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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 600x535, graze_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9814167 No.9814167 [Reply] [Original]

Are these food "lootcrates" any good? Are you subscribed to anything?

>> No.9814344

You can buy all that stuff for a fraction of the price at any supermarket. If you need it randomized, just roll dice while you're shopping. Dumb millenials.

>> No.9814351

They have that shit at the grocery store for $5-10/lb rather than $30/lb

>> No.9814439

I think everyone knows this, but it’s just exciting because it feels like you’re getting a present, and that makes it worth it to some people.

>> No.9814445
File: 172 KB, 1600x900, blue-apron.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate tried to convince me to get in on this scam
>"it's only about $10 a meal"

>> No.9814713
File: 188 KB, 640x405, Hickory Farms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grow up. This shit has been around since fucking forever. Long before your shitty video games.

>> No.9815673

I'm subscribed to SnackCrate. A themed country every month. It's pretty novel for around $20 for the regular box, and I get to try and share international snacks with friends.

>> No.9815962

These aren't bad though.

>> No.9816435

How are those christmas cheese sausage gift boxes, any good?

>> No.9816465

>pay to skip the serendipitous fun part
>still need to do the time consuming tedious part
It's like some kind of findom.

If I had a subscription, I'd probably ignore the recipes and do my own thing.

>> No.9816476

I just go to Asian supermarkets and find stuff on clearance racks.

>> No.9816479

Presents are usually free.

>> No.9816486

I always skip past Ben Shapiro shilling this.

>> No.9816502

I got one before, the smoked cheese was overwhelmingly smoky and I couldn't eat it, but everything else was decent enough.

>> No.9816578

I get ketokrate and that shits awesome

>> No.9816595
File: 2.12 MB, 1368x1078, gift-set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying glorious SPAM loot crates

>> No.9816597

>Buying food "loot crates" unironically

>> No.9816602

A gift set is not a loot crate.

>> No.9816603


>buying food "loot crates" Ironically.

>> No.9816960

>buying food at all

>> No.9817026

All that can be purchased for part of the price at any supermarket. If you need to attach it, just dial the cast while you are shopping. Unsuccessful years.

>> No.9817066
File: 11 KB, 166x249, IMG_2220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying lootboxes

>> No.9817239

Faggot food

>> No.9817255

Jesus, that's sad
Blue Apron sends meal packages that include tiny amounts of one-off perishable ingredients, totally different value proposition unless you're a mentally ill hoarder who loves having a fridge full of mold slime and stale jars of single-use ingredients that can't be purchased in small quantities and you can never remember if you bought last winter or 2 winters before. Whereas these "loot boxes" are all non-perishables and are very common snack foods sold in bulk bins in whatever amount you might want. The fact that you would compare them shows that you don't actually cook much.
They're absolutely vile, it's pasteurize-process "cheese food" soaked in liquid smoke

>> No.9817408

>when you're too retarded to consume the food you buy, so you spend more money for less food

i have a nice bridge i can sell to you

>> No.9817423

I'm not sure what you're referring to but I'm gonna guess you're triggered by the fact that I don't hate BA?

Nobody thinks it's about getting the most calories per dollar, the "one pot meal" bachelor chow experience gets tiresome after a while and so do leftovers, "buying stuff to use up other stuff", and so on.

Go drink a gallon of canola oil if being a bean counter sperg is so important to you.

>> No.9817838

These are useful for people who don't know how to cook and don't know what ingredients to pick or how to throw together good recipes instead of googling "good recipes" and getting recipes like "microwave the chicken on high spread over pasta and throw in preshredded "parmesan" "cheese" "

>> No.9817844

Jesus. Maybe you should just drink Soylent if "buying stuff to use up other stuff" is so offensive to you. It sounds like you're way too autistic to be cooking.
Sometimes it gets my goat that I need to find ways to use up stuff I bought for another recipe, but most of humanity can get the fuck over it.

>> No.9817850
File: 68 KB, 1000x474, dunning-kruger-effect-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817852
File: 87 KB, 268x325, 1512218392580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have somehow taken two very faggy things and somehow combined them, Jesus Christ.

>> No.9817856

>Sometimes it gets my goat that I need to find ways to use up stuff I bought for another recipe, but most of humanity can get the fuck over it.
You know most of humanity doesn't cook for your approval, right? No? Well ok then.

>> No.9817963

it's good food but it's all horribly expensive compared to just going shopping. Look at the menu list and flip a coin. Then look up the recipe and do the shopping locally.

>> No.9817975

It depends on the mustard. If the mustard is shit, everything else suffers.
>that feel when i buy one of these every year
>that feel when I eat it by myself in bed while watching stupid shit on youtube

>> No.9817980

yeah let me just get a box full of white flour and bread, real interesting you stupid fuck

>> No.9819341

That's literally who they're for though, I know people who subscribe for exactly that reason. Not everyone has talent for cooking, even if they like home-cooked meals, plus it seems like an okay way to learn how to cook.

>> No.9819361

Most of humanity also doesn't need to pay a company to nanny their cooking habits.

>> No.9819365

Fuckin kike

>> No.9819373

t. Blue apron customer

Paying out the ass for one hing and not the other makes you so smart. Fucking retard.

>> No.9819403

So I just looked that up and before I did, I assumed it would be something akin to Blue Apron, but with the ingredients specifically tailored to a keto diet. But it isn't. For $35 a month, they send you a box with 6-8 keto "snacks". Dude, seriously?

>> No.9819406
File: 54 KB, 573x430, one-month-mantry-gift-573x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, pic related is reddit-tier, but only in the sense of the target market and price.
the products inside (in addition to the selection) are actually very good in quality.

>> No.9819435

That's literally the same kind of thinking as the fucking landwhales down at Wal-Mart in their sweatpants and Crocs who act like they don't have to impress anybody.

>> No.9819451

I tried graze for a couple of weeks just for funsies but the novelty wore off quickly. Some of the shit was pretty good but I'd rather make my own snacks and get exactly what I want.

>> No.9819459

I guess it's not a bad way, but most people just learning to cook are young, and don't have a lot of disposable income

t. pays for McDonalds to nanny his eating habits

If you're so smart how come you can't afford a nice wholesome Blue Apron™ dinner?

Sure, but in my case I'm attractive and wear Incotex and Paolo Scaforas to Whole Foods

>> No.9819461

>going to walmart
>better dress to impress

>> No.9819480

Gen Xers started the trend with their 100 calorie packs
nigga just portion your food out ahead of time

>> No.9819486

Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger, it doesn't fucking matter, it's not like a wear a three-piece suit but at least I put on real fucking pants and a clean shirt when I go to the store, or anywhere else in public.

>> No.9819490


>> No.9819498

Says you faggot, I dress to the nines when going to Kroger

>> No.9819515

Thank you. Unless it's an emergency, you shouldn't leave the house in your goddamn pajamas

>> No.9819516

There's something really depressing about patting yourself on the back for wearing "real fucking pants" (whatever that means) for going outside

>> No.9819634

pajamas are pants

>> No.9819647

I remember for a while, I want to say mid to late 2000s, wearing expensive pajamas outside was all the rage for wealthy Chinese. I wonder if that's still a thing?

>> No.9819658

It's 3:00am at Safeway, nobody cares if I wear sweatpants.

>> No.9819665

The only one of these "crate" things I get is my shaving shit.

>> No.9819667
File: 74 KB, 988x750, Screen-Shot-2015-09-25-at-3.45.25-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We're talking about those boxe subscription that are specifically mailed out every month after you order it online à la Loot Crate, not just any old box of food. And of course, Loot Crate did not invent this idea, but they sure as hell popularized it recently.

>> No.9820875

>if you aren't eating keto you're just eating flour and bread
i don't think that's true

>> No.9820934

>my d20 falls into a split open bag of jawbreakers and some snot-nosed brat starts sucking on it

>> No.9821026

>paying somebody to send you shit you can buy in any decent supermarket
Pure cancer.

>> No.9821037

This was actually how I got into cooking.

My sister tried to rope me into it, so I read up on it.
They list the recipes online, so I thought, "Why not just buy the ingredients and make it myself?"

Then I realize, "This is exactly why people buy cookbooks"
So I did.


>> No.9821226

this. dont be such a fucking trainwreck of a huma that you need your meals deliverd to you. Go out of the house. catch some fresh air and actually buy your own food. feel free to put some thought into what you buy while your at it. Maybe you'll even learn something if you try to tweak the recipe, imagine that!
I know you're just being a faggot on purpose but I just wanted to let you know that you're a faggot

>> No.9821246
File: 63 KB, 714x480, omaha-steaks-choice-or-prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Omaha steaks good or are they just a meme?

>> No.9821299

Holy shit. If you're that desperate, go to the store and assemble yourself a gift basket with reasonably priced goodies, then leave it in a closet and go play video games or whatever it is you do with your life. Eventually you're going to go back into that closet, discover the gift basket you left for yourself, and now you've got that feeling at a non-retarded price.

Then you can kill yourself for being such a waste of space and resources.

>> No.9821334
File: 21 KB, 236x353, 270d97140609ac9466aaa76c43a0357f--flash--days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're high grade and good quality; but freezing them is ass-backwards for prime. You could find the same grade locally probably for a hair cheaper and not frozen.

>> No.9821339

What is the big fuckin' deal, can you people not afford a preassembled random meal ready to be cooked being shipped to you once a week? The fuck is all this hate about.

>> No.9821383

They aren't a meme. I made them once for a girl I used to fuck and she was in shock for days at how good it was.

>> No.9821388

>the only way to go outside is to go grocery shopping
>a service that takes place a couple of times a week is going to make you even more of a shut-in
t. shut-in

>> No.9821484

I only leave the house to go to work or to go grocery shopping

>> No.9821894

Mom used to buy them for relatives and ourselves on Christmas.
The past two years the food was increasingly bland, and the portions were small as well.
Honestly you're better off going to some shitty chain than spending money on this crap.