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9800456 No.9800456 [Reply] [Original]

Sister just stopped by and left me a big box of sweet potatoes. I don't really like these things. What are some off-label uses for them?

>> No.9800459

bake/boil them and lightly salt them, tastes quite noice.

>> No.9800461

Stand one on end for an enjoyable seat cushion.

>> No.9800463

Throw them at your enemies.

>> No.9800466

Sweet potato pie
Sweet potato fries
Mashed sweet potato with vanilla, cinnamon, a touch of brown sugar, butter/cream
Make them savory by adding herbs and salt and pepper (obviously still sweet too though)
Bake to bring out their natural sweetness or boil to tone it down

>> No.9800469

You beat me to it

>> No.9800492

>wrap in plastic wrap
>microwave 4 min
>salt n pepp

>> No.9800495

OP, I'm making some sweet potato fries right now. I'll post a recipe in a minute along with a pic of my creation.

>> No.9800497

I grate them and toast a brioche bun with olive oil, some eggs anyway you wish, oregano, garlic, parsley on the sweet potato. Eat that shit for breakfast.

>> No.9800498

would you just end up with a sweet potato up your butt if you tried this?

>> No.9800500

Found this recipe for Sweet Potato Wine.

6 lbs sweet potatoes
2 lbs granulated sugar
1 lb raisins
1 tsp. acid blend
1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
1 gallon water
1 tsp yeast nutrient
wine yeast

Might be worth exploring.

>> No.9800501

Grate and fry*

>> No.9800506

If you can fry them as french fries, you can make a dessert fry by serving them with a cinnamon sugar whipped cream..which is as simple as it sounds.

>> No.9800509

what the fuck is sweet potato fries ? are you actually retarded ?

>> No.9800524

????????????? Swear down you are dumbbbbbbbbbbbbb

>> No.9800532


>> No.9800537

I made kabocha and roasted bell pepper curry sauce earlier this week, threw in a sweet potato as an afterthought, but it balanced out the flavors really well.
I threw in a couple of Thai chili peppers and blended it until it was smooth, thai basil would probably work really well with it too. Salt the fuck out of it, I usually eat it with some rice, if I make the sauce too watery, I throw in some diced potato to thicken it up.

>> No.9800713
File: 523 KB, 1000x977, sweet potato fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingredients and stuff:
sweet potatoes
olive oil
corn starch
parmesan cheese (grated)
garlic salt
chili powder
ziplock bag
baking sheet

Step 1: Cut your sweet potatoes. Peel em and cut em into ~1/4" slices. Also preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Step 2: Make your spice mix. For every 1 sweet potato you're using, use the following ratios of ingredients: 1 tbsp corn starch, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp garlic salt, 1/2 tsp paprika, 1/4 tsp chili powder, 1 tbsp parmesan cheese. Because I used 2 sweet potatoes to make my batch of fries, I used 2 tbsp corn starch, 1 tsp salt, etc. You can change the ratios if you want depending on your tastes, but those are the components of the seasoning.

Step 3: Dump your sliced sweet potatoes and seasoning mixture into a ziplock bag and shake those fuckers up until all the slices are evenly coated. For every 1 potato, add ~1.5 tbsp olive oil to the bag, and shake again. Use just enough oil to make sure that all the fries are coated.

Step 4: Arrange your fries on a baking sheet. Don't overcrowd them, because if they're too close to one another they won't get as crispy. If you have to use two sheets, go ahead. Put your fries in the oven, and set a timer for 15 minutes. When that timer goes off, take your fries out, flip them all over, and put them back in for another 10-15 minutes. Be sure to check on the fries towards the end of the cooking, since you don't want them to burn.

Step 5: After you turn off the oven, crack the door and let the fries sit there for another 10-15 minutes while the oven cools down. This will make your fries a bit crispier, which is important because, unlike regular potatoes, sweet potatoes are prone to get soft and mushy when you bake them. That's also what the corn starch was for, btw. A thin layer of corn starch gives the heat something to latch onto and makes the fries crispy.

Step 6: Eat. I served mine with ketchup.

>> No.9800739

Chowder, pie, chocolate cake (excellent with stout/barley)

>> No.9800744

Oh, and gnocchi. Totally worth the trouble.

>> No.9800764

Oh man, I never even thought of making sweet potato gnocchi. That sounds like a great idea. What kind of sauce do you like with it?

>> No.9800794

Because of the sweetness, they make for the perfect vehicle for acidic sauces so anything tomato or citrus based goes. Now it depends on what else you might want to include but I find that a simple citrus and coriander sauce works without fail. If you're so inclined, you can enhance it by making a bourbon, (blood) orange, cumin, and coriander bbq sauce (light gravy consistency) which pairs incredibly with any kind of gamey meat.

As an aside, also tried and tested: Dark chocolate and hazelnut sweet potato gnocchi served with a piping hot lemon zest and walnut custard. Your taste buds will explode with happiness.

>> No.9800836

That actually sounds pretty damn good. You think that, rather than baking them, using an air fryer might work well?

>> No.9800904

I think I'm a failure as a cook /ck/.
>Get a sweet potato cheap, never really tried them so I start with the basics, boil in for 15 mins
>Pick it up, hard as balls
>say yeah makes sense, bigger than normal taters
>Put back in for 5 more minutes
>Still hard
>been boiling now for 40 something minutes
>Say fuck it, its done now
>Put on plate
Burnt my tongue like a retard too.

>> No.9800921

cut it up first god dammit. Increase the surface area.

>> No.9800925

>boil um
>mash um
>let cool in the fridge uncovered to dry out
>add flour, salt, seasoning
>grease pie tin
>make sweet potato crush

Now you have a great quiche or pie crust

>> No.9801042

Yeah I really should've but I was afraid to overcook it.

Turned out the other way.

>> No.9801065


>> No.9801226

Don't see why not. They both use hot air.

>> No.9801938

Wrap in bacon

>> No.9802124

The nips just roast them whole, butter the outside, and eat it out of a brown paper bag like an apple. Delicious actually, the salty butter goes great with the sweetness of the potato.

>> No.9802568

I'm not saying you should do this with your whole box of sweet potatoes but I was preparing food one day and thought I would be funny if I took a bite out of a raw one with the skin peeled.
They taste like really big carrots but have a texture slightly similar to that of jicama.

>> No.9803407

There's a lot of good vegetarian curry recipes out there that call for sweet potatoes.

>> No.9803418

boil em mash em stick em in a stew

>> No.9803420

First of all, those are yams and not sweet potatoes.
Second of all, cook them a you would with a baked potato

>> No.9803426

How can you not like sweet potatoes? Bake them, split them open, add butter and cinnamon, and just a little brown sugar. 10/10 every time.

This is how plebs who don’t know what they’re doing eat sweet potatoes.

>> No.9804548
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>> No.9804551

If you don' t like them, why did you take them?

>> No.9804590

More like they were offloaded despite my protests. Sis and her fiancee had a ton left over from Thanksgiving and didn't want them to go to waste. Not exactly in a position to be turning down free food anyway.

>> No.9804648

Slice them up and bake with a sprinkle of salt to the point where they've dried up and have started turning a light brown. Like crack to me

>> No.9804715
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sweet potatoes are the most underrated food.
also aren't mashed sweet potatoes more popular

>> No.9804736

Sweet potatoes are one of those foods that I can't believe exist in nature. I can literally throw it in the oven, and with no seasoning or skill at all I can have a relatively healthy snack that's fucking delicious. God damn, sweet potatoes are good. Kind of reminds me of pumpkin pie.
on a side note russet potatoes fucking suck. I don't know why they're so popular.

>> No.9804809
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Cut a few slices and ate them raw. Pretty good, actually. Yes, I think I can do something with this using condensed milk or maple with half-and-half. Will have to do some experimenting.

>> No.9805025

Make a batter from flour and beer, plus some paprika. Cut your sweet potatoes into slices, dip them in the batter, deep fry in oil at 350F for about a minute and a half. Make some tasty dips to go with it, I use hoisin + soy sauce

>> No.9805050

Sweet potato mash goes well with pork. Make fries out of them, or just bake them for a good and healthy snack that takes hardly any effort. If you do want to go off on a limb, you can make cake out of them.

>> No.9805485

This sounds fantastic. How long do you fry them for?

>> No.9806181

Use them as ammo for a potato cannon

>> No.9806221

please tell me more about how you did this, I need to know

>> No.9806294

Make it into soup. I like to make a root veg soup with Sweet Potato, Carrot, and Parsnips.

>> No.9806333

Lmao yurofag literally kill yourself

>> No.9806387

use them as clubs and start hitting people

>> No.9806789

All yams are sweet potatoes. Not all sweet potatoes are yams.

This is like posting a russet and labeling it "potato" and a yukon gold and labeling it "yukon gold" as if it's an entirely separate species.

>> No.9806860
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>> No.9806868

Hmmm. Anyone ever tried sweet potato wine? Im interested.

>> No.9807170
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