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File: 18 KB, 260x195, 260px-Casu_Marzu_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9803886 No.9803886 [Reply] [Original]

The most famous italian putrid cheese is casu marzu, a goat cheese with worms inside. Show putrid cheeses from your countries.

>> No.9803891

well at least it's not American cheese!

>> No.9803900

American plastic you mean?

>> No.9803964

>tfw casu marzu is actually one of the healtiest cheeses you cna eat
My grandma loved this thing, she also ate snails and sanguinaccio (pork blood mixed with chocolate). I hate those thing but it reminds of her :)

>> No.9803984

did she love to eat the worms as well?

>> No.9803987

Damn, what a woman.

>> No.9804003
File: 1.98 MB, 2212x1832, Fromage_aux_artisous_du_Velay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artison cheese. A cheese inoculated with cheese mites, the reason ripened mimolette is forbiden in the US. Not that putrid IMO tho.

>> No.9804015
File: 28 KB, 512x312, harzer käse.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9804039
File: 457 KB, 873x767, łoscypek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't call it putrid but for many its not enjoyable.

>> No.9804062

Of course.

>> No.9804070

what's so healthy about it?

>> No.9804113

Cheese monger here. You can get mimolette in the US now. I sell the 12 month aged version for instance.

>> No.9804146

You eat maggots
Maggots eat poop
Poop is bad
You're full of poop
Maggots eat the poop in you
You become healthy

>> No.9804169

less saturated fats
more bioavailability of calcium and other vitamins

>> No.9804195

>europeans eat LITERAL maggots
>americans eat a mixture of cheeses melted into one slice for convenience
hurr durr american cheese is shit guise

>> No.9804203

bester käse

>> No.9804207

Kys amerilard

>> No.9804249

I started eating it for the protein and the low price but I recently discovered that, if you let it warm up to room temperature it actually tastes delicious.

>> No.9804578

Is it imported? Is it raw? Does it have irregular crust? Does it have cheese mite on the crust?

>> No.9804607

You americans die earlier than europeans because your food is shit

>> No.9804674

No we die earlier because we sit around all day on our thrones of various types. Even our SUVs are just rolling thrones.

>> No.9805926

best cheese right here

>> No.9805978

thanks Mario

>> No.9805984

No shit. Only retards eat cold cheese.

>> No.9807327

*maggots not worms

>> No.9807929

I'm in Asia, and we don't do cheese here. Nastly stuff.

>> No.9808414

It's true that this cheese is banned in lots of countrys and the only way to get is through the black market?

>> No.9808501


>> No.9808931


Why do they do this?

>> No.9809143

It's tradition. Sardinia is a weird place.

>> No.9809151


It looks beautiful. Are you Italian? I have visited Rome, Florence and Assisi. Would you recommend I check out Naples, Venice and Cagliari next?

>> No.9809180

So if I do this i never have to poop again?

>> No.9809184

It's banned inside the EU, you can only legally eat it where it's made - Sardinia island.
I am and I happen to live in Venice, which I really recommend you visit, but only if you stay out of the cattle path from the station to St Marks Square and go see the real city among the alleys. Naples is beautiful, but it's the kind of place where you need to watch your back, locals will try to fuck you over if they can, it's how they are. I don't like them. Cagliari is pretty unique, it has a mixture of architectural styles and monuments from different cultures all packed together. You can walk up a hill with a castle on it and get a breathtakingly beautiful view of the city and the sea

>> No.9809186

Yes. Although GP is inaccurate.

> Maggots eat the bowels you
> You become dead.

Obviously dead don't need to poop.

>> No.9809207

The maggots in casu marzu won't eat your internal organs dumbfuck. They'll get dissolved by stomach acid just like everything else you eat. And if you're worried about that you can just kill them beforehand, by putting the cheese inside a bag and cutting off the air. The maggots will jump out and make popping sounds as they hit the bag and die. This is called popping cheese.

>> No.9809509


Thank you I will keep that in mind the next time I visit.

>> No.9809539

why not just eat the maggots and skip the cheese then, you vermin

>> No.9809546
File: 98 KB, 512x478, 2014OMErzherzog-Johann-Kaese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upper-Styrian cheese, dry, nutty and very intense.
Its a typical easter cheese, in styria, the family gathers to eat "aufstrichplatte". Basicly its a big plate with many differnent spreads, cheeses and smoked easter meat

>> No.9809609

My grandpa makes his own, its fucking delicious

>> No.9809710

I think you might mean "infamous"