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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9799970 No.9799970 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so sick of my fucking family. They are the pickiest goddamn eaters. Everytime i go there to make dinner for them i have a list shit i can't cook. My mom and faggot little gen z brother won't eat anything that has red meat or seafood in it, so only chicken and turkey is allowed. My dad doesn't like any type of sandwich. Also if my mom has her way it's always some sort of variation on a goddamn chicken and rice casserole.

Help /ck/. I'm supposed to go over and cook for them tonight and I can't stomach another casserole. Any ideas?

>> No.9799982

Roast beef sandwiches for dinner

>> No.9799994


>> No.9799996
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even better

>> No.9800003


This, unironically. Buy a nice roast, throw in in a crock pot with carrots and garlic and spices and shit. Cook that for a few hours, make a salad and maybe something like mashed potatoes. Then just cut some rolls in half, serve roast beef on bread when it's nice and tender.

>> No.9800006

Stop making dinner for them

>> No.9800009

What the fuck OP, I kept typing down ideas and realizing "Nope, they won't eat it".

How do they feel about foreign food? I'm sure not good

>> No.9800016

Sounds like you need to alfredo that bitch up, OP. Blacken that chicken, and drop a julienned bell pepper and sliced mushroom bomb on them.

>> No.9800021
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>bell pepper in alfredo

>> No.9800025

Oh and I forgot, they will only eat boneless, skinless chicken breast, no thighs or wings of course! Because you might die from all that horrible flavor!

Wish I could, sounds delicious, but no red meat for mommy or youtube generation little brother.

>> No.9800037

It scares them, of course. Yeah it's a goddamn challenge.

The closest they'll get to foreign food is the Chinese place down the street. It's funny because they think they're using breast meat in their general tso's chicken.

>> No.9800038


Just cook the red meat until it turns brown.

>> No.9800040
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Boiled chicken and potatoes

>> No.9800044

Damn, sorry dude. I was trying to make an easy route for you with that roast chicken.

>> No.9800045

Just get boneless skinless thighs then.

>> No.9800046

Hmm, I like the blackened chicken idea. I wonder if I can run with that somehow.

>> No.9800051

>Anon why is our chicken buuurrrrrnt?

>> No.9800060

You're paying for the ingredients? You're cooking everything by yourself?

Tell them they'll eat whatever you put in front of them and to stop acting like children

>> No.9800065


>> No.9800098

True, but they don't care. If I were to do that they'd get all pissy and say something like "anon you know your little brother can't eat that". Why the fuck not? "You know he's on his fucking Jenna Marbles diet or some shit".

It makes me resentful. Maybe I should stop cooking for them. I just like cooking and never do it at my place because the kitchen is so small and shitty.

>> No.9800144

My mother in law hates bloody steak. Anything less than well done is too rare for her. I made beer wellington for my wife's side of the family. Beautiful and cooked perfectly to medium rare. I cut her a piece from the end (the most done piece). When she said it was too rare, I told her I spent $80 on that tenderloin alone, and if she wants it well done I can microwave it for her. She shut up and ate it. The wife was not happy about that, but I had enough mead with dinner that I just tuned her out.

>> No.9801909

m-mom? is that you??

>> No.9802069

Fucks sake I wish they still sold this trash in Canada, it has no right to be as delicious as it is

>> No.9802257

>Maybe I should stop cooking for them.
Bingo. Unless you owe them a ton of money or stand to inherit the same from them, let them feed themselves.

>> No.9802545
