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9786773 No.9786773 [Reply] [Original]

It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

>> No.9786796

beer rules ya faggot

>> No.9786803

Care to explain why?

>> No.9786821

Just grow a pair and order that fruity drink next time if you want it so much instead of writing homo posts like this.

>> No.9786824

>Being a pussy

Just order girly drinks? No ones going to give a shit and if they do its only cuz they are jealous

I honestly dont know what autists you hang around where this stigma exists

>> No.9786830

nice taste and refreshing, also a low enough alc content to get a nice buzz without getting smashed.

>> No.9787148

>grape juice and tequila infused slushies
8/10 bait, this part right here is so easy to start a shit storm with

>> No.9787387

cheap beer and expensive whiskey is better than vice versa

>> No.9787397

"Craft beer" is a complete meme, but for all-day-liquid-refreshment nothing beats beer. I fucking wish it wasn't so good and refreshing.

>> No.9787411

Really, why's that? I wouldn't know man, I'm no hater when it comes to drinks, I mean, I don't like beer, but that grape thingy sounds yummy.

What about a citrusy cider, or a ginger beer? Cold enough to freeze ya bollocks off.

>> No.9787416

>being this diluded thinking that people actually give a fuck about what everyone else drinks

>> No.9787429

Beer certainly is crisp and delicious, and craft beer can be really dumb, but why do you call it a meme? Do you not enjoy trying new things?

>> No.9787438

>What about a citrusy cider, or a ginger beer? Cold enough to freeze ya bollocks off.

If you're +25 and still drinking cider... I just don't know.

>> No.9787446

>why do you call it a meme
Because people are literally memed into paying an arm and a leg for it, and into describing its flavour in flowery wine-fag language when most of it is trash. To not be into "craft beer" is to be an outcast plebeian in many circles; and the same people stigmatize mass-market beer when there's of course nothing wrong with it (beer by definition is simple).

>> No.9787560

>people stigmatize mass-market beer when there's of course nothing wrong with it

Except for the part where it tastes like piss.
If you enjoy the taste of piss then fine, more power to you, but you will rightly be ostracized for it if you can't keep it to yourself outside of certain fetish circles.

>> No.9787656

This right here is proof that memes are cancerous.

First off, I'm going to guess that you don't really know what piss tastes like.
Secondly, simple beers like Budweiser and Coors taste like water that has been flavored with beer. In the sense that piss is water and beer is mostly water, you could be on the right track.
Me personally, I prefer dark ales and stouts. But even I recognize that I am overdoing it, just as craft beers are.

It's just like eating a steak. Budweiser-tier beer is the steak, while craft beers and such are the equivalent of putting ketchup or A1 sauce all over it

>> No.9787662

>Budweiser-tier beer is the steak

Budweiser beer is at best the paper that the steakhouse lays out on the table for idiots to doodle on and also to save themselves some trouble cleaning.

>> No.9787663

Theres a chocolate stout made at a brewery here that was so good it went from limited edition to being sold in bottle form in less tgan a year. All other beer is piss especially IPA

>> No.9787678

do you just use the word "meme" when you can't think of an appropriate word or expression to convey the point? learn how to form sentences, man.

>> No.9787683

I hate the taste of beer, and it hasnt been for lack of trying.

I love whiskey, wine, cocktails, sake, and pretty much everything else with alc in it. I feel no shame in letting ppl know I'm not into beer. I neither envy or begrudge their love for it.

>> No.9787700
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Just cus you don't like the taste doesn't mean others are pretending. Why the fuck do you care what other people are drinking? Stop being an vegan tier autist that is so insecure that they have to try and talk down to everyone.

>> No.9787987

But good beer does taste good.

>> No.9788010
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who else read this while drinking beer?

>> No.9788017

You got a second chance in life waking up from that coma, why ruin it by wasting your time on 4chan?

>> No.9788029

why do you know what piss tastes like tho...

>> No.9788036

gotchu senpai. drinking an ice cold Busch. it's okay, definitely not something I enjoy drinking, but free is free.

>> No.9788081

>Look Ma! I posted it again! Look at all these (you)s!

>> No.9788215
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>> No.9788245

>grape juice and tequila infused slushies
Good god man, you could have chosen literally anything else. Like wine or something.

>> No.9788246
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>Budweiser-tier beer is the steak
Literal fucking brain damage, anon-kun.

>> No.9788330

That's why you go find a non-memey craft brewery you turbopleb. I've seen craft memes like gummy bear lager and I've also had some craft beers that were brewed according to 1516 standards.

>> No.9788374

I drink beer because it's a relatively pleasant way to get somewhat drunk. I would never drink non-alcoholic beer just for the taste.

Girl drinks typically taste good but that's because there's so much sugar in them and the alcohol content is relatively low (lets face it, alcohol tastes bad). By the time I get a buzz from the alcohol I also have a sugar rush and it feels like crap.

>> No.9788383

Beer is great, drinking it for the taste not to get drunk.

>> No.9788384

I don't know what's worst, the constant posting of pastas or the fact that so few people recognize them.

>> No.9788390

>claiming that all mass-market beer tastes like piss
>the fact that it is produced in mass affects the taste
gtfo hipster. go brew one glass of beer at a time in your moms garage

>> No.9788479

>the fact that it is produced in mass affects the taste

Not him, but in fact it does. The taste will be geered to the lowest common denominator in the beer drinking population, which means flavorless.

>> No.9788498

Most women I know will order a beer most of the time. It's either that, wine, or margaritas.

Socializing with different beer tastes can be fun. Otherwise I drink it if it's hot as fuck and I want something besides water to drink. If I'm on a mission to get drunk then I just put myself on shots duty and get it over with.

>> No.9788776

He obviously meant "wine" when he said grape juice.

>> No.9789972

You must know some fat women

>> No.9790295

>producing it in mass automatically forces you to gear it to a certain audience

>> No.9790573

Yes, yes it does. The lowest common denominator so that it will be accepted by the greatest volume of imbeciles without discretionary taste.

>> No.9790576

>Posts the most delicious frothy mug I've ever seen
You won't be making converts like this lad

>> No.9790586
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>projecting this hard
We get it, you don't like beer. Whoever told you you're not a man if you don't like it was wrong. Now kys.

>> No.9791630
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most american beer are undrinkable, budweiser, budlight etc. like you said, bitter aftertaste. Just horrible stuff wouldnt call it even beer.

European craft beers you would drink like coca cola

>> No.9791654

You've never drank Budweiser. It's basically flavorless.

>> No.9791662

>I can't stand veer
>drinks boxed wine and bottom shelf rail with sugar water

>> No.9791667


>> No.9791669

you probably have weirdly strict rules regarding what you consider 'manly' or 'child-like' that is all programming spook bullshit. in many cultures you drink hard cider during the winter, even if you're an old fucking man.

>> No.9791673

Beer is good, you just need to quit drinking macrobrew swill. There is a wide variety of types of beer, and I'm sure most people would find a beer they would like.

I love beer, I just can't really drink anymore, which bums me out, but I'd like to have a decent beer every once in a while.

>> No.9792539

I'd drink it, although I'm more of a porter guy myself

>> No.9793138

Yep, you caught me. Beer is fucking terrible. The 10 gallons fermenting in my closet right now, 8 of which I intend to drink alone in and around that closet, are entirely for show. I am definitely trying to impress people with a beverage nobody will know I drank, obtained in the least convenient way possible.

>> No.9793372

beer is not refreshing at all, it dehydrates you

However I still love beer

>> No.9793395


>> No.9793425

You are technically correct. But that dehydration is only noticeable if you drink particularly strong beer. Like if you're getting dehydrated because you drink beer, you're already on the brink of dehydration to begin with.

>> No.9793446

well not right away, but certainly by the time you wake up

Also, some beers, like some IPAs, have a sticky/cloying factor that makes them not refreshing

>> No.9793453
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Why drink tons of beer instead of sipping some delicious bourbon?

>> No.9793476

>nice taste
Sure if you like the taste of farts

>> No.9793552

You've got to be drinking a lot of pretty strong beer and have poor hydration habits in general for that though. That said I had a mad elf recently and even if it doesn't classify as an ipa, believe me I know what you're talking about on that second point. Fuck it was like drinking cough syrup flavor and all.

At least from my own experiences I can say that by the end of a 12 pack I'm still pissing relatively clear, and it takes a real high sugar content beverage to get me hungover. I know that means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I'd recommend looking into this.

I'm currently looking up studies on this actually, because I'm curious, and I invite you to do the same, particularly a study from the 1996 issue of The Journal of Applied Physiology titled "restoration of fluid balance after exercise-induced dehydration: effects of alcohol consumption". Key things to take away is that light beer is literally water the jokes have been correct all along, and that an average beer 4-5% range will delay the recovery process, but they keyword there is delay not halt.

>> No.9793576

But I piss the clearest when I drink a lot of beer and I know that doesn't mean I'm hydrated. My hydration habits aren't poor, but drinking a shitton of alcohol is gonna lead to being thirsty in the morning, that's a common thing.

My hangover level depends mostly on how much I drink, and how much water I drank before going to sleep. I haven't noticed a hangover variation based on what kind of drinks I drink. I don't usually get bad hangovers even when I get wasted, though.

>> No.9793599

>you are a man, aren't you?
Guys who think drinking beer make them manly have estrogenic bitch tits.

>> No.9793601

alt right numale virgin detected

>> No.9793608

kys normie

>> No.9793612

go form a suicide pact with Andrew Anglin and the rest of you brainwashed idiots

>> No.9793618

I've found my worst have been from alcoholic soda, specifically the coney island hard rootbeer, jesus fuck never again, or sweet mead (forever again). I literally never experienced a hangover in any other circumstances.

>> No.9793633


Yeah I started feeling sick after 3 Coney Island root beers. I can't have more than 2 alcopops at a time.

You never got super wasted and woke up feeling like shit?

>> No.9793645

Nah, I've gotten absolutely shitfaced with negligible effect on multiple occasions. Like we're talking jealousy inducing levels of hangover resistance here. But sugary alcoholic beverages are my achilles heel.

>> No.9793755

You tried this pasta yesterday on /v/ with the exact same image. What are you trying to prove?

>> No.9793779

reminder that hops are estrogenic, so if you consume beer you're a soyboy, or perhaps a hopboy to be more precise

>> No.9793795

That the idea of bitter makes his pee pee shrivel.
So are a lot of fruits and vegetables, so suck a mcchicken faggot. Oh wait, those have estrogenic foodstuffs in them too.

>> No.9793803

You fat doughy blobs of shit have no place insulting others' physique

>> No.9793932

What the fuck is wrong with lefties!?

>> No.9793939

faggot beer is the patrician drink of this FUCKING WORLD
im sure you are a faggot that drinks fucking pineapple vodka

>> No.9793950

Anon there are way gayer flavored vodka out there.
Glazed doughnut for example.

>> No.9793964

The fact that you know so much about it makes you a faggot.

>> No.9793969

Beer tastes excellent and if you think otherwise it's because you're still physically a child.

>> No.9793978

Doughnut water is delicious, but I wouldn't suck a dick for it.

>> No.9794029

why drink girly candy mishmash drinks when you can have cocktails? drinks like the sazerac, mai tai, or whiskey sour are wonderfully balanced between sweet flavors and alcoholic richness.

I like beers, but only ones with flavors like chocolatey dark beers, white beers with lemon and cardamom, or sour beers with a hint of tropical fruit. I don't care much for beer-flavored beer and I'm not going to act like I do to impress anyone.

>> No.9794035

t. 12-year old

>> No.9794039

FAGGOT I bet you have memories of being young and naive and drinking cheap lambrusco wine on the gianicolo hill overlooking Rome at sunset you FAGGOT

>> No.9794044


>> No.9794050

do you enjoy deep, complex, bitter beers to wash the taste of dick out of your mouth? I just drink things that taste good.

>> No.9794065

It’s not about complex bitterness you wiener

>> No.9794074

shut the fuck up idiot