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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9746220 No.9746220 [Reply] [Original]

Going to a "friendsgiving" tomorrow and I dont know what to make for it. What is somethimg simple and tasty that I can bring that doesnt have a shit ton of cheese in it?

>> No.9746244

Boil up some chopped up carrots.
In a separate pan cook garlic, diced onion, and chopped up bacon. (for a 3lb bag of carrots use about 1/2 a large onion, 2/3 a package of bacon, and about 5 cloves of garlic._
Once carrots are done mix them with the bacon/ onion mixture.

>> No.9746256

Drizzle a pound of gren beans with olive oil then salt and roast at 450 for 20 minutes. Mix with walnuts and dried cranberries. Sprinkle with lemon zest. Way better that shitty green bean casserole.

>> No.9746260

Sautee asparagus with cashews and salt in some oil.

Takes less than 10 minutes and it's delicious every time.

>> No.9746283

Bring a portrait of Dawkins and some tendies

>> No.9746315

Coat brussel sprouts in olive oil and salt and pepper and roast them

>> No.9746363

just bring a dozen doughnuts

>> No.9746364


Never heard of that. Is it something like a fall pig slaughter where everyone in the neighborhood gets together for a grand old butchering?

>> No.9746367

8 ball of coke
1/4 ounce of weed and some beer.

everyone will be your friend

>> No.9746371
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friendsgiving is such a fucking retarded millenial "lel so trendy xxD" instagram tier normie garbage goyim meme.

Buncha fucking normie shit I swear. fucking gay and a symptom of the dying family unit.

>> No.9746373

it's like a thanksgiving dinner done after the holiday with your friends.

>> No.9746384

How do I into Friendsgiving if I have no friends?

>> No.9746386

>t.Someone who has no friends

>> No.9746411
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>> No.9746416
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>> No.9746436

how can people be so retarded they can't even think of something to cook?

>> No.9746459

>complains about normies
>blames normies on societal trends away from the nuclear family
>as in the most normie thing to ever exist ever

>> No.9746461

Have you never met a millennial? Hating dad is more important than learning how to cook from him

>> No.9746540

I resent that.
I'm a support worker for adults with learning difficulties. I've trained a whole myriad of "retards" and autists how to cook themselves substantial meals (and I don't mean putting a meal in the microwave). I've taught people who can barely wipe their ass to make a mean spaghetti bolognese from scratch.

>how can people be so retarded they can't even think of something to cook?

these people are worse than "retards"

>> No.9746687

Bread pudding is simple enough

>> No.9746700
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Make a banoffee pie.

>> No.9746708

that's just crazy enough to work

>> No.9746712

so you don't like hanging out with friends?

>> No.9746746
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Mashed potatoes and gravy
>yukon gold potatoes
>peel and quarter
>STEAM for 20-30 minutes until soft enough to stab without resistance
>move to serving bowl
>stir in up to a full stick of butter
Add the butter and salt a little bit at a time. Taste test it along the way. If you add too much salt it'd be a pain in the ass to balance it out. You can just use a fork to mash 'em. Buy gravy mix from the store. Since you're asking here for recipes, you probably don't want to make gravy from scratch. Just add some shit to it, so it's not terrible.
>fresh ground black pepper, paprika, chili powder, cayenne pepper, Italian seasoning
Doesn't matter use what you like. God tier taytoes. You'll never boil them again.

>> No.9746753

You goin to Tyler’s house too?

>> No.9746876

>inplying boomer dads know how to cook

>> No.9748669

you don't