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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 300x225, bigstock-Silhouette-Of-Alcoholic-Drunk-68357878-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9811222 No.9811222 [Reply] [Original]

How's everyone's Friday? Why arnt you drinking yet?

>> No.9811225

I'm smoking and contemplating eating a pound of bacon by myself

>> No.9811232
File: 1.70 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vodka master race tier

>> No.9811252

>buys abolut
What a fag, get real vodka that costs like 8 bucks and tastes like dying. Kek at the "look, I'm a badass" attempt.

>> No.9811266

kek, i like absolut and lol your a poorfag

>> No.9811277
File: 72 KB, 1000x1278, cir-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both poorfags... this is the only correct vodka

>> No.9811278

poorfag indeed, but for reals, what's with the overcompensation pic

>> No.9811280

Not even him but you’re a fucking faggot for posting that photo

>> No.9811283


i normally only post on k you fucking faggots

>> No.9811284

Oh my god just when we thought nobody could fit more cocks in their mouth, then you post.

>> No.9811285

Sadly drinking as much of this 30 rack of Bush I can....

>> No.9811291

fucking hillbilly

>> No.9811292

I have 5 shitty beers and 3 good beers, in what order do I consume them?

>> No.9811307

Go back. al/ck and firearms don’t mix, we’re nice people not liddle benis slingers.

>> No.9811316

>downloads internet pic
>i haf de moanies lel poorfags
Wouldn't want that french shite anyway. I like Tito's, but I drink fucking diesel cuz money.

>> No.9811318

A good one first.

>> No.9811320

fuckin pussy

>> No.9811323

Drank 12 beers Weds night and 18 yesterday. Today I've had 3 so far to ramp down. Not worried about withdrawals but it never hurts to play it safe.

>> No.9811326

Good beer, good beer, shitty beer, good beer, rest of the shitty beers. Find a glass to chug the shitty beers out of, it’s easier/faster than the pop top mouth gap.

>> No.9811330

1 good beer first for flavor, then 5 shitty beers for buzz, then 2 remaining good beers for maximum buzzed enjoyment.

>> No.9811331

okay, well it was 6 and 4, so far it's

>> No.9811332

Fuck off anon it was $12.99

>> No.9811336

You are what you eat lemao
But seriously you have to go back to r/firearms or your special k

>> No.9811342

I'm sure plenty of people here like guns, but acting like a bigshit because of it is pretty gay, bro. I want to give you a big ol' reassuring grope of your cellulite ass with no homos attached to let you know I'm trying to do you a solid with this advice. ;D

>> No.9811348
File: 192 KB, 1080x984, 1510865619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an 11 dollar bottle of beer near me:

>> No.9811352
File: 38 KB, 500x500, krakenblackspicedrum175L__60669__40590.1358534301.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shit alright or is meme rum?

>> No.9811354
File: 493 KB, 2022x2048, 1512618752962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have cognac in the fridge at my old house.
>I'm in a different city
>Won't be back for sometime
What spirit should I make?
I was thinking sugar shit and putting mixed berry in there. Deer corn is cheap this year.
So, maybe I'll make whiskey.
Decisions, decisions.

>> No.9811357

wow eat a dick bitch :3

>> No.9811360
File: 7 KB, 230x230, budweiser-230x230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is yellow fizzy beer so good

>> No.9811361


>he fell for the empty carbs meme
>he can still get drunk off of beer

>> No.9811365

I want to switch to gin and tonics, but I would /feeeel/ bad buying a bottle of gin.

>> No.9811371
File: 1.33 MB, 404x227, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can walk to your local liquor store, and buy a bottle of whiskey like a normal alcoholic

>> No.9811376

All rum is meme rum but that stuff compares better than the rest of it in it’s price range for sure. Higher proof, too.

>> No.9811381

I could do that.
But I have a still and It's cheaper than a bottle of Malibu.
Plus, it's nice to shoot the breeze and watch the stars while you're distilling.

>> No.9811387

You’re cute, anon.
Normally I try and keep condescension out of these threads, but you started it.

>> No.9811388

good to hear, i am planning to wear an eyepatch and get drunk with that shit

>> No.9811394

my go to drink, you may ask?
miller lite with a shot of coconut flavored rum

my go to drink you may ask?
2 parts fireball, one part milk

my go to drink you may ask?
whiskey and lemonaide

>> No.9811430

Okay guys, I have a wormwood tree on order. How do I kill myself on absinthe?

>> No.9811436
File: 1.85 MB, 908x1092, EA00F90B-324F-4C82-B421-F6B1E5D0D033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s DUMPING rain
>let’s up for a bit
>leave to get food
>still raining too hard for me to left off my road towards fast food
>say “fuck it” and go to publix
>not raining too hard when I park
>spend 6 minutes there
>it is torrentially squalling when I come out
>make it home soaking wet
I have a pubsub, switched clothes, threw on a few winter jackets, and am on my back porch with a stoge and four back to back shots of vodka in me.
Breddy comfy desu

>> No.9811437

Nice gats man

>> No.9811441

Buy a gun ya dingus

>> No.9811449

Stop encouraging this tomfoolery in our misery general

>> No.9811458

stop being a giant faggot

>> No.9811464


Is this a real store? Or a meme? I've never seen a publix in Chicago

>> No.9811467

No u

>> No.9811471

Guns are hard to get in Oz.

>> No.9811475

>I've never seen a publix in Chicago
they are a florida thing.
you can have your Jewel and Mariano's, pleb, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.9811476

15 days sober

>> No.9811479

what do you do when you are bored?

>> No.9811489

despite the fact that we are alcoholics, as well as anonymous. this thread is pretty much the polar opposite of AA

>> No.9811498

It’s a southeastern thing. I get sad when I drive past TN (I know their fried chicken is unparalleled and I will miss it), because that’s where they stop northwise.
Sorry you’re missing out, my guy. If you’re ever in the Bible Belt, go to the prep foods department and get some fried chicken.

>> No.9811501

AA feels very cultish... I've been to so many meetings, mostly court ordered, and find them very odd.. But they tell me it's the only way to stay sober

>> No.9811511

They are cults.
They try to replace on addiction with another.
Just go for cigarettes.

>> No.9811512

Half way through my six sweetwater 420s... Drinking alone again. No friends, just me and this shitty 12 year old computer. Will probably hit the Tullamoore after the beer is gone. Listening to carissas wierd too. Lol

>> No.9811523

It's okay, you have us. We can drink together.

>> No.9811527

>tfw neighbor caught me staring at her with binoculars

Oh the shame....Oh the shame.

>> No.9811529

Liquor is poison. It causes unholy wd's. I stick to beer and sometimes wine now.

>> No.9811534

Identified the faggot

>> No.9811537

did she flash butthole for ya?

>> No.9811540

No she looked at me angerly

>> No.9811546

Blacked out and got in argument with best friend at show the other night. Apparently I triggered him so hard he punched me in the face. Don't even remember what I said, just woke up with a bruise on face. A bunch of texts calling me a nazi and plenty other names. Apparently I gave him a death stare and made him get out of my car before driving home blacked out.

>> No.9811551

>the plot thickens maybe
was it a sexy angry tho? like will there be makeup sex or hate sex in the foreseeable future?

>> No.9811552

whats a wd's.? But you right, liquor is fucked.

>> No.9811554

Where in FL are you at, anon? If you don’t mind me asking.

>> No.9811555


>> No.9811558

She looked pretty pissed, Not angry sexy.

I wasn't looking at her nude or in her windows, I was watching her shovel snow because dat ass.

Apparently I forgot the light was on behind me so she could see me in the window as clear as day

>> No.9811560

withdrawal, but I've never had an issue

>> No.9811561

Iowa lel, I have family down there.

>> No.9811562

My gf left town, and I don’t give a fuck about driving. If you wanna hang, I’m about it as long as you don’t live in complete squalor.

>> No.9811569

Oh god damn it, heard. My bad, I’m just bored hah. Not bored enough to drive to Iowa, though.

>> No.9811611

Slowly working my way through a nice bottle of red. Feels nice.
I've made a lot of progress over the past 6 months. I don't get fucked up or black anymore. I don't drink liquor anymore, and I take 2-3 day long breaks in between my drinking nights. I still have a problem, but I'm managing it a little better and I'm proud of that.
What sucks is that all this sober time has really opened my eyes to the incredibly deep and black hole I've fallen into since the heavy drinking began. I have to keep things under control so I can continue to slowly claw my way out of this fucking mess.
Wish me luck guys.

>> No.9811629

Don't let people shit on you for drinking Busch if the end goal is to get fucked up, why spend more than you have to? I can easily afford a better beer, but I won't do it. Drinking for flavor is a filthy casuals agenda.

>> No.9811649
File: 227 KB, 635x661, shit feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the end goal is to get fucked up
Wanted to high five you for the similar mindset until I had a blink of self reflection of what a piece of shit I am and how this isn't a positive factor nor high five worthy.

>> No.9811667

Do it. Booze seems to defat my respiratory and digestive system. Eating bacon fixes it and I feel much more cosy. Plus bacon is loaded with thiamine. Blessed piges.

>> No.9811670
File: 61 KB, 1024x575, 394-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it something like pic related or pre-cut bacon strips?

>> No.9811694

Have any of you ever mixed benadryl and alcohol?

>> No.9811698

I'm not proud of it, no need to throw what little fiscal responsibility we have out the window though. I don't drink like I use to, but I'm not going to kid myself and pretend I'm drinking because I like the "smoky undertones" of a $11 6 pack. Busch pretty much tastes like nothing so it's not inherently bad, it's just not inherently good either and the buzz is all the same.

>> No.9811708

Yaaas.is good combo. Just drink less, and be careful adding any other substance in.

>> No.9811724

play piano, walk my dog, go to the gym, read a book

>> No.9811729

Only 1,000 years and 3 weeks until 3018, plan your tapers now ppl

>> No.9811746

2/3 of a way through a bottle of Jameson. Don't feel very blasted at all. Feels bad man.

>> No.9811751

>meme vodka
Get some Tito's you pillow biter.

>> No.9811757

Because you like the taste of fizzy piss

>> No.9811768

Bought 6*0.5 and 8*0.33 today, m8 of mine wanted to get into the bar life and asked me to show him around town, had a few vodkas, and some codeine, currently waiting for bus home in an hour

>> No.9811808
File: 27 KB, 375x210, DFB5D83D-7F9B-4491-B0F8-C6EAA0ED71BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I’m not a middle aged, female, Iranian draft excluder who can’t get laid and lives in a wheelbarrow.
I feel a little less tormented having read that. Being an alcoholic wheelbarrow nugget with bombs dropping all around must be true suffering.

>> No.9811815
File: 47 KB, 640x480, London Dock 1140ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice, a fellow /k/ommando. Nice pistols, the one in the fore looks kinda like a USP but appears to be hammerless, can't rightly say I know what it is based on silhouette. I see on the screen that thread with the AK/AR/break-action shotgun/dildo. That guy with all 4 is hilarious. vZ.58 would be a good one for Centrist Authoritarian I think.

I find it tastes kind of like burnt caramel, not that I've ever tasted burnt caramel before. It's alright. It's about 46% if memory serves.

Beautiful pic, pretty cool that it could literally be from any time in the past several centuries. perhaps even millennia. Thoroughly comfy.

Pic related is what I most often drink. 57.1%, typically in shots of half rum and half lemon water. Brings it down to about 28.6% or if I go basically 1/3rd rum and 2/3rd water it's about 20% or so. Not bad at all. I'll have a straight shot on the rare occasion.

>> No.9811846


I only have 1 beer left of my six pack... Should I make a midnight run for more or just try to pass out? I'm not sure.

>> No.9811953

Just try to pass out. If you get more you know you'll just regret it in the morning when you feel like shit.

>> No.9811987

>haven't seen or spoken to any friend for over 4 years
at this point I'm just used to living like a hermit

I don't think any of my friends would even consider me a friend anymore

>> No.9811992
File: 27 KB, 657x527, 1507002178671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anbody in here on/been on probation or in rehab?
iv been sober for 6 months, and am about to get put on the color wheel once im out of rehab. i figure if i want to drink, this is my last best chance. if i drink tonight (friday) , do you think the liver enzymes will be out of my system by monday? im not scheduled to go see my counselor, but there is a chance hes going to call me in for a surprise drug test, as it can happen any weekday.

anybody here ever in the same situation? wondering if i can get way with a few monster/vodkas as a last hoo-rah.

>> No.9812000

women are all whores

>> No.9812017

My parents are really coming down on me for drinking in the house. They check my bags every time I come in and it's way too cold now to drink outside. What do I do bros?

>> No.9812045

Hey Al/ck/, looking into getting myself some whiskey for Christmas. Is their any out there that I should try for a first time whiskey drinker?

>> No.9812057

2 years on probation, basically 2 years of being drunk even though I wasn't supposed to be. Fuck them. Never had a drug test. Do keep in mind however that things can be different based on where you are and who you're dealing with.

>> No.9812060

Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. Good flavour and low alcohol percentage as I recall.

>> No.9812065


i am also in rehab. they test me once a week, which will probably be next thursday. but they can also call me in any weekday if they choose and test me. theres a small chance they will call me in monday/tuesday for an etg test.

>> No.9812068

That's disgusting.
Wood ford reserve FTW!!

>> No.9812092

you guys are fucking useless

>> No.9812124

I'll give it a try

Also seem interesting. I'll take a look at it as well.

Anyone else got any good whiskey that a first timer should try?

>> No.9812368
File: 163 KB, 960x960, C7D14A3D-4DB9-4206-9A9D-E5199D10D25E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not how to spell ‘delicious’.

>> No.9812389

but this is the internet and that thing might have a dick or had a dick at some point

>> No.9812397
File: 546 KB, 1280x1920, 22C0B27C-1D6B-44BD-9D9C-5CB41A9179A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in person. It’s always disgustingly obvious if you’re with a girl or a mentally ill person

>> No.9812398

>physical appearance

ahh yes, all that a woman is good for

good point

>> No.9812425
File: 62 KB, 439x812, 2242BC9D-66AD-43F5-BD13-2FA1C19AC8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all they need to be good for, because they’re awesome at it.
They do have other uses too though. The fat ones are highly combustible and could power gyms for human girls, the hot ones will French kiss your asshole if you ask nicely enough or tell them sternly enough, and the B-grade remainders/past their fuck-by-date non-teens are needed as a reminder to not get attached, but to frequently upgrade our fornication stations. Show some respect- without girls you’d have nobody to carry semen from the bed to the toilet.

>> No.9812439

>because they’re awesome at it
first line of your statement and you're already wrong

women aren't good at pure physical appearance because I stopped caring about fucking shallow materialistic women a long time ago

it's all they're good for but that doesn't make them good at it

>> No.9812448
File: 99 KB, 636x819, 1288392452136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black out drunk last night
>wake up, make coffee and start downloading some new albums
>notice a .zip file in my download folder
>contains images of nude grils injecting heroin

>> No.9812454

Don't live with parents.

>> No.9812457
File: 90 KB, 600x900, B099EFE3-72A6-4553-AEC1-763AC60ABDEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must suck to feel like this. I’d die from stress without the opportunity to occasionally unleash hell on some qt twixt the sheets. All is forgiven the moment they put up with the barbaric sadist that is muh benis. Like owning s gold plated tiger. Dangerous af, ridiculously high maintenance, will eat your friends and ultimately kill you, but totally worth it regardless. Would squelch again.

>> No.9812459
File: 93 KB, 600x800, 1289289494612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a high ABV beer

>> No.9812460

Pretty sure that zip was posted two threads ago. I hope this clears things up for you.

>> No.9812475

Didn't plan ahead properly and now I'm without booze for the next 5 hours at least.
Fucking Canada controlling all of the liquor sales

>> No.9812476

you have shit taste in women


you're obviously a woman yourself

>> No.9812494

tito's here, screwdriver master race mixed drink

>> No.9812509

Anyone else drink straight liquor? Feel like it makes it so much worse (mentally) but gets you where you're going without the hassle.

>> No.9812510

nah it's too harsh for hangovers and can't down it as easy

i prefer to just make really strong mixed drinks

like 60/40 spirits/mixer

>> No.9812512

I usually sip it straight until I start feeling tipsy and then start mixing with water so that I can ride the buzz for longer.

Usually when I only drink straight I get fucked up too quickly but can't sleep so I don't know what to do with myself

>> No.9812514
File: 397 KB, 1635x920, C1253DE4-31A6-4DEC-99A7-E15BB0A12337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I’m not.
Enjoy your salty misogyny anon, it makes you come across as a bit tedious and must make you feel shit, but I can tell you’re stubbornly determined that sulking on your own hating, is more fun than fucking the shit out of girls. You haven’t convinced me. I think that regardless of your proclamation that all women are whores, men will still want to have sex with grils. Bet I’m right.

>> No.9812519

Yeah it’s all I drink aside from the occasional cider. Just gulp as much as I can stand then down water until the taste fucks off. By farrr the cleanest high with as little rubbish creation, pissing, bloating, heartburn and general faffing as possible.

>> No.9812522

>Usually when I only drink straight I get fucked up too quickly but can't sleep so I don't know what to do with myself
Yeah, that sounds right. I pretty much hate the taste of all alcohol, but I got to the point where mixed actual tastes decent. That'll happen I guess after enough times of pouring a glass of vodka and staring at it. And staring it at. And wondering why. And then chugging it.

>> No.9812523

>fucking whores

>> No.9812579

Post Omegle tags (no Cam)

>> No.9812586


>> No.9812592


Sorry I'm hammered and just want to chat with people.

>> No.9812597

isn't that what this thread is all about?

>> No.9812603

Well in my defence, it is the most physical fun it’s physically possible for any human to have in the known universe past or pretesent, which I think is worth considering when measuring how much fun sex is.

>> No.9812655

>that reply

really makes you think doesn't it

>> No.9812665

At you the dude who throws a tantrum and hammers “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” signs in the floor every time you suspect someone here is female, then scream at the top of your lungs that “normies” (apparently meaning anyone who has had sex) have “no reason to be alcoholics”? That dude is kind of annoying

>> No.9812681

people sure like to attribute posts to personalities they've built in their mind on an anonymous forum

really makes you think

>> No.9812755
File: 307 KB, 480x454, 1491632077075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a week sober
>see that Bombay Sapphire and Tanqueray are £16 for a litre bottle in the supermarket

>> No.9812760

>La Fin du Monde

It's a Quebec beer that's something like 8-9% as I recall. There's also a Filipino beer, Red Horse is it? 6% standard I think.

>> No.9812764

When I drink liquor that's less than 50%, yeah, it's basically always straight. I don't see how it's worse 'mentally', but economically it's typically the better choice than beer or wine.

>> No.9812777
File: 678 KB, 811x726, 1372818671673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photos you've found of yourself years online edition when?

>> No.9812778

Consider for a moment that liquor, even if it's just 40%, has only 60% of its content that's not 100% pure alcohol. Less crap to deal with in it, and as you say you end up with less bottles/cans as weaker stuff, you don't piss as much, not as much bloat (or calories, roughly 70 kcal per 1oz (30ml) of 40% vodka), etc. So when you get beer, even 5-6% strength stuff, what's the other 94-95% of the content other than a fuckload of kcal?

>> No.9812780

First day sober, 13th day with no drink. Only midday and I keep reaching for my card and keys. If I relapse yet again I don’t know if I’ll live, I cannot afford to keep buying 3 grams of weed every day. Feelsprecariousman.

>> No.9812783

Is she dressed as Sailor Moon? Faggot.

>> No.9812791

anyone else here quit beer altogether and switched to whisky? is it more cost-effective? how do you deal with the old habit of sipping something every 30 seconds?

>> No.9812802
File: 129 KB, 481x719, 1323861649422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk/high pussy pls

>> No.9812851
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>> No.9812854
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>> No.9812901
File: 148 KB, 1745x1067, 1512815171208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another christmas alone drinking eipsode

>> No.9812913
File: 73 KB, 629x786, the cat resembles a famous rapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9812924

Yep. Drinking alone and playing childhood video games, while watching Die Hard trilogy. Followed by possible crying and almost certain early bed.

>> No.9812930

Weed is bad for cats, you faggots. It's like huffing spray paint for them.

But you're disgusting stoners, so you are incapable of caring about anything other than yourselves. Do society a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.9812933

I'm drunk and I cant understand this sentence:
>"[...] by the boil of turmoil"

>> No.9812934

Not either of those two. But please don’t assume you won’t look like a fool for ranting like that in here, it’s not /b/.

>> No.9812935
File: 42 KB, 500x494, natural-calming-product-55727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the file names, man. It's not his cat.

>> No.9812936

If the embedded timestamp doesn't load, his sentence starts after 00:07:22. I don't know why I'm fixating on this so much.

>> No.9812937

>In spite of all the turmoil...

>> No.9812938
File: 65 KB, 564x792, flieger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It's quite a ball of turmoil" is what it sounds like to me.
Pretty feelsy stuff, that video.

>> No.9812948

That sounds like it now that you've written it down. I have this problem with song lyrics too even when I'm sober.

>> No.9812952

That does make more sense.

>> No.9812976

show me on this doll where the bad man stoner touched you

>> No.9813009

Dude looks like a young dean ween

>> No.9813044
File: 69 KB, 500x560, 1328097678916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spiced rum

>> No.9813086

If its distilled from grapes isn't that just clear brandy?

>> No.9813107

Haha nice, but nah, I don't drink Captain Morgan Spiced. Only 35% but typically more expensive than 40% stuff. If I had money to burn and didn't have to be cost-effective with my liver-pickling juice, I'd be able to have such luxuries, because I remember that stuff tasting delicious straight and having a nice hint of vanilla. I don't think I'd ever bother mixing Captain Morgan Spiced, tastes fantastic on its own.

>> No.9813178

My doctor prescribed Xanax but said I will have to take them forever. Is that bad?

>> No.9813181

It's better than alcohol.
Quitting it is a nightmare, though, so if you for some reason feel you have to stop taking them you really need to talk to your doctor about it.
And don't take more than prescribed.

>> No.9813198 [DELETED] 

Not unless you ever have to stop.

Benzo w/d is arguably the worst w/d on planet earth. It will literally kill you stopping cold turkey from years of taking benzos.

I've been taking phenazepam for 4 years, I'll probably literally die if I stopped taking it completely

>> No.9813211

what would I need to say to a doctor to be prescribed something like Xanax?

Aus here, not sure we have Xanax but other labelled similiar medications

>> No.9813213

Brandy is only brandy if it's aged in a barrel to get the brown color

>> No.9813219

I think I gun goofed,

I complemented my sister in law last night by telling her she looks sexy

>> No.9813224

It depends a lot on the doctor. Some will prescribe it to help you quit alcohol, but others will avoid prescribing it because they figure you'd end up abusing that too.
It's normally prescribed for anxiety. Maybe tell the doc you have intense anxiety and you use the alcohol to cope. As I said, though, it depends a lot on how the individual doctor feels about it.
This applies to most benzodiazepines, not just xanax.

>> No.9813227

>tell the doc you have intense anxiety and you use the alcohol to cope.

Unless you never want to be prescribed a controlled drug again in your state, Don't say this.

>> No.9813237

My doctor prescribed it for tinnitus

>> No.9813239


Nigga, a bottle of whiskey is 700yen. Its by far the cheapest way to ruin my life.

>> No.9813244

Not true. Brandy is anything distilled from fruits

>> No.9813245

i want to be prescribed benzos, like maybe 4, just for an airplane trip because airplanes give me intense anxiety to the point where i don't want to travel without them
do you think i could ask a doctor for that?

>> No.9813248

You can do it anon.

>> No.9813249

You might be right. I've seen some patients get it for pretty much that line here but things could be very different in Australia.
Overall it's probably best to lie as little as possible. They can tell.

Never heard that before. Did it work?

>> No.9813254


>> No.9813261

You're probably more likely to get propranolol for that but if it works it works, yeah?
I don't think my doctor would want to prescribe a benzo for a plane trip. Plus I guess you could potentially get in trouble for trying to take the pills through security. I don't know if the dogs can smell benzos.

>> No.9813273

just a heads up, what follows may be incoherent and rambling because it isn't meant for you guys, it's just some venting but your input is still appreciated (if my post will warrant any input).

I let myself go again. I've been a neet from 2010 to august 2015 and since than I've gotten a job and a few friends(acquaintances? I'm not sure) but I can still spend multiple weeks alone, apart from my job.
I've been obviously never in a relationship but I managed to make out with a drunk 18year old girl about half a year ago and this has given me the motivation and confidence to install tinder.
I did use tinder pretty heavy for a few weeks and got tons of matches, I even scheduled like 4 dates but bailed on all of them because I'm so insecure about my manletism (5'7 which isn't THAT bad but I live in northern germany where the average is like 6'0) and youthful look. I'm soon to be 26 and people always think that I'm 19-20 years old).
After the realization that I will never meet up with a tinder girl because I'm too much a pussy I just stopped working out, stopped eating healthy and started to smoke weed again 24/7 except for while at work. I'm fortunately not fat but I returned to being a skinnyfat piece of shit.

I'm also obviously still living at home but my mother passed away year and now I'm only waiting till my father gets health issues (heavy smoker and drinker for life, which got worse after my mom died. Though he's still a functioning alcoholic).
I'm just so pissed off that I was so close to being a normie but I destroyed everything due to my insecurities and I feel like I will never overcome them because I'm already at an age where I should be a grown guy but I look like a late teen, with no chance of actually being manly.
I bet all my insecurities would disappear in an asian country but I just don't find asians attractive.

>> No.9813290

I haven't tried it yet, I really don't want to be addicted to something the rest of my life. I almost never leave my house so I've just been using a sound machine with ocean and rain sounds

>> No.9813295
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This is what real poorfags drink.

>> No.9813337

fuck off

>> No.9813360


>> No.9813381

I'm sorry about your mother.
26 is not at all too old to fix things, though. Can you maybe start out light by doing a few hours of volunteer work or sports or something? Getting out of the house and meeting people can make a huge difference. Yes, I know it's not easy but you don't want to live like this for another 50 years, man.

>> No.9813417

No excuses if I fuck up now. Almost 2 weeks without booze, acute withdrawal long gone, had a delicious soft landing with benzos and weed, today has to be the day, if I’m ever going to manage this. I cannot go back to drinking 24/7, it’s totally savage.
Fug, i should probably leave these threads. I’ve had one open every moment for like a year and a half. I’d have gone so much more crazy without al/ck/. Already have feels about listening to cranford nix, watching leaving Las Vegas, fapping over nurses during the four times I’ve been in detox in the time I’ve been here, the feel of managing to acquire more booze and those first drinks hitting and posting feelgood feels here... I feel lost without alcoholism. Wtf do I do now?

>> No.9813439

No brandy is from wine. Fruit brandy is a different thing in itself.

>> No.9813466

Pendalls recepie is good and simple.

>> No.9813494

What is it about most people, that makes them able to have intoxicants in the house and not use them? If I have anything, I’m using as much as I possibly can until it’s gone. I fucking hate being an alchie.

>> No.9813540

>correct vodka
>not chopin

>> No.9813543

what the fuck is going on with the liquid in this picture? Was this just an excellently timed shot of someone spilling their drink everywhere? looks pretty cool

>> No.9813556

I managed to get sober for 3 months. After shovelling in food for a week, probably nutrient deficient, I ended up losing 20 lbs and killed my tolerance. Now I alternate between 10/12 pack of normal beer and a 6 pack of something nice with the 2 bonus beers leftover. So far so good, I simply get tired and go to bed before I any crazy drinking. Have kept the weight off too.

>> No.9813561

Do you have a car? Store it in the trunk and sneak it in in the middle of the night. That's what I do.

>> No.9813581

3 months seems unimaginable to me. There’s just no way I can get through the minefield of shit which is life, without getting rekt on something at least occasionally

>> No.9813759

>pry self out of bed at 7:00 am
>five shots of the vodka
>walk cat to vet
>stop and get some kind of hard cider at a gas station
>drink it and talk to some hobo lady who asked to bum a cigarette
>give hobo lady $4
>walk to find car that I left at a dive bar
>get home
>hear a transformer explode
>power goes out
>fuck this where’s my good karma
I’d driven to a subway, bought a sandwich, and then fell asleep on top of it unopened because I couldn’t watch tv while I ate.
I’m about to enjoy a flatbread, my dudes. It is now sixty degrees in my house, power just came back on.

>> No.9813771

>pry self out of bed at 7:00 am
>five shots of the vodka
i don't get how people can do this

were you not hungover from the night before?

I can only drink vodka straight after waking up if I wasn't drinking a lot the night before (which is never)

usually have to wait at least 20min and then it has to be mixed

>> No.9813807
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haven't drank for two weeks.

evens and I go to the store and buy booze


>> No.9813814
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>> No.9813819
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>> No.9813825

I’m 2 weeks tomorrow. Sticking with it. Don’t do it mang, think about the reasons you stopped

>> No.9813833

1. It’s the best cure for a hangover if you still get those. Are you familiar with the phrase “the hair of the dog that bit you”?, it’s usually shortened to “hair of the dog”.
2. Because we have to fight wds

>> No.9813846

99.8% of the reason I'm an alcoholic is because of women

>> No.9813858

I've never been able to stomach alcohol after a serious hangover, waking up in a pool of vomit and dry retching without being able to physically get out of bed the last thought on my mind is downing more alcohol

I honestly think hair of the dog is something people who are experiencing mild hangovers do, because there's absolutely no way when I'm in a full blown hardcore hangover after blacking out and continuing to drink for 5 hours that I could wake up and drink more

Drinking after a "hangover" is what I do every single morning, but not after a real hangover

>> No.9813861

>its not muh fault

it is your fault. its all your fault.

>> No.9813896


Still no ones answered how the fuck vodka comes from french grapes

>> No.9813901

I'm that guy that was supposed to go to detox earlier this week. Not only did I not go, I've been drinking like a fish.

Fucking kill me please.

>> No.9814069

You need to check into the hokey pokey clinic and turn yourself around.

>> No.9814074

I just finished making 2.5 handles of vodka.

I'm drinking tonight for sure.

>> No.9814096

>holiday party was last night
>I don't remember anything that happened
>woke up this morning with missed calls and texts from my coworkers saying they're worried about me and wondering if I made it home safe
I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I did something stupid and/or embarrassing...

>> No.9814114

3 bottles of wine Friday night.
4 last night.
Imma regret if I drink today but prolly will.

>> No.9814139
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The cringe factor is horrific. Alcohol is a fucking retard. ‘Hurr I’m so drunk that it doesn’t matter if I ruin my life’.

>> No.9814214

I'm drunk, obviously. But I did something bad. It's been over ten years since the last time, but I drove drunk today. I always either get a ride or stay home until I sober up, but today I wanted to go buy something and just did it. I didn't crash or hurt anyone, but I feel like shit for taking the risk.

>> No.9814220

>holiday party
The absolute worst event for an alcoholic. Drinking with coworkers any time is bad enough. If you still have your job, I suggest you never go to one again

>> No.9814245
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I used to deliver Chinese food for about 5 years. 6 hours a day, 6 days a week, drinking plastic bottle vodka the entire time. Never even got pulled over.

Got a DUI a month after I quit that job and I wasn't even driving.

>> No.9814290

I honestly wouldn't even give a shit about getting a DUI. Just the idea that I could conk out and kill someone's family member. I couldn't live with that, it's why I feel bad about it. Cause yeah sure, I feel fine driving and I know what I'm doing, but I also know that I can be fine drinking on my couch then wake up 18 hours later and have no idea why I even fell asleep or when.

>> No.9814306

That's good that you have that fear

>> No.9814409

I've run out of gin and I'm just drinking tonic. Am I weird that I like tonic by itself?

>> No.9814698

>oh my god im so worried about my kidneys im gonna see my doctor soon i hope im not dying zomg heeeelp meeee

And im drunk and high again.. fuck society. Hedomasochism is the one true way.

>> No.9814725

Naw, i drink tonic basically every day. Its p good

>> No.9815113

Anyone else find rooibos tea helps with hangovers?

>> No.9815124

So constant sciatic back pain is probably from alcoholism, right?

>> No.9815225

>Spent the last few years cowering in my room, drinking my sadness and horrible memories away
>Parents let me live at home as long as I "attempt" to get a job, I usually just set up an interview and skip it and drive around for an hour so they think I showed up
>I was stupid enough to show up to one, and the cunts actually hired me
>Its an overnight job
>I start drinking at 10 am most days
Fuck, I'm screwed.

>> No.9815244

Nah man, you’re on the way out.
You can do it, anon.

>> No.9815274

Slept all day, they have to keep my kitty overnight because she wouldn’t pee and they need a sample.
>$300 just to get the lil fucka looked at
Well, fuggit. I love the thing and I’m not that mad about getting gouged.
Just gonna drink alone, walk my doggo, get some fast food, and then hopefully sleep.
I’ve fucked up and left two half submarine sammis uneaten on my couch, not taking the risk but I hate myself for the waste of food.
At least I have my vodka.

>> No.9815404


>> No.9815523

I buy a pack almost every other week at the same time I pick up a bottle or two.
Not so much for the hangovers as for the fact that it's something to drink that feels substantial but also doesn't kill me.
It's a cozy smell and taste.

The WDs are getting worse. Spent five days straight last week drinking something and last three days on a bender, Then three days of WD and the worst night sweats I've ever had. And the only days of the week before that I didn't drink was because of WD...
Had a date tonight so I "had" to drink.
I wanted to go sober before Christmas and going back home and I still can I suppose.

I'm just scared of waking up tomorrow and having a drink and then continuing until I can't remember what day or year it is.

>> No.9815543
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Drinking sparkling wine and I’ve mixed it with cherry juice. It’s pretty tasty

>> No.9815561

On a plane ready to take off lads. Gonna bourbon it up this time I think. See you in 7 hours from Amsterdam

>> No.9815653

Godspeed. Hope they provide free booze on the flight.

>> No.9815676

>almost post
>realize nobody cares about blogposting
Mane fug
If anyone cares my local checkers has walk up windows, so I’m taking my doggo w/ an extra bag so I can shamelessly carry the food home.

>> No.9815702

>nobody cares about blogposting

>> No.9815718

ty cool dude

>> No.9815954

God I love bonus beers, nothing like buying a 12 pack in the evening and having a few left over for the morning

>> No.9815997
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7 or 8 years ago I rawdogged this woman in Bowling Green Kentucky, I moved like a month later to Washington State.

I often wonder If I got that chick pregnant, An If I have a kid out here somewhere.

Unfortunately I only remember her first name and the place I met her at apparently has since closed (looked it up last night when the feels hit).

>> No.9816074

>Why arnt you drinking yet?

>> No.9816097

I'm traveling in Uzbekistan right now. Last night I was drinking vodka with her in her apartment, that's the last thing I remember. I woke up in bed in my hostel smelling of vomit and the girl at the reception says she's refusing to talk to me because of my behaviour last night. The cleaning lady is also pissed off at me. The worst part is yesterday I was wearing underwear and jeans, but I woke up in only my jeans which means at some point last night I got naked. I tried drinking some juice to cure my hangover but I immediately threw it up.

>> No.9816148

>Why aren't you drinking yet?
A decent amount of will-power and the desire to save money, as well as the wish to not descend into daily alcoholism like I had been in for years. Since the 7th I've had enough rum in the fridge to get drunk, and as of the early evening of the 9th I've had enough rum in the fridge to get drunk a good 4 times (or at least 3 REALLY good drunks and then a mild one) because I picked up another bottle. The 7th was also the last time I drank and when I was done I still had, as mentioned, enough to get drunk again. I'll likely get drunk late afternoon on the 10th, but for now it's not much past midnight.

Got to sleep early at 10:30PM but woke up just a little past 2AM, no longer feeling tired. WTF? For once I got to sleep before 3AM only to end up with a mere 3.5 hours of sleep? As mentioned I feel like getting drunk in about 14 hour's time, but 3.5 hours likely wasn't enough so I might end up being super tired and passing out, so I MIGHT attempt to go another sober day (3rd in a row). Wait, today is going to be stormy as a motherfucker, won't be setting foot outside in all likelihood, might even lose power at some point, I don't know. Pretty much ideal conditions to drink, in my opinion, so fuck sobriety. Just annoyed that I got just 3.5 hours of sleep instead of a good 6 at least, ideally more, I haven't been sleeping much lately. Might start drinking at 3PM just for the sake if definitely having an extra hour of drinking before whenever it is that I'll be passing out. Probably watch some more Karcocha on Youtube, he's some mime from like Spain or something and I found him fucking hysterical, didn't know I was into mimes.

>Pound of bacon
Sounds incredible... just realized that I MIGHT have a couple strips of bacon perhaps four-five times a year at most. I don't buy my own so at best I'll just have some on a burger, but I barely ever get food at a restaurant.

>> No.9816161

I’ve been rolling around and fighting wds all day, and for some reason I can’t get my ex (years ago) out of my brain.
She dated my older brother, they broke up before anything happened because he was too chickenshit to fuck her, and then after years of her coming onto me I finally succumbed. I was sixteen and she was almost twenty.
She had a very sexy raspy voice and looked like Velma from scooby doo but with nice big tiddies.
One time she said “jenkies” when she slid down my benis, we fucked with her glasses on.
I’m about to move back to my hometown, I have a perfect girlfriend, but drunk me wants to look her up because of the way she liked dick.
>Jesus take the benis
>take it from my hands
>I can’t do this on my ooooown

>> No.9816191

its weird, aye. dont trouble yourself with what other people do. youve got big enough problems dealing with YOU. i know what its like.

>> No.9816200

Don't think of it as driving a forklift drunk, think of it as working on hard mode.

>> No.9816213

So why'd you quit the Chinese game?

>> No.9816219

You can escape the vicious cycle by tapering down with 5% cheap canned beers. I've done it a few times. Takes a couple days and it takes control so you dont drink 30 of them in one sitting, but plenty of people do it. Withdrawals are not necessary to suffer through.

>> No.9816228

not enough sugar in the wine for you?

>> No.9816232

didn't drink all week.

needless to say i am very drunk now. goddamn being sober is terrible. everything sucks. went to nyc for work, it still sucked.

>> No.9816234

Yeah, probably. Im not him btw. but usually free booze on international flights means 2-3 drinks and then you start getting really dirty looks and sighs from the staff every time you ask for a drink. And I mean ask, because they dont offer any more.

>> No.9816238

It might just be the ol’ horny wd syndrome.

>> No.9816241

thats a great way to kick off a three day bender. beware the bonus beers.

>> No.9816246

just curious but how did she react when you nutted in her? ive only done that once where it was unexpected and she was a little alarmed by it

>> No.9816251

lol. better just keep your head low and dont drink any more in that town.

>> No.9816275

hey everybody. just achieved a satisfactory drunk. how are you all?

>> No.9816298

yeah unless you were like abused as a child or something it's pretty pathetic to blame your alcoholism on another person, especially an entire gender that makes up literally half the population of the planet.

I mean my drinking ramped up after a certain breakup six years ago but it was there before and it would have become a problem either way, I don't blame her for it. That would be asinine.

>> No.9816307

God damn it, you might be right. The only thing that’s sus to me is that I haven’t thought about her in years. I know she would be down >:(

>> No.9816321

Beware of being a normie

>> No.9816334

eh don't be a dick anon. You can have a beer bender, while it may not be as physically debilitating as liquor I've had 60+ unit weekends with beer followed by withdrawal on monday.

It's not a liver pissing contest.

>> No.9816379

I like blogposting. Part of the reason I love this site is I get to glimpse parts of anons' lives. If you have an interesting story and blogpost consistently in these threads you'll eventually get a nickname and become a legend

>> No.9816399

She seemed into it. That girl was a freak

Also feltgoodman

>> No.9816406

you can get fucked up on beers, friend, especially if you're skinny and don't eat very often and can pound them down. I can drink endless beers without getting too full or bloated and trust me you can get shitty on beers.

>> No.9816459

RIP mall drinker

>> No.9816478

Good healthy meal ideas to settle my stomach and allow me to drink for longer periods without sickness?

I don't mind if it fills my stomach and I have to drink extra liquor, got plenty

>> No.9816495

I think mall drinker got sober actually. Gnomebro stopped doing meth and stopped seeing gnomes. SMirnoffbro is still with us, Simpsonsbro is either dead or sober.

>> No.9816499

What you want is thiamine and ABC vitamins

>> No.9816531

U can take pills if u have a script retard

>> No.9816541

not sure about aus but in the UK you're can at the very best get a limited script for valium with intense fear of flying or as a taper plan for booze withdrawals

>> No.9816546


Chew B12 like they're candy.

>> No.9816560
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>when you run out of chaser and have to resort to water and salt to get the taste of Caliber out of your mouth

>> No.9816619

I don't want taper drugs, I want drugs xanax etc to get fucked up on

not going to stop drinking

>> No.9816621

i cant face the anxiety of leaving to go to the shops so my chasers have been all vodka from the cornerstore next doors

starting to really feel like shit drinking red bull all day for the last week

my teeth are furry and my heart is getting palpitations anytime I do any physical activituy

>> No.9816624

Taper with alcohol.

>> No.9816625

then find a dealer

>> No.9816631

*chasers have been red bull

typo i'm too drunk

>> No.9816635

was it not clear from post that I have no interest in tapering?

>social contact
no thanks

only way I'd find a dealer is online and I'd trust a doctor that I lie to for a prescription more than some random internet connection

>> No.9816636

if you have Sciatic back pain and foot numbness, that's kidney disorder.

>> No.9816653

>certified doctor

go fuck yourself

>> No.9816661


You can be a stupid asshole all you want.


But don't misinform others.

>> No.9816662


I don't even understand your motivations. What kind of an asshole are you? Is your back sore?

>> No.9816663

Based anons

>> No.9816667


Dude is in kidney failure and denial. No doubt.

>> No.9816674

I guess the hardest part of being an alcohol is the denial

>> No.9816675

>some stupid online article instead of referring to a qualified doctor

I've had sciatic pain much longer than I've been an alcoholic

I also despise idiots asking for/providing medical advice on an online forum

if you have a problem go speak to a doctor or shut the fuck up

this isn't webmd, I'm not such a fucking retard that I'll go google symptoms and self-diagnose instead of seeing a qualified doctor

>> No.9816677
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Indeed. You don't know where it ends but you're further down the path than you wished.

If your back and legs hurt when you drink, you kidneys are dying.

>> No.9816679


right. Stick to that and you'll be fine.

>> No.9816683


You realize that no one cares of you live or die, right? Some people are just trying to help.

>> No.9816692

the fact that people would be crushed by my death is the only thing keeping me alive

i've started to resent my family because it's only their inevitable guilt/blame whatever if I killed myself that's stopping me from killing myself

it's the reason I decide to stay alive and drink myself into a slow death, by the time I die both my parents will be dead, probably just kill myself after they die regardless

>> No.9816695


when you wake up and every joint in your body pops from a build up of uric acid, you finally figure out your kidneys are boxed.

I know you denial experts don't hear this shit, but its the truth.

>> No.9816696

Be the kind of change you want to see in the world

>> No.9816698


what are your current symptoms?

>> No.9816702


I'm right there with you. I'm surviving because of others. Watch Stronger, if you can.

>> No.9816704

>explain the entirety of my physical health to some random person online so that I can be e-diagnosed

no thanks

>> No.9816709


suffer in silence then. we all do.

>> No.9816710

Why are you posting here in the first place if you don't need help?

>> No.9816711


I'm an old man and pride doesn't factor into life after 40. You just end up looking like a dumb kid.

>> No.9816713


I guess that's why all suicides are 10 year olds these days. They don't know any better.

>> No.9816715

don't act like this is a support group

>> No.9816717

What the fuck is it then, smart guy?

>> No.9816718


what do you think online forums are? Why are you so angry? No one hates you unconditionally.

>> No.9816721


You're really an end stage alcoholic. You're going to die from this, buddy.

>> No.9816727

that's the plan

I want to die I'm just not willing to commit suicide and do that to my family

Is it worse to cut contact with family and drink myself to a slow death so that I die long after them, or is it worse to kill myself now and force my family to deal with the death

for me it's the long death by alcohol that is less

>> No.9816728
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how can anything else compete

>> No.9816732


>> No.9816734


we tried. Sorry man. Have a short good night.

>> No.9816741

>we tried

pathetic cunts ITT

if you want to stop drinking, then do it

don't come to a 4chan thread to spam your pathetic stories hoping people will convince you to stop drinking

if you're truly an alcoholic the only person that can stop you is yourself

baka these generals full of pathetic attention seeking faggots

>> No.9816744

>sciatica pain
RIP. I was struck down by the little fucker after years of spending 17 hours a day on a crappy desk chair. Began hurting in 2011 so much that I needed tramadol and morphine just to shit. It still took me 15 minutes to get out of bed. The pain now (7 years later) is constant, but bearable as long as I never spend more than around 20 mins a week sitting down.
Yeah. You heard. I haven’t sat for almost a decade. No waiting rooms, no driving, no cinemas or dates... I’ve lost the ability to sit, nothing helps and it’ll never go away. Life maybe 90% gone.

>> No.9816753

nah it's because you're an alcoholic

t. general practitioner

>> No.9816759

t. babby.
It absolutely is you dumb shit.

>> No.9816764


Drink water and don't eat anything salty, and don't drink booze. You figure shit out fast when you look a the problem. You in nephritic distress, idiot. this place is like talking to wood.

>> No.9816772

you're kidding yourself if you think this a positive support group and a solution to overcoming alcoholism

>> No.9816773

So no life tips for you

>> No.9816774

You’re kidding yourself if you think you could possibly know that, know anything about me or that your opinion will in any way affect what people take away from these threads.

>> No.9816776

>life tips from a 4chan thread full of alcoholics

>> No.9816787

Quit drinking 2 years ago, but my personal life/failing marriage and depression kicked in so I'm back on it. Gone through 3 Jagermeister bottles last week and a carton of beer.

My work Christmas party is on Wednesday evening and I might after be doing some lines of coke with a girl from work and a couple of friends.

I need something to drink before I go out, something I can easily drink on the train, any suggestions?

>> No.9816792

If they’re communicating with alcoholics on 4chan, and they’re alcoholics on 4chan, and the subject of the thread is alcoholics on 4chan, I reckon there’s a chance that alcoholism and 4chan might be pertinent subjects. I did once pick up an interior design tip here, but I’m willing to bet that most tips will gravitate away from the subject of furniture alignment, and may occasionally be more focused on alcoholism amongst those on 4chan. I mean, the people with more experience of being this entity are us. We’re literally the most skilled, knowledgeable people in the known universe past and present, when it comes to the subject of being alcoholics on 4chan. There is literally nobody ever better at it than us. If accept s tip or 2. And have. And am 14 days off booze today. Now sod off and be wrong somewhere else pls thx : ^}

>> No.9816798

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9816804

>wall of text trying to prove your point because you know you're wrong

if people wanted help they'd be elsewhere

>> No.9816805

My point, obviously, even with autoincorrect, was that alcoholics on 4chan are probably quite skilled at giving tips to alcoholics on 4chan.

>> No.9816807

Then I agree with you

>> No.9816810

But I want help and I’m here, and it is helping to be here. You’re simply wrong, no matter how much you gallop through the thread screaming that you know everything.

>> No.9816813


You can't help drunks. They abusive morons. Let them die. they want to die.

>> No.9816815

I’m a drunk, and I’m being helped by being here.
It’s ok to be wrong sometimes anon.

>> No.9816818


Representative example

Borrow£600 over 6 months
Interest rate274% pa (fixed)
Five repayments of£189.72
One final repayment of£189.69
Total amount payable£1138.29
Representative1,086% APR

Oh well. Gruel for Xmas. I’m out of drugs, got to do this.

>> No.9816873

2-good, 5 shitty, 1 good.
Always save best for last.
Unless you are going to pound the shitty beers fast in which case start with them.

>> No.9816945

yall want help from drunkards in the midst of the drunkark yall messed up

>> No.9817136

I'll have been sober for a week on Monday. Wish me luck, people, this isn't easy. But, I have to do this, my liver was getting damaged, according to recent lab work. I will say, my skin is already looking remarkably better, and I definitely have more energy. But also, I can't stop thinking about alcohol, and I'm noticing and remembering all the reasons I became a heavy drinker to begin with, which is maddening.

>> No.9817160

Two weeks today. Fairly confident I’m about to fuck it up. I’m so fucking anxious, bored, lonely and depressed. Stacks of alcohol available literally 30 seconds walk from me.

>> No.9817187

>doc warning about liver
>Stop drinking, get all clear
>Drink at government recommended levels of boozing 1-2 drinks average a day
>Xmas party with friends
>8 pints, half bottle of wine
>wake up with liver pain

Ah come on man
Half you fucks drink a bottle of vodka a day
I have one Xmas party and my side feels like a car hit it
It's not fair dammit

>> No.9817214

My liver hurts constantly, I just drink until I don’t care

>> No.9817225
File: 21 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your liver doesn't have any nerve endings, it's just so inflamed that it's putting pressure on your other guts.

>> No.9817249

>he doesnt get all his advice from cambodian puppet masters

lmaoing @ youre life

>> No.9817270

A loser English teacher in Japan how am I not surprised.

>> No.9817403

You can get a 24 month interest free credit card.
But I guess you are retarded.

>> No.9817411

>wake up hungover in the afternoon again because I drank too much when I woke up

all I've done for the past 5 days is drink until I fall asleep then wake up and wait until I can drink again

over 1L of vodka a day and 10+ hours of sleeping broken up into parts

it's not even worth it

>> No.9817430

I’ve already got 3.
The ‘you must be retarded’ conclusion makes you sound 13. Isn’t necessary here.

>> No.9817439

Why are you mad, also loser elt making mad mone no taxes and fucking asian hotties.

>> No.9817460

Friend, you are posting about getting a pay day loan, claim to have 3 24m credit cards maxed, and instead of taking advice call others retarded.
You are a self destructive retard who ha mommy to bail them out pls got back to r/drunk with your spced rum and teenage angst.

>> No.9817465

I’m 38. Shush.

>> No.9817477

Then call your social worker because you are functionally retarded.

>> No.9817482

I feel sorry for you for being so narrow minded. You do not know what you’re talking about. Now please hurry along, it’s boring.

>> No.9817492

you're all retarded
24m = 24million

>> No.9817499

Such grammar, I hope you are retarded.

>> No.9817504
File: 236 KB, 500x369, F6B8970E-FE6E-491A-A16B-A0B51953098A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9817509

Great you stopped butchering the English language, next step is to keep your noise to facebook.

>> No.9817540

Is this your first time here? This isn’t a kiddy board.
You should have put a comma after “great”, btw.
Do you have anything remotely interesting to say, or is that it? This thread isn’t for you if you’re going to act like a ranting preteen.

>> No.9817552

I am here to torment you for your shit posting,

>> No.9817555

Then I’d suggest a board like /b/, you’ll love it there. You’ll just look like a fool here.

>> No.9817563

You are so new its cringey.

>> No.9817809

Last night I got
>drunk enough to reply to my own post unknowingly
>walked with my doggo and bought a hard cider and then to a burger store
>spent $13 on fast food
>dropped my drink (for chaser) immediately
>fell down a few times on the way home
>got home and didn’t even eat
>woke up in my guest room
Honestly I’m pissed off that I wasted that money but it’s whatever because my doggo made a lot of friends when we walked there. Everybody petted the lil’ duder.

>> No.9817823

Glad to hear doggo had fun, and hey, sounds like you got a good walk out of it, also if you went for a drunken adventure it doesn't sound like it was a COMPLETE waste of money though I'd be pretty pissed off at myself if I spent $13 on fast food. The most I typically spend on fast food is about $7-8 on Subway, which I might have perhaps once a month, maybe twice a month at most.

>> No.9818008

>mentally feeling better
>recalling all those times i drank half a bottle of kraken
>drank half a fifth of everclear%75 and half a fifth of vodka in one night
>the time i drank a big bottle of everclear in i cant even remember how long it took me, but it clearly fucked with my memory

Alcohol is so stupid when you think about it. Each and every time you get wasted all you have to look back on is regret. The hell man?

>> No.9818023

Those brief few hours daily when it feels good are all I have. If I have booze to hand, then the only other thing I remember is for like half an hour after waking, rest is just gone, so as long as I’m always drinking it’s ok.

>> No.9818053

It's Sunday, and it's storming. Got fuck-all planned, already did some writing for a book I'm ghostwriting, I'm gonna get fucked up tonight. Gonna be great!

>> No.9818132

Nice digits.

I read through your exchange with this asshat-->>9817563 -- to try to figure out what got him so worked up. Seems like he was just looking for a fight.

Anyway, good luck with your financial issues. God knows I've been there before, and it's always when my drinking is at its worst.

>> No.9818257

Cheers bruh. Pretty sure that was just overflow from >>>/b/abby - whatever, he’ll get bored.
And yeah money is a proper little fucker if you haven’t got any. S’all good, loan came through so I’m drunk and high. Phew.

Anyone feel up to starting a new thread? Page 10 looming

>> No.9818265

Got my first two shots poured, gonna watch some Terrence Popp on Youtube. Love the title of his latest vid!

16 Reasons The Worst Women Stay Single

This is going to be GLORIOUS!

>> No.9818307

i just realized how fucked and past the point of return i am. fuck

>> No.9818355

had to lie down for the last 5 hours to stop myself throwing up

just feel well enough to get on the computer now

wish i could down some booze right now but i know its going to make me feel worse

>> No.9818374

Should be fine as soon as you’re drunk again, no?

>> No.9818400

Iktfb. Feel like there’s no escape. Wish I could just be a kid again, with the knowledge of how fucked up alcohol would be for me.

>> No.9818559

I’m going to drunkenly mail her tonight. I know I am. Her and her angry 6ftEIGHT husband, lol. He’s already threatened to kill me twice.

Anyone else have loads of furious husbands threatening them? Shit is perilous as fuck when you’re an al/ck/, I can’t help sometimes sexing their grils if I’m blacked out.

>> No.9818614


>> No.9818626

if only it were a larp. We wouldnt be talking about it if it werent real legit shit

>> No.9818881

Yup, I’m now drunk. This is never going to end no matter what I do. Fucking god almighty I don’t know what to do.

>> No.9818984


>score: 61