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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9783784 No.9783784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"well I tell ya ahm a reeeel uhmerican and I love meat hyuk hyuk"

>Proceeds to slather every single piece of meat in litres of sugary sauce and cook it till it looks like coal

What was meant by this?

>> No.9783792

Americans like meat to the extent that "meat" resembles whatever cheap garbage meat they can afford, in massive quantities, the cheaper the better.

Key hint: the highest praise an American can give a meal is: "wow I'm really full, I won't need to eat for a week!"

If you actually know anything about meat and have say, standards, they get buttflustered and call you an elitist nu-male hipster vegan foreigner communist

>> No.9783793

Only flyover subhumans live and think like that. Real Americans live on the coast like our ancestors.

>> No.9783796


سوف اقول لكم في لغتك الأم، كنت الأوروبي الرائع. هؤلاء الناس غبياء

>> No.9783799

>implying I like meat
hehehe joke's on you meat makes me constipated as fuck

>> No.9783800

Where are you from?

>> No.9783811

Americans love steak more than barbecue.

>> No.9783847

What's with American's obsession with sugar? Nearly everything has copious amounts of it. And a lot of it isn't even typical sugar, it's corn syrup which is even more unhealthy.

>> No.9783863

t. elitist nu-male hipster vegan foreigner communist

>> No.9783864
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Welcome to the dystopian future, you elitist fuckface.

>> No.9783866

Its just what they want my hipothasis is ameripussies never growed up and need sugar (corn sirop) too satasfy there childness retardness

>> No.9783872
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, barbeque.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short, corn subsidies.

Are you talking shit on pic related?

>> No.9783874

>corn sirop
>childness retardness
Oh the irony.

>> No.9783883

Sorry, I forgot,

>> No.9783885

you sound exactly like an elitist nu-male hipster vegan foreigner communist

>> No.9783886

Sorry ameripussy your gay faglish is my 20th languadge sorry your to gay and stupid too even learn you'res

>> No.9783895

>Hey american i hate you and you're dumb that's why i hang out on an American site with primarily american posters
I thought tsunderes were just an anime meme

>> No.9783899

>HFCS is worse than Sugar meme

Stop repeating the lies you hear in the media, eurotrash.

>> No.9783903
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>mfw a yuropoor was obsessed near me

>> No.9783904

>it's corn syrup which is even more unhealthy
No it's not.

>> No.9783913

Scientist studying hfcs hear its litraly poisenous your ameripusies are litrally killing youreselfs becose your gay and stupid

>> No.9783916

>more calories, more carbs, increased chance of many illnesses
>not more unhealthy

Good goyim, believe what the government tells you.

>> No.9783921
File: 36 KB, 550x281, Literally italian handgrenades ww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Euros are so obsessed with america not only do they base their economies and culture around them, but their day to day lives too.

>> No.9783931

>europe is a country, the only one that exists other than america
Clappyfat ejumukayshun

>> No.9783938
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>> No.9783944


It's true about the corn, lots of projects are made with corn in some way because of the monetary incentive.

>> No.9783946

I would like to visit your countries sometime and learn or their cultures.

>> No.9783948

Literally obsessed. Every country in europe is obsessed with america and american culture. Hence the broad sense of referring to europe as europe.
>population of new york city- 20mil
>population of belgium estonia and hungary- 20mil
Wow color me unconcerned with your entire country.
>uk, 65mil
>california and ny alone- 70mil
Again, you're worth one or two states. Not sure what to tell you.

>> No.9783951


I hear that if you travel overseas they play American top 40 songs.

>> No.9783976
File: 47 KB, 490x554, kRi6Gv1_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Not all barbeque sauces are sweet
2. Not all barbeque is has sauce on it or is served with sauce
3. Not all meat is barbeque
4. You've had and/or seen shit barbeque if it looks burnt

Euro-obsession is genuinely weird and creeps me out sometimes.

>> No.9783977
File: 1.16 MB, 3024x4032, Iphone_Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


love it when these arguments start and you meth heads suddenly need nyc and california after shitting on us and calling for our annihilation in all the other threads

>> No.9783985

But you're the ones always talking shit about us. In fact, you're doing it right now

>> No.9783990

>Europe fails to understand barbecue once again

Is this why you reach for the worst, most stereotypical depiction of it?

>> No.9784009

Pure untreated corn syrup isn’t unhealthy, it’s pure glucose which is the carb your body needs to produce energy or if there’s too much energy it gets turned to fat. HFCS and sucrose with 50% and 55% of their calories comimg from fructose is what causes inflammation, diabetes and liver problems.

>> No.9784010

What is there to "understand"? It's smoked meat, something every other culture has been doing since the 'invention' of fire. The only difference is your people slather it in sauce and eat far too much of it, then complain when you're overweight and diabetic by the age of 40.