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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 202 KB, 234x730, steel-reserve-211-42-oz-plastic-bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9811382 No.9811382 [Reply] [Original]

>42 ounces
>8.1% alcohol

There's literally no reason not to be drinking Steel Reserve.

>> No.9811391

Besides the fact it tastes like shit. On a side note, why is /ck/ filled with poorfags?

>> No.9811395

Oh my god they made the switch to resealable plastic bottles. If you're drinking "beer". Out of a pop bottle, it's best to cut your losses and kys.

>> No.9811412

Plastic bottle is shit, but did the maths on this and this would save me about $4.36 (a little more once tax is factored in) for the same I get from a handle of the shit tier I get from a glass liquor.

>> No.9811425

Give me all your monies and things will change, famalam.

>> No.9811443
File: 546 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1571889045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink malt liquor ONLY malt liquor

>> No.9811450

keep up the good work but also kys namefag

>> No.9811456

>he isn't an alcoholic on the go

>> No.9811460
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uhhhhhhhh actually

*it's a tripcode*

>> No.9811463

>black and red basic as shit old navy flannel
just wow

>> No.9811466

haha funny my man

>> No.9811470

plus a fucking hipster

>> No.9811472

>Besides the fact it tastes like shit. On a side note, why is /ck/ filled with alcoholics?

>> No.9811477

that's red and navy jackass

>> No.9811483
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>> No.9811494
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>> No.9811496

That's not even a real sip you bitch

>> No.9811499
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gotta take the pics somehow

>> No.9811507

>it's a useless tripfag attention whores thread

>> No.9811509
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better than being an anonymous virgin

>> No.9811510

What's with the gay hipster shit.

>> No.9811532
File: 66 KB, 550x309, 34674B02-6AF6-42B7-AAE7-F6C2E2B5877F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a faggot

>> No.9811533

It taste bad and a Hurricane high grav is the same price with 0.5% less alcohol but is actually drinkable

>> No.9811545


Another thing that bugs me about Steel Reserve is when people post pics of their Hungry Man dinner and are drinking a Steel Reserve with it. How disgusting. How can they not puke it right back up.

>> No.9811550
File: 532 KB, 1280x960, aylor-cups-in-my-ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


batten down the hatches

batten down your fucking toupee

you dumb cunt

>> No.9811571

Dry sherry is like 15%+ alcohol and pretty cheap and smooth drinking. Its takes a lot less to get buzzed and people will think you are being classy.

Sweeter liqueurs are even crazier with alcohol well over 20%.

>> No.9811584

>he doesn't put his whole mouth over the nozzle

>> No.9811610

Enjoy the filter ugly nu-male soiboi

>> No.9811619
File: 379 KB, 1200x600, 1510711352114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be drunk
>can already tell it exacerbated my depression

>> No.9811628

>unopened can


>> No.9811630

you're brake fluid is low shitfuck, top that shit off.

>> No.9811633
File: 206 KB, 1334x750, acbnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what filter?


>> No.9811643

steel reserve tastes sour, shit is horrid

oe 800 is my brand

>> No.9811689

Im p sure I went to high school with you

>> No.9811727


which state

>> No.9811773

I love a good fag toss event...we used to have them all the time here back in the day...

>> No.9811827

>you're brake fluid
I'm pretty sure he isn't brake fluid

>> No.9811849

There is in that in that Steel Reserve isn't sold in Alberta.

>> No.9811862

reee why is alcohol so cheap in murica

>> No.9811890

You look like a fucking loser

>> No.9811895


>> No.9811896


>> No.9811903

damn dude 40s are 3$ here minimum. does your price include tax?

>> No.9811905
File: 82 KB, 610x458, 20110901carlorossiwine[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could buy a gallon of 13-15% Carlo Rossi (who as a bonus looks like your zio with bell's palsy) for $15 and keep the bottle for storing urine. Your choice OP, but I think it's pretty clear.

>> No.9811911

were its 3.65 here in cali

>> No.9811915

Where? They're fucking $3 where I'm at

>> No.9811926

>late 2010's beanie fashion
>Massively oversized square glasses
>Lips tightly pursed together, not even drinking
>That pathetic numale scruff
>Clear dorm room setting
Not a single facet of anything you bring to the table belongs here.

>> No.9811944
File: 125 KB, 556x702, gZmiT19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the 42 oz plastic bottles.

It's harder to conceal the can opening noise from my parents. Also empty cans start to stink after a few days. Also cans make too much noise when carrying out the garbage and my parents might hear.

>> No.9811949

faggot gimp

>> No.9811958
File: 65 KB, 600x800, steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we drink we faggot friendly version in the breakroom at work

>> No.9811985

Does anyone have the link to the video of that black dude drinking steel reserve before he goes to work, that he pulls from a stash in his closet, and eventually throws up for drinking room temperature HG beer?

>> No.9812006

> can opening noise
Get the glass bottles then you retard
How fucking young are you?

>> No.9812009

steel doesn't come in glass bottles. also they make too much noise in the trash.

>> No.9812034 [DELETED] 

>steel doesn't come in glass bottles
dam you are 16

>> No.9812073
File: 63 KB, 564x752, b651d0770a2561635709f5710edbd132--axe-head-liquor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fuck up everything at once and drink Axe-Head.

>> No.9812099

damm 11% never heard of it were you live?

>> No.9812115
File: 115 KB, 960x720, 1420691191880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally says right on the bottle ya dingus

>> No.9812121

says were its imported from not sold ya dingus

>> No.9812143
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 25s1vlf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

camo ice AKA rotgut

>> No.9812158


Is that a SteelworldWide reference?

>> No.9812542

Hello furry

>> No.9812978





>> No.9812990

If I drink a lot of beer or malt liquor - enough to pass the fuck out - it really fucks up my guts.
I switched to cheap wine years ago.

>> No.9813306

Because those people have more on their minds than shitty food choices.

>> No.9813328

My fuck, this picture needs to be the banner for /ck/

>> No.9813332

hangovers are the only reason I haven't died from liver failure

>> No.9813872

Smells like wet grain, tastes like cheap beer that has something wrong with it but you can't quite put your finger on it

>> No.9813885

I personally prefer a nice 40 of Mickey's, the superior premium malt liqour

>> No.9813935

I went to buy one yesterday but this store only stocks 2 at a time. I sent them a message over the summer telling them to increase stock, had to buy shitty wine anyways.

I prefer to burn my beer bottles and the logistics of drinking 5x 40oz bottles every day and dealing with the glass trash stop making sense after day two when you have 2 square feet of trash to get rid of.
I crush the plastics and every three or four days I haul a grocery bag off. I don't get trash service so you can't convince me to go back to glass and have a backpack full of glass every day I leave the house.

Also, Milwaukee's best ice 42/ $2.00 each, one beer mug and you're set. Steel is just nasty and can't be fixed, but other beers level out in taste when aerated. I would never put the cap back on the bottle if I was you guys unless you're prone to spilling shit.

>> No.9813949

if someone offered me one for free I would not only refuse but also be insulted

>> No.9813957

I bet you eat a lot of products with soy in them

>> No.9813976

>caring this much about someone's appearance
Your outward appearance is simply a vehicle for trying to get laid. You sound like a faggot.

>> No.9813996

the NEET life ain't easy

>> No.9814233
File: 1.90 MB, 3222x2632, IMG_20171209_143833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speedometer tops out at 85

The assblasted state of all/ck/

>> No.9814251
File: 167 KB, 500x713, you-wouldnt-buy-our-shitty-cars-so-well-be-taking-21837512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sip posters
>buying american cars
color me surprised

>> No.9815719

I bet YOU think Earth is flat.

>> No.9816084


It is

>> No.9816124

beer already tastes like shit. I can't imagine how awful this must taste.

>> No.9816154

Pipe down, princess, it isn't that serious.

>> No.9816204

This isn’t Reddit namefag fuck off downboats for you

>> No.9816214

It's an excellent value, just make sure to drink something that tastes better beforehand so your taste buds are dulled. And be ready for heartburn

>> No.9816229
File: 437 KB, 1195x1600, BayBridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>750 ml
>12% alcohol
This is why I don't drink Steel Reserve.

>> No.9816260

it really depends on the store.

>> No.9816262

brings back really bad memories. tastes like a janitor pissed in a bucket and used the piss to mop the restroom floor after an orgy and squeezed it out into your mouth

>> No.9816277

wine headache is immensely worse than beer.

>> No.9818219

You're cute, wanna fuck?

>> No.9818274

Steel Reserve is unpleasant.

It's the shit you drink when you're already drunk off the better stuff.

>> No.9818775


which state are you in?

>> No.9818801
File: 131 KB, 200x500, earthquake-can-lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At $1.54/can, this is the best value for alcohol in my city. 24 ounces, 10% alcohol, so 2.4 ounces of alcohol per can which is equivalent to 6 ounces, or 4 full shots of 80-proof liquor. I'm drinking two today and just finished the first one. They taste like destitution, hopelessness, and failure to achieve life goals.

>> No.9818884

This is actually the proper way to do it. Open with a few decent beers, finish your evening with that swill once you're good and drunk and your tastebuds will be none the wiser

>> No.9818943
File: 180 KB, 500x278, 70458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying a big fucking bottle of Caliber, Sobieski, Wolschmidt or Fleischmanns for 10 dollars and bringing the fight straight to your liver's doorstep

>> No.9818963

there's been more than once when i spent multiple minutes in the beer aisle in deep contemplation trying to decide if i could afford the extra 20 cents to "treat" myself to a can of steel reserve instead of getting earthquake.

>> No.9818967

You won't notice it taste like diabetic piss after youre about 1/4th the way through

>> No.9819020

Same here, except I was deciding between 4 cans of Earthquake vs a 15-pack of Keystone Ice. Gonna buy two more cans of Earthquake, fuck it, I'm not as drunk as I want to be.

>> No.9819120

Well, the store was out of Earthquakes until whenever the beer truck delivers more, so I picked up 2 cans of Natty Daddy. Just took a double dose of multivitamins and chugged a liter of water, I should be fine tomorrow.

>> No.9819809

Oh god not Caliber


>> No.9820662

I wish Natty Daddy was cheaper. Somehow, it has 20% fewer calories than steel reserve

>> No.9820846

thank you for linking this