cook with vegan food will give you a better experience with food in my opinion. Vegan foods have just as much taste, if not more, than nonvegan food. Meat really doesn't taste very good without spices, cooking techniques, and additives.

>> No.9821136

>Vegan foods have just as much taste, if not more, than nonvegan food.

>remove dozens of ingredients
>somehow you now have more flavors

>> No.9821138
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Try eating meat without vegan foods.
Meat tastes like stale garbage without spices, flavoring, and cooking.

Oh nooo, I can't use cow puss and dead bodies to make my food. How will it ever taste better...

>> No.9821146

>Meat tastes like stale garbage without spices, flavoring, and cooking.
Not really, I've had some fresh high quality beef that smelled appetizing enough to make me want to eat it raw. Almost smelled sweet.

It's not like if you roll a whole cabbage in front of someone, that it'll look incredibly appetizing and taste amazing. But if you chop it up and steam it, add some salt and vinegar, it's pretty nice.

We weren't talking about taste preferences anyway, just that an omnivore can eat all vegan ingredients but a vegan can't eat all omnivore ingredients, so you literally cannot say that vegan food has more flavor since you're removing a lot of possible ingredients.

>> No.9821150

Most omnivores will literally cry if their food doesn't have carcass in it. I would say 90% of my omnivore friends won't touch a vegan dish. They won't even try soy milk or vegan cheese without crying like a bitch.

>> No.9821161

I eat meat but I don't really like when the vegetable side dishes all have bacon in them. I agree that it's a little silly that people think vegetables without meat is inedible. I've wanted to try some vegan cheese that is made from nuts. Not as a replacement but it sounds like it might be good as its own thing.

>> No.9821307

Animals aren't people lol

>> No.9821474

hey man im not OP but i am a vegan and i dont mind talking about this. Generally you won't need more like 40g of protein a day if you are recovering from a normal disease (due to mostly staying in bed/resting = less muscle usage = less protein needed. ) however as you stated you have Lyme disease, so a daily intake of 150g of protein would be best for you, spread out within 3/5 meals as to not put constant strain on your liver. Oats for breakfast, along with almonds for essential fats would be good, and whatever else you wanted in there berries/banana etc. i would also recommend coconut water based smoothies as to keep you vitalised from the sweating of toxins your body should currently be undertaking. For lunch and/or dinner having peanut butter based dishes would be pretty good for you as the fat and protein is really good from those sources, so a peanut curry with nuts in it, spinach etc whatever you want because its a curry, and protein bars for lunch if you REALLY need to hit the 3x rdi you say you do, but i dont know anything about lymes disease so i cant comment on it, i just know guys with standard exercise patterns, without muscle training/exertion, need around 40-60g of protein a day to maintain muscle mass. go vegan woohoo!!!

>> No.9821561

I turned vegan a little while back, I still consume small amounts of animal products here and there but my diet is primarily vegan. Only do it for health reasons, don't give a fuck about the animals.

I think vegans are fags.

>> No.9821565

are cauliflower wings actually any good, because i can only imagine them being dry and crumbly

>> No.9821580

That's sort of a lazy version of Gobi Manchurian. I make wings with broccoli which is better and cheaper, and substitute peanut butter for oil.

>> No.9821585
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>tfw vegetarian
>want to go vegan but love muenster cheese too much

>> No.9821634

My favorite vegan dish is foie gras

>> No.9821643

You need to go to confession thread,not here

>> No.9821715

>I turned vegan
Why? You can have a minimally-animal-based diet and not call yourself a vegan. I'm pretty much a habitual vegetarian and eat meat once or twice a week tops, but I don't really care for "vegetarian cuisine." Hell, if you're doing it for health reasons and not ideological reasons you have even less reason. No need to restrict your diet unless you have to do it for specifc medical reasons.
Just eat what you like, dude. Your diet's not going to change the world.

>> No.9821742

>cauliflower wings
it's just battered cauliflower with buffalo sauce man
why would you name something after a cut of meat if it's just battered vegetables

>> No.9821780

its pretty nihilist and copout if you just go "oh well me changing can't achieve anything"

i felt the exact same when going vegan that i'd have to give up canembert and aged cheddar, but really there are vegan substitutes for most if you really want the cheese

>> No.9821854

It's not a copout if it's true. Demand does not affect supply in our society. If you don't buy it somebody else probably will, and it's cheaper to trick people into doing so than finding something new to produce. Dietary changes have no impact on the greater market. If you sincerely believe that, lying on your deathbed, you'll be glad for having chosen this lifestyle, more power to you, but if knowing that changing their diet won't change anything else dissuades someone from removing a part of their diet they like then there's no reason for them to do that. Unless of course they find some other reason to quit eating it. Life is too short to deal in absolutes. Do what makes you happy.

>> No.9821949

My partner decided he wanted to change his diet to lose weight, I'm supporting him by tagging along.
We decided to eliminate meat and milk from our diet, and we're reducing our intake of aged cheese, farm eggs, ghee, and bread. I've also been reducing my intake of processed sugar. Been eating more seeds, grains, and starches, which have really been helping me to feel full for more than two hours.

I like to cook enough grains and yams on the weekend to last me through the week, japanese yams are my favorite. I also enjoy buying a bunch of different colored veggies, chopping them all up, and having them ready to toss into the steamer when I'm hungry. I give kale a head start, I steam it for 10 min before adding the rest of my veggies. Been eating a lot of purple cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and squash.
I typically toss my veggies with 1/4 cup of cooked quinoa, couscous, or rice. I top it off with a little bit of aged cheese, a drizzle of tahini, and a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds for crunch.

For dinner, I've been making a salad with sprouts, bitter greens, and red leaf or butter lettuce. I like to add thinly sliced radishes and asian cucumber, diced heirloom tomato and avocado, shredded carrot and beet, tossed with tahini. Nuts, seeds, cheese, and croutons are optional for some crunchies, but it's also good without.

I used to drink a lot of coffee with cream, I switched over to drinking tea. I typically drink oolong in the morning and peppermint after meals. Agave sweetener is optional.
I typically feel gassy in the afternoon after eating veggies for lunch, but peppermint tea seems to help with that.

>> No.9821957
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I've discovered that if you make fried onion soymilk bechamel (basically unblended soubise) and substitute flour for tapioca starch, seasoning with stuff like lactic acid powder, fresh lemon juice, minced garlic, white pepper, miso paste, salt, and seasonings, you can make a very stretchy/gooey cheese sauce type thing for when you want to get back to your midwestern roots and have a solid mass of cheesy pasta

Pic related

>> No.9821965
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Another thing I've discovered - the wonders of Okara! Pic related, biproduct from some fresh soy-milk I made the other day

>> No.9821969
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I took the okara and added in cabbage, onion, celery, and carrot, pic related.

>> No.9821976
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Then I added in some ground wakame seaweed, dijon mustard, old bay seasoning, miso paste, white pepper, and a whipped cooked potato with some oats as a binder, and made these crab cake type things in the oven

>> No.9821980
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Made a giant one, worked p good in a sandwich

>> No.9821984
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Still, I think fried/steamed glazed tempeh works better for sandwiches

>> No.9821993
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Seitan still reigns supreme, though

>> No.9821996
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Pic after cooking

>> No.9821998
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Pic in sandwich with homemade soy yogurt tzatziki

>> No.9822007

bro just get your butt buddy to run more and eat less
losing weight is just about maintaining a caloric deficit
it's good that you're eating healthier but it's a lot easier on a fattie to just eat smaller portions or cut out a meal than make a drastic change in his diet
trust me i was fat once and it's miserable to realize the food you stopped eating was stuff you're gonna miss in the long run
if you really think you won't miss meat and dairy then good on ya but remember being satisfied with your food is an important aspect of mental wellbeing

>> No.9822008


Kindly move this to /boring politically correct faggots/.

>> No.9822016
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Also used a different (thicker) batch of tzatziki for gyros

>> No.9822018
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>> No.9822020
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Those are soy curls btw

And for something completely different, this was an earlier dinner. Roasted rudabaga and parsnip potato chowder, with seared marinaded kind oyster mushroom scallops and pasta with a thin garlic butter bean sauce

>> No.9822026
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Frozen/thawed/pressed/basted/baked tofu is also a nice sandwich filler

>> No.9822031

is that a hair under the dark green thingy on the right side around 4-o-clock

>> No.9822032

How do you prepare your rutebaga? I tried baking one and it just wouldn't soften up.

>> No.9822034
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Different one, with big chunks of homemade pickles

>> No.9822048


Probably, how else would I get my protein?

Dark green things are fried leek btw


I sliced the rudabaga, parsnip, and part of a sweet potato, and layered them in a covered glass dish with olive oil, white wine, and salt, then baked at 350 until very well cooked/soft and kinda brown on the bottom (about an hour?), removed lid and stirred, and let it continue cooking at 350 until the white wine evaporated and everything was thoroughly caramelized. Then I added that to a pot with fresh vegetable stock and some cooked white potato and blended it smooth with an immersion blender, before adding the strained vegetables from the stock and more potato and cooking that + seasoning to taste.

>> No.9822058


Oh, I also added a second batch of roasted rudabaga/parsnip, which I didn't blend.

>> No.9822305

What’s so wrong with eating meat? It’s already dead when you buy it

>> No.9822354


Nothing wrong with necrophilia either

>> No.9822404
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Reminder to ignore meatcucks and dairyfairies.
Have any of you tried smoking with tea leaves before? Came across this recipe and it sounds quite nice.

>> No.9822425

My bf used to be 350 lbs, I helped him get down to 290. I used to be 250 lbs, I'm down to 175 lbs now.
Our parents didn't teach us how to eat healthy, so we're slowly trying to teach ourselves and see what works and makes us feel good. We're mostly giving up processed meats, cheeses, and sugars, and I honestly don't miss eating hot dogs, wonder bread, kraft singles, or ketchup. My goal isn't to be vegan or skinny, we're just changing our habits, controlling our portions, and increasing our physical activity. We understand it's all about numbers in vs numbers out. We'd rather give up french fries than go running, honestly.

>> No.9822428


>> No.9822536

There's several generals on this board tho. Just think of it as a containment general.

>> No.9822789

>Must be some of you on here
>Literally only .05% of the population

>> No.9822812

>All about numbers in numbers out.
To get to a nice looking number on the scale, yes. To get a nice looking body you have to workout, lift weights, and do cardio

>> No.9822821

Tea smoking? That sounds really nice. I’ll have to try it with fish sometime.

>> No.9822868

6% in the US as of this year.
Plant-based diets are going to be the biggest food trend of 2018, so it will probably double.

>> No.9822928

>Demand does not affect supply in our society.
are you a retard? or just larping as a retard?

>> No.9823066

A whole foods plant-based diet is a vegan diet, but the WFPB-diet emphasizes on unprocessed and whole grain foods, while a vegan diet can contain anything as long as it didn't come from an animal. It's what doctors would like to recommend, but meatcucks sadly can't handle the truth and won't follow it because muh bacon and muh omnivore and other shit they are too stuck up with.

>> No.9823072

It's skyrocketing all over Europe too.

>> No.9823164

Thoughts on eating meat..

It’s clear to me that every single species on the planet is important, and none more so than any other. There just isn’t a hierarchy of
importance - although that is exactly what religious people, vegetarians, etc. would have us believe. They seem to base their beliefs on some sort of scale of ‘intelligence’ or ‘feelings’ (or fluffiness), but guess who invented the scale? – people did!
Anyone who spends time in nature – I’ve been a bee-keeper and a gardener all my life – will see that this is nonsense. All the species are dependent on each other in an infinitely complicated web. The gut bacteria of a worm is just as interesting and important as a honeybee or a rabbit.
And EVERY species has feelings and intelligence. These are necessary requirements for life. They are needed for self-awareness and surroundings-awareness – both vital for anything trying to survive, whatever size (or fluffiness) it is. Just because humans haven’t figured out how to measure these in a frog or an oak or an earwig or a lettuce yet doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It just means humans are still only learning about their environment and haven’t got very far yet.

>> No.9823170

Of course no pig wants to die before it’s even fully grown – but no carrot does either. Just look at a carrot (or a pea-plant or an onion, or whatever) as it struggles through the soil towards the light. Just because it happens more slowly than a pig or a hen moves doesn’t mean it’s not as important. It just means we’re too fixed to our own speed-perception to notice that there are plenty of others out there. It’s plain to see though, in all those plants, exactly the same magnificent, epic, awesome lust for life that we
all feel.
Every plant will fight to the death for light, smothering its neighbour if necessary. They negotiate endlessly with mycellia for
nutrients, put all their energies and resources into producing the next generation, stand up to gales and hailstones until they fall, and then do everything they can to get back up and do it all again.
Do you suppose a pea wants to be dropped alive into boiling water? Or a carrot wants to be ripped from the ground, half its roots torn off? No, of course not. Just because you can’t hear its pain and fear doesn’t mean for a moment that it doesn’t feel them. That would be like saying a mute child doesn’t mind being kicked. A carrot wants to grow tall and then flower magnificently in the sun – and will do everything in its power to do just that. But you kill them and eat them anyway.
We all kill and eat things that wanted to live. Every day. We kill them as babies or youngsters because they taste best then. The only difference I see in what you do and what we do is that you seem to assume some sort of moral high-ground because of your miss-placed hierarchical view of the world. Some sort of superiority which I think is not warranted and smacks of self-righteousness. Who says it’s ‘better’ to eat cabbage and beans over pigs and hens? – some humans, that’s who. But who asked the cabbage and beans? No one!

>> No.9823176

Now, of course I would never include most modern farming methods in my ‘everything is equal’ stance. Factory farming of hens, pigs, cows is unconscionable, outrageous and abhorent. That is why we raise our own animals. We do our best to give them as good a life as possible. It’s really not difficult.
They are needed here too, for maximum biodiversity - and the humour, companionship and intelligence they add to our lives.

Our climate doesn’t easily grow many species of human-edible plant species because it is too wet and cold, but sheep (for instance) thrive here on the grass that does grow here.

Our lives and the environment here would be seriously depleted if we only raised plant species. It would be unnatural and unhealthy. You just need to watch the magpies riding on the pigs’ backs, or the rooks
picking through the horse dung to appreciate the richness that having animals brings to this place. I am extremely lucky to be a part of that biodiversity – and one day I’ll be eaten too. And that’s fine by me

>> No.9823181

Can one do keto if vegan?

>> No.9823204


Yes, but it's fairly restrictive. I did it for a while. Actually, if you want to do keto but are skeptical of saturated fat, you pretty much have to do it vegan anyway.

Basically, a lot of tofu/tempeh/seitan and veggie stir-fry, cauliflower rice bowls, shirataki noodles, portobello mushroom pizzas, that sort of thing.

That being said, vegan keto got me to my lowest weight / best lean mass ratio of my life, but eventually I caved when I discovered my GF made awesome bread

>> No.9823216

starlight go fuck yourself

>> No.9823226

Factory farming is the only reason I've decided to go vegan. I'd love to raise my own livestock or even find a vendor with humanely raised meat.

>> No.9823244
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>> No.9823270

>or even find a vendor with humanely raised meat.
What's stopping you from doing that right now? It's not hard at all to get non-factory-farmed meat (as well as dairy products), especially with pocket computers and mail-order.

>> No.9823277
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Kill yourself you worthless herbivore...

>> No.9823444
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>> No.9823455
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>> No.9823483

>A whole foods plant-based diet is a vegan diet

No, you can have animal products. It’s plant-BASED, not plant-only.

>it’s what doctors would like to recommend

And they do recommend it. They get ignored by most omnivores, who don’t care enough about their health to eat an appropriate amount of plants; and ignored by all vegans, who don’t care enough about their health to eat an appropriate amount of meat.

>> No.9823502

Probably malnutrition and/or a sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.9823558

This is pretty interesting. I want to know his steroid cycling schedule.

>> No.9823588
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>vegfags get btfo every time
>they try to make a point by posting roided up nu-vegans

>> No.9823591

Aaand every single one of those cucks eat meat,not soy. Checkmate.

>> No.9823608

There is no appropriate amount of meat to include in your diet. Literally no reason. A whole foods plant based vegan diet is de facto best diet.

>> No.9823616
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LMAO if they didn't those values would be negative

>> No.9823781

What did you use to sub for yogurt in the tzatziki? Looks dank

>> No.9823807

Soy, oat or coconut yoghurt i bet. Most likely unsweetened soy yoghurt. To be honest, it tastes quite like natural yoghurt.

>> No.9823815

Meat and dairy has mammalian estrogen, you daft cuck

>> No.9823836

B and K vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

>but muh kelp

Not bioavailable. Literally every study that claims vegans are meeting their needs for brain-function-critical micronutrients has turned out to actually been describing lacto-ovo and pescetarian diets.

>> No.9823927

That looks amazing.

>> No.9823944

>B Vitamins
You're joking right? The only thing is B12 which is fortified in countless foods, you can get supplements as well which are effective.

>K vitamins
Green leafy vegetables, again what are you talking about?

>omega 3

You're a retard

>> No.9824566

oh yeah that's all fine and well but a caloric deficit purely from eating less isn't going to do you much god
the focus should be to increase activity over eating less though so that not only are you more fit and able to better manage weight when you reach your desired weight but you don't start gaining it back when you start eating more normal again
and trust me you're going to want to start eating normal again
probably not to the same extent as before but enough to make you gain weight if you have no muscles and can't run too fast
in all honestly we don't even need three meals a day; once you're at a desired weight your intake should be proportional to the amount of exercise you get
basically if you get and stay real healthy you can probably eat as much as you used to and not gain weight
it's good you got this far though; means you're willing to stick with it

>> No.9825122
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Like i dont want to cramp on your opinion, but the main point of being vegan differs between people, not just because animals have feelings. I grew up hunting and fishing with my family, and ate meat multiple times a day until i stopped overnight with all animal products purely because i found out how bad it was for the environment. I already know how cruel it is to take anything elses life, it's really just down to if you're willing to go "Okay, this isn't sustainable, and i dont want to pass this planet down to the next generations in a state worst than the baby boomers did to us."

>> No.9825162

Looks like you cooked with Clag

>> No.9825165

Eat a couple of eggs or something, dude. Your reading skills are failing you.


>> No.9825179

I know you guys are screaming at each other about your T levels and who has the biggest hypothetical dick but I'm generally curious about some vegan recipes.

Do they tend to be as easy as your more typical meat littered diets? I get the impression that vegan meals not only take more time but cost more money.

Of course I understand if you're just going to make a sandwich with some vegetables on it that'll take as long as a sandwich with meat would take to create but I'm more curious about your favorite sort of vegan meals.

How long did it take for you to deal with your cravings for meat and how did your body feel the first few weeks of your change in diet?

>> No.9825215

I don't live in the city so i can't talk for the city completely, and i'm also in Australia so that might also differ my situation from others, but i'll try to answer your questions regardless

>Do they tend to be as easy as your more meat littered diets?
Cooking has always been a hobby for me, so i don't feel like its become worse or anything; my breakfasts are no longer eggs and bacon, my dinners are now usually with rice or noodles, purely because i want to fit the carbs in, and my lunches have alot of freedom in what i can make. Typically it is a little bit harder i guess, purely because you have to read ingredients and avoid shit etc but its still pretty easy. My meals normally contain some kind of nut and another source of protein, such as tofu which is cheap as chips over here, and the vegetables are all accessible from supermarkets which even then are pretty cheap, so i think i'm paying less, but you would be paying more if you were stuck up on buying mock meats and ordering particular vegan alternatives of normally omnivore foods, cheese, cream etc.

>Favourite Meals
My favourite meals are green curry pies from a Cafe in Gosford, but my best meal to make at home is just a stirfry because i can use whatever ingredients and sauces i like and i know it is pretty healthy.

>Meat Cravings
I honestly just ate falafel kebabs and curry for the first couple weeks, but i didnt really crave meat at all. I missed a couple meals like Beef Stroganoff or Chicken Kiev or Klopse but if i did have a big craving i would just buy a mock meat and use that instead. Also burritos are really good as a replacement for meat diets as the rice + beans is fucking wicked good

>> No.9825227

>tfw this guy is trying to kill people

>> No.9825234

>this fella gon eat BACON!!!!

>> No.9825402

Vegans on average live longer, healthier lives and suffer less from chronic diseases and cancer than meatcucks.

>> No.9825470

Is that why all their children die of malnourishment?

>> No.9825759

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.9826328

Methylcobalamin is not bioactive? Then how the hell my b12 levels are good like the animals you eat which are supplemented with b12?

I mean, why are you talking out of your ass? Are you so insecure of your meatcuck diet, that you have to make up stuff like that?

>> No.9826358


I cultured soy yogurt from WestSoy soy milk (because the ingredients are just "water, soybeans") in an instantpot over 24 hours, then poured the yogurt into a coffee-filter-lined steaming tray (the kind that fits into a pot and has a lid) and let that drain over another 24 hours. At the end I hit it with an immersion blender (to make it have an even consistency). It was pretty much indistinguishable from store-bought greek yogurt other than being a little tangier.

>> No.9826429

>meatcucks get every thread on the board
>a single vegan thread is made
>HaHA look how TRIGGERED vegans are when i post on their thread le troll face!!11

>> No.9826437


1. They are all meatcucks.
2. Read the science.
>inb4 'lol soyboys':
>'The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.'
>'The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males.'
>'The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk.'
3. Stop considering "lol u r a nu male i am bik tuff boi becus i drink milk from mommy cow"

>> No.9826485
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>Do they tend to be as easy as your more typical meat littered diets?
Probably one of the best things about it encourages you learn to actually cook rather than just putting your frozen tendies in the oven (all though you can get vegan nuggets). Once you learn off by heart a few of your favourite recipes, it becomes very easy and actually quite fun if you're into cooking. Also, it's a really common misconception that veganism is somehow expensive. The cheapest foods are all vegan - pasta, rice, veggies, beans, whatever. Veggie meat substitutes are often cheaper than actual meat - I don't know if you're in the UK, but you can buy boxes of burgers and sausages for under £1 from H&B. On top of that, if you're into cooking, the fundamentals are ridiculously cheap and can be used over and over again - flour etc etc. There are some pricey vegan meats, but there is also pricey flesh. As for the taking more time bit, nah. There are plenty of vegan frozen foods you can just chuck in the oven. If you want to be more elaborate, of course it will take time, but that's the same for meatcucks.

>favorite sort of vegan meals.
Pizza (dough is incredibly cheap and easy to make and tastes better than frozen shit), Tofu Katsu Curry, etc

>How long did it take for you to deal with your cravings for meat and how did your body feel the first few weeks of your change in diet?
For me, it only really took a week or so of avoiding meat for the idea of eating it to repulse me. I gotta be honest, I'm not one of those 'I felt the effects right away!' kind of people. It just felt like eating normally. However, when I was a meatcuck, I was pretty underweight. I've been V for about 2 years now and I'm a healthy weight and the best shape of my life.

On a side note, if anyone is curious in any of these recipes, I can post them here. They're from a vegan food magazine in the UK.

>> No.9826494

>The percentage of children with obesity in the United States has more than tripled since the 1970s.1 Today, about one in five school-aged children (ages 6–19) has obesity.2
>one baby dies in heavily publicized news story because the parents didn't know what they were doing
>"v-veganism is a poor diet"

>> No.9826502
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What do you guys think about vegetarians? Also your opinions on lab-grown meat?

>> No.9826520

Meat doesnt kill people, americans being fat fucks who overeat meat kills them. Full stop. If you think this is wrong you are a retard

>> No.9826590

>World Health Organization Says Processed Meat Causes Cancer
> it has classified red meat as a probable carcinogen, something that probably causes cancer.
> Saturated fat has even been linked to breast cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline.
>The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that 70 percent of food poisoning is caused by contaminated animal flesh.
>According to a Consumer Reports study, 97 percent of raw chicken in U.S. supermarkets is contaminated with bacteria that could make customers sick.
>Vancomycin, a drug that is known as a “last defense” in fighting the deadly blood infections and pneumonia caused by staphylococcus bacteria, is becoming obsolete because resistant strains have developed in farmed animals who are given the medicine as a growth stimulant.
>According to a study of over 70,000 people published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, vegetarians were 12 percent less likely to have died during a six-year followup period than their meat-eating peers. Vegetarian men live to an average of 83.3 years, compared with non-vegetarian men, who live to an average of 73.8 years.

Stop talking shit.

>> No.9826598

Two wrongs don't make a right. They are both terrible diets because they ignore moderation

>> No.9826599

Depends on what kind they are. I don't mind the ones who don't know anything about veganism and are willing and open to change (as I was), but I have no time for vegetarians who know about veganism and know why they should be vegan, but just can't be bothered. That is not an animal-friendly or moral lifestyle.
>lab-grown meat
I fully understand that it doesn't cause anything near the suffering of farming and slaughter, and I respect it in that regard, but it's just not for me. It's still flesh and I couldn't eat it.

>> No.9826603

That is like saying veganism is bad because french fries cooked in oil are carcinogenic.

All foods can be prepared in unhealthy ways.

>> No.9826607

But they're not both terrible, only one is. All the research and science has conclusively shown that veganism is a far healthier diet than eating meat. This is not a debate.

>> No.9826609

Is this a serious post?

>> No.9826614

>this is not a debate

That virtue signaling can legitamently get you far jn life but not here. Veganism requires massive amounts of resources that only has occurred in the last 50 years as globalization has expanded diet choices. It is no more natural then mass produced meat and is an example of the lucky few showing their wealth.

The rest of the world eats what is accessible.

>> No.9826688

>That virtue signaling can legitamently get you far jn life but not here
How is saying that the research has come to a solid conclusion 'virtue signalling'? Go back to /pol/, your intelligence is more suited there.
>Veganism requires massive amounts of resources
-Animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions
-Agriculture is responsible for 80-90% of US water consumption
-2,500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef
-Livestock or livestock feed occupies 1/3 of the earth’s ice-free land
-We are currently growing enough plant food to feed 10 billion people.
-Worldwide, at least 50% of grain is fed to livestock.
-Land required to feed 1 person for 1 year:
Vegan: 1/6th acre
Meat Eater: 18x as much as a vegan
-1.5 acres can produce 37,000 pounds of plant-based food.
1.5 acres can produce 375 pounds of beef.
-A person who follows a vegan diet produces the equivalent of 50% less carbon dioxide, uses 1/11th oil, 1/13th water, and 1/18th land compared to a meat-lover for their food.
-Each day, a person who eats a vegan diet saves 1,100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 30 sq ft of forested land, 20 lbs CO2 equivalent, and one animal’s life.
-82% of starving children live in countries where food is fed to animals, and the animals are eaten by western countries.

Now fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.9826706


Appreciate the responses, as I'm very unfamiliar when it comes to the typical vegan lifestyle and meals. The closet thing I have is a brother who won't eat red meat but at the same time he's not really a fan of vegetables so I haven't seen many dishes on the vegan side of things.
I have made dishes that are mostly vegetarian before with lo mein and whatever leftover vegetables I have in the fridge being my favorite sort of meal.
But I do want to lower the amount of meat I eat in a week and leave it as more of a treat or something special that I can enjoy on a weekly to bi-weekly basis in hopes of curbing some of my more unhealthy eat habits. So getting some insight on a more vegen/vegetarian lifestyle is very useful to me.

>> No.9826816

Milk Tits or Soy Tits which one grows u the best rack?

>> No.9826856

full on kfc diet
and I dont actually think im memeing all that much with this.

>> No.9826940

Easily milk. If you want big male jugs, the best thing to do is consume food with the hormonal profile of a pregnant female mammal.

>> No.9826977
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>> No.9827637

>they're babies
>but still eating it few times a year
Poster confirmed babies
>the product claims using plant products
What the fuck that does even mean. I eat spinach not imitation spinach. What the fuck you're implying?

>> No.9827647

You can't, you won't and you don't see any because their heads obviously too deep inside their ass trying to spew out links as much as possible

>> No.9827652

Is that tofu? Because that won't taste good.

>> No.9827663

>live vegan for longevity reeeee
Most oldest people aren't even vegan.
This is useless virtue shit

>> No.9827706

Lmao even cancer cells die from malnutrition

>> No.9827714

>le troll face
Get back to r*ddit or wherever you hailed from, cancer

>> No.9827782

only reason from stopping me from becoming vegan is simply theres no high protein, low carb, non soy source

only reason I have fish, seafood and poultry
otherwise my diet is pretty much vegan

>> No.9827855

>simply theres no high protein, low carb, non soy source

Seitan. 100 grams of vital wheat gluten (cooking it with soy sauce makes complete protein): 75g protein, 1.9g fat, 13 net carbs

>> No.9827874

doesnt seem that healthy to eat daily
plus, wouldnt you get the lacking amino acids from other sources later in the day anyways

>> No.9827887

>Can this be a thing now?
maybe...if you keep it in these threads and stop shitposting other threads because
>superior veganism
i'd gladly say welcome. but you can't do that, can you!?

>> No.9827897

>doesnt seem that healthy to eat daily

Why not? I got my DNA tested and I actually have multiple mutations that make coeliac more likely, but I'm fine eating giant amounts of gluten every day.

>> No.9828097
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Id rather have some self respect than become a vegan weakling. Veganism is a mental illness. The same autism mentality that brings on cringy activity and sjw fedora feminists, its kinda like "oh if i become a vegan and announce it everywhere i go some girl will see me as a caring sensitive boy who llhas a lot of love to offer" when in reality its a virgin mental manipulation technique. Thats why almost all vegans are virgins or havent had a gf in years. I feel like they just accept that they are betas who cant become men so they dive into the manipulation. I like how they all say its about the animals but its really just to try and create some image of themself. I get these kind if manlets in my office all the time and enjoy milking all their money from them. 14 years of practiced psychotherapies here.

>> No.9828146
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>> No.9828173

>Thats why almost all vegans are virgins or havent had a gf in years.

There are vastly more vegan women than men, dating as a vegan man is easymode.

>> No.9828188


Vegans want to ban halal slaughter tho

>> No.9828222

>time and money
My household has actually spent a lot less money since going vegan. Part of this is less eating out, but fruits and veggies are cheap as fuck. Only real pricey thing is imitation meat/cheese, which we get sparingly. Time-wise, it might be a little longer, but has actually reinvigorated my love of cooking. Using ingredients that are new to me, not having to wash my hands every minute with raw meat, etc.

>cravings for meat
We actually didn't go vegan because of ethical reasons or anything, and we have one cheat meal per month. But otherwise, it took a week or so before we didn't even care about meat or cheese for the most part. But there are things you miss, like the grease from a burger, or a nice reuban, or my personal vice, Taco Bell's nacho """"cheese"""

>how my body felt
After about a week, I physically started feeling so much better (which is why I'm staying 99% vegan.) Better sleep, my skin mostly cleared up, lost some excess weight, having energy for the first time in my remembered life, most of my aches and pains vanished. It is honestly amazing to me.

Obviously, I'm not a "true" vegan since I have occasional cheat meals and it's really a plant-based diet, but whatever.

>> No.9828231

>"There are vastly more vegan women than men, dating as a vegan man is easymode."
>Connecting with someone because you share a meme diet
Sounds more and more like a cult the more I hear.

>> No.9828247

Why do you lie, vegan generals popped up this year on fit and people found you unbearable since you all were dishonest dyels with strongest guy being proud of a 200kg deadlift.

>> No.9828280

Grain is a finisher. Land that is given to animals is land not suitable for growing most things. Your sheltered city boy is showing.

>> No.9828316

Probably because youre a fat dumb faggot getting triggered over nothing

>> No.9828486

My point exactly thank you for proving my point. Its mainly feminine and guys join the cult in a desprate attempt to get a girl.

>> No.9828604
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I wish I was a vegetarian but I crave meat. Am trying to find ways to motivate myself to become vegetarian. Would eat eggs and cheese though. I just hate eating things that had eyes.

>> No.9828688

>I'm vegan but I'm better than other vegans
Kek, so many vegans are like this.

>> No.9828698

mmm estou com fome
uma delica

>> No.9828816

Needs some nice chicken strips

>> No.9829811


meatfags btfo


>> No.9829860

go to bed grandpa

>> No.9829948

I don't understand this post. Having my actions align with my beliefs makes me a libcuck now?

>> No.9829955

In order to make meat consumable for humans, you are almost always going to have to chemically cure (the cause of it being carcinogenic) it because contaminated meat is lethal.

>> No.9829965

>I have no idea what I'm talking about the post
Honestly do you feel good wallowing in ignorance when Google is a few clicks away?

>> No.9829980


>> No.9829991

>How do you deal with having to sit around people eating meat?
what's there to deal with, pretty sure everyone can eat whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.9829993

>Nitrates and nitrites don't cause cancer

if you want to trust random fuckwad fitness blogs over peer-reviewed science then have at it.

>> No.9830228

>meat can't be fresh consumed
Honestly again stop it. You have no clue what science is either so just stop that as well.

>> No.9830376

I'm not particularly interested in the shitposting wars about carcinogens going on in here since death would be a mercy.

However, this is still /ck/. I have a step brother and sister who are vegan and I'd like some ideas on what kinds of preserves or treats I can make them as presents for Christmas that won't cost an arm and a leg. They need to be reasonably fresh for at least a couple weeks too. I've already done fudge and marshmallows though the latter were a pain in the ass to make, and I'm considering making boiled sweets. Anyone have any worthwhile recipes along those lines?

>> No.9830803


>> No.9830809


>> No.9830948

This. Not all acres are created equal

>> No.9831350

Food wishes has a recipe for hot chocolate that is pretty good. Good to give as a gift. Keeps for a long time too.

>> No.9831388



You can also make chocolate mousse pretty easily, just blend silken tofu with cocoa powder, melted chocolate, sugar, vanilla, etc, and put in a pie crust. You can whip up coconut milk into a whip cream type topping for it.

If you want to get fancy, you can also whip the liquid from a can of chickpeas like eggwhites to make a meringue, which can then be used as a basis for a frozen chocolate mousse or you can add cream of tartar and confectioner sugar to make baked meringue cookies.

>> No.9833440

I wrote my first recipe r8 plz

"meaty" weeknight vegan pasta sauce

1 8oz can tomato paste
1 onion medium any chopped
1 or 2 carrots chopped into small pieces
3 or 4 cloves garlic minced
1/2 tablespoon nice olive oil, I use basil infused
2 teaspoon italian seasoning herb blend
1/2 teaspoon dry basil sub some fresh basil leaves
1/4 teaspoon dry oregano
1/8-1/4 teaspoon red pepper flake (more if you want more heat)
1/2 tablespoon coconut sugar or real maple syrup
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
3 cups water + 1 veggie cube (they sell them cheaper than broth at local grocer, sub 3 cups veggie broth)
1/4 cup coarse bulgur wheat
1/2 cup cooked green or brown lentils (optional)

cook lentils in a pot 1/4 or 1/2 cup or use about 1/2 cup cooked lentils if already prepared

while lentils are cooking:
in a large pot medium heat saute onion and carrot with dash of salt and fresh pepper until onion is translucent about 4 minutes

add garlic and saute until it smells good, about 10-30 seconds

add 3 cups water, coconut sugar, veggie bouillon cube, tomato paste, italian seasoning, oregano, red pepper flake, bay leaf, basil, another dash of fresh ground pepper, bulgur wheat

bring to simmer, uncovered on low for 15 minutes then cover for another 15 minutes, taste and add salt if desired

stir in cooked lentils cover and keep warm, serve over spaghetti or another pasta of choice and some bread bonus: serve with a panko encrusted eggplant

stores in fridge 4 or 5 days or freeze it n sheeit makes a good weeknight pasta sauce and kids will eat this shit

>> No.9833458

>eating food that hasnt been prepared that same day

>> No.9833475

o fug

>> No.9833565

not bad! a good lentil "bolognese" is a beautiful thing.

i recently made some great tomato and rice soup using heirloom tomatoes i got this summer. a few months ago i blanched, peeled, de-seeded, and crushed a bunch of tomatoes and then stuck 'em in the freezer. i thawed them the other day and then:

>sautéed 1 finely chopped onion in olive oil
>added a few cloves of minced garlic and 2 tbsp tomato paste, sautéed for another 2 minutes
>1 quart of the thawed tomatoes
>2 cups veggie broth
>herbs (fresh thyme, sage, bay leaf, and marjoram) and spices (s+p, smoked paprika, red chili flakes)
>about 3/4 cup uncooked brown rice

let it simmer, stirring occasionally, until the rice was cooked. i stirred in about 1/4 cup nutritional yeast at the end.

it was delicious with fresh baked bread.

>> No.9833578

lol soyboys

>> No.9833929

Kind of wish someone would've tried to refute this. I know it's not specific to vegans to misinterpret studies for their own goals but to follow a specific diet for moral reasons and then act immorally about it is sad.