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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 534x401, 636330188877528805-boilingwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9815968 No.9815968 [Reply] [Original]

How do I boil water in the proper way, /ck/?

>> No.9815984

A lot of people forget to use a lid. Cuts boiling time significantly. Especially if they lid is heavy,

>> No.9815985

Use the microwave, I don't trust you with a stove

>> No.9815988
File: 150 KB, 899x653, 1511051982881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a pot
>Put water in it
>Put it over the stove
>Wait a while
Wow that was fucking easy.

>> No.9815992

with adult supervision

>> No.9816003

Don't have a lid. Can I use a steel plate as the lid?

Don't have a microwave.

>>Put water in it
An exact measure would be nice.
>>Wait a while
Again. How much is a while?

>> No.9816015

Okay you're serious so i won't be cheeky again... so long as it covers it all up you're good. If you're making pasta or something else with noodles i'd recommend throwing in a tablespoon or so of salt into the water while boiling.

>> No.9816041

No, I just want to drink some hot water. A tablespoon, is that just the normal spoon you'd eat with? Should I throw in the salt after some specific time or from the get go?

>> No.9816064

this has to be bait but I'm bored so whatever.

if you just want to drink some hot water, then put in the amount of water you want to drink plus 1/2 cup to account for evaporation.
>How much is a while?
til there are big bubbles rising to the top and the whole surface of it is churning. that is a full rolling boil.

once it is at a full rolling boil, take it off the burner and dump it directly into your open mouth. swallow.

>> No.9816076
File: 157 KB, 800x1071, 1512500318054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dump it directly into your open mouth. swallow.

Top fef

>> No.9816095

>plus 1/2 cup
How much is that? I have cups of varying sizes. Which one should I use?

>> No.9816126

Fuck, it's going to take like 20 pounds of salt to clean all of that up.

>> No.9816153
File: 19 KB, 500x500, dessert-measuring-cups-set-of-red__56934_PE162375_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, are you trolling or do you actually have 0 idea how to cook anything?

Just put water in a pot or sauce pan, put it over a burner and wait until it starts bubbling like here >>9816064

They're talking about measuring cups. See pic I uploaded. If you happen to have a scale, a 1/2 cup of water is 4 oz.

>> No.9816156

just do what i do and drink hot bath water

>> No.9816171
File: 42 KB, 650x650, 22918_XXX_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, just thought of it, pic related is for measuring liquids. Not the measuring cups I posted before.

>> No.9816179

>sauce pan
You mean like a frying pan? I can boil the water in that?

Don't really have either of those, what can I use as a substitute?

>> No.9816184

Pour it in your asshole and force it up through your digestive system into your mouth

it should be pretty hot by then

>> No.9816195

Protip: just one ml of cum can lower water's boiling point by 5 degrees,saving you a good bit on electricity or gas

>> No.9816265

And how does one do that exactly?

>> No.9816295

Step 1: insert hose into anus
Step 2: turn hose on
Step 3: vomit hot water

>> No.9816296
File: 23 KB, 520x520, 50401822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean like a frying pan? I can boil the water in that?
I don't recommend that. It's too easy to spill. A sauce pan is like the pic I uploaded.

>Don't really have either of those
Nigga! Do you live in a crack house or something?? Get your ass off to the store and get a set of measuring cups and spoons lol
In the mean time, the average soda bottle is 1 or 2 liters (says on the label). A cup of water is just under 0.25 liters (more like 230-something). Find a 1 liter bottle and fill it so it's just under 1/4 full of water. It won't be super accurate but should be close enough for what ever you're trying to do. If you only have 2 liter bottles, fill it 1/4 full, transfer it to a cup and dump 1/2 out of the cup.

>> No.9816302

Stir it with your dick

>> No.9816313

OP if you want to boil water the best way is to use an electric kettle. Ideally one of those cheap plastic ones with the open metal coils, they look like shit but work faster than the nicer ones with the smooth metal insides because there is less unnecessary metal to heat up.

>> No.9816314
File: 90 KB, 1500x1500, electric kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9816316

make sure you don't look at it or else it won't come to a boil

>> No.9816322

>Should I throw in the salt after some specific time or from the get go?
Salt should only be added when the water is already boiling. Otherwise it will lay on the bottom of the pot and may cause the metal to wear there over time, from bubble cavitation.

>> No.9816348

Oh a curry pot I have one of those. So the only bottle I have is an old Sprite one but the label's torn off. The bigger forearm length ones are 2 litre ones right?
>Get your ass off to the store and get a set of measuring cups and spoons lol
Would fall useless since I don't really cook all that often, plus I'm broke right now.

Had one of these but it broke recently and can't afford to replace it.

Right, got it. So just add in the salt after the bubbles form?

>> No.9816390

>a curry pot
I'm not sure what that is. Google images show mostly clay or ceramic serving dishes, which most don't look like they're meant for boiling water or cooking anything in them. Maybe baking would be OK.

>The bigger forearm length ones are 2 litre ones right?
Right, unless they have different sizes in your country, or you're a midget

>Would fall useless since I don't really cook all that often, plus I'm broke right now.
They're not very expensive. You can get a cheap plastic one for like $2. Also, if you cook at home more often, you'd save a lot of money--enough to pay for a set of measuring spoon, at least lol

>> No.9816420

Okay, got it thanks.

>> No.9816431

>after the bubbles form
Ideally after it has come to a rolling boil.

>> No.9816450
File: 203 KB, 1280x960, boiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so the bubbles are, I think, "rolling" and I've put the salt in now. How many minutes should I wait til its done?

>> No.9816668

>Had one of these but it broke recently and can't afford to replace it.
Being this poor

>> No.9817542

Looks like it's done to me.

>> No.9817568
File: 83 KB, 400x399, 1495945012407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks kind of over cooked but that's okay, just add some more cold water to it to even it out.

>> No.9817606

I want to swim in that. I see the broken glass and still kind of want to.

>> No.9819426

this is bait

>> No.9819436

>Water nice and hot
>Salt and pepper
>lil' drizzle of olive oil
>Put the pasta into the pot, away from you
>Just like that, beautiful
>Take some lovely fresh thyme and a glove of garlic and just rub it on there
>Out of the pot, cover it and let it rest

>> No.9819482

add a fork so there are nucleation points

>> No.9819506

Americans only have 110 volts in there power points, boiling water is impossible in USA unless you live at high altitude.

>> No.9819514

You forgot to turn on the stove, anon.

>> No.9819557

Welcome to /ck, Gordon.

>> No.9819570

I use an electric kettle and it's pretty quick. Not as quick as the ones in 220V countries but quick nonetheless.

>> No.9819587
File: 151 KB, 317x343, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not /ck/
I know what website you're from