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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 415 KB, 2048x1365, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9773681 No.9773681 [Reply] [Original]

This "soyboy" thing is just a meaningless meme, right? No one actually believes soy is any worse for you than dairy, right?

>> No.9773693

>t. soyboy

>> No.9773694

theyre both bad... thats why they started calling ppl who consume dairy "dairy queens".

>> No.9773701
File: 558 KB, 519x797, DA9C6A8BA2234EAEBACE7DD4D99CFC69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soyboys getting increasingly nervous from being outed

Best meme to hit the mainsteam in a long time.

>> No.9773708

t. dairyqueen

>> No.9773829

Far as I can tell it's a bunch of assholes who are insecure about their own masculinity and think that they need to adhere to strict dietary guidelines in order to avoid becoming more feminine. These guidelines boil down to "eat nothing but onions."
Everybody hates them.

>> No.9773842

>Everybody hates them.
Fuck you, onions are just fine.

>> No.9773866

/pol/ doesn't know how to do anything besides copy paste memes. Soy itself is fine as long as it's cooked, which in food it always is

>> No.9773986


Nobody believes it actually has anything to do with soy.

>> No.9774019

have you seen the effeminate, pansexual twinks they have out there flying their Kekistan flags in LARPer armor? clearly they need to do whatever they can to recoup their precious test.

>> No.9774030

Yeah they're a bunch of Turks chugging milk because "muh white pride".

>> No.9774045

What does this have to do with soy?

>> No.9774076

Not "everybody hates onions", but "everybody hates the idiots who eat nothing but onions".

>> No.9774122

Love tofu after 10 years in Japan and super healthy but I believe studies prove it increases estrogen right??

>> No.9774254

>drink soymilk every day in highschool
>keep in shape
>stop growing 4 inches before my growth chart says I should
>have tits
hmmm, yup certainly theres nothing amiss here

>> No.9774262

not unless you eat so much of it you can’t eat anything else without your stomach rupturing and you do that every meal every day for years with literally nothing else in your diet

at this point a 3% fluctuation in estrogens is the least of your worries

>> No.9774265

>be Asian
>soymilk all over the house
>drink it everyday as a kid
>now have man tits

wtf the meme is real

>> No.9774267
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asians eat a lot of soy and have small penes so I there you go

>> No.9774268

Not a single study has proved it increases estrogen.

>> No.9774295

I don't believe soy has any bad effects until we'll get a serious study on it (good luck with that, science guys are too busy proving tobacco is bad for you for the 40th time in their carrer)
But dairy is dairy, and soy is soy, and while maybe soy isn't "worse", don't act like it's the same thing.

Hey, while I'm speaking of tobacco earlier, remember all those people who smoked for decades because nobody really knew it was bad for health, and had to quit? Be cautious when exposing your body to something new that hasn't gotten much attention from medicine.

>> No.9774332

The real issue is not necessarily eating soybeans or drinking some soy milk.
It's that soy-based products are massively used in industrialized pre-made food.

Soybean oil is the most used type of oil in the US. When it's labelled as "vegetable oil", you can bet it's soybean oil.
And also additives, soy lecithin is probably the most used additive in industrialized countries.

>> No.9774362

listen here you moronic projecting eggs
if you want to be a girl or a "trap", then take fucking hormones and stop trying to make it seem like you'll get magically and drastically more feminine by eating certain foods

t. tranny

>> No.9774367

Spybot detected.

>> No.9774448

There is literally nothing wrong with soy

>> No.9774464

Burn in hell

>> No.9774469

>best meme
it came from /pol/. It would be a good meme if /ck/ started it but it's a /pol/ meme.

>> No.9774487

very edgy my man

>> No.9774499

>in africa, creatures don't eat soy and multiply like cancer cells
>in japan, people eat tofu (soy) and have decreasing birthrates
y don't u do da math mane?

>> No.9774510

>This "soyboy" thing is just a meaningless meme, right?
To most people, probably, but you'll have some insecure men who are trying too hard to be what they consider manly who use it seriously. Soy is probably fine as long as you treat it like any other food and eat it in moderation. There have been some cases of soy causing problems for men but the only one I can think of off the top of my head was some guy who drinking a gallon of it every day. Hops used in beer also cause similar problems but that was in someone who worked on the farm and was exposed to a lot more than someone who just drinks beer.

I think the soy = effeminate men probably started with men who were already effeminate using soy as a milk/meat substitute, and it making "manly" men uncomfortable that all men aren't what they imagine, and the fact that a man could just naturally be more feminine than others made them uncomfortable so they blamed it on soy so that they could feel like they never have to deal with the fact that some men are just more feminine

>> No.9774556

First of all, just buy hormone free milk. Secondly, tons of pesticides are xenoestrogens so if you don’t buy organic you’re basically a soy boy.

>> No.9774564

>cries when notices morning stiffy
>eats soy in microwave meals
>eats soy with coffee
>eats soy with candybar snack-a-doodle
>cries when best (girl)friend says chad broke up with her
>eats some soy ice cream with (girl)friend while cursing men
>gets hammered with (girl)friend drinking white russians made of soy milk
>performs oral sex on male strangers with (girl)friend because omg so wild and carefree
>later takes pinus up the boypucci raw because condomes ain't vegan
>in the morning wakes drinks some soy latte with newly contracted, unvegan, real hiv-virus

>> No.9774587

Developed societies in general have lower birthrates because people have a kid or two and go "eh, good enough for me". Africans don't have any birth control and believe having sex with a virgin will cure their AIDS. Do da math, mane.

>> No.9774589
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>> No.9774596

trying too hard my man

>> No.9774615

>trying too hard my man
something the soyboy heard almost daily when he tried to get his mom's bull to breed his boypucci for the umpteenth time

>> No.9774619

>This "soyboy" thing is just a meaningless meme, right?
Yeah, it used to be "high test / low test", now it's soyboy this soyboy that. It's a meme, it will die.

>> No.9774625

>It's a meme, it will die.
just like the soyboy's manhood

>> No.9774821
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1485746569166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This this this

>> No.9774828

It's the same kids that called everyone a cuck for the last year. You tell me

>> No.9774872

It's definitely meaningless. The jap samurai ate shitloads of soy and were fierce, masculine warriors. Koreans are the same and they were notorious in vietnam for being the fiercest most ruthless fighters of all the UN troops in that US led debacle. They made the US troops look like limp wristed nancys.

Ultimately, it's just typical /pol/tardation where inactive, basement dwellers blame their suppressed homoerotic desires and flabby, saggy fleshed bodies onto a foods they consider more exotic than their standard tendies.

>> No.9774882

>The jap samurai ate shitloads of soy and were fierce, masculine warriors. Koreans are the same
and also the fearless leader of the proles, karl marx and his fearless soyboypucc-komrade lenin is also fearless striking fear into the fearing heart of the bourgeoisie nazi and ally alike
soy and to-fu-kune-do makes you fearless to fight against the cowardly capitalist-sama

>> No.9774891

soy is popular among hipsters and such in America, and boy denotes low test or lack of manliness. Plus it rhymes. Don't overthink it

>> No.9774914

>Don't overthink it
is what the soyboy is told when prepping his girlfriend's bull

>> No.9774927

t. meat man

>> No.9774937

>meat man
the nickname that soyboy gave to the bull
literally a mountain of meat; a real man
a man that could satisfy the soyboy's girlfriend in every way possible

>> No.9775048


>> No.9775058

I really wish they came up with another name to insult frail, feminine men. Soyboy really drags soy through the dirt but soy is pretty great.

>> No.9775130

>Naturally unedible, contains multiple anti-nutrients
>Has to be heavily processed until its fit for consumption
>The few cultures that historically used it (asia) only ate small amounts of it

I dunno man, we should keep in mind that "soy" as we know it is a modern invention and has very little evolutional evidence backing it up. Unlike dairy

>> No.9775309
File: 59 KB, 512x512, 1512102614934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy is pretty bad if you're on hrt because isoflavones bind with estrogen receptors, so the effect of estrogen is lessened

>> No.9775326

>The Chad arithmetic vs The virgin statistics

>> No.9775337

Anon, at least 3 of these are LITERALLY boys.

>> No.9775346

do you cunts know what damage you're doing to the soy industry?

>> No.9775352

0.0000000001% +- profits lost/gained

>> No.9775353

I'm not worried, my dad works for nintendo

>> No.9775358

This. It's so fucking absurd that 4chan of all places has become obsessed with masculinity.

>> No.9775365


Of course it's just a meaningless meme. It's just like "cucks" or "faggot", it's another term that riles people up. I still think it's weird when people post this huge "WTF DOES SOYBOY MEAN ITS NOT FUNNY" posts, when that's clearly the reaction others want.

There probably is a grain of truth, like someone found out that overeating some kinda soy product might rise your estrogen if consumed in excess. But yeah it's clearly meaningless.

>> No.9775368

This. Men should fuck off from /ck/

>> No.9775371

Here comes the strawman about how I'm oppressing men.

>> No.9775373


Dude nobody's upset about masculinity, they just don't want to be called a bitch. Remember when "cuck" was taking off here? People were getting upset because it's a little more personal than calling someone gay, it's saying that they're too beta to get a real girlfriend. That's just like the soyboy thing, people just don't like being called a bitch. And if someone posts something like "oh man I just had sushi last night" then everyone can troll him and call him a soyboy. And based on the track record of 4chan lately he'll probably freak out.

>> No.9775383

this will be good for bitcoin

>> No.9775391
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, _TPYKjmcDo6x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuccboi's calling faggots "soyboy's

>> No.9775398

I'm being sincere. I get your point that 4chan was never about macho, but /ck/ specifically is a female majority board and the male influx with the soyboy meme need to get fucked

>> No.9775418


Yeah 4chan is basically two kids pushing each other in the playground, calling each other gay. Forever. Sometimes one'll come up with a new way to call the other gay.

>> No.9775453

>soy is pretty great
No it isn't.

>> No.9775467
File: 37 KB, 600x400, cc2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donut puncher
>Brownie king
>Chutney ferret
>Crafty butcher
>Fudge packer
>Sausage jockey

any other /ck/ related euphemisms for homosexual?

>> No.9775468
File: 84 KB, 736x668, 9ccd2c69a488bfed9ef5ff9c2ad4461a[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you eat a ton of soy, im talking soy on your breakfast toast, soy in your evening snack, soy for dinner, and do that all that time, maybe add in some tilapia fish file for bonus estrogen then yeah, youre going to become more femine.

eating soy products a couple of time a week should cause no harm

this like all the other food harm scams
they feed a rat 20 times the amount of redmeat it would normally eat, it dies of cancer (wow who couldve guessed) and suddenly theres headlines everywhere reading "red meat will kil lyou if you eat it"

>> No.9775475

But pol has the best memes redditor

>> No.9775479

>not /tv/

>> No.9775480

you have to go back

>> No.9775498

Imagine actually thinking this

>> No.9775519

Yes it's just a meme. I wouldn't advise soy for expectant mothers or very young children. But with a balanced diet and a healthy body soy is healthy.

"Soyboy" parroting is just trolling.

t. almond milk drinker

>> No.9777053
File: 87 KB, 403x620, F7466683-77E9-4CC8-882A-EB893825D98B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soymilk fruit smoothies are good cus you don’t support the shit dairy industry, and you don’t need dairy on anything else unless your an underage tendies faggot. Poltards are just jelly all they eat is tendies and hot pockets

>> No.9777066 [DELETED] 

/pol/ is the heart of 4chan culture, and the proof of this is how it creates the vast majority of memes and OC. If you don't like /pol/ memes i.e. 4chan memes, you should maybe go back.

>> No.9777266

>it creates the vast majority of memes and OC.
Only a pol newfag could even begin to think this

>> No.9777277

Part of the /pol/ delusion that you have to buy into to use the board is that they are relevant

>> No.9777291

mods should ban any OP that says soyboy./pol/shit belongs there.

>> No.9777301

And there absolutely no way something else could of had an effect on your height?

Or maybe it had nothing to do with your life style, and it just had to do with your biology?

>> No.9777302

is and always has been, a containment board

>> No.9777329

>hormone free milk
No such thing. All milk contains hormones. Some additionally contain traces of rBST because the cows were injected with it.

>> No.9777337

tits with timestamp or gtfo

>> No.9777342


>> No.9777343

>heart of 4chan culture
/pol/ literally collaborates with reddit lmao.
Plus you don't see /ck/ shitting up other boards 24/7 with McChicken and Jack memes

>> No.9777349

I really hope you die a painful death /pol/tard.

>> No.9777400

I dare you to name any meme that's reached any popularity outside of its own board in the past few years that didn't originate with /pol/. You can deny it all you want but >>9777066 is 100% correct. /tv/ had a one hit wonder with baneposting and /r9k/ has had some limited success, but even /r9k/'s best effort, pepe, was only launched into true mainstream meme success after /pol/ took it over.

Memes are humor and humor is at its best when it's poking fun at sacred cows. The left had a monopoly on this for the past couple decades but it's been a dead horse for years. This is why leftist memes are so stale and uninteresting - they refuse to mock all the sacred tenets of leftist ideology. And this is why /pol/ has had such wild success with their memes; because they're willing to mock the ideas that our current culture has deemed untouchable.

And you can deny it and cry about /pol/ but I'm starting to see even obscure /pol/ memes popping up everywhere. Young people are latching onto them because they make fun of all the things they're told that they're not allowed to make fun of. And it's only going to get worse so you can cry about /pol/ invading your board if you want but I'd bet that the majority of people you see spreading /pol/ memes, especially outside of 4chan, have never visited and probably never even heard of /pol/.

>> No.9777419

It's projection by chinless alt-reich kiddos

>> No.9777449

Soy isn't bad, but there's usually something better to eat, and it's not because of the weak ass plant estrogens that occur in comparable amounts in many other foods.

>> No.9777476

Name these pol memes then

>> No.9777601

/b/; tv/, /fit/, /v/ all are meme producers, if that’s what you think matters. /pol/ is a bunch of underage snowflake trumpanzees, man. Grow up

>> No.9777648

Forgot /tg/ too, fuck this newfag poltroll faggot

>> No.9778029

soy is high in lecithin and that shit will make you cum twice as much

>> No.9778056

lol they crop up everywhere because the average /pol/tard is an insecure manchild that spends 14 hours a day on a computer and feels the constant need to affirm to everyone around them, strangers or otherwise, that they're super redpilled and privy to all the shortcomings of society

seriously, what the actual fuck are you on about? "mainstream" memes are all normie twitter/facebook shit and what you think are /pol/ memes are just anything remotely alt-right or right wing in general and plenty of people are part of those communities without ever having set foot on this website

>> No.9778059


>> No.9778317
File: 110 KB, 800x1440, 1508762947431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt triggered /pol/lards and dairy fairies

Pic related it's every /pol/lard triggered by vegans

>> No.9778331

>t. Soyboy

>> No.9778339

>t /pol/lard

>> No.9778426
File: 21 KB, 320x310, 1487473919026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ memes don't die though.

>> No.9778824

>judging memes not on their own merit but on where they're from


>> No.9778846

Look at pathetic nu-males like this guy >>9778317 trying to take cheap shots at /pol/ now that it's long since dead and old news.

Literally nobody who has used the phrase "triggered /pol/tards" is a man and if it weren't for their exploitation of anonymity, these people would be recognized as the weak and ugly people they are.

You, guy. We've seen this bluff thousands upon thousands of times now. You're not fooling anyone. You are physically, spiritually and mentally pathetic and we are going to crush your kind. If that's a joke to you then all the better.

>> No.9778873

anybody who says soyboy is an insecure beta numale but alt-reich flavored, they want to say faggot but they care too much about being labeled homophobic, despite being one

>> No.9778889

so no one then? No one eats nothing but onions, fag. Stop getting mad at your own imagination.

>> No.9778895

>using the term fuccboi non-ironically
so cool you have bought the correct meme from normieland let us shower you with praise you are not like the other girls ;)

>> No.9778897

>implying soy actually feminizes
>implying dairy isn't the true culprit
dairyfairies, everyone

>> No.9778903

>this one post made so many faggots assmad

it's true btw

>> No.9778914


Nobody is scared of faggots, we just think they're pathetic failures of human beings. Or victims of the soy sauce epidemic.

>> No.9778916

>there is nothing wrong with gmo soy, goyim
quality soyim post

>> No.9778920

Glyphosate detoxes the body didn't you know? Infertility is a small price to pay.

>> No.9778930

>Shilling this meme again

>> No.9778937

Women, you are infiltrators. This never changed. We created imageboard culture and all of the technology involved, you just showed up after the hard work was done. Like true women you are now trying to use your growing strength in numbers to take over something you could not create in the first place. You are revolting creatures.

>>>>>>>>>>on the internet

>> No.9778945

> soy sauce is what turns you into a soyboy
This is how you know the meme has gone too far

>> No.9778947

Never seen a closet this deep senpai. Try to crawl out of it sometime or another.

>> No.9778951

>it came from /pol/
false newfag. it came from /fit/ that proclaimed it caused gyno and low test?, then /pol/ nabbed it and said it caused liberalism. see the difference?

>> No.9778954

Roundup doesn't hurt humans except envirotards feelings and is good for the environment.

>> No.9778963

>y-you must be gay!
Nice attempt at projecting. If you can't be honest about women you are the fag.

>> No.9778964

>see the difference?

Nope, low test and liberalism go hand in hand.

>> No.9778970

>being this edgy
It's fine, you'll get sick and unhealthy and you won't be a threat to anyone bar the financial aid you are giving to Monsanto, those fine jewish slavers

>> No.9778972

>this entire post

Fuck Drumpf for bringing you redditors here. Go the fuck back already.

>> No.9779015

>consumes non-fermented soy
>consumes soy milk full of preservatives and sugar
>has never had a fresh cup of hot soy milk in his life
>continues espouse about the benefits of soy

Phew lad, I wouldn't touch soy in the US if I ever visited.

>> No.9779062

>not a single study

1. Soy has been a much more prevalent food in more recent years
2. Asians eat a lot of soy and have more feminine features even in males
3. Companies stick soy in damn near everything
4. The point isn’t that soy increases existing estrogen but it CONTAINS (phyto)estrogens thus causing hormonal issues.
5. See 4 - hence why soy is used as menopausal therapy for women.
6. If it can have such an effect on women because of the plant estrogens it naturally contains, why would it be so unreasonable to assume it could have a similarly hormonal effect on men?

>> No.9779071

Estrogens = hormones
Phytoestrogens = plant hormones

>> No.9779092

If farmworkers can be exposed to massive quantities of roundup with no problems I'm sure I will be fine staying home playing video and pumping iron. Get back to work bitchtits

>> No.9779098

>naturally inedible
>has to be heavily processed to be fit for consumption
So steamed edamame is a “heavily processed food”?

>> No.9779100

>why won't the soy industry fund studies proving how bad soy is

>> No.9779112

>female majority board

>> No.9779113

>being mainstream is what makes a meme good

>> No.9779115
File: 204 KB, 1347x305, 1411288960434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/b/; tv/
What are you smoking?

>> No.9779118

I’ve only heard of 2 of those before

>> No.9779121


>> No.9779122

There IS soy in all those things already though without intentionally adding it

>> No.9779135

>tfw use soy sauce alot in cooking and still like the soyboy meme

do you know these feels lads?

>> No.9779139

Fuck off you edgy teenager you don't know the first thing about Monsanto, GMOs or glyphosate. How can you speak with such confidence when you know nothing about the subject and have not done any research yourself? Don't ignore those words - you have not done any research yourself. Since you have not done any research yourself, you should keep your garbage edgy opinions to yourself, as people who have not done any research should.

>> No.9779175

jesus. I wish all you insecure soyboys would shut it and eat a damn steak.

>> No.9779176

>almond milk
“Almond nuts are goitrogenic food, means they contain chemicals that can harm thyroid gland. Almonds can cause the thyroid to expand when consumed on a large level, and so cause goiters to form because one of the prevalent chemicals found in goitrogens blocks the intake of iodine. Almond milk contains levels of goitrogenic toxins produced from almonds and so people who are at risk of low thyroid function should avoid consuming this.”

See also:


>> No.9779181

Fuck off to Reddit while you're at it

>> No.9779183

Who wants to fuck my soipucci?

>> No.9779249

Video proof needed

>> No.9779278

>make bad, purposefully annoying meme
>spam it to death on every single board
>people get mad
>lol so funny lots ppl get mad

Does this describe every 4chan meme post 2012 or so?

>> No.9779282

>it came from /fit/

Makes sense that it would originate on the board with the lowest average IQ on 4chan.

>> No.9779295

>make every board a cancerous shithole on purpose
>lol so funny we ruined the site

does this describe 4chan post mainstreamification?

>> No.9779297


Track down your dad who went out for cigarettes when you were born and have him explain this to you

>A long-term study on the use of the weed killer, glyphosate, by U.S. agricultural workers has found no firm link between exposure to the pesticide and cancer.
Published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, the study found there was no association between glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s popular herbicide RoundUp, “and any solid tumors or lymphoid malignancies overall, including non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and its subtypes.”


>> No.9779543

maybe before the election

now /pol/ is 90% boomers, underage edgelord and normie trumpfags

>> No.9779560

Both of these are extremely true