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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 740x611, 1460193058029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9798774 No.9798774 [Reply] [Original]

It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

>> No.9798801 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 150x503, heiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*
thisll put hair on your chest

>> No.9798803

>5% alc content
>getting drunk off basically flavored water
beer is for frat bois. moonshine is obviously the way to go

>> No.9798816

I don't really like beer either anon. Just drink whiskey or ask for a gin in tonic and stop being a bitch.
Drinking is best done the way you like it, fuck the other kiddies.

>> No.9798847

>t. underage
it's not about being a man, soyboy. Here in bavaria beer tastes great. Just the pißwasser you call beer sucks.

>> No.9798855

are you a feminist journalist or something? are you going to cite responses to this thread to show how insecure men are in their "masculinity"? I've never talked to someone who's ashamed or afraid to talk about not liking the taste of beer, or alcohol as a whole for that matter. I've been the odd man out for actually enjoying the flavor of booze, and while I don't hate beer, I think it's one of the worst types (that said, I've never had any really good beer).

>> No.9798871
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Just drink Żubrówka

>> No.9798873

I know we had this thread yesterday, but I'm interested in reading the replies.

>> No.9798875

>You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite
probably true

>as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy
false, I don't care for sweets and am thoroughly enjoying my stockholm syndrome

>> No.9798884

is that you, too

>> No.9798886

huh what

>> No.9798938
File: 335 KB, 1500x1500, 91EjXGMQ0AL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is, as always, a faggot.

When I was 14, my Dad told me: "you are old enough to drink, here's a beer". And I loved it. The first half, at least.

You Americans just have shitty beer.

t. German

>> No.9798943

water yeast doesn't taste good
doesn't matter he country you obsessed yuropoors

>> No.9798944

>You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust
>recoiled in disgust
That projecting. I had my first taste of beer when I was around 8 or 10 and it was pretty good. t. Slav

>> No.9798956

The Germans have it right, I tried German beer for the first time recently and it blew 99% of the other beers I've had out of the water.

>> No.9798974

>You Americans just have shitty beer.

Things have changed, Hans. We have plenty of outstanding beer now. Yeah, we still have shitty beer, but only retards drink that swill.

>> No.9798979

Is this some internal dialogue you say when a beer is put in front of you?

>> No.9799041

> this many people not recognizing a captcha
How new can you possibly be

>> No.9799067

>We don't drink that watery stuff, we drink Beck's
Thanks for your input

>> No.9799072

Becks is mostly for export.

>> No.9799073

Beer is for fun, liquor is for alcoholics.

>> No.9799077

Everywhere I went in Berlin served Beck's

>> No.9799079

That's what makes it even worse. This isn't the first time.

>> No.9799083

i completely fucking agree OP. Beer faggotry is the same as wine faggotry. Booze is about getting drunk. if wine and beer didn't have alcohol in them, they wouldn't even exist. Everclear and OJ, Everclear and energy drink are the only 2 drinks you need.

>> No.9799115
File: 261 KB, 330x485, stout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but stout is literally the best

>> No.9799121

Another drink for insecure manbabies who have to force themselves through horrendous drinks to prove how manly they are.

>> No.9799122

t. never tried some actual good scotch

>> No.9799125

Nice projection dude

>> No.9799277

Strong alcohol objectively tastes awful. Whiskey, vodka, gin all of it is clearly meant to be mixed with other things to take away the edge of the alchohol. People who lie about enjoying it straight are just trying to show off. It's pathetic watching you try hards take you sip of overpriced fire water and try and keep a straight face, finally expelling the tension in a "ahhhh", deperately hoping everyone misunderstood your sigh for being contentment. We all know what that sigh after sipping spirits really is. We all laugh at you.

>> No.9799314

>Being this mad over having the palate of a child that you tell yourself this
I unironically cringed.

>> No.9799334

Reminder that someone posted this same thread on /his/ and it got moved here so we have a literal duplicate of this shit bait in the catalog.

>> No.9799360

I used to agree with OP when I was still a teenager because I hadn't developed a taste for beer yet. Don't worry, OP, you'll grow out of it.

>> No.9799373

>im a real man

Thanks for proving my point nerd.

>> No.9799429

you're projecting so hard that i'm pretty sure this is just poor bait, and i'm one to not immediately discard everything as such.

>> No.9799433

where in his post did he even imply that? he said you have the palate of a child, and based on your posts you do lol

b-beer actually totally sucks everyone!!! stop acting like you like beer even if you do!! liquor too!!

I like sipping whiskey straight, its smooth and i like the bite.have you ever considered maybe people like things you don't like?

>> No.9799443
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if someone replies with some le reddit spacing bullshit than it'll completely cement this as a troll thread imo

>> No.9799450
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If your boose doesn't come in a hay covered bottle does it even count?

>> No.9800187

>You, like so many other men
the majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.9800227
File: 17 KB, 645x773, 1506657831602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots like OP just can't accept that some people love beer. Beer in my culture isn't a manly thing at all, women drunk as much beer as the men.

Of course this thread could just be bait.

>> No.9800240

I rarely drink but beer goes really well with some food, just like wine.

>> No.9800255

>Of course this thread could just be bait.

Hmm, really makes you think.

>> No.9800278

I agree with OP, but i also think that there are people who can actually enjoy beer. But no one can deny that there is a huge amount of people who drink it just because they are told that it'a a manly drink, and they are the ones who will call you a pussy just because you don't like that fucking piss juice.

>> No.9800310

>clearly meant to be mixed with other things

Alcoholic cocktails as a concept are much younger than most spirits, only really becoming a "thing" in the mid 1800's

>> No.9800313

>ribbit space xD

Kill yourself

>> No.9800531

>a captcha

>> No.9800585
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This is just wrong. If you are thirsting for a sugar-blitzed skittles colored drink then just eat a bag of candy. Beer is ancient, complex, and choice of the working man. There is more expression and breadth of flavor in one style of beer than all oversweetened "cocktails."

>> No.9800600

I don't care for beer as a drinking session-drink. It's so damn filling that having a glass leaves me feeling like I've eaten a light meal. It's good for an afternoon pickmeup before you have to get back to work, but if I'm sitting down at a bar I want whiskey or rum.

>> No.9800605
File: 3.75 MB, 2770x4000, 1512139185506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Not long ago I invited a prohibitionist to supper, and induced him to drink a horn of Pilsner, assuring him that it wouldn't hurt him and hoping that it would cure him of his mania. He confessed afterward that its effects were surprisingly pleasant and harmless. He retained the use of his so-called faculties, and was aware of no impulse to kick over the table or brain the waiter. But he felt that he had to object to something, and so he objected to the taste. "It is," he said, "too bitter. I'd like it better if it were sweet." Fancy that, Hedda! Pilsner too bitter! That fellow, when he gets to heaven, will object to the fact that angels have wings."

>> No.9800663

Sorry, I'll stick to Amaro

>> No.9801380

>t. Alcoholic

>> No.9801469

Lang lebe Bayern. Was ist dein Lieblingsbier?

>> No.9801487

I literally got warned for writing
*blocks your path* and posting a picture of a heinekin beer bottle. I was the first post.

Meanwhile you have these posts
which are literally the exact same as my post but they are apparently fine. Also ignore the fact that we have this troll thread on a tri weekly basis thats totally ok. fucking neck yourself biased cunt

>> No.9801495

I already responded to this exact same thread last week, so this post is all (you) get.

>> No.9801510

Is that one of those guys from david lynch movies?

>> No.9801546
File: 56 KB, 480x480, 22794135_347737425687378_2336497586669617152_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Faggot who drinks Bud/Coors Lite
>Not drinking beer from local breweries
I seriously hope none of you do this.
Pic related, what I'm drinking tonight

>> No.9801564
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>> No.9801570

Good beer is good, you lousy faggot.

>> No.9801678
File: 91 KB, 640x609, sierra-nevada-Celebration-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks anything besides ale or barleywine is "beer"
>can't get past the oh-no-icky :P bitterness to enjoy the rich, complex and varied flavor of hops
>has never been to a brewery
>has never been to a taphouse
>has never felt the special kind of drunk you can only get from drinking an entire pint of 13% ABV barleywine in less than 30 minutes
>has never even LIVED
>calls me a child

so why is this a copypasta now what did we do wrong again

>> No.9801769
File: 136 KB, 750x704, d-karte-33-thickbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Berlin served Beck's
that's because prussians north of the Weißwurstäquator can't into brewing beer
in general their cuisine is bong tier bad and absolutely irrelevant

>> No.9802743

A lot of bourbon is just dandy on its own. Not to mention meme shit like southern comfort or crown

>> No.9802839
File: 352 KB, 1836x3264, 1WTjyf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the "Le Shit American Beer Meme"

We had tons of german immigrants and they were the ones that opened the major American breweries. Even in colonial times people brewed their own english style Ales for daily consumption. The shit beer came about in the 50s with the postwar boom along with the rest of processed foods. America has a history of good beer. Just because that tradition isnt as old as germany doesnt mean that its always been bad. There was a brief period of junk beer and now every damn town has a local brewery.

>> No.9803477

Yes. I was tired. Go ahead and have a laugh.

>> No.9803489


Order liquor then soy boy

>> No.9803562

So you’re mad that you responded to a troll thread, and were justifiably scolded? Cry me a fucking river. Life isn’t always fair princess. Just because one guy didn’t get in trouble for shitting on the sidewalk doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to do it.

Also, for all you know, they were warned as well.

>> No.9803567

Beer is delicious
The taste makes me happy
I generally have a single bottle of one of my favorite beers every day, for the flavor
Why can't you be more tolerant of people who are different from you, OP?

>> No.9803574

>ayn rand


>> No.9803617

>we had tons of German immigrants and they were the ones that opened the major American breweries

No. I’m not even being elitist, but those breweries became Americanized. It’s the same reason that a Mexican guy owning a Mexican restaurant in fucking Idaho will never be comparable to real Mexican food.
They ended up catering to the American taste of the time.

I’ve tried local brewed beer, and it’s great. But none of them can even compare to a Guinness, let alone a decent German beer.

Just for the record, I’m born and raised American.

>> No.9803815

Whiskey isn't for when you want to get drunk. You either waste like 40$ of good whiskey to get shitfaced or you take the cheap stuff that tastes horrible. Better off with something else if you really want to get drunk

>> No.9803825

Guinness is shit. Worst stout. Get the fuck out of my country

>> No.9803836

>S-so what if Germans brew watery flavorless beer and enjoy drinking it along with the rest of the world. American beer still sucks because it's watery and flavorless. Omg I hate America so much
German pilsner is a style of beer hundreds of years old, maybe almost 1000 years, and it is widely celebrated.

>> No.9804044

Yes, there are better stouts then the more known and sold ones. No, Guinness is NOT shit you ungrateful piece of dung.

>> No.9804055

Not being able to grasp that people have a different perspective on things is a sign of autism, OP. Might want to get that checked out if you honestly believe that just because you don't like the taste of beer, everyone else must just be pretending.

>> No.9804069

There’s no germans in Berlin.

>> No.9804136

Proof? I see this shilled often but I'd like to see some proof.

>> No.9804145

I didn't say or imply that, dumbass.

>> No.9804215

>not thinking craft lagers are beer
The most popular beers in Germany are Oettinger and Krombacher, which are also pisswater

America makes better beer these days

>> No.9804220

You're wrong as fuck, American beer was mostly piss before the 1950s. PBR, Coors, Budweiser, etc. have all been around since the 1800s

But with the craft beer movement, America now has the best beer in the world, with the possible exception of Belgium.

>> No.9804226

Guinness is not shit you pretentious dorky fag, especially not Extra Stout.

>> No.9804234

I must say, Modelo is really good for a widely distributed pale lager, I think it's a lot better than Budwesier and even a little better than Heineken

Negra Modelo is even better

>> No.9804237

Do Americans really believe this?

>> No.9804240

You do know that alcohol in general has a "bite" to it, right, Mr. Terrible-Bait-Man?

>> No.9804242

Most Americans don't know shit about beer, so no. But those who do, like me, know that the US makes some of the best beer in the world. Our standard beer being so bad led to a big craft beer movement, and now there are hundreds of breweries making outstanding beers.

Yeah Bud and Coors are bad, but most Europeans drink Heineken and Carlsberg which are only marginally better

>> No.9804257

It actually takes more skill to brew a beer like bud than it does to make an IPA or pale ale.
Any retard can throw a ton of hops into a beer.

>> No.9804262

Not all IPAs/APAs are created equal

>> No.9804266

Based OP telling it how it is, I only drink cocktails now

>> No.9804276

why are so obsessed with trying to relate with a third hand shitty experience?
Normal people start drinking beer and it's okay. No machoman, just enjoying a fermented cereal drink.

>> No.9804285

>Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

Nice fallacy there, hoss.
You know what normal people do when wifey ask for some white alcohol with fruit juice?
You ask for a distilled beer a.k.a. whiskey. Maybe with some fruit juce if you feel fancy

>> No.9804340
File: 89 KB, 393x500, uploadfailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grape juice and tequila infused slushies
How can women drink vomit inducing concoctions such as this and not stand beer?

I can't fucking stand tequila. I have chugged vodka before, but goddamn tequila is foul, even in margarita form. One of my "friends" is a serious alcoholic that guzzles margaritas like crazy, and claims that beer is gross.

With beer, I'll drink anything, but I mostly drink cheap stuff. Undeniably the most foul beer I tasted was a craft beer, a 10% abv pumpkin and bourbon flavored concoction. The imperial stout I had immediately before that was one of the best beers I've had.

I usually drink really cheap shit like King Cobra, Milwaukee's Best Ice, Natural Ice, Icehouse, etc. A cheap buzz just to get drunk. Malt liquors and ice beers are the cheapest source of alcohol, even outclassing cheap vodka in the best case scenario (30 packs), and fairly palatable. Not packed with taste, but good for the price.

That's because you posted an unfunny /tv/ quality meme, but that shouldn't have been a problem considering that this is a /tv/ quality bait thread.

>> No.9805180


>> No.9805232
File: 5 KB, 211x239, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly enjoy the taste of beer

>> No.9805463

This is true. Vodka and rum are better choices if your only goal in drinking is to get drunk

>> No.9805471

>Yeah Bud and Coors are bad, but most Europeans drink Heineken and Carlsberg which are only marginally better
This always kills me.

>> No.9805547

> ITT: fags who dont know about the art of
> drinking beer
> sheeple who think american water is 'beer'
> heady topper is one of the few good american beers
> try westvleteren once or rochefort 10

You dont know shit about good beer

>> No.9805577

It actually tastes bad. I never understood why should anyone ever drink something that bitter, I'd take water every time.
The only reason I'm still buying beer, from time to time, is to taste new stuff but I already know that it's going to be worse than water.
And I actually have tasted beers in the whole Europe so I do know what I'm talking about - even if it's true that american beers are worse.

>> No.9805593

>the """""art"""""" of drinking beer
Yeah, okay Hans.

>> No.9805608

Nah man I enjoy it, if you don't that's fine.

>> No.9805673

Why do you retards always say this? It's never been true

>> No.9805742

There's very little outside of pricier liqueurs and cider that I actually like the taste of. If I'm going to get drunk I may as well just get it over with quick and just order high percentage stuff if the prices are decent. I don't understand how people can willingly get drunk on beer. The amount of time I spend pissing and feeling bloated isn't worth it.

>> No.9805755

beer is delicious but whiskey is better. I'll try a sip of my girlfriend's liquid cavities but I couldn't imagine downing a whole one.

>> No.9805794

Krombacher is decent. Maybe not world class, but way better than Becks, Carlsberg, Bud etc. I wouldn't complain if I had to drink it all night.

>> No.9805829

The fuck do you drink, wine coolers? Begone tastelet.

>> No.9805891

if you mix jagermeister with anything. you're doing it wrong

>> No.9807096

You can be wrong, that's okay. You don't need to drink a $50 bottle of scotch. The price on whiskey generally isn't about the quality, its the age and location of origin. Stop being retarded and falling for marketing tricks.

A bottle of old crow is just as good as many other decent bourbons, it just isn't as old.

Scotch is a different ballgame, but you don't drink scotch to get drunk, now do you?

>> No.9808103

Yeah I don't mind it, my point is that most popular German beers are nothing to write home about

>> No.9808133


Good beer shouldn't taste "Watery", I think one of the main things people like about beer is the crisp carbonated nature of it, it makes it feel thicker and more substantial in your mouth than water and it tingles as it goes down your throat

As far as bitterness, would you believe that some people actually enjoy bitter tastes on occasion? Much like dark chocolate or coffee, sometimes bitterness tastes good

>> No.9808180

I like bittersweet beers

I'll use Sam Adams as an example since I'm sure we've both had it. You can taste bitter notes from the hops and sweet notes from the malt at the same time and I like it.

>> No.9808203

Sam adam's cherry wheat is dope

>> No.9808404

The guy behind is hispano-greek mfw

>> No.9808419

I spent a while searching for my replies when i realized this is another EXACLY copied post. Same text, same image. OP is a fucking troll.

Disregard & sage

>> No.9809245

The first half is literally me, now that I can taste the various kinds of beers instead of just "yuck, alcohol" I've taken a shine to Franziskaner dunkel Weiss. Still a lightweight sadly.