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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 616x462, 1371602835870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9793382 No.9793382 [Reply] [Original]

How many pork tamales have you eaten in one meal? I'm about to eat six (they are small).

God I love tamales so much. Who's with me?

>> No.9793385

I have never eaten a tamale

>> No.9793424
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You should really try them sometime. They have all kinds of fillings, but my favorite is spicy pork.

>> No.9793439
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Try this with it OP
You can thank me later

>> No.9793460

>Elmer's glue
Nice try

>> No.9793464

I'm with you anon. Tamales are tasty and versatile but they're a pain in the ass to make so I don't eat them very often.

>> No.9793487

This. You either have to know someone or spend a fuckton of time, effort, and cleanup to do them up. And restaurants generally don't do them right.

It's the same with the pasteles that we eat in my family. A lot of fucking work. Great payoff though.

>> No.9793974

Why not? Are you living in Alaska? You can trybto bou Valle Verde tamales that can ve reheated in their mircowable pouch

>> No.9793975

Only with queso fresco and crena in sof only maize tamales

>> No.9794538
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Tamales are good, but hallacas are the real patrician choice.

>> No.9794561
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I've never had one either because I don't live in N America. How similar are they to Chinese ZongZi?

>> No.9794571

Corn husk tamales are dry as fuck
Banana leaf tamales are better
Plastic wrapped are king

>> No.9794667

I'm with ye. I've eaten 10 in a sitting I think.

>> No.9794969

Yeah, they are awesome! My wife sometimes cheats and makes 'Tamale pie' instead, which is a lot easier. But it's never quite as good as the real deal.

>> No.9795051

Lived in Los Angeles. The best tamales I ever had were probably made in someone's bathtub by authentic mexican grandmas who'd walk through the neighborhood pushing a cooler full of them in a shopping cart. Nothing used to wake me up faster than the sound of a rickety cart and an old lady singing, "Tamales..... Tamales..... Champurraaaaaaaaaaado........"

Goddamn do I miss that shit city

>> No.9795071

I don't eat Mexican food for the following reasons

1) out of principle, buying Mexican food enables and finances Mexicans/Spics in this once great nation

2) it's overrated as hell and it tastes like shit, you eventually get tired of eating a variation of corn, meat, cheese, and rice

3) I don't want to get sick, Mexicans/Spics aren't hygienic


>> No.9795074

my wife cheats too

>> No.9795080

>When you volunteer to teach ESL and one day one of your students brings you a shit load of homemade tamales
I can never eat another tamale that's as good ever again.

>> No.9795095
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>roommate brings home some leftover tamales from a party
>says I can have them
>happy as shit, already heating them up
>take them out of the microwave and notice that they smell weird
>tear one open

>> No.9795108

Nothing against beaners but they really are getting on my nerves as of late. Every crevice in Southern California has a beaner and her 17 kids.

>> No.9795119

It was their land first

>> No.9795123

Apparently I ate and enjoyed them as a kid but I don't remember that so my mother must be lying. Don't know why I don't want to eat them.

>> No.9795127


Never had Tamales. Never will. Fuck Mexican'ts.

>> No.9795130

You in El Centro?

>> No.9795135
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>steaming things in fucking plastic

>> No.9795142

wtf Mexicans are basically just Spanish people! If anything it belongs to some fucking indians, not to those greasy beaners

>> No.9795149

Don't americans cook turkeys in a fucking bag?

>> No.9795177

When they bring up a land dispute:
>mexicans are basically european, so, those lands don't belong to them
When they bring up that mexicans in the US aren't Browning the US:
>mexicans are a bunch of brown shitskins who contaminate the genepool

Pick one meme and stick with it /pol/

>> No.9795184
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why do Americans do this?

>> No.9795193

Huh a hat trick at wrong assumptions. This is why I 4chan.

>> No.9795218

Well, it fits their narrative, and some of these fucks are so hillariously stereotyped, like this braindead Trump faggot

And yeah, California was our land first, we're just taking it back.

>> No.9795250
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>And yeah, California was our land first, we're just taking it back.
no it wasn't. What the fuck kind of weed are you smoking you stinking wetback?

>> No.9795255

>One lawn mowing job at a time

>> No.9795275

Yeah, you should read a book once in a while you ignorant gringo.

>> No.9795290


>> No.9795306

You aren't native you spanish rapebaby.

>> No.9795339

Post a historical source on modern Mexicans being the descendants of 'rapebabies', /pol/.

>> No.9795352

What about the natives that were slaughtered before we pushed the beaners shit in?

>> No.9795363

You dumb spic, we might as well erase all borders and just give land away to sore losers then huh? No wonder your people are such stinking failures and resort to such criminal behavior.

>> No.9795366

>muh pol boogeyman

Stay btfo dumb spanish rapebaby.

>> No.9795373

You're not getting paid to talk, you're getting paid to mow the lawn you silly wetback, so get to it Paco

>> No.9795378

lol are you actually retarded?

>> No.9795391
File: 285 KB, 1024x975, 1511771230207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buzzword galore
>can't back their claims
>lashes out angrily at the sight of of someone questioning his shitposts
So.. this is the power of trumpanzee meme-posters

Are you one of pic related?

>> No.9795401

Go steal some rims Jose. Just be ready when ICE comes looking for you smelly fucks lol.

>> No.9795416

you wouldn't say that to my face essay

>> No.9795466

ask the person Anakin them to make you some tamales borrachos, it's what we call them when it's getting late and everyone us drunk and tired of making tamales so they start making jumbo about x10 in size an filled with a bunch of pork or chicken, queso fresco, rajas and jalapenos.

someone basically says fuck it and they finish what's left of the fillings and masa.

>> No.9795482

>Tamales borrachos

>> No.9795498
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I buy tamales at the store every week and eat them for breakfast

Good shit

>> No.9795510
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4) ethnic food is fucking disgusting

As a proud white American I only eat white people's food like pic related. Fuck the shitskins.

>> No.9795518


>> No.9795599

I love the hate and knowing that so many of my people are reaping the goods and services of this wonderful country and literally being the embodiment of the American dream, while shitty crackers rage and get fucked in the ass by every politician they vote in to "deal" with the "problems" of extra cheap labor force, minimal maintenance and complains and hard work and loyalty this truly is the greatest country in the world and in 2042 the eradication of the whites will reach a milestone. vamos raza, ya mero llegamos.

tamales are goat btw.

>> No.9795629

Fuck you, piece of shit beaner.

>> No.9795630

I'd stomp your beaner face is. All 5 foot 4 inches of you.

>> No.9795639 [DELETED] 

Whatever helps you sleep at night, you filthy fucking wetback piece of human garbage. You are the scum of the USA and you know it, now get back to stealing rims and mowing lawns.

>> No.9795647
File: 35 KB, 443x332, IMG_3345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not impressed? Here take a look at this proud American culinary tradition.

Rest of the world take notes.

>> No.9795659

Hi Boogers!

>> No.9795683

>Anakin was a Mexican
No wonder how a used parts repairman was so good with a knife.

>> No.9795691
File: 52 KB, 640x430, _23fdbdc123e1a77adb5a4adaca33d6db,uchepo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/pol/ leave

For me, it's uchepos, the number one corn tamal.

>> No.9795707

>take notes.
Hi, Ricky!

>> No.9795813

I'm an American citizen son, andbso will my other sons be American citizens, i will teach them to follow the American dream and procreate with some little white woman. I'll be a proud grandparent of little brown Democrat babies.

>> No.9795878
File: 216 KB, 688x505, 1502332927651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be from Sinaloa (Fierro)
>Visit grandmother for summer vacation
>She makes pretty good tamales
>She grounds the corn herself and all
>She only makes tamales
>only eat tamales
"Coma más, mi hijito, se ve muy flaco"
>dislike tamales and everything with too much dough for a few years after that
Those were some pretty good tamales, light and yet filling. I should give her a visit and get the recipe
What does "ethnic food" mean?

>> No.9795982

It's food with a good conscience.

>> No.9795991


>> No.9796044

>mexicans are mostly spanish/aztec/olmecs (and some german)
>the tribes that lived in CA were almost wiped out entirely and would have Warren with any invading mexishits pre-Columbus

You're a disingenuous retard.

>> No.9796065

Mexico, at the time of the Mexican-American war, only recorded and honored property rights of European decended peoples.

No land was stolen from natives by America, as none of them owned anything.
America stole white Mexican nationals land.

It's a shame almost all people are historically illiterate retards.

Even to this day, everything of value owned by 'Mexicans' are majority European in ancestry.

>> No.9796086

I'm making tamales soon, and was gonna filled them with braised pork. I was thinking country style ribs. I was also thinking about mixing that up with some braised pork belly, but I don't want my people getting a heart attack eating my food.

>> No.9796097

We could wipe you all out in a few weeks if we weren't being held back by cucks and corruption.

I'm tempted to go to the nearest mexi-bar and beat a shit ton of scrawny brown ass tonight.

>> No.9796110

Only one. I'm more of a burrito kind of guy.

>> No.9796118

Not really at all apart from visually

>> No.9796151

>It was their land first

They didn't do shit with it except fuck it up the same way they've fucked up the land they're still on, which is why so many of them want to get the fuck out and come to OUR land and live in OUR society instead of their shitty brown 3rd world hole.

>> No.9796211

I was trying to figure out why a thread about a food normally homecooked by tightly knit extended families for special occasions would have caused /pol/ to gnash their teeth, wring their hands and wail at the moon. Then I remembered their "logic."

>> No.9796222

like you could make a dent he he he. go back to wasting your seed to bbc, I'll go impregnate your future wife. if you cut one of us down 10 will take his place,

place naked tamales over a skillet and let them fry for a minute on their own grease and they will be amazing. add avocado and tomatillo sauce. GOAT

>> No.9796236

I've had about 8 in 1 sittimg later i had another 4 with some refried beans

>> No.9796238

2 is my usual.

>> No.9796241

>your own *poop* filling

your mother is the worst

>> No.9796244
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I'm sorry, you want to try that one again senpai?

>> No.9796274

10 is my record
no regrets

>> No.9796291

pls respond

>> No.9796293

I've only had one. It had cheese and some kinda peppers I think.
It was okay

>> No.9796299
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>> No.9796303


>> No.9796308

I've been to many thanksgivings to many peoples houses. and I've never seen this thing. This is just bad.

>> No.9796313

>/Pol/ doesn't realize that 70% of the Mexican population are stalwart Christian conservatives who value familial ties and working multiple jobs

I live in California and you can say a lot a shit about Mexicans but I never see a homeless one.

>> No.9796405


>> No.9796439

Woof, imagine being this delusional.

>> No.9796496

I have only eated beef

>> No.9796505
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>> No.9796516

I have not got a wife you oppressive cunt stain.

>> No.9796523


if thin like a hotdog, a dozen. In my hometown they make them ticker, I eat 5 or 6 to get stuffed.

Maybe you had some bad tamales. While not as soggy as the Veracruzano banana leaf style, a good corn husk tamal is not supposed to be completely dry. Some people are shy with the lard, so the masa gets all dry. Just like with refried beans, you can't be shy with the lard.

>> No.9796524

>invades imageboard for nerds and turns every board into a political-argument shitposting board
>complains about Mexicans invading the US

>> No.9796530

>be me
>work for millwork company in houston tx
>99% of guys in the shop are mexican
>their wife, mom, mom in law make tamales
>bring them to work
>buy 12 for $5

>> No.9796542

Yet another example of Mexicans exhibiting their based socially conservative values.

Why do Republicans hate them again?

>> No.9796546

Yes. If they're the whole meal, I usually eat 3-4 but have toppings on them. Sour cream, tomatoes, green chili/salsa, cheese

>> No.9796548

take it to /pol/, you faggot

>> No.9796549

You'll be none of that, anchor baby
The only kind of white women that would get with you would be the same type to fuck niggers, so if that's your drive, have fun with the scraps pendejo

>> No.9796556

do you like hot tamale?

>> No.9796560
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do you like hot lead?

>> No.9796566


But...but...but we are europeans :(

>> No.9796572

Of course tamales are fucking good. Lard is good. Masa is good. Put the two together and you have fucking good.

>> No.9796575

Please teach them how to read and do math so they're not worthless. Thanks

>> No.9796830

good cracker, muy bien, aprenda español.
bitches start off soft, we just pop them, maybe make a mexicanito or two, if they go black after that is their choice, nobody wants to marry a crazy white chick, they are all crazy.its strictly about reducing white pride and the white race. it's already starting to change again all forms will mot let you state a different race, i have to make white because the only other options are non Hispanic, black, Asian etc.

>> No.9796848

Fuck off mainlander

>> No.9796862

In your dreams mijo, el gringo ha despertado

>> No.9796885

I have never eaten that chinese dish. Tamales are from corn masa, so no gluten in them. Plantain leafs are used as well corn dry leaves. Cooked egg as filling, beef meat, pork, chicken, no fillings, etc.

>> No.9796906

Pinche iletrado. Comida etnica

>> No.9796911

Las abuelitas son las mejores cocineras y consentidoras

>> No.9796917

True. Tamal must be soft and hot

>> No.9797018

We love them so much that my mama always makes a huge batch at Thanksgiving.

>> No.9797149

I'm honestly going to slap some illegals around at every poor unity going forward.

I don't know why I ever thought to treat them as human.

>> No.9797223

but it says non-toxic

>> No.9797280


>> No.9797283

ive had plenty of tamales from grandamas making them in grocery stores to restaraunts proper.

id more describe them as filling and could be tasty. my problem with it is the texture could be very samey after awhile and it could be very dry.
not my favorite food but with hot sauce, crema and avacado its good.

i think their is a carribean version that i prefer that dominicans and cubans make with plaintain instead. I prefer that but could be bias

>> No.9797324

It's a very similar concept, but the texture of the outside is completely different (and the taste is much stronger in tamales), and the insides are filled with different stuff. Zongzi is much richer as well; about a half of one of those would constitute a full tamale or more in terms of how it fills your gut. Otherwise, good comparison.

>> No.9797368
File: 20 KB, 443x332, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tasteless bunch mass of corn with a string of meat
Stop spreading that garbage as "authentic mexican food" fucking chilango
This a real tamal. Pic related

>> No.9797539

>hungry for tamales
>go to mercado near house, figuring they'll have frozen tamales
>in shitty frozen section of mercado
>only three tamale options
>they're all plain and unfilled
What the fuck?

>> No.9797548

I hope you do and it leaks to the web with some video. six months for Trump to be impeached and all whites get btfo

>> No.9797658

Those are also tamales sold in Mexico pendejo. Hay mucha variedad de tamales

>> No.9797668

>those tamales are sold in mexico
That is the problem, pendejo

>> No.9797688

chicanos should be banned on site

>> No.9797703

Spics are vile animals, not even white but I hate their fucking criminal guts. An entire race of bandits and low class vermin.

>> No.9797717

Would need to ban the american flag but yes

>> No.9797727

>not even white
We know, 56%er

>> No.9797780

People who post /pol/-tier shit on cooking boards should be banned from the internet.

>> No.9797790

Butthurt spic spotted
You need to go back, cucaracha

>> No.9797800

No, seriously. People like you are the biggest cancer this site has ever seen. They made /pol/ to contain fucktards like you, go back there.

>> No.9797805

fuck off you butthurt snowflake, sorry you can't deal with people whom have different perspectives than you
>much holier than thou
Fake news

>> No.9797811
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>> No.9797814

I can deal with different perspectives, but this isn't the board to discuss those. This is a board for cooking and retards like you are shitting up every single thread by turning it into "muh political feels" and "muh arguments". Either way, I'm done, I'm not going to argue with retarded.

>> No.9797819

kys fucking pocho,even mexicans dont want you fucking wetback

>> No.9797820

Politics is fucking life dude, doesn't matter what it is, even fucking /o/ has to deal with fucking safe space fags like yourselves

>> No.9797844

It's not about having a "safe-space" but morons like you can't comprehend that. It's about having neutral territory where everybody isn't trying to shove their political opinions down everybody's throats. I hate illegal immigration too, but this was a thread about Mexican food, not about immigration.

>> No.9797860

He's right. You are cancer. Total fucking cancer.

>> No.9797876

The thing is that you dumbass chicano dont understand that we dont give a fuck about "mexican" food,neck yourself

>> No.9797879

Don't come to a food/cooking board if you're going to get upset about people posting ethnic foods.

>> No.9797880

Shut up spic

>> No.9797884

>muh freespace.
>dont come if you are going to get upset
The irony

>> No.9797893

No, not really. This is a cooking board, not a politics board. If you're going to discuss the latter and not the former then you don't belong here.

>> No.9797899

Is not about politics if your food is shit ,numbnuts

>> No.9797900

Mexican food is fucking great. Your an idiot.
Go back to your containment board.

>> No.9797903

My food? Why do you keep assuming that I'm Mexican? If you don't like the food say why you don't like it, don't turn the conversation into "muh dirty spics crossing the border".

>> No.9797920
File: 47 KB, 440x552, mexican_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i am american

>> No.9797932

Okay, you obviously have no rebuttal so you're just going to resort to assumptions and insults.

>> No.9797949

Not that anon but seriously shut the fuck up you fucking newfag shitposter.
Go start a thread on /pol/ about how mexican food is making white people like brown people too much or something.

>> No.9797995

kek. Yes this site was founded by a 15 year old. But posting like a 15 year old on this board will make you look like a newfag. And you look like shit right now.

>> No.9798042
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>> No.9798092

Cute. That's what you are. I'd fuck you.

>> No.9798284

Natives aren't natives tbqh. If panspermia is true then we're all immigrants after all.

>> No.9798558

I like hot tamale.

>> No.9798586

>take tamale
>break them up
>crack an egg over them
>fry them

Best breakfast.

>> No.9798613

Para cuando la carnita asada pues.

I like tamales in general, but i have had some weird experiences with tamales in south mexico.

>> No.9799080

Tomorrow I'm going to make some turkey tamales with a spicy Verde sauce. Probably gonna make 3-4 dozen tamales.

>> No.9799085

Best part about living in a Mexican majority area.

>> No.9799089

In fairness, until roughly 1830 it was almost impossible to trade from mexico to California by sea or land, so most inhabitants were substance farmers. You try building shit when just living is backbreaking work.

I'm italian FWI, not hispanic.

>> No.9799091

>substance farmers

>> No.9799552

>Le authentic goat anus maymay

>> No.9800153

Turkey is definitely superior in Mexican food, it's the original ingredient in many chicken dishes, Turkey in mole is also mindblowingly better than chicken, mist Mexican poultry dishes are made with sauces or in soups for this reason.

>> No.9800212

There was the Camino real which connected a string of fortress/harbor/monastery compounds from Mexico to San Francisco. I don't think you know what you're talking about. Sailing into the harbors of California had been established since before Francis Drake who spent some time charting the San Francisco Bay for England since Spain considered the west coast of their new world empire a state secret. The Russians also had some scattered forts in northern California going as far south as the lower Sacramento Valley. An American, named Sutter, later bought that southern fort and turned it into a logging operation and a fatty gold nug was found there. Lol Russia.

>> No.9800266

To explain why the Spanish couldn't develop the American Southwest you have the hacienda legal system to blame. A system which is fairly effective at controlling swaths fairly populated land and based on the reconquesta of the Iberian peninsula. Basically you grant large chunks of land to military noble warlords whose job it was to make the population profitable for the crown i.e. feudalism on roids. Which is fine when governing populated lands, but the problem is when you grant a chunk of land with no people on it, how exactly is a feudal warlord supposed to attract a bunch of people to come work his land in something very close to serfdom? This underlying legal difference between Spain and France and England explains the vast differences in their new world empires. The English and French liberalism and freer economic system encouraged new settlement and the Spanish didn't.

>> No.9800453

It's gotten so hot, that it's boiling over into everything.
I read/watch the news daily.
Anything I don't grasp, anything I have questions or thoughts about, I go digging.
I think about justice, world affairs, politics, moral and ethical issues 24/7.

These issues running through my head invade or color almost every human interaction at this point.

I dream about it.

I am consumed.

There is no let up, and I cannot escape this hell.
I can only explore it's depths and denizens in ever greater detail and familiarity.

>> No.9800488

Welcome to the information age

>> No.9800608
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I have ever tried pork tamales, sounds good. My favorites are rajas con queso (cheese whit a piece of chilli) and chicken in green sauce. In less than twenty days I'm gonna be enjoying the sweet homemade glory of mexican tamales, thanks for the reminder. In fact I became so addicted to the cheese ones that I could know at a simple glance wich ones were the cheese one, I have lost the touch over the years but I'm gonna start cultivating it again.

>Pic related, tamales de rajas con queso, la comida de Dios.

>> No.9800635
File: 185 KB, 967x954, 1511115806763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go home to see friends
>bombarded with cringe as fuck magapede /r/t_d memes and hourly updates pulled straight from drudge
>come back to school
>bombarded with blue-hairs telling me to kill myself for being white and beating it raw to whatever slightly weird thing DRUMPFODFOFD did this week

I just want normal friends who do normal things normally, I want to have to know someone for years before they want to talk to me about politics or religion. I want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.9800675

Who the fuck uses lemon on tamales? Amerifats don't know anything about culture.

>> No.9800695
File: 15 KB, 294x200, del-real-pork-tamales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best frozen tamales but a little too spendy

>> No.9800698
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>> No.9800705

Man, you sound like such a fag. At least you show some remorse.

>> No.9800716

Mexicans call limes "limónes." It's easy to see how that beaner got confused when writing in English.

>> No.9800959

No se pone acento en limones, pero si en limon (la o)

>> No.9801006

Es de locos echar lima y/o limones a un tamal

>> No.9801124

Cause they're dirty catholics

>> No.9801205

>Who is newt Gingrich

>> No.9801218

Do you want an abuelita (non mexican or maybe it shares a spaniard origin) secret?
After frying pork (we call it chicharron) save that grease, that grease will turn into this : >>9793439 (this one is processed) and it will have a nice taste.
We use Canna Indica, plastic is dangerous
There`s a sweet variation called Humita and we use corn wen we prepare humitas.
2. He has a point, you should eat every 5 or 7 days.
3. 50/50

>> No.9801233


Co-workers mom came by in Fridays with red and green tamales for $1 a pop. Best I've ever had from steaming hot and cold.