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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9780558 No.9780558 [Reply] [Original]

If you know what's good for you, try some Dosa.
Great indian dish to share with friends.

>> No.9780571


>> No.9780580

What's the bread? Is it like a savory crepe?

>> No.9780585

"Dosa is a type of pancake from the Indian subcontinent, made from a fermented batter. It is somewhat similar to a crepe in appearance. Its main ingredients are rice and black gram. Dosa is a typical part of the South Indian diet and popular all over the Indian subcontinent. Traditionally, Dosa is served hot along with sambar, stuffing of potatoes or paneer and chutney. It can be consumed with idli podi as well." - wikipidia

>> No.9780600

Nigga how the fuck am I supposed to try something I don't have? Recipe or gtfo

>> No.9780605

Nigger, die.

>> No.9780735


>> No.9780742
File: 44 KB, 636x477, 361-1326453679[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like used toilet paper.
Really makes you think.

>> No.9780743

Not where I'm from, I'm a northern indian.
Olive skin and look Mediterranean.

>> No.9780776

Nobody likes a liar Rajpreetjinder

>> No.9780783

you faggots leave india alone, they get bullied far more than they deserve

>> No.9780784

South indians and North indians are two different things you stupid american.

>> No.9780792

Too advanced to make at home.

>> No.9780795

We have South Indian food here, it is just less common.

>> No.9780820

South Indian food >>> North Indian ''''food''''

>> No.9780821

both good

>> No.9780839

How'd Indian food get so complicated?

I don't look at hardly any other culture's cuisine and think, wow, that's fucking intimidating to make?

The stuff's great, mind you, but it's a bit frustrating that anything beyond bastardized curry and saag often feels out of reach.

>> No.9780846


>Dosa is a type of pancake from the Indian subcontinent

That's a pretty unusual ingredient

>> No.9780856

>I don't look at hardly any other culture's cuisine and think, wow, that's fucking intimidating to make?

Maybe because you're just ignorant?

>it's a bit frustrating that anything beyond bastardized curry and saag often feels out of reach.

Dosa couldn't be simpler, it's... well I was about to say it's easier than sourdough but you probably think that comes from the magical sky fairy

I'm really at a loss to explain how someone who knows that "saag" is a foreign word for food can think that most food cultures are devoid of recipes more complicated than "throw some oils and meat in a hot pan and stir until you're afraid it's about to burn"

>> No.9780879

>"throw some oils and meat in a hot pan and stir until you're afraid it's about to burn"
That IS most of my personally created diet. Plus veggies. Most cooking is chop=>applying ingredients a specific order to heat.

I dunno. I go to random restaurant, and I am not confused by what I am eating. Very few things seem like something I could not personally recreate with some ease. I don't bake breads personally, cuz, you know, why would you, but it all makes sense.

Indian recipes just seem crazy complex with wild spice mixes.

>> No.9780888

I'm not that anon, but yes.

Indian food is kinda tricky to make.

>> No.9780899

They can get complex, but what makes Indian meals (particularly south Indian) seem overcomplicated is the fact that they're prone to making a meal out of like, 5 or 6 different dishes served in small quantities, obviously making each of those at home is a full time job, so if you're just a lonely bachelor it's not reasonable

But dosas as such are extremely easy, that's why I think it's a funny example. The only real practical problem for a home cook is having a sufficiently large griddle, otherwise you're not going to get those big ass cylinders and cones they like to flaunt at restaurants

The problem, again, is if you want to have a little cup of coconut chutney and tomato chutney and so on, and the right fillings, and the sambhar on the side, and have it done all at once ready to go, that's real time suck and you end up with a lot of dirty dishes. Not inherent to dosa unless you are being a stickler about recreating how dosas are served at restaurants

But koreans have their banchan and the ching-chongs have their yum cha and the spics have their tapas... small plates are not unique to India, anon

>> No.9780932

>having friends

>> No.9781424
File: 132 KB, 940x788, IndiaEatsHuffington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im south indian and no one at home eats the meal with 3-5+ small portion of veg/non veg servings. That stuff is called a thali and is mostly for restaurants that serve 99.9999% of the vegetarian food and theyre like a buffet. Honestly sometimes their food is pretty good but you cant eat too much of it. Produced in big ass batches and can change depending on who the cook is.

Dosa is breakfast food, as is idli/vada/upma/etc etc food that is "south indian food". Most of the time you only get 1 chutney at home unless your mom is a slave in the kitchen. Think of it like waffles or pancakes, its ok food but id rather not have that stuff for lunch and/or dinner.

Pic semi related, north is more what outsiders know. The south is actually more non veg, the amount consumed is not that high compared to other countries but the % of the population from the state which eats non veg is true.

>> No.9781537

I agree with what you say but making dosas well is not easy. Most restaurants don't even get it right. But I guess you could say that about any non mass producable food. At home getting it thin is pretty hard without practice.

>> No.9781579


>> No.9781805

Roti does rule

>> No.9781866


>> No.9782043

biryani is a gift from god

>> No.9782135


>> No.9782148

When you spam this meme everytime india is mentioned, do you even know anything about india?

Also the meme is outdated.

>> No.9782237

Thin pancakes made with rice batter,to put it simply.Works great when you use ghee in the pan and have it with coconut/mint chutney on the side.

>> No.9782804
File: 2.08 MB, 1190x1192, joecuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, its the rogan joe

>> No.9783630


>> No.9783639

>Great indian dish to share with friends.
>implying I have friends

>> No.9783640


>Not the Rogan Seth

>> No.9783642
