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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9801893 No.9801893 [Reply] [Original]

My one meal of the day. 1900 calories

>> No.9801906

So how fat are you

>> No.9801907

why tho

>> No.9801910

1900 cal in a day makes you fat???

>> No.9801917

what kind of mong are you?

>> No.9801929

>1900 calories

spooky skelly detected

>> No.9801936
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>> No.9801940

>powdered parmesan
might aswell just shove candy into your mouth

>> No.9802012

there's no sugar in parmesan cheese...

>> No.9802030

I eat twice that in one sitting and I fry my pasta in tons of oil and butter, it's like eating a whole large pizza at once.

>> No.9802046

How much of a limp-wristed sjw beta libcuck numale soyboy are you?

>> No.9802085

You guys really think a normal person is going to be eating like this? Sounds like someone on a crash diet

>> No.9802098
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x3016, IMG_20171204_113512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much all I ate on Monday

>> No.9802129

What the hell did you add to that to make it 1900 calories?

>> No.9802148

How is eating close to 2k calories a crash diet?

>> No.9802152

>he counts his steps
You know those fitness monitors and apps are just an elaborate scheme to make middle aged women feel good about themselves, right?

>> No.9802155
File: 168 KB, 768x1024, F72F4540-D268-4B01-B2C3-9E5D7F6366BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was off a bit.

Six ounces spaghetti
480 calorie sauce
200 calorie Parmesan

>> No.9802166
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No. It’s a good way to track my activity and compare trends. I enter my weight has 40 pounds less than it is so the calorie count will not be overestimated.

>> No.9802173

is the picture taken sometime after you ate it

>> No.9802178

Faggot takes pics of all of his food

>> No.9802185

Those things are WILDLY inaccurate, regardless of what data you give it. Thousands more steps than you actually take.

>> No.9802188

If you're heavy 1900 calories can be a pretty big deficit

>> No.9802197

Also most people can't sustain eating one meal a day long term

>> No.9802205

Way too much shakey cheese

>> No.9802206

If you're going to be looking forward to a meal all day long, and you have a 1900 calorie budget, why would you choose to eat this instead of something that's actually worth looking forward to?

>> No.9802238

No. I’ve tested it. It’s pretty accurately. And more importantly it’s consistent. Which is why I compare trends and not straight numbers. You sound like a retarded redditor. Fuck off.

>> No.9802239

if you don't walk it does.
And this is mostly carbs and sugar, so it's directly stored as fat to begin with.

>> No.9802246
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It is a deficit for most males of average height who aren’t at least sat on the sofa all day.

>> No.9802250

Nice gunna lose weight easy
But why not split the meal in half and eat one at lunch and the other at dinner?

>> No.9802251
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I eat other things. Salads. Curries. Soups. Stews. Sand which. But sometimes I have craving for pasta.

>> No.9802262
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Fair point. Thing is at work I can go through the day easily without eating (I may have a coffee with just a bit of cream, no sugar).

So consequently, I just eat one meal once I get home. I've found that if I do eat lunch, I"m still very tempted to have a big dinner.

For me, it's just easier to skip lunch and have a big, satfisyin dinner. And This bowl of pasta is not even a weekly thing. But sometimes I get craving for big bowl of spaget.

Other tiems I eat big salad, curry, soup, omelette, etc.

>> No.9802275

>I tested it

Lmao, what, you literally counted your steps manually? For an entire day? Fuck outta here, mang.

>> No.9802277

That doesn't explain why you would eat that garbage instead of a well made, good quality pasta dish.

>> No.9802289

no, but i've counted steps for some time and compared. and i've also calibrated it to my stride and willc ompare the distance it gives me to the known distance that i've walked

>> No.9802292
File: 894 KB, 1202x1059, IMG_1372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tastes good. sauce is homemade (or i mean canned crushed tomatos that i add olive oil and onions and garlic and capers, etc...)

>> No.9802297

You rang?

>> No.9802298

>Most people

>> No.9802300

You're full of shit. No one who uses powdered """""cheese""""" product makes anything worth a damn.

>> No.9802306
File: 57 KB, 827x420, 1511024273636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of people do. not that hard when you are busy with work/studying/school, etc...

>> No.9802311
File: 2.34 MB, 1596x900, 1510863075330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do because i like powdered parm on my pasta. in salads or other appications, i like real parm that i slice myself

>> No.9802323

>10 oz boneless skinless chicken breast (300-400 cal, 0g sugar)
>one triple zero oikos yogurt (120 cal, 6g sugar, 6g carbs)
>lots of water
>1-2 hardboiled eggs (120 cal)
>run 2 miles every morning

5'9 145lb, how can soygoys even compete??

>> No.9802343
File: 67 KB, 640x478, Trader-Joes-Grated-Parmesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this variety? I hope you're not using the Kraft stuff.

>> No.9802381

it not TJ, but similar. not kraft

>> No.9802395

how the fuck is that 1900 calories

>> No.9802407

12 ounces of pasta, 480 calories of sauce, 200 cal of cheese

>> No.9802435

>your body doesn't obey thermodynamics because soccer-mom tier nutrition science
This really has to be bait, no one is this retarded

>> No.9802491

every time I see one of those gross webms of street vendors piling on sauce after sauce on top of some bullshit, I always wondered who the fuck would purchase that

today we found out

>> No.9802511
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>anon has never read the works of dr. fung

>> No.9802516
File: 1.50 MB, 4032x3016, IMG_20171204_113822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sauce on top is just garlic yoghurt and hummus.
Also has lamb meat, and some chips and cheese under the lamb.

>> No.9802541
File: 463 KB, 934x521, Smoking_pink_omega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How depressed are you anon? i usualy have something like this and alco just a fuckton more aclo

>> No.9802567

12oz of pasta isn't fucking 1.2k calories, it's more like 300. Believe me, as someone with ARFID who ate that every day for 12 years pretty much, it's not near 2000 calories

>> No.9802572

>12oz of pasta
oh it is that much, but there's no way you're eating that much pasta in one bowl

>> No.9802596

in new york we have similar, but we eat on rice, not fried potato slices

>> No.9802601
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how depressed am i to eat one big meal a day that's still under <2k calories?

>> No.9802604

12 ounces>>9802572
of dry pasta.

>> No.9802613

Probably pretty depressed. Most depressed people either eat a fuckload of bad food all the time or they only eat a little bit.

>> No.9802628

1900 calories is a fuck ton?

>> No.9802638

this is simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking

>> No.9802651

actually makes my eyes a bit watery

>> No.9802680

Would you like some noodles with your cheeeese

>> No.9802684

>no it's not nasty, it's yogurt and hummus
holy shit are you a dog or something? yogurt and hummus are two of the nastiest foods known to man

>> No.9802690

important question: is that your dog?

>> No.9802709

either your in denial about your eating habits or you believe in "intermediate fasting" either way you repressing some form of depression/eating disorder with that eating habit

This anon knows whats up

>> No.9802893

What if I'm just really lazy and like junk food

>> No.9803309

*theres no sugar in REAL parmesan cheese...

>> No.9803335

you're a retard

>> No.9803338

omad and waterfasts are god tier for cutting and just omad is god tier in general

>> No.9803341

>believe in intermediate fasting
jesus fucking christ at least pretend you know what you are talking about you retarded faggot kill yourself

>> No.9803342

That's pre-grated parm isn't it?
Yeah, you need to be cleansed from the gene pool.

>> No.9803344 [DELETED] 

Spaghetti sauce is incredibly low in calories. You would have to consume an entire jar (or, if you don't suck at cooking, a full saucepan) and you'd maybe be hovering around 250 or so. This is assuming the sauce isn't loaded with oil or cheese, though.

>> No.9803369

By not being a manlet you 5'9 freak

>> No.9803677

No. I just like eating one meal a day. Been doing it a long time.

>> No.9803682


>> No.9803686
File: 72 KB, 636x486, 7CEDA7A7-5DBC-481E-A6A8-E3585C5EEE73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a daily mea
For me.

>> No.9803709

So you puked it back up and took a picture?

>> No.9803831

Looks like a HSP from Australia.
The sauces are usually garlic yoghurt, bbq sauce, and hotsauce though. The "Holy Trinity".

>> No.9803871

t. Tastebudlet
Although admittedly combining the two is unusual

>> No.9803879

>directly stored as fat to begin with
Not if the person has been fasting all day. Carbs and glucose are our immediate source of energy. Why would a starving body waste more energy turning them into a less easily burned source of fuel

>> No.9804008

Welcome to 4chan soft faggot

>> No.9804020

if you only eat one meal a day, anything prepared properly is incredibly satisfying.

>> No.9804024

>prepared properly
So not the shit OP posted

>> No.9804026


>> No.9804049

Sounds like fat logic to me. Do you browse tumblr? 1900 cals in a day would cause many fit men to lose weight and muscle

>> No.9804171

Unless that's just the upper layer and under that it's literally just honey and nutella there is no way those are 1900 calories.

>> No.9804198

I too am observing the Fast of Saint Philip. I've dropped 16 lbs in 4 weeks. I feel phenomenal.

>> No.9804250

>480 calorie sauce
1900 kj from a tomato based sauce?
whoa.... so this is the power of amerimutt '''food'''... epic
why do you amerimutts put sugar in a TOMATO PASTA SAUCe, they get confused when you are fat?

>> No.9804267

Yeah by like half

>> No.9804289


>that 'cheese'

I'd rather die than eat that slop. Fuck you

>> No.9804295


>> No.9804303

>480 calorie sauce

How df do you make tomato sauce have that many calories? Or is it because of including some kind of meat fried in lard or something?

>> No.9804310


>extremely shitty diet
>eating hard boiled eggs ever instead of literally any other way of cooking them
>is a manlet
>brags about it

0/10 off yourself

>> No.9804313


>chicken breast
>0g sugar

Are you autistic? Thanks for letting us know there's no sugar in your chicken you imbecile

>> No.9804319


Embarrassing post

>> No.9804320

manley soyboy

>> No.9804617

Omar is quite easy too>>9804303
Olive oil and tomatoes and onions basically

>> No.9804622

No. By like 200 cal.

>> No.9804630

Serious question, how do your shits come out after eating nothing but meat cheese and noodles for days on end?

>> No.9804631
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>all the soyfags on this board who don't do any sort of physical training
>how can anyone possible eat a large meal to themselves and not drink a quart of semen instead!

>> No.9804635
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More like 1700

>> No.9804643

No meat in this. And like I said multiple times this is a once in two weeks meal. Other days I eat salads and lots of vegetables.

>> No.9804681
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I can post a pic of my next bowel movement but I think it’s a rule violation

>> No.9804756

this would probably be great without all sauce

>> No.9804798
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I usually buy two because the home delivery becomes free, then save one for the day after

>> No.9804918

only fat people and psychopaths count calories.

>> No.9804923

The average active make is suppose to have around 3000 calories a day. The people complaining about 1900 calories are soy boys who spend all day at work in front of a computer designing feminists greeting cards. They clearly don't work out.

>> No.9804940

that looks like exactly what he is doing to me

>> No.9805053

You're mentally handicapped

>> No.9805063

That's a tiny 1900 calories. How much fat is in It? Also you need to eat vegetables senpai.

>> No.9805078

>shakey cheese

My nibba

>> No.9805088


>> No.9805090

You're going to end up malnourished, eating like that.

>> No.9805100 [DELETED] 
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soy boys are hot though. pic related.

>> No.9805103

6'1 and 160 pounds. I count calories because if I don"t, I don't eat enough.

>> No.9805122

eating a 1 meal bulk makes ur body store the food since ur telling it, that, that meal is the only meal its going to have all day; eating small meals is the most efficient way 2 maintain a more aesthetic & healthier looking body

>> No.9805127

Unless you're like 400lbs there is no way walking 10 miles burns 2700 cals

>> No.9805160

t. mom

>> No.9805193

there's no way that shit is 1900 calories

>> No.9805199

I'm pretty sure the 2700 cals referrs to his TDEE factoring in his physical activity

>> No.9805205

Congrats. You retard burned 2.7 kilo calories (kcal), not 2700 kcal.

Your daily intake is ~2000 kilo calories.

>> No.9805387

That isn't 1900 calories.

>> No.9805397
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>pregrated parmesan

>> No.9805406

Food calories are always given as kcal.
And you would be burning much more than 2.7 kcal. walking ten miles. The app is either way off or it's what >>9805199 said, though. Either way, you're both retards.

>> No.9805489

Thinking he burned 2.7 kcal is absurd. How can you not see 10 miles walked and know for absolute certain it took more than 2.7kcals of energy?

>> No.9805689

OMAD is entirely normal.

>> No.9805724

I also only eat 1 meal a day.
Though it's usually probably only 1000 calories at most.

>> No.9805737

I do this too OP it's fucking awesome feels so GOOD to eat a massive meal, take a massive dump, and save like an hour of time every day by not eating breakfast or lunch

>> No.9805762
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Exactly. I also like to add that the hour I have for lunch is now spent taking a walk rather than eating.

>> No.9805777

It’s bmr + the walking

>> No.9805782
File: 3.25 MB, 4032x3024, 447E3169-A6B0-442E-9EB1-B43E6570451D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Bmr is maybe 1800 and the rest is from activity.

>> No.9805785

Looks almost exactly like my typical one meal of the day when I was studying my ass off at med school. Sometimes I'd shake things up and make the sauce with basil pesto instead.

>> No.9805801
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I know. That’s why I eat other things on other days. This isn’t my daily only mea everyday.

>> No.9806498

serious question
how is the mi6?

>> No.9806547 [DELETED] 

What is it?

>> No.9806767

shalll I post a pic of my one meal today?

>> No.9806813

It's a great phone for the price, really fast, good battery, camera is good. Has the same processor as the latest Samsung.
The mi software is pretty shit and the screen could be better but I would buy it again.

>> No.9806826

I don't think you understand nutrition. Also, most calories are burned off naturally. No amount of walking and other exercise will help you loose weight if you eat like a pig.

>> No.9806839

ive been doing this a while. im supposed to only have like 1400 calories so i just wait till dinner so i can have a bunch

>> No.9806859

>Square of cold butter

>> No.9806875

it melts

>> No.9806882
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yeah, easier and more satfifying than having two 700 cal meals

>> No.9806936

exactly. i dont have to dick around with portions and that crap, i just eat as much as i want because its breakfast lunch and dinner

>> No.9807343

yeah, i'm too much in the mode that once i get home from work i need to eat. skipping lunch is easy. skipping dinner is hard for me

>> No.9807357

for a couple of years i was eating once a day or once every 2 days, and generally just like 10-12 chicken nuggets. i was 120 pounds 5'11 tho, so eh

>> No.9807381

jesus, that is like concentarion camp victim

>> No.9807391

retard or woman

>> No.9807418

i miss it, i felt way better then. i kinda wanna go to that again. i was able to touch my elbows behind my back real easy

>> No.9809500

thanks anon, i read through his stuff, really informative

>> No.9809819

I mean, youre demonstrably wrong.
The consensus is that the trackers are +/-7% accurate, which is pretty damn accurate.

just google it

>> No.9809862

i see your point that some will mistake this for actual exercise but motivating people to walk more is a good thing.

i had a similar app for snowboarding last season and i found myself doing extra runs and pushing the limits to get better stats

>> No.9809867

>has lamb meat

>no meat in this

explaoin yoruself

>> No.9810865

>ten miles
>2,700 calories
Are you fucking 400lbs?!

>> No.9812044
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>> No.9813018

>stomachlet has a temper tantrum

>> No.9813030

is that shit and cum?

>> No.9813220

Anon that is one qt dog

>> No.9813225

I wouldn't be proud of myself, but I'd eat the fuck out of that.

>> No.9813232

>literally doing le muslim finger

London was a mistake.

>> No.9813241

Sound like a psychopath to me.

>> No.9813760


No such thing, they were work camps and then the allies bombers them which destroyed all the food.

>> No.9814191

how is that 1900 calories?
is half of that the oil or something?

>> No.9814213

why’d you put sawdust on it

>> No.9814441

there is no sugar in this tomato sauce

>> No.9814443

it's one meal, not the only meal i eat you dumb fucking

>> No.9815684

>i have no idea what im talking about and im perpetuating false information
look up autophagy and intermittent fasting