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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 978x444, waffles_vs_pancakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9788587 No.9788587 [Reply] [Original]

There can be only one.

>> No.9788595

>all those empty carbs

>> No.9788599

Waffles. They have a way better texture.

>> No.9788600


>> No.9788621

French toast.

>> No.9788625
File: 80 KB, 800x733, bugs scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earliest pancakes date back to cavemen but in their modern form are mentioned in Greek and Roman texts
>waffles invented by the dutch

>> No.9788628

>>there can only be one

>make double batch of waffle batter
>make giant batch of waffles
>have shitloads of waffles
>freeze them

>make double batch of pancake batter
>make giant batch of pancakes
>have shitloads of pancakes
>freeze them

wahlah now I have both

for real though, don't listen to the (((frozen breakfast conglomerates))), home made waffles/pancakes freeze really fucking well, and taste significantly better than store bought ones

>> No.9788629

How to make crispy waffles?
Whenever i've tried making them (not that many times) they are just thin soft crepes with the waffle-iron print on them.

>> No.9788633
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I would say pancakes, I like them mostly with chocolate chips.


>> No.9788636

that's too much sweetness for me

>> No.9788637

Hell yes!
#1 French Toast
#2 Waffles (especially Belgian style)
#10 Dense syrup-sponge Pancakes

>> No.9788641

Pancakes. Two bites into a fucking waffle and you're already sick and tired of chewing it.

>> No.9788650

Two bites into soggy syrup-soaked pancake and you want to spit that mush out

>> No.9788651

The fuck kind of waffles are you eating? Hey should be crispy but also light and fluffy.

>> No.9788654

A really good pancake is better than a really good waffle. But it's much easier to find a really good waffle than a really good pancake.

>> No.9788659

Waffles for sure. I love that crispy outside.

>> No.9788663
File: 136 KB, 1000x667, breakfast-crepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can be only one.

>> No.9788670

You have to let the iron fully heat up. Sometimes you have to let it cycle by letting the iron show "ready" then opening it to cool off before letting it reach a proper temperature ("ready") again.

>> No.9789090

the patrician choice desu

>> No.9789098

truer words have not been spoken.

>> No.9789112

Confucius pls

>> No.9789240

>people can't stand to be around me: the breakfast item

>> No.9790298


>> No.9790305

Waffles have a texture, soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside, and taste amazing with butter.

Pancakes are good in very small doses with extra butter and make me sick after about 1.

>> No.9790313

Cook them a bit longer too if needed.

>> No.9790325

I have only found a pancake that doesn’t make me want to puke after a few bites a couple times ever. It was springy and didn’t have so much flour taste. I used to add brown sugar to the batter while frying and it would taste good and give it texture but it was too much sugar and still too much pancake. What makes a really good pancake?

>> No.9790331

Panqueque is tops.
Better texture, easier to make (you don't need a waffle iron, I mean), more customizable.

>> No.9790339

>pretending where your born determines how much you like butter and sugar

grow up

>> No.9790344

and now auto correct embaresses me in front of a retard

>> No.9790354

Waffles are objectively better in every capacity and are more versatile as well.

>> No.9790484

French toast.

>> No.9790511

buckwheat pancakes

>> No.9790844

>i don't have many people to talk to: the post

>> No.9790868
File: 141 KB, 1000x750, o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French toast is always my first love but if every pancake I had was like how this small diner in my city makes them, they'd win every time. They have a perfect crispy cinnamon crust on them and are monsters for only a few dollars. Pic related.

>> No.9791547

You probably could have done it without autocorrect.

>> No.9791579

Never had pancakes that have been better than "adequate"

Waffles on the other hand, is something you look forward to.

>> No.9791584


>> No.9791595


>> No.9791597

>caring about carbs

>> No.9791602

lol you mad creper? sorry no one likes your rubbery thin pancakes.

>> No.9791655
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf? We celebrate obesity now that we have the fattest president since this fatfuck in the pic.

>> No.9791696

>Two Big Macs
>Two McFish
>Two scoops
>Two terms

>> No.9791714

Isn't the difference between both of the desert are how they're form? I assume the ingredient are practically the same.

>> No.9791732

Biscuits and sausage gravy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> breakfast sweets

>> No.9791739

I've been calling it a McFish jokingly so much on here that I actually said it out loud when ordering the other day at mcdonalds. I was met with the biggest blank stare I have ever seen.

>> No.9791750
File: 1.02 MB, 2272x1704, DSCF2101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reigning /ck/ champion for 10 years, right here in this pic.

Blueberry Waffles Mother Fucker

>> No.9791755

waffles, anything else is unamerican

>> No.9791765

Waffles get better mallard reaction.

>> No.9791770

Johnnycakes are American though, since they are specifically corn-based.

>> No.9791773

Belgian waffles, the true American patriot.

>> No.9791786

>empty carbs
wrong they are full of energy-giving calories

>> No.9791789

Is this b8

>> No.9791795

>muh empty carbs
I didn't know you browsed 4chan, mom

>> No.9791808

Pancakes > waffles > France toast. If the place is not known for their French toast. Pancakes are harder to screw up but French toast is hard to make well. Reverse if the place is known for their French toast.

>> No.9791845

French toast are just stale bread batter with sugar, milk and eggs. I wouldn't even compare that to pancake and dutch pancakes.

>> No.9792195

for me, it's the waffle

>> No.9792290

how about neither. they're both disgusting and make me feel like the fattest motherfucker at a single bite. whos idea was it to eat cake smothered in a sticky sugar syrup for breakfast?

>> No.9792501

Yeah, It's Filet o Fish here too.

>> No.9792510

Are Johnny Cakes nice?

>> No.9792610

Bluberry em up in my book, or add a small amount of chip

>> No.9792943

Crepes> French toast> eggos > homemade waffles>homemade pancakes> powergap > industrial pancakes

Literally every time I remember eating pancakes at a restaurant or out of a mix pack I automatically feel like utter shit and I vomit after. Does this happen to anyone else?

Yeah you can make either with the same batter.

>> No.9793808

is that one large piece of bread? how do they do this?

>> No.9793819

I'd assume hashbrowns mixed with eggs. But I can't really tell what it is.

>> No.9794249


>> No.9794250

That's a giant banana pancake with chocolate chips. It is what you'd expect from disgusting pancake eaters.

>> No.9794437

Are we talking American waffles? Then I prefer the pancakes.
Are we talking Belgian waffles? Then I prefer the waffles.

>> No.9794639

How the fuck would you eat this? I can barely eat two pancakes without feeling like I need to vomit because of all the sugar.

>> No.9794681

I don't get the wafffle meme. the texture sucks and there's always an uneven distribution of syrup or whatever. plus you need a unitasker that is a bitch to clean. not worth it!
pancakes are best, but no syrup. that's gross and too sweet. just fluffy, slightly sweet pancakes with maybe some jam or butter

>> No.9795614

EuroGOAT here
We eat waffles

>> No.9796428

Yes, I understand they use that but are they nice?

>> No.9796482

You make a bunch then put them in the freezer for later. You can get them crispy in a toaster oven when reheating. Just one of those waffles is like 2 meals, but they are easily broken in to halves or quarters when frozen.

>> No.9796486

Also, don't put sugar in the batter. Save sugary stuff for what you put on it, if anything.

>> No.9796497
File: 945 KB, 1881x979, waffle iron cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waffle iron

lol No imagination I see. They are amazing for all manner of cooking.

>> No.9796507

Waffles. Not even a question

>> No.9796709


>> No.9796851

>d-don't call me out o-on my obsession or I'll c-c-c-c-call you f-fat again!
What a sad, sad creature you are.

>> No.9796859

i like texture of pancackes better and easier to make

>> No.9796865

i always eat my pancakes just with butter

>> No.9796875
File: 42 KB, 610x271, 1470194779280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9796890

Best choice, preferably with some combination of ham, asparagus, gruyère and béchamel

>> No.9796896

haha cheeki breeki blin xd :DDD

>> No.9796907
File: 214 KB, 1280x853, folded blini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9797066
