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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9757592 No.9757592 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on soy. Does it turn you into a low T liberal like pol says?

>> No.9757598

No it doesn't. Soy is a major part of asians diet and they're not all skinny, soft, short, nu-males.

>> No.9757602

>ebin thread

>> No.9757603

Underage detected.

>> No.9757606

It definitely increases your estrogen but I don't know if that's tied to politics.

>> No.9757609

I drank soy milk for years as a kid/teenager and now I'm a tranny don't trust soy milk

>> No.9757611

It sure is, but I don't think soy makes that big a difference if you consider how many Thai and Koreans are hard cunts.

>> No.9757613

I think being low T and living in the west makes you want to eat soy. Not the other way around.

>> No.9757615

If you live in America than it is better not to take in more than normal, like say replacing milk with soy milk.

Soy in America is over 90% round up ready, meaning they spray round up directly on the plants and beans. Round up is a very harmful chemical, and even getting it on your skin is very dangerous. Consuming crops sprayed with round up has been shown to cause increased rates of cancer and birth defects.

It's not something you need to avoid, but it's not the healthy alternative most people would have you believe.

>> No.9757621

>Round up is a very harmful chemical, and even getting it on your skin is very dangerous

Lol. Glphyosate ("round up") is less toxic to mammals than table salt is. And it's a fuck of a lot safer than the herbicides which it has replaced.

Don't get me wrong, I think there are plenty of problems with modern industrialized agriculture. But claiming that roundup is toxic is utter BS.

>> No.9757634

This is the most intelligent answer. I pesonally do avoid soy, though, because it's in frickin' everything - but sometimes it's just too hard to find a product without it(and then I go with organic soy, if possible).

>> No.9757636

>round up isn't toxic

whew lad, you got a source on that that wasn't funded by Monsanto?

>> No.9757652
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>No feminizing effects of soy on men

>Soy has no feminizing effects on men as humans metabolize soy incredibly differently from other animals

>Activation of beta anti estrogen receptors from soy nullifies pro-estrogenic alpha receptors

>Soy phytoestrogens BLOCK estrogenic effects

>Soy has no hormonal effect on post or pre menopausal women

>Soy has no hormonal effect on women, a 2 year dietary intervention study

No fuck off

>> No.9757657

>its in frickin everything
Obese retards that eat Takis all day say this. It's exactly like the retards that say "there's sugar in everything!!!!" while downing a gallon of pepsi

>> No.9757661
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Soy is just a food. Just like avocados and quinoa. What /pol/ is doing is taking a habit that people who they don't like (liberals/affluent coastals eating things like tofu and replacing meat with soy products) and flipping it into something that if you partake in, it immediately makes you a caricature of everything that they feel is wrong with society (a 'numale'/cuck/degenerate/'soyboy')

You're stupid for believing that it's a legitimate criticism. Eat whatever you want in moderation.

>> No.9757662

>believing anything /pol/ says
In fact, its a moderately safe strategy to simply do the exact opposite of whatever /pol/ tells you to do.

>> No.9757671

>whew lad, you got a source on that that wasn't funded by Monsanto?
Sure. The LD50 information on a bottle of Glyphosate that I have in my lab. It was from Sigma-Aldrich, if you care. I think you might be confusing the toxic properties of the surfactants added to most pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers with the properties of Glyphosate itself.

>> No.9757682

Ok, you win.

>> No.9757690

>it's in everything!
I bet you still eat packaged snacks in your 20s and think whole grain bread is actually healthy

>> No.9757704

LD50 is very useful for measuring deterministic effects, but not so much for stochastic effects such as cancers and birth defects that round up has been linked to.

I think the problem here is that we are arguing two very different kinds of dangers.

You're right, if you ingest some round up it won't kill you on the spot or in the next year or two. On the other hand, it may cause cancers that will kill you in the next 15-20 years.

>> No.9757707

Fucking THIS

>> No.9757741
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no, they are just looking a way to justify their own body image issues

>> No.9757742

Jordan Peterson's daughter said it made her depression go crazy, but i think she was just already seriously chemically unbalanced to begin with so the test she did could have just been a fluke.

>> No.9757754

Never trust anything you see on 4 chan especially /pol/. In fact, if you are seeking advice just talk to some real people. This place is garbage.

>> No.9757769

No, but nice try.

The fuck are Takis? Also, 8 oz red bull master race- deal with it.

>> No.9757772

If you ingest soy at any point, you WILL become a limp-wristed sjw beta libcuck numale skinnyfat weakling. And goddamn is it hard to break out of that, since you think being half a man is okay.

>> No.9757780
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>> No.9757790
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But /pol/ keeps telling me to stop being a degenerate, go to church, raise a healthy family, and be a contributor to society. Also, they're right about the leaves.