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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 144 KB, 1024x682, Lindsay-Olives-3-edited-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9755651 No.9755651 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more polarizing food in North America?

>> No.9755794

olives? What do you mean by "polarizing"?

>> No.9755809


>> No.9755813

faggot who can't speak plainly means it in terms of a "you love it or hate it" extremes with no in between

>> No.9755814

They're a love it or hate it food, and I feel like the majority of people here hate it.

>> No.9755824

What kind of faggots do you surround yourself with? Only children don’t like olives

>> No.9755830

No, faggot, they are gross. I'll eat them, but I still think they're shit. What kind of sick fuck actually enjoys them?

>> No.9755834

Oh. Well I guess sushi's pretty 'polarizing'. You either like that or you don't. Olives though are ok. Can't eat too many because they're so salty but I don't dislike them.

>> No.9755838

>he gets mad over simple words
Spotted the retard.

>> No.9755845

>gets called faggot on 4chan
>thinks someone is mad
It's you. You're the retard.

>> No.9755870

Pizza in America. Everyone eats it, everyone from New York or Chicago thinks their style is the best because regional pride and they're both wrong but it is not possible to say otherwise to them.

>> No.9755875


New meme everyone please force it

>> No.9755876

Look at this child everyone and laugh

>> No.9755882


>> No.9755939
File: 46 KB, 640x360, IMG_9649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9755940

shit tier: green
ok tier: blue
god tier: shriveled up purple

>> No.9755966
File: 551 KB, 1536x1024, o-LOVE-PICKLES-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9756106

more like a pleb-filter food. olives are fucking great

>> No.9756130

i fucking love olives, olives gotta be a god-tier snack to have with booze

>> No.9756140

Olives and Pickles are actually pretty deece for you when sobering up desu as long as you don't eat so much that you double your blood pressure.

>> No.9756146

pineapple pizza

>> No.9756147

My phone auto corrected 'desu' to 'desu' wowee that's probably a sign.

>> No.9756154


Filter short circuited my brain I need to contain myself to al/ck/ holy shit

>> No.9756156


>> No.9756255

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.9756256


>> No.9756288

Only if you're a pleb. Same people that order a burger with nothing but the patty because "Mayo and mustard are gross!"

>> No.9756294

There's other flavors besides Butterfingers

>> No.9756510

Eat your veggies Jimmy

>> No.9756517

Well done steak.

>> No.9756528

>faggot who can't speak plainly

You are a fucking retard if you do not know the term polarizing.

>> No.9756530

fuck you, you fucking libtard academic jew cuck. Only faggots use big word to sound more smarter when they are dumb. Real people use normal words and not that gay shit.

>> No.9756543

>more smarter

>> No.9756545

t. less smarter