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9751165 No.9751165 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get on a diet where I cut out carbs and sugars. The sugars part is easy but I have lived my whole life on a diet heavy with bread, pasta and rice. How do I make the transition? I can't even think of a handful of complex dishes without carbs being a major component. I want to have way more fish now if that helps. I just need ideas.

>> No.9751176

You don't need to cut out carbs man. I lost over 100 pounds while still eating pasta and rice.

>> No.9751180

You realize just being thin doesnt mean you're healthy right?

>> No.9751182

Have you been to asia you fucking retard? Just quit being fat and lazy you piece of entitled shit

>> No.9751185

>fat people are healthy
American logic, everybody.

>> No.9751187

I'm not thin, I was just really fat before but now I'm a firefighter.

>> No.9751188

Why do people think Asians eat tons of carbs? They might have one cup of rice throughout the day and only certain days. Only weaboos actually believe Japanese and Chinese people scarf down rice with every meal.

>> No.9751192

Sugars yes but dont fall for the carb boogeyman. Yes you need to cut back on them but you still want carbs in your diet in moderation.

>> No.9751207

Eat root vegetables. Yeah, they've got sugar but they've also got tons of fiber which slows absorption and prevents blood glucose spikes. They're very also nutrient dense.
They've been a dietary staple for tens of millennia.

>> No.9751221

I don't eat carbs. Start with a 2 day fast to break your insulin-driven hunger cycle. Then just rework your dishes to not be carb-centric. Roast a chicken, grill fish, eat cream, butter and cheese. Eat more low-carb vegetables. Balance out your calorie requirements with healthy fats. I dunno, give me some examples of your typical recipes.

>> No.9751227


Are you trying to kill the man?! You basically will die in your 30s if you eat anything but water, root vegetables and fish.

>> No.9751265

WTF are you serious?!??
Don't spread dangerous information on the internet, asshole.

>> No.9751273

Sugar is a carb...

>> No.9751278

You know theres a damn well difference when people talk about the two. Theres sugar in fruit too. That doesn't mean when someone says they wanna cut out sugar that they want to never eat fruit.

>> No.9751284

>Only weaboos actually believe Japanese and Chinese people scarf down rice with every meal.
t. American without a passport

>> No.9751286

I believe if you're trying to bring about ketosis you'd stop eating fruits

>> No.9751298

Look up what asians cook
Exclude all noddles and rice
Amerifat to Aslim

>> No.9751321
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It's called keto. You'll eat more meat, but also more leafy vegetables. Instead of rice, you have riced (grated) cauliflower. Instead of noodles, you have asparagus with butter. Instead of bread crust pizza, you have cheese crust pizza or fat head pizza or chicken crust pizza.

>> No.9751326

Stir fries. different veggies and meats and sauces.

>> No.9751709

Food hipsterism is useful for once.

There are some celiac-friendly meme flours that have a stupid high protein-to-everything-else ratio, like deoiled pumpkin seed flour. Combine with wheat gluten and/or eggs for binder and more protein/fat, makes for decent carb substitute.

>> No.9751712
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enjoy your low test

>> No.9751859
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Just rememeber all the pain and suffering you've caused, then it will be easier to cut bread out of your diet.

>> No.9751865

We do.

>> No.9752467

>Only weaboos actually believe Japanese and Chinese people scarf down rice with every meal.
I lived in japan and I know your an idiot

>> No.9752509

>this meme

Yeah, sure thing retardo.

>> No.9752516

asian food is pretty much litteraly built around rice, its not only the staple but its the euphamism for food itself in a few languages...i worked for/with asian in restaurants, we ate plenty of rice

>> No.9753316

That's like saying a heavy smoker/drinker isn't necessarily unhealthy. Even if it's technically true, a heavy smoker/drinker has a much higher chance of developing health problems.

>> No.9753459
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he's not claiming that fat people are healthy, he's just saying that not all thin people are healthy

>> No.9753493


Most people that do "ketogenic" diet are really doing modifications on the Atkins diet.

True ketogenic diet is 80% fat. You may have to literally drink a tablespoon or two of oil to hit daily macros