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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9748958 No.9748958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ, Favreau. It’s just a grilled cheese.

>> No.9748962

Jesus Christ, OP. It's just 3 steps.

>> No.9748965

Jesus Christ, OP. That's how you make a grilled cheese.

>> No.9748974

>that faggoty-ass plating
>not using mayo instead of butter for superior flavor
>le quirky cheese selection
>le gotta flip this shit off a plate so I can cut it cuz I sure can't cut on my expensive plates xD

Anyone defending this method of grilled cheese creation should suck on a bullet.

>> No.9748985

nothing wrong with the plating
gross, go back to the midwest
>cheese selection
it's literally 2 or 3 extremely common cheeses, balanced so that you don't feel like you're biting into a block of cheddar cheese
>not cutting on plate
it's not to protect the plate you retard, it's to protect the knife

>> No.9748994

>wanting to destroy your knife

>> No.9748995

Mayo over butter? What are you? Inbred? Jesus.
Quirky cheese selection?
Do you know about the different types of cheese and how they taste?

>> No.9748998

>muh plating
Fuck you, nobody gives a fuck about the arrangement of food on a plate.
>muh gross mayo
Go eat some more soybeans, faggot.
>muh cheddar block
So maybe use less fucking cheese retard
>muh expensive knife
Who the fuck uses an expensive knife for fucking grilled cheese?

>> No.9749002


He's a chef you fucking inbred retarded cuntfucktwat. He has it. He'll use it. What's your fucken problem, motherfucking fucker

>> No.9749003

>using an expensive knife on grilled fucking cheese
>muh cheese types
It's grilled fucking cheese, you idiot. Made for a child. The kid LITERALLY doesn't give a flying fuck.

>> No.9749008


Lol. Fuck off.
I absolutely loved when my mum used 2 types of cheese instead of one.
What? Mum didn't love you enough?

>> No.9749009

>I spent $400 on this fucking knife, gotta use it to justify my purchase

Are all chefs this dumb?

>> No.9749012

But did you mumsy use three types of cheese layered precisely so that they'd melt out the sides so you couldn't pick up your fucking sandwich without coating your hands in a fine layer of cheese grease?

>> No.9749016


He's a chef, neetfuck.

>> No.9749018


You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.9749021



>> No.9749023

do you actually own two sets of knives, one for fancy things and one for not fancy things? I know you're just a redditor who learned about "trolling" from knowyourmeme, but I'd appreciate if you put in a little more effort. And no, that doesn't mean posting more, that means thinking through your b8 posts a bit more before posting so that it's not immediately obvious what you're doing.

>> No.9749074

why does nobody ever mention anything about how much cheese he uses? the cheese/bread ratio is totally fucked here

>> No.9749083

The oil used to make mayo usually comes from soy or corn you low test homo.

>> No.9749270

Mayo is better for getting an even browning without worrying about the milk solids burning

>> No.9749280


Careful there, OP. Last time I meme'd something similar I enjoyed a 5 day ban courtesy of our terrible moderators.

>> No.9749288

because more cheese is always better, as long as it's not so much that you can't melt it before the bread burns

>> No.9749308

I dunno, I'd appreciate if mods banned people more for these stupid threads. I've also reported you for calling the selfless people who give their time to this community "terrible".

>> No.9749319


>I've also reported you

wew someone dont know the rules

>> No.9749338 [DELETED] 

it's only against the rules if I actually report you





>> No.9749366


>reddit spacing

In the real world we call that proper formatting. Get out of your basement. Read a book.

>> No.9749383
File: 3.64 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20171125_104705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day on 4chan
>already telling people that they're posting wrong
pic related, it's a book

>> No.9749401

>Grilled cheese
Stopped reading there

>> No.9749406

How's that receding hairline treating you, "boy"?

>> No.9749408

yeh, it was the last two words of the post

>> No.9749479


Kid, I've probably got pubes older than you. "First day on 4chan", my ass. I know for a fact I've been here longer than you, but I ain't going to flaunt that, because what moron tries to build street cred as an anonymous user. Go to a containment board for a few years, you're in the wrong place.

>> No.9749483

It is your first day on 4chan until you breach the 10 year mark, lad.

>> No.9749487


12 and counting. Back to /b/ you go.

>> No.9749499

>t. triggered soyboy

How's your neo-vagina treating you?

>> No.9749514

>I'm not going to flaunt that
>said right after 3 statements in which you try to flaunt that
to be honest, though, if you've actually been here a long time and haven't figured out proper spacing yet, that's even more embarrassing, so I'd keep that quiet if I were you.
I also like how you completely ignored the picture of the book with literally 0 line breaks anywhere. stay mad, soyboy

>> No.9749516

How the fuck are you holding a sandwich- nope, going to stop myself right there. Better things to do with my time than humor literal retards. Just know that I disapprove of you tremendously.

>> No.9749583

Get out

>> No.9749597

is /ck/ the easiest board to fuck with? I'm thinking so.

>> No.9749610
File: 118 KB, 1000x963, 1410539078092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to /pol/ and respond to a bunch of trumplets with "not an argument" and watch the (You)s roll in

>> No.9749617

>Moving the buttered bread around the grill, wasting butter on nothing

>> No.9749631

>What? Mum didn't love you enough?

I think he was poor too. Combined with his neglectful parents he had to find a way to justify his shitty grilled cheese.

>> No.9749638

t. soyim

>> No.9749640

he's spreading it on the bread you imbecile

>> No.9749645

This is a scene from a movie you fucking sperg

>> No.9749653

Fuck you soyboy fuck faggot HOW DARE YOU mess with my hero Donald Trump fuck you retard

>> No.9749657

Quesadillas are better, less pretentious and less carbs.

>> No.9749662
File: 2.71 MB, 255x191, 1369193336856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see everybody in the fb group praising the absolute this out of this movie.

>> No.9749666

If (you)s were bitcoins you’d soon be even richer than Trump. Who knows, maybe the Russians would make you president too.

>> No.9749675

>grilled cheese is pretentious for /ck/ now
fuckin hell his board is a mess

>> No.9749682

Anything that isn't fast food or microwaved tendies are pretentious for this board

>> No.9749703
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Looks good but I have a bias against grilled cheese. It came down from my childhood. To my parents 'grilled cheese' was just that. Wonderbread toasted in a skillet with no butter and served with slices of American melted inside.

I can still taste that blandness intermixed with the weirdness of the melted 'cheese'.

So any time somebody sets down grilled cheese in front of me my asshole puckers a bit.

>> No.9749753

>KEK tattooed across his knuckles
Jesus christ really.....

>> No.9749773

Do you have an assortment of knives of different levels of quality so you can use fancy knives for fancy meals and cheap knives for simple meals?

>> No.9749784

>feeding all of that butter to a child

>> No.9749798

Why are you such a contrarian, do you have nothing else to do?

>> No.9749801

Kids need fat to grow their brains

>> No.9749839
File: 145 KB, 550x733, best-foods-mayonnaise-nutrition-label-switch-it-up-mayo-is-out-avocado-spread-is-in-a-black-girls-template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
