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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9776063 No.9776063 [Reply] [Original]

>line out to the street at in n out
>Let's see how long it takes to get 3 double doubles animal style

>> No.9776108
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Welp here it is . Never believe the fags who say the wait is long!

>> No.9776111



You're still a faggot

>> No.9776114

>Three of the most delicious fast food burgers money can buy
>In 10 min
>This triggers the flyover

>> No.9776118

>He got 3 double doubles instead of a 6x6 flying Dutchman animal style

>> No.9776126

I mean to each their own as long as we acknowledge the greatness of this chain.

>> No.9776203
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Putting the patties n cheese on top of the veggies is the secret. The top bun sticks like a grilled cheese sandwich.

>> No.9777745

>happy hanukkah
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9777751
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based in-n-out

>> No.9778875

That Jews also have expendable income that in n out would like to receive for juicy burgers.

>> No.9778887

imo the lettuce and tomato should be swapped
tomato on the bottom leads to soggyness, lettuce keeps the bread and the tomato separate

>> No.9778913

WRONG. Toasted buns eliminates the sogginess problem.

>> No.9781145

Is he autistic?

>> No.9781167

Whataburger is better.

>> No.9781174

>patties n cheese on top of the veggies
You should layer from bottom to top in order of what you mainly want to taste. Putting all the veggies and condiments on the bottom means you'll be tasting that more than the meat and cheese.

>> No.9781178

toasted buns can still get soggy. sogginess is caused by the buns soaking up liquid, which toasted buns can still do. you either need to put a layer of mayo or other fat to repel the liquid or keep the wet ingredients off of the buns.

>> No.9781188

This makes no sense
What do you think thousand island dressing is?

>> No.9781193

>This makes no sense
Sure it does. The food on bottom is going to be hitting your tongue first. Putting the vegetables on the bottom means that's what you'll taste first, and you'll only taste the meat as you chew and it's mixed with the vegetables.

>> No.9781196

>What do you think thousand island dressing is?
why are you asking in a sarcastic way? i was only commenting that toasting the buns won't make them immune to sogginess, what thousand island dressing is is not relevant to my post and i would appreciate it if you stayed on point

>> No.9781313

>ballsy enough to keep bible quotes on their fries and cups
>cucks out with this multi-holiday garbage
Getting tired of this shit.

>> No.9781360
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>sonic one morning
>only customer car there
>wait at drive thru for 10 mins
>car arrives
>manager asks wtf happening
>say no one took my order
>he goes inside
>says no ones working and the place got broken into
>gives me a ticket for a free meal then calls the ops

>> No.9781393

What I do is remove the tomatoes and eat them separately after I'm through with the burger, makes it so the burger doesn't slip and I have a way to get the greasy aftertaste out of my mouth.

>> No.9782304


Flyover cucks KYS


Autisms please fucking just eat your food as it is and then KYS

>> No.9782466

Dunno if it stacks up to a Galley Boy.

>> No.9782492

drive thru is usually quicker, plus you get to sit in your car and listen to music or whatever
and, i almost always time it from the time my order is taken until i receive food
usually like ~10 minutes

fite me

>> No.9782496

Texas is not a flyover.

>> No.9782505

No one gives a shit about texas. Fuckin rednecks.

>> No.9782511

>10 o'clock at night
>entire city is asleep or getting ready to sleep
>except in 'n out which has a line out to the street

How do they do it lads?

>> No.9782514

>only addresses one person

And that's all I needed to spot the drooling califag.

>> No.9782580

most of them are in california, so your guess has a high probability of being accurate

>> No.9783179

>Using the fact that we live in the best state as an insult
Lol cuts real deep.

>> No.9783203

Northeast here, I can confirm Texas is definitely flyover. Maybe if you flyovers quit squabbling over who can be the most backwards you might be able to find those bootstraps you're always posturing about

>> No.9783239

so redpill me on the review lad, why's he in the doghouse?

>> No.9783246
File: 27 KB, 120x128, 4l23tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are attempting to troll on an anonymous imageboard for food and cooking.

What in your life led to this moment.

>> No.9783303

Idk he's just a meme to me. I've watched all of about 45 seconds of one of his shows.

>> No.9783786

>best state
Maybe for getting AIDS

>> No.9783844

They don't have bible quotes to be edgy, nimrod

>> No.9784054

>Having unprotected recreational sex
And I supposed to be the libtard one.
Yeah they aren't even really preachy about it. I wouldn't have ever known if some autistic cunt hadn't pointed it out on 4chan.