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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9748153 No.9748153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

foods that intensify receding hairline (scientifically proven):
>baked beans
>wheat tortilla
>olive oil
>a lot more
this isnt even broscience. i honestly thought this was a complete fib until i realized that my hairline is just like pic related while my dad's and the 4 of my brothers' foreheads are barely visible.
share your food induced receding hairline stories, maybe add some more products to the list and spread awareness

>> No.9748157

>foods that intensify receding hairline (scientifically proven):
>scientifically proven

citation needed

>> No.9748160

its not like you care or anything. dont tell me that youre insecure about your hair lol?

>> No.9748169

>baked beans
>wheat tortilla
So boiled beans and other wheat products are fine?

>> No.9748171

I'm 32 and not as thick as I'd like so yeah I guess I am.
Post this supporting scientific evidence or this is just shitposting.

>> No.9748176

yes absolutely, this has to do with DHT additives found in those particular foods
32 is the perfect age to bulk up and shave your head and this isnt shit posting i assure you no need for the link

>> No.9748178
File: 7 KB, 170x203, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 is the perfect age to bulk up and shave your head

I'm not at the point I need to shave my head yet

>this isnt shit posting i assure you no need for the link


>> No.9748196 [DELETED] 

Eat green leafs and veggies. Lots of em. It's good for hair health. And also, on weekends or during day offs, apply coconut oil to your hair and massage your head/scalp.

t. Indian

>> No.9748206 [DELETED] 

Eat green leafs and veggies. Lots of em. It's good for hair health. And also, on weekends or during day offs, apply coconut oil to your hair and massage your head/scalp.

t. Indian

>> No.9748217

Eat green leafs and veggies. Lots of em. It's good for hair health. And also, on weekends or during day offs, apply coconut oil to your hair and massage your head/scalp.

t. Indian

>> No.9748225
File: 2.34 MB, 453x312, Where do you think we are.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't shitposting I swear!

>> No.9748315

yeah whatever you dumb fucking idiot, go eat some soy goy

>> No.9748331
File: 93 KB, 800x600, isleofman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why choose to be bald?

>> No.9748336

This was also posted on /pol/
Hair loss is genetic.

>> No.9748413

no it's not foods you fucking retard.
either DHT fucks you up or it doesn't. you inherited the sad genes (goes 1 line further than your parents) , that's all there is to it

>> No.9748419

Olive oil? But don't people use that as a carrier oil for essential oils and other hair related shit?

>> No.9748555

if you are going to post this and want actual discussion you will need to provide a citation.

>> No.9748988

>tfw balding at 21
I used to have long hair at the front but today the hairdresser cut it all short with an electric trimmer because I was too beta to tell her to stop. Now I'm embarrassed to even go outside because everyone can see I'm balding. At least she gave me her number and said we should meet up tomorrow so I can't stay too angry at her

>> No.9749004

Based on your "science" every Mexican, including the women would be bald...

>> No.9749015

Anything that increases production of testosterone intensifies receding hairline - for example, exercise. Be a man, buzz your head and put on muscle, and don't be ugly.

>> No.9749022

>thinking it's the food and not the pool water that is coming out of your shower

Use a water filter, man.

>> No.9749104

I find this deep widow peak extremely attractive on men... until they go bald. It's a sign of high testosterone.

>> No.9749114

Have you tried taking biotin or using coconut oil on your scalp?

>> No.9749134
File: 50 KB, 358x450, 1313506462136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. You don't even know how very flattered and happy I feel now.

Do you mind posting tits with time stamp or very feminine penis please?

>> No.9749138
File: 52 KB, 227x222, 1510447503263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize you faggots were actually avoiding soy and certain foods to save your hairline. I was just memeing. Holy shit lmao, comedy gold.

>> No.9749141

>itt: dutch people

>> No.9749142

Here's what I have done and it's worked out quite well:

1. Buzz my head
2. Not give a fuck

>> No.9749148

why dutch

>> No.9749157
File: 53 KB, 790x1010, 1471203180490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claims not to give a fuck.
>Goes to a hairstyle that implies his balding is a choice.
>Didn't trim the edges of his bald spot until it made a perfect circle, then add eyes.

N O R M I E 4 L I F E

>> No.9749165

>modern day witchcraft

>> No.9749187

>Goes to a hairstyle that implies his balding is a choice
It's not unless you want ridiculous hair plugs like a doll or elon musk. I've come to terms with balding and I do not care anymore. Thankfully, I have a well shaped head and I look good.

>> No.9749189

this is a meme shitpost thread but I'll give you something honest

nyoxin shampoo saved my hair, and im pushing 40 with nothing but bald men in my family

>> No.9749197

It's always the Dutch.

>> No.9749200

ok grandpa

>> No.9749212

Shitty genetics.

>> No.9749223

you lot (assuming youre dutch) are tall though

>> No.9749246

It's all genetic. You can save your shitty hair with __ox___ stuff, or you can fuck with your endocrine system with finasteride and perhaps stop balding altogether. You can do FUE transplants but you'll probably have little white scars that prevent you from shaving your head. It's a catch 22 and it sucks, but if balding is the worst of your problems then you really ought to keep things in perspective.

>> No.9750620

That's not proof, but either way
>tfw no balding gene
You boys be jellin. Imma grow my hair out long like Fabio when I'm old then I'll buy a white horse and be pimpin like Gandalf, wind blowin my hair and my GILF hoes' tits.

>> No.9750643

Get your hole logic back to tumblr, roastie shit

>> No.9750648

all you need to know is
if you've got a certain male hair loss gene-> certain levels of higher testosterone production = hair loss.

Food can do it. Sex can do it. All sorts of things can do it.

dude your hair isn't about looking good/bad, as a guy your hair is PLUMMAGE, it's FLAIR, exciting, pizzaz, all that stuff. Having a ridiculous haircut/hairline attracts attention and that's ALL that matters, even if you've got the most ridiculous bald spot in the world. Rock it with confidence.

>> No.9750722

>my friend knew he was going bald in highschool
>he tried to fight it off with propecia
>it gave him erectile dysfuncion
>he had to stop taking it because it was fucking with his hormones so badly
>as a side effect of taking it he can't grow any facial hair now
>hes a hairless penis head now

>> No.9750774

Should've just used minoxidil, or went the german grey market route like me

>> No.9750780

>things 18 year olds say

Anyway OP will only help if you're losing hair due to some sort of nutritionally deficiency, male pattern baldness is not that

>> No.9750781

Olive Oil?

>> No.9750786


my hair looks EXACTLY like pic related and has for 7+ years. some people recede and keep that for a long time. IDGAF OP I'll just shave my shit if it gets any worse.FUCK U

>> No.9750796

literally don't worry about it. If you go bald, just go bald and own it

>> No.9750811

>tfw I have thick ass hair at 28 due to genetics
>tfw can't grow a lot of facial hair but I just noticed some random gray hairs
>no gray hairs in my head hair at all

Genetics is weird.

>> No.9750899

thick head hair no facial hair is low test