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File: 33 KB, 534x401, 636450456030819416-CBS-Reveal-FBTWITTER-2-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9787328 No.9787328 [Reply] [Original]

List what new things you've tried the past week and how you liked them.

>Founders CBS
10.5/10 I felt like I was drinking liquid winter season while santas step-daughter home from elf college was blowing me
>Founders Breakfast Stout
9.4/10 I thought it was missing a particular flavor that stuck out or gripped you but still an absolutely fantastic beer. I guess they saved CBS to fill that extra criteria.
>Dales pale Ale
8/10 I've never been into hops in general but this pale ale changed that. I'll probably buy this again.

>> No.9787409

I'm drinking the Breakfast Stout right now, it's definitely great but how is this world class? It's hyped up to be a 10/10 beer and to me it's more like an 8/10.

I'll try the KBS and CBS too if I can get my hands on them.

>> No.9787418
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Good taste OP.
>Founders CBS
I've yet to try CBS, sp I'm jelous. I love me some KBS, though I felt it wasn't as good this year (maybe I'm crazy).
>Founders Breakfast Stout
Yep. A fantastic beer. It's a gold standard stout others should try to meet.
>Dales pale Ale
Oskar Blues is great in general. I strongly recommendation their Ten Fidy stout too.

I splurged this weekend and drank and ate too much. Here's what I had though.
>Weyerbacher Sunday Mole Stout
A bit of a let down, honestly. It's not as good as their Sunday Morning Stout, and Evil Twin and Prairie do spiced stouts better.
>LongTrail Unearthed
A good surprise. Not the best BBA beer ever, but much better than I expected from Long Trail.
>Ommegang Three Philosophers
A solid quad. I like Rochefort, Bernardus, and Boulevard Sixth Glass more though.
>Allagash Tripel
A great beer. Can't say anything bad about it.
>Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stour
I love this stuff. A really consistent and good 10% RIS that I can get a 6-pack of for like $10.
>Kentucky Old Fashioned Barrel Ale
This was different. Worth trying but not worth getting again. I love a good Old Fashioned, and could taste one here, but it was a novelty.

>> No.9787423

How much different is KBS from Breakfast Stout?

>> No.9787426

Is a stour a sour stout?

>> No.9787434

And I've had Allagash White, I love Witbiers but that one tasted off as fuck to me, which is weird because it's so highly regarded. It tasted like feet but not in a good way.

>> No.9787449
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What is the second worst beer style behind IPA?

>> No.9787458

Some beer I've had recently that I'll comment on

>O'Haras Irish Red
Good beer, didn't blow my mind but it had a nice subtle chewy malt taste that I enjoyed
>O'Hara's Stout
Really good stout, would get again. Very flavorful yet sessionable.
>Founder's All Day IPA
Really good IPA, I'm not a huge fan of the massive sticky palate bomb IPAs but I do love some good hop flavor, so I enjoy this a lot.
>Founder's Breakfast Stout
Really good stout with a lot of good flavor, however not the 10/10 that the beer hypebeasts make it out to be
More drinkable than I thought. I'm drinking it literally right now, I think it's better cold than room temperature or else it's too boozy
>New Belgium Fat Tire Belgian White
Really good witbier! Nice crisp citrus flavor, very well rounded
>Sierra Nevada Octoberfest
Good octoberfest, I'm not a huge fan of this style though so it didn't blow me away. But not bad by any means, I could knock down 8 of them.

>> No.9787461

your mom's pee

>> No.9787463

You are certainly correct that IPA is worse than my mother's pee.

>> No.9787465

Do you like APAs?

>> No.9787480
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Sorry for potato photo.
This was way more carbonated than I was expecting. My first Brett, and somewhat surprising. I had expected something rougher and more odorous since it was described as evoking horses. The brettanomyces hits the hardest in the aftertaste, but overall it is far less bitter than I expected.

>> No.9787485

what is this beer style like?

>> No.9787497
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>hoppy beer in general

>> No.9787504

You can't handle the adult flavors? Just stick to Bud Light I guess

>> No.9787505

World class in the ring of widely available beers my friend. No doubt some hick in kentucky makes some heroin in a glass with no label but my ass and many others might never taste it.
Thanks for the contribution. I see a few I've been wanting to try. KBS I still have to try. I hope it'll be there next time I run by the store.
pls no. >>/pol/ 's that way. For real though, I get why some people don't like IPAs. ITS THE HOPS. I wasn't a hops person at all but the more I drink, the more my tastebuds grow to like hops. >>9787497 Plus hops are breddy glose to cannibis dude. Drink what's healthy for you

Founders BS I think the same as you. I''s probably too nice with my review but it's still good.
>Fat Tire Belgium White
people bitch about how they don't like it but it's fifty fifty. Definetly a difference in tastes I'd imagine. I'm gonna try it; see who the fuck is right.

>> No.9787513

I would guess the style as a whole has the strong, I guess you could call it rustic, taste. This one was a little spicy, and smelled fruity, but in subtle ways, not as much as I had hoped. It was also quite dry, but I assume that has to do with this particular brew. Someone else might be able to say more than me.

>> No.9787520

I picked up a St archer IPA once at the store and it was literally almost undrinkable. Like liquid fur tree or some shit. I think alot of breweries miss the mark with IPAs or just hops in general you know? Anyways, I'll have to look for Terreux company and see for myself.

>> No.9787521

I always speak in terms of widely available beers. I've had widely available beers that I found better than Breakfast Stout. Completely different styles, though.

And yeah I recommend trying a bottle of the Fat Tire Belgian White, it might not be ridiculously good but I found it very enjoyable. Flavorful, yet sessionable.

>> No.9787523

Stouts? Count me in. Porters? Great. Sours? Wonderful. Ron Jeremy's bitter taint sweat, a.k.a. too much hops? Vomit.

>> No.9787528

What is the style called anyway?
Sours are way more of a meme style than a balanced IPA. Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA is delicious and easy drinking, sours taste like vinegar to me.

>> No.9787546

Brett, or Brettanomyces, after the yeast.

>> No.9787550

that sounds like a meme style

>> No.9787586

Between sour and bitter, guess which flavor humans evolved to generally dislike because it is the flavor of most toxins? Protip: it's not sour. Hoppy beers literally taste toxic and a big part of their popularity is insecure people trying to appear mature/masculine, as is demonstrated by >>9787504

>> No.9787590

It goes fairly far back. I also don't think it's popular enough to be a meme. Definitely a nice change of pace though.

>> No.9787602


>> No.9787609

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.9787613

IPAs aren't necessarily super bitter, the good ones are "bittersweet" with a nice balance of flavors

>> No.9787635

Do any qt Latinas like craft beer?

>> No.9787647

nah brah latinas got the weed genes. If they say they do they're lying or playing a part

>> No.9787651

Do you guys like Brooklyn beers?

>> No.9787653

>5 posters. 31 replies

>> No.9787743

what are weed genes?

>> No.9787750

Not him but from my experiences KBS is basically regular Breakfast Stout but with that strong "booze" flavor and mouthfeel you get with Barrel Aged stouts.

but holy shit did I love CBS, the smoothest of all the BA Stouts I've ever had.

>> No.9787801

So does that make KBS somewhat of a meme?

>> No.9788007

>no central water
Bad tastes baka

>> No.9788362

Is that why people like dark chocolate and coffee as well? Gin? Certain teas? Grapefruit?

>> No.9789430

I'm not a fan of their White to be honest - I've had very inconsistent experiences with it. Wits don't seem to be popular in the States in general.
I wouldn't call KBS a meme per se, but it's definitely in the overhyped spectrum. It's a very solid BBA stout, but there are others that are better, like Bourbon County Stout.
I love Central Waters tho. Their I've had their BBA stout and barleywine, and Cassian Sunset. Been thinking about trying Satin Solitude.
Brooklyn is a very solid brewery.

>> No.9789448
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>Black and Tan

>> No.9789515

They've been smoking reefer since Confucius dropped his album

>> No.9789720

New things I've had recently:
>Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break
Pretty damn good, glad my local shop finally got some Evil Twin.
>Odell Isolation Ale
Meh. Tastes boozier than it is
>Summit Westie 7th
So fucking good, disappointed this is a one-off brew from Summit
>Alaskan Smoked Porter
I can imagine this being really great with aging but as it stands it just tasted like a campfire. Good with food at least.
>Blacklist Spruce-Tipped Imperial IPA
I'm gonna be honest with you, I bought this just to clear out my sinuses and it fucking worked

Is Fat Tire White just a wit version of Fat Tire or a new brew entirely?

It's what a lot of breweries mean when they say "wild ale" as well. It's not really a meme because they're hardly common beers.

>> No.9789796
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Continuing off my last post, what are some great no-gimmicks stouts? Not overly chocolate-y or coffee-flavored or aged or whatever, just nice and roasty. Think pic related (Castle Danger's George Hunter) or Badger Hill's Foundation, if you've had those

Porters and schwarzbiers also encouraged

>> No.9789823
File: 36 KB, 810x464, anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any canadian friends had Andersons, or seen it for sale?
brewery is right down the street from me but it looks like they're starting to sell across the country now

their cream and summer ales are unholy. they have an 11% IPA they don't sell by the can (as far as i know) that just tastes like candy, never had an IPA like it from anywhere else (in the sense it doesn't taste like pee)

>> No.9789895

Finnegans dead Irish poet is pretty good. Summits great northern porter and winter ale are both solid as well. Edmund Fitzgerald porter from great lakes

>> No.9789911

Big fan of Summit's stuff, yeah. I'm bummed they're discontinuing winter ale after this year. I've seen Edmund Fitz around a bunch but never tried it, I'll make sure I pick some up

>> No.9789953

What the fuck why? Their winter ale rules. I wish they'd can or bottle their oatmeal stout though. That shit is great.

>> No.9789971

At least for next year, they're making a vanilla version of Great Northern as their winter seasonal. IIRC they're also ditching Summer Ale and changing a bunch of the year-rounds

>> No.9789979
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I'm just back from Belgium.

>> No.9789985

God I hope you're European and didn't have to ship all that overseas

props if you did tho

>> No.9789990

referring to >>9789979

>> No.9789999

Huh. Weird. I hope they at least keep pumping out their keller pils. I'm still buying it into winter.
Oh insights London porter or whatever is pretty alright too, and bent paddles regular black ale is just as great as their cold press version

>> No.9790005
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Huddersfield, UK. So the drive + ferry is a weekend job.

Gotta do what I can before Brexit fucks it up.

>> No.9790018
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Keller is becoming a year round! Here, I found their 2018 release calendar for reference. Lots of good shit. Will check out Insight, the only beer I've had from them was disappointing so I've been wary. Bent Paddle is good but overpriced most of the time--I just get a growler whenever I'm in Duluth because it's a bit cheaper.

>> No.9790092
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Been dreaming of trying this one after the first summer of drinking other that macro lagers, finally got some, two weeks old today!

Not the best beer i have had but one of the better double IPAs for sure!

>> No.9790781

Whatd you have from them? Their ne style ipas are great and I really liked their gin and tonic ale this last summer. Sunken city is also a really solid saison. I've been trying to get my hands on a gravity well, but I hate going into the cities

>> No.9790821

I just tried CBS and KBS. I didn't like the CBS at all really; way too much chocolatey coffee flavor. I liked KBS quite a bit better

>> No.9790840
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>he went to Belgium and didn't bring back a case of Westvleteren 12

>> No.9790845

I had Sunken City, it really rubbed me the wrong way. It was also one of the first saisons I'd had, so I might be able to come back to it now. I'm definitely interested in the NEIPA and the coffee blonde ale, and I guess I'll have to check out the london porter too.

>> No.9790871
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Can buy this in Leeds.

>> No.9791406
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Black Irish Tan Car Bomb Velvet

>> No.9791462

Irish person here - your drink is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.9791598

What would y'all say the best "tan" beer is for a black and tan?

>> No.9791680

Stop bitching, you shouldn't have given up, faggot.

>> No.9791688

Stopped by the local Total Wine and More and got some Franconia Baltic Porter and Odell's Black IPA.

Fuck Mondays.

>> No.9792004

Stopped by Torchy's Tacos and saw they mostly had meme IPAs and bottled piss so I got $4 frozen margarita to go with my food.
Fuck Mondays too.

>> No.9792117

In Boston for the week. Trying a lot of local beer. Trillium is pretty good but probably not quite worth the hype and price. Was most impressed with Hobo King, reasonably priced and great tasting. other stuff is mostly fine but nothing standing out particularly, it is crazy what a high percent of available local beer is IPAs

Anyone have any suggestions of stuff I should definitely try before I leave

>> No.9792125

Also, is it worth driving out to Tree House one evening this week? They get a ton of hype but traffic here is shit

>> No.9792135

IMO Trillium is actually better than Tree House so if you thought it was good I'd suggest just waiting for them to put something new on tap/in cans later in the week. Double dry hopped Fort Point is the best beer I've ever had

>> No.9792136
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i got some of these the other day
got the regular stout and the coffee stout. havent opened them yet, waiting for my buds to come over so they can try it too

>> No.9792153

>Double dry hopped Fort Point
Literally drank one 45 minutes ago. I did like it, drinking a Heavy Mettle right now

>> No.9792159

>tfw want to buy Northwoods stout just because I like the idea of the northwoods having grown up in the upper midwest

Fucking Anheuser Bush and their expert marketers

>> No.9792566

I ran into the Stout the other day and picked that one up. When i went back they had the Barleywine but decided to pass on it.

Barleywines have been hit and miss with me. I thought Anchor's Old Foghorn was a good one for a beginner. The next one I had was Lower De Boom from 21st Amendment and was turned off by that one.

>> No.9793376

I found out that my local beer distributor has pretty much all the founder's varieties available besides the hard to get ones like KBS, which ones should I try? I already had the All Day IPA which I like a lot.

>> No.9793394

do they even make this beer any more?
i used to drink this shit all the time but i cant find it anymore

>> No.9793732

they do a really nice porter

>> No.9793747

>hop nation the punch (mango gose)
tasted a bit too much like a mango smoothie rather than a beer. would go down nice on a really hot day though.
>black brewing saison
very nice solid saison, no complaints here
>lindemans cuvee rene
loved it
>la sirene farmhouse red
alright. flemish reds aren't my favourite style so this is probably my least fave la sirene beer.

>> No.9794355

All of them. They don't really have a bad beer, apart from a few special releases. Backwoods bastard is gross.

>> No.9794452

Is it just smoked or with spruce tips or some shit?

>> No.9794458

>do they even make this beer any more?
No, it was a one time very limited release

>i used to drink this shit all the time
No, you didn't

>> No.9794513

They literally just released a batch all over the Midwest last week. A bar down the road is tapping a keg tonight.

>> No.9794518

what beer are you guys even talking about

>> No.9794531

CBS I assumed

>> No.9794544

I wanna break it down for all the children in this thread.

The tier list goes like this

>God Tier:
IPA, Stout

>Top Tier:
Sour, Oktober Fest beers,

>Mid Tier:
Porters, Pilsners (I mean good pilsners too, not that miller meme shit), Imports like Sapporo (idk the actualy classification for it sorry)

Low/Shit Tier: Any domestic

There will be no further questions.

>> No.9794546

They should make a Soy Ale and name it after you

>> No.9794564

You do realize imports like Sapporo/Asahi/Heineken/Stella taste just as shitty as American adjunct lagers, right? also

>no Belgian styles to be seen

>> No.9794576
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thread ruined
thanks a lot anon

>> No.9794583

Yeah, the first time since its original release in 09

>> No.9794609

I think some imports test way better than most american domestics

Also nah you right I forgot belgian styled anything here, Def in the top tier.

>> No.9794627

The bar has done a keg tapping of the stuff for the last like, 5 years. Founders just never had a really wide release of bottles.

>> No.9794803
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my bad didnt include the pic last night
this is the beer i was talking about

>> No.9794812

That can art is sick

>> No.9794826

Founders is my go to for anything. Their Imperial Stout is off the fucking rails and i cant seem to find it anywhere

>> No.9794840

I want try their Dirty Bastard reaaal bad. Hit or miss at my place.

>> No.9795338

I was gonna try Dirty Bastard but my store jacked up the price without any warning. Gotta find it somewhere else

>> No.9797062

Euro and Mex pale lagers are at least a little better than Budweiser

>> No.9797068

Are scotch ales memes?

>> No.9797103

Saying "I like scotch ales" is just a nice way of saying "I like barleywine but I don't want to age it"

>> No.9797113

You're dumb

>> No.9797122
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I can never get enough of Dry Docks Apricot Blonde. Easily my favorite beer. Sour version is also really good.

>> No.9797567

very very slightly
Like 1/10 vs 1.1/10

>> No.9797574

Liking Scotch ale does not imply you do not also want barleywine nor more than drinking an IPA suggests you don't like DIPA

>> No.9797601
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Where my /busch/ niggas at?

Also recently been craving Heineken for some reason, don't really know. Am I gay?

>> No.9797719

I'm personally a Big fan of Dirty Bastard

>> No.9797815

You're being a beer autist, A Heineken or Modelo (non skunked) is easily a 6

>> No.9797818

Nothing gay about Heinken. It's a pretty standard beer

>> No.9797872

I used to drive past that red building on US-131 very day. Too bad I'm traveling for work and can't enjoy that CBS on tap :C

>> No.9797980

God Tier:

APA, Amber Lager, Brown Ale, Dry Stout, Kolsch,

>Good Tier
IPA, Pilsner, Red Ale

>Shit Tier

Gose, DIPA, Imperial Stout, Sours, Domestic Adjunct Lagers

>> No.9797988

From my memory, they have

Backwoods Bastard

What's wrong with the Backwoods Bastard in particular? And does Founder's make an APA?

>> No.9798047

I agree with your three and would add old crumudgeon and lizard of koz

>> No.9798059

No I haven't tried any of them, I'm saying that's what my local beer distributor sells and I'm curious about opinions on those beers in particular.

>> No.9798172

>God Tier
APA, brown ale, non-imperial stout, Belgian dark ale, NEIPA

>Great Tier
IPA, winter warmer, saison, imperial stout, schwarzbier, rye beer

>Good Tier
Pilsner, Belgian golden ale, sours (though they're super variable), Oktoberfest, kolsch, DIPA, gose

>Bad tier
California common, adjunct lager, black IPA

>Literal garbage
Founders Rubaeus

>> No.9798204

APAs, Brown Ales, and Non Imperial Stouts really are great!

>> No.9798398


Most of my drinking is non imperial stouts, milk stouts, and ambers. I like ambers a lot.

>> No.9798411

i had some ballast point mango session ipas
it was alright. im not a big ipa guy but they were good
not worth the price imo shit was pretty pricey

>> No.9798422


IPAs are generally just fucking terrible. I don't understand how people like them.

>> No.9798431

thats where all the new shit is from my meager experience
do micro breweries make lagers or the 'basic' shit? ive only seen ipas and ales and weird shit

>> No.9798441


>> No.9798451

why don't you make it next time ok?

>> No.9798461


Local pub I frequent brews their own amber and stout, along with a really good APA. Honestly I know "craft" beer is a fucking meme but there are good local beers of all kinds in pretty much every decent sized city.

>> No.9798641

Most brewers have craft lagers, American Pale Ales, stouts, porters, etc.

>> No.9798889

The fact that you separated porter and stout proves that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9798899

A lot of craft breweries make lager, though not all of them. This may be due to the fact that apparently it's actually one of the most difficult beer styles to brew.

>> No.9798953

I just got the last bottles of this my store had on sale for $4.99 a piece, definitely a funky yet delicious Brett.

>spoiler I love The Bruery's stuff, their 8 maids a milking is outstanding

>> No.9798964

I can get everything in that pic at my local gas station.

>tfw a literal gas station has over 800 beers including 50 different taps

>> No.9798966

you need to get your hands on some Melvin 2x4

>> No.9799207

I'm surprised Dr. Dave is a conservative...he looks and kinda talks like a hippie and lives in an apartment

>> No.9799531

Frootwood is alright, but backwoods bastard tastes like a big glass of half assed, carbonated bourbon. It's a really poorly barreled beer, and I like barrel aged beers.

>> No.9799533

I dump a shot of vodka in my rubaeus. Its good in the summer

>> No.9800475


>> No.9800518
File: 2.29 MB, 800x749, shocktopcitruspackvariety_2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we are folks. It's all been leading up to this point. I've had the pack with the ugli fruit and citrus pearls, ugli fruit might win by a narrow margin. They should really sell the grapefruit kind by itself.
Does anyone know of any other citrus/grapefruit beers?

>> No.9800592

Grapefruit is a super common flavor in IPA. The most widely distributed grapefruit-forward one I can think of is Ballast Point's Grapefruit Sculpin (which is overpriced) but Fresh Squeezed from Deschutes fits the bill too and they're fairly widely available. Whereabouts are you? Region helps a lot with these things

>> No.9800743
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In FL US. I'll keep an eye out for those. Some of our gas stations have 'beer caves' that stock things you won't find in the beer aisle, and there's plenty of IPAs and imports in them.

>> No.9800754

The girl just said she like Shocktop, what are you doing suggesting actual beers to her?

>> No.9800775

Sam Adams grapefruit rebel is everywhere and tastes identical for like, half the price of ballast point

>> No.9800780

Jai alai bro.

>> No.9800792

ahh, didn't think of that one, good point
In FL you can get Sweetwater too, they have a grapefruit beer called Squeeze Box

>> No.9800798

Leinenkugel's grapefruit shandy tastes like absolute ass IMO but it's definitely grapefruity

>> No.9800881

I'm not offended as a man who's been emasculated for asking for a drink suggestion, I'm offended as a lady who's had somebody butt in to her conversation for 'her own good'. I can handle this on my own, you pig. If I can't handle the beer I'll leave it in the fridge for guests.

>> No.9800930

Post feet

>> No.9800939

Post your cock, you fucking manlet.
And your balls if you have any, low T beta.

>> No.9801005

>hey guys I'm a girl, hey did I mention I'm a girl btw?

>> No.9801013

I asked first

>> No.9801265

>hey guys, I'm a man pretending to be a girl because I secretly want to be a girl who pretends go be a man

Nice LAFP.

>> No.9801594
File: 1.07 MB, 1776x2335, beer general american brewery power rankings v0.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /beer general/, how about an infographic?

>> No.9801817

I have no gripes with this honestly

>> No.9801920

I would switch Stillwater and Lagunitas but that's about it, good stuff here

>> No.9801983

Is Sam Adam's Boston Lager actually good or is it good for what it is? It being a cheaper widely distributed beer.

>> No.9802497

easily the best 'available anywhere' beer imo

>> No.9802512

I hear there's an easy way to figure this out for yourself.

>> No.9802555

its fine, much better than the other macro lagers

>> No.9802562

Evil Twin should be knocked down a tier for dramatically over pricing everything

>> No.9802570

fuck that, Heineken and Modelo are only very slightly different than Budwieser

>> No.9802646

Sam Adams is my go-to cheap beer. In addition to their Boston Lager, I look forward to their Oktoberfest every year.

>> No.9803061
File: 647 KB, 1000x3000, 1262672389415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this one years ago.

>> No.9803180

nah this is autistic, Brooklyn and Coney Island beersa re consistently good.

>> No.9803183

This is genuinely the dumbest thing I've ever seen on 4chan

>> No.9803186

It's not cheap and it's actually really good

Not true, your taste buds are off. I could easily tell the two apart with a blinfold.

>> No.9803191

Nothing wrong with Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada

Boston Lager and Boston Ale are easily 8/10

>> No.9803196

this. It's completely unfunny

>> No.9803222

whats the rogue beef? yes im more likley to get stones, but they both are bloody expensive in aus and we have a ton of good local stuff here

>> No.9803327
File: 120 KB, 311x376, nervous sweating anime female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you speak fluent French, in Russian?

>> No.9803689

BrewDog Elvis Juice

>> No.9803697

also an ausfag
i think people dislike the gimmicky stuff like the beard beer and the voodoo doughnut or whatever, it's seen as the kind of hipstery nonsense that gives craft beer a bad name
their beers are consistently good though in my experience
definitely wouldn't put them in shit tier

>> No.9803916

nah, Washington, Norms Market in Lake Stevens

>> No.9804381

so hippster shit then, also im not the cunt that wants to spend over $20 for a longneck

>> No.9804464

They also have quite shitty business practices and treat their employees badly, if some of those older threads on reddit are to be believed

>> No.9806014
File: 303 KB, 750x600, Julius Treehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, this stuff is pretty good

>> No.9806100

Don't tell me you thought it was a...meme?

>> No.9806126

well I was at least a little suspicious

>> No.9806147
File: 166 KB, 390x365, Willettized-Coffee-Stout-6pk-Web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck guys

$12 for a sixer of an amazing barreled coffee stout

>> No.9806260

such as? i haven't heard about this

>> No.9806316

It's too much for me to summarize/type out, but here's a reddit thread linking to a bunch of other threads on the topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/beer/comments/33gxv9/on_rogue_and_ethics/?st=jax4g61x&sh=449e98f1

And another, more recent one from a former Rogue employee: https://www.reddit.com/r/beer/comments/5z3103/i_hate_the_rogue_brewery/?st=jax4hemd&sh=b67ce549

>> No.9806517
File: 238 KB, 300x700, insight-brewing-return-voyage-banshee-cutter_1508791382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is good

>> No.9806675

Hell ya

>> No.9806776



Cigar City is a good company and their Jai Alai is my favorite beer period. Reef Donkey APA from Tampa Bay brewing company is good too. Florida has some nice breweries.

>> No.9806964

That beer looks like it's 2/3 head

>> No.9806974

I'm guessing you are from Eastown, faggot

>> No.9806991

Flying Dog should be in decent tier, though I get their beers fresh since I'm 20 minutes away from them. Maryland absolutely has better breweries though tbqh.

>> No.9807251
File: 186 KB, 1400x1400, heineken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the heineken lager beer. The best dutch pale lager beer.

>> No.9807538
File: 97 KB, 640x644, Alaskan Winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a big Alaskan fan, but when I saw this, I decided to go for it. It really is something else. It advertises "spruce tips", but it didn't taste as I expected. The flavor you do taste is hard to describe, other than to say it was delicious. Give it a try.

>> No.9807740
File: 17 KB, 150x300, 88080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a pack of pick related the other day. It's good but I can only drink one in one sitting, shit's a little too sweet for me.

>> No.9807764
File: 9 KB, 197x255, dragonsmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best cream porter you'll ever have. If you manage to get your hands on it.

>> No.9808111

based Heineken from can

>> No.9808185

Post your favorite 3 widely distributed beers

>> No.9808578

Is Dr. Dave a white supremacist?

>> No.9808588
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>> No.9808675

What's your go to beer?
Mine is founders all day ipa

>> No.9808681

Did you drive a truck or something?

>> No.9808682

dang. that's sad to hear

>> No.9808893

Belgian and germans beers are missing

>> No.9808938

check the file name and also the title of the chart

>> No.9809010

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Deschutes Obsidian Stout
Bell's Two Hearted

>> No.9809038

What's YOUR business in Belgium?

>> No.9809304

New Belgium - Trippel

>> No.9809971

Great choice.

>> No.9810010

I like ice beers. Natural Ice is virtually the most watery beer you can get for its alcohol content; Milwaukee's Best Ice is even cheaper and a bit more flavor and calories. I like malt liquor too. I had Mickey's last weekend. There's also a left over King Cobra 40 at my friend's house. I want to unwind before my last semester's finals next Wednesday.

My dad has only drank Busch since my childhood. He won't drink any other beer. I don't buy it though. How good is it?

Hops has more phytoestrogens than soy, but keep spreading your /pol/ meme cancer.

>> No.9810053

Yep, I rarely find a drinkable besr that tastes good. I usually drink belgians so the first time I tried this I was really surprised (it was my first ipa too)

>> No.9810167

>malt liqour
You've obviously never felt the pleasure of drinking a 40 of Mickey's after a long day of work

>> No.9810171

where's the abbey ales? No Westy? If I visited Belgium I would totally go grab some Westvleteren

>> No.9810309

What beer goes well with pizza?

>> No.9810634

Pale ales and IPAs. Hops cut through the greasiness really well.

>> No.9810680

depends on toppings.

>> No.9810869

Potosi czech style lager

>> No.9810897

High life

>> No.9810903

What are the best beers that are 10% or higher ABV

>> No.9810972

There aren't a lot of high-ABV beers with wide distribution so you're gonna have to tell us where you're located

>> No.9811109

what is a good widely distributed sour beer that isn't fruit flavored

>> No.9811421



>> No.9811493
File: 89 KB, 250x907, beer_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This smelled tasted like liquid bananas foster. Definitely not for everyone, but i enjoyed it.

>> No.9811641
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, DSC_0704-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fairly new to sours but i liked this one a lot

>> No.9811680


i honestly love this shit, tastes interseting and kinda spicey

>> No.9811882
File: 132 KB, 620x880, 1474855757671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend literature for someone who knows fuck all about beer? Whenever I go buy beer I tend to choose based on nationality and environment of origin, and I'm intrigued by the great variety in taste, texture, etc. beer has to offer. I feel like I'm missing out on fascinating stuff by not educating myself on the subject.

The historical and cultural origins of various styles of beer seem like they'd be just as important as the actual composition and brewing techniques, so I'll take pretty much any recommendations you guys have.

>> No.9811897


>> No.9811930


>> No.9811988

i think i hate the taste of alcohol.

>> No.9812288


>> No.9813159
File: 677 KB, 1361x1736, central-waters-bourbon-barrel-barleywine-ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9813194

most underrated barrel program

>> No.9813208
File: 111 KB, 640x640, Central Waters black gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Central Waters barrel aged stuff is amazing, I had Black Gold on tap a few weeks ago, and it might be the best beer I have yet tried

>> No.9813209

Honestly, Westy is a bit overrated. Just get St. Bernardus Abt 12. It's more widely available and goes a bit easier on your wallet

>> No.9813352

Interesting article about Martin Luther's beer reformation.


>> No.9813433
File: 540 KB, 700x800, prairie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here /sour/?

Tried pic related this week, amazing stuff.

>> No.9813474

>On this day 500 years ago, an obscure Saxon monk launched a protest movement against the Catholic Church that would transform Europe
Should add that it ushered in a era of centuries of religious wars that decimated the population of german speaking Europe and surrounding areas

>> No.9813586

Paul Stamets on JRE said beer used to be brewed with mushrooms in the past. Anybody know anything about this? Is it possible to get a mushroom beer?

>> No.9813709

Don't know about mushroom beer, but here's a tried and true recipe for cock ale
from The Compleat Housewife, 1739:

>Take ten gallons of ale, and a large cock, the older the better; parboil the cock, flay him, and stamp him in a stone mortar till his bones are broken (you must craw and gut him when you flay him); then put the cock into two quarts of sack, and put it to three pounds of raisins of the sun stoned, some blades of mace, and a few cloves; put all these into a canvas bag, and a little before you find the ale has done working, put the ale and bag together into a vessel; in a week or nine days time bottle it up; fill the bottle but just above the neck, and give the same time to ripen as other ale.

>> No.9813755

Wow, I've never heard of this. I know of mezcal pechuga, but actually fermenting with an entire submerged chicken carcass? Is that safe?

>> No.9813848

Lads I just moved to Grand Rapids for work and it's amazing how easy it is to get my hands on Founders' limited releases. Gonna have to pop out and pick up some CBS later since it sounds like it's pretty damn good.

>> No.9813952

>is it safe

Beer is pretty acidic and with the alcohol it might inhibit the growth of bacteria. I don't think I'd try it, but it appears in several old recipe books so people apparently lived to write about it.

>> No.9813991

>I don't think I'd try it

>> No.9814001

Beer sucks.

>> No.9814017
File: 57 KB, 720x720, 25014324_134319597208303_103427051620401152_n.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9814029

Say it on tap in a bar the other day. Almost bought it, but didn't

>> No.9814123

What justifies its price? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.9814145

Its extremely strong for a beer, and higher ABV means less water and more malt. Plus I assume they age it a bunch which adds more cost, and fancy packaging
I'm sure they are making some good money off of it, but it legitimately costs a lot more than typical beer to produce

>> No.9814504

King William III drank it err day and preferred it over wine.

>> No.9814611

I talked to a rep for them and they really don't make much at all off the stuff, it's mostly just a unique thing they do for the hell of it

>> No.9814625

Theyre one of the few breweries I trust with barrel aging stuff. Probably the best in the states at it

>> No.9814739

I just hope they make the Ardea Insignis again so I can get a chance to try it

>> No.9815214
File: 688 KB, 1482x1482, Rude-Elfs-Reserve-Fegleys-Brew-Works-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love winter time and all of these "rude" or "mad" elf beers. I love the theme and they also tend to have a nice cherry kind of taste.

>> No.9815252
File: 36 KB, 250x473, harness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking pic related tonight, by far my favorite winter seasonal

Considering being a tripfag in these threads as "that guy from MN who drinks a lot of local beer"

>> No.9815312

You don't need to trip, I always know it's you! I also live in MN and look for your recommendations.

>> No.9815343


Prairie - down 1
Boulevard - up 1
Abita - up 1
Leinenkugal - up 1 (or added to "Seek Me Out At Normie Gatherings")

I would also add Anderson Valley to Excellent Tier.

>> No.9815383

Highland should be added and put in decent tier
have a pleasant evening

>> No.9815602

lmaooo see and I've always been worried that other people mistake me as the other one or two Minnesotans in the beer generals, you probably included. Glad to hear it, though!

The issue with Leinenkugel is that they're owned by Coors, otherwise he could probably move them. Though I'm a sucker for their Honey Weiss so I don't completely disagree

>> No.9815657
File: 150 KB, 200x600, Blood_Alley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian Beers Ahead:

Been going to town on some of the Russell Brewery's offerings that I can get here in Alberta.

>A Wee Angry Scotch Ale
8/10 - Breddy dark and toasted malty like a good scotch ale should be

>Blood Alley Extra Special Bitter
10/10 - Really tasty, well balanced, highly reccomended

>Marzen Handcrafted Octoberfest Lager
9/10 - Nice copper hued German lager

Finna try some of their Eastern Promises Czech Pilsner later on in the week once I drink down the Phillips Blue Buck I bought today.

>> No.9815666

I'd like to try this, but not at good bottle of scotch prices.

>> No.9815670

Can someone PLEASE tell me really good beers that are 11% ABV or higher

>> No.9815674

>Mediocre Tier
Opinion deposited right into the trash where it belongs.

>> No.9815679

They're a touch under the 11% you are looking for, but Unibroue's strong beers out of Quebec are pretty good.

>> No.9815707

Are you implying they're good

>> No.9815780


I say we change the description for Shit Tier. It's fine to call out normies, but a noticeable portion of craft beer is being owned by the big guys now. Look at Four Peaks and Anheuser-Busch. They still make fine beer, they were just bought out.

It can be shit for other reasons, but Leinenkugal is at the very least mediocre if you focus on taste, as you should.

>> No.9815927
File: 516 KB, 495x750, BerryWeissPour_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so good I can't explain it.

>> No.9816336
File: 277 KB, 1280x1280, D95418B6-0653-4E47-B735-99697A816B93-9066-0000066B8E52C568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn is this stuff smooth. Hardly cracked open the first one and its gone. It tastes exactly like the description; creamy roasted black velvet. I'm very impressed. Reminiscent of CBS and BS, without any pronounced flavors.

Perfect for getting something in down the gullet easily after an 8-1/2 hour shift.

>> No.9816342

There's not really any taste to it. Its just smooth.

>> No.9816349

Are your tongues fucked? It tastes quite distinctly of dark chocolate

>> No.9816356

I might have gotten a bad batch maybe. I guess I tasted it but it was really smooth. Maybe because I'm comparing it to CBS

>> No.9816680

Do any qt Hispanic girls like craft beer?

>> No.9816844

They are good

>> No.9816847

only an snobby tryhard would say otherwise

they were actually one of the first craft breweries in the US, the shit they made in the 70s still hits hard in 2017

>> No.9817624

No, they only like skunky cerveza and American macro lagers.

>> No.9817631

i'll put it this way. i don't personally know any qt latinas that dislike craft beer.

>> No.9817723

Their Steam Beer is the only recipe that remained for that style which was brewed everywhere in San Francisco in the 1800's. It's a fine beer.

>> No.9817927
File: 406 KB, 1642x1232, IMG_20171122_182218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this somewhat recently

It imparted a ton of maple on the nose and had an earthy, almost coffee-like dampness to it

>> No.9818087

Brewdog Tokyo

>> No.9818655

i will change that
interesting, where do you live?

>> No.9818670


>Stouts? I like them but get how other people don't.
>Porters? A light bodied stout so same.
>Sours? It's a fruit-flavored soft drink, what's not to love?
>Too much hops? They may be the best selling style of beer in the commercial craft market but everybody is wrong but me.

This is what /ck/ actually believes, folks.

>> No.9819101

Bells just throws tons of malt in everything with the exception of a few beers. They should go down 2 teirs because 80% of what they make is bland and unbalanced with a few saving graces. Replace with shorts.

>> No.9819114

t. hop autist

>> No.9819116

Who here has had Sam Adams Boston Ale?

>> No.9819259

Are you retarded?

>> No.9819280
File: 1.11 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Founders CBS
Absolutely lived up to the hype, I was amazed. Got the last bottle my local shop had. Couldn't believe my luck.
>DFH Pennsylvania Tuxedo
Very good pale ale, the spruce tips made it a super comfy winter beer.
>Weyerbacher Insanity
The base barleywine is one of my favorites, the oak aging only made it better. Went great with the snowstorm.

>> No.9819283

Have any of you tried Bronx beers? Everything I've had from them so far has been slammin, it's probably the best brewery in New York right now

>> No.9819339

Bells makes a fantastic old ale. Give it a shot.

>> No.9819351
File: 49 KB, 720x405, cantharellus beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like a waste of good chanterelles if you ask me, but yeah, they're around if you know where to look.

>> No.9819364

>female mounties

Jesus fuck.

>> No.9819375

Sex sells, faggot

>> No.9819383

shorts is not better overall, and besides they're not nationally distributed

30th anniversary? black note? ba expedition? blackbeard's stout?

yeah, take a seat kiddo

>> No.9819495
File: 192 KB, 1080x984, 1510865619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up some of these a few days ago. Currently drinking one, prairie shaping up to be one of my go to brewers.

>> No.9819556

This is a bad take

>> No.9819571

Their apple brandy barrel aged bomb is my favorite beer

>> No.9819622

Just tries Founder's porter for the first time, it's really good! Robust roasted flavor yet still very drinkable, I would buy it again

But what really separates a porter from a stout? That's easily as "thick" and robust as stouts that I've had.

>> No.9819629

Shit like Amsterdam Boneshaker is horrible, tastes like your eating pine needles. There's such a thing as balancing your hops and some IPAs overdo it

>> No.9819635

>Imperial Stout
Fucking pleb, go back to your sip threads

>> No.9819637

Of course there are meme IPAs, I prefer balanced ones

>> No.9819639

>But what really separates a porter from a stout
There is no codified difference, typically stouts are darker/more roasty and a little stronger but there is a lot of overlap

>> No.9819640

They're hit or miss

>> No.9819649
File: 26 KB, 480x480, IMG_0384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have and I didn't enjoy it because I am not a nigger

>> No.9819664

Black people don't even drink that shit anymore unless they're 40+ or homeless, it's mostly edgy white hipsters who drink malt liquor

You out of touch stormcuck

>> No.9819674

That's true, but Founder's porter is way roastier and stronger tasting than say, Guinness Draught and maybe even Guinness Extra Stout

It's a similar thing with APAs and IPAs, which are also sister styles

>> No.9819681

Buddy I work in liquor, if it's not malt liquor they buy natty ice, Jamaican/Carribbean/Sri Lankan stout, overproof Rum or Hennessy.

>> No.9819693

I'd say the line is even hazier than it is with APA/IPA. The vast majority of Porters and Stouts could be labeled either way and no one would really complain. Its mainly only the cases where a brewery makes both where it would be weird if the more roasty of the two weren't called the stout

>> No.9819722

That's true, but I think it's still pretty hazy with IPAs. Founder's All Day could be labeled an APA and nobody would complain.

>> No.9819730

Henny is popular among black folk for sure. Hennessy is probably the number 1 black drink, Heineken is popular too.

>> No.9819757

Oh yeah. Especially with "session IPAs" Session IPA is essentially a rebranding of bad APAs

>> No.9819759

I live in GR and have lived here for the last decade. Founders isn't too bad, but honestly, the hipster douchebag crowd they attract straight up fucking sucks. It's like a klan rally for SJWs. They should just give you skinny jeans, a beard, and a ukelele upon entering that den of buttfuckery.

Drink Founders at less shitty places.

>> No.9819833

Founder's All Day is slammin though, but I still think it's really an APA.

>> No.9819850

But everyone knows what an IPA is so it's easier to brand any pale ale with more than 30 IBUs as an IPA to sell to normies. Even craft breweries have to move product as efficiently as they can.

>> No.9819851

True, but I think most people know what a pale ale is too. Sierra Nevada and Dale's are pretty well known

>> No.9819855

also, I guess All Day has enough hop flavor to be an IPA, its just less "thick" than most IPAs. It's smooth enough that I can drink it right out of the can while dancing.

I noticed that Founder's discontinued their Pale Ale. I saw it at the store before, but the date on the bottle was from fucking 2015. Does their All Day take up the APA slot for them?

>> No.9819863
File: 434 KB, 1600x2000, 907202_0_9999_v1_m56577569854674260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried pic related today.

It was one of the tastiest pale ales I've ever had. Not overly bitter or hopsy, a little bit fruity, tasted a bit like citrus and nectarine, and it was very fresh tasting. It also had an undertone of toffee. It paired well with the nice weather and a day at the beach.


>> No.9819864


but a pale ale is pretty much a non-category in the first place. Dale's pale ale doesnt even remotely resemble something like Bass, for example.

>> No.9819868

I think All Day is fine, but most beers marketed as Session IPA instead of APA are disappointing

The best pale ales are the ones that are borderline IPA but called APA anyways, the ones that truly don't give a fuck about marketing on the popularity of the term IPA

>> No.9819869

Wouldn't Dale's be an APA while Bass is an English Pale Ale?

>> No.9819877

Euro pale ale is another much shittier thing
APAs are a pretty well defined style, and in the context of good beer when people refer to Pale Ales they mean APAs (or APA and IPA collectively)

>> No.9819879

What are your favorite APAs?

>> No.9819884

I wouldn't say Bass is shitty, it seems like a pretty solid beer

>> No.9819887

That's a fair point. The trouble is that a lot of breweries don't bother making the distinction. The same is true of barleywines. Someone picking up Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot and expecting something like a malt forward english barleywine is in for a very rude awakening.

>> No.9819890
File: 486 KB, 826x613, Screenshot_2017-12-10_10-07-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside tastelets

>> No.9819894
File: 190 KB, 768x1024, TG Pseudo Sue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudo Sue (or pretty much any Toppling Goliath APA)
Black Husky Pale Ale
Three Floyds Zombie Dust
New Glarus Moon Man
3 Sheeps Fresh Coast

>> No.9819898

I mean its ok for a macro, but far worse than most american pale ales

>> No.9820111

I'll keep that in mind; kinda figured it might attract a pain-in-the-ass crowd, but didn't realize it was quite that bad.

>> No.9820140

that guy is exaggerating a fucking lot

>> No.9820466

Seriously? Ok tell me how Founders is better than the Woods or the Tin Can or any other asshole gathering place.

I'll wait.

>> No.9820544
File: 651 KB, 3264x1836, VMUxEGb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy pic related in Florida?
It's supposed to taste like Weihenstephaner which is my favorite wheat beer and the can is ultra aesthetic.

>> No.9820738
File: 976 KB, 558x2048, dankness2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a few new beers tonight

>pic related, just a taster
A solid imperial stout, but I feel like it was overhyped. I only had a taster of it, though

>Beaver Island Tip-Up
Smoky-ass winter warmer. Nice and malty. It was decent

>Fulton Specter
Fulton is good at IPAs but their NEIPA just tasted like Two Hearted

Not that Two Hearted is bad

But Two Hearted is a lot cheaper

>> No.9821209

Always let darkness sit. Snagged a bottle of 2016 when they released it again this year and it was a really beautiful beer. Can't name another imperial with more depth desu

>> No.9821225

are you new to australia? LC pale ale is a classic!

>> No.9821714

I wish they would distribute in Ohio. That's my fave ipa

>> No.9821830
File: 806 KB, 2027x1692, 3e6a185087b38d341d4a54e315064d81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had three of these fuckers over the weekend. I'm in love.