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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9745348 No.9745348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>sister is getting married to a nigger saturday
>his family and mine had a thanksgiving feast yesterday(my dad is rich)
>i declined showing up
>dad got bummed out
>he brung me some of moms food today anyways
i love my dad

>> No.9745363


>> No.9745377

you have the wrong board sweetie, this is /ck/

>> No.9745381

sorry OP but if you seriously just typed the word "brung" then you have no right to complain about niggers

>> No.9745383


>> No.9745387

It's brought, "brung" isn't a word retard.
Good to see you found that out, go back to /pol/.

>> No.9745391


>> No.9745395

Beat me to it.

>> No.9745397


>> No.9745426
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>itt Amerimutts complaining about niggers

>> No.9745446

kill yourself you degenerate hillbilly mongoloid

>> No.9745454

>says the "white" "person"

>> No.9745464
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>> No.9745466

Shadilay fellow kekistani

>> No.9745467

your dad probably wanted to skip thanksgiving this year too

>> No.9745470

Are you legally retarded?

>> No.9745480
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t. someone who never browsed /pol/

>> No.9745481

What did you mean by this, I am, dare I say it, /yourguy/

>> No.9745487
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Shadilay fellow pede!

>> No.9745502

There is literally nothing wrong with disowning your sister because she married one of "them"...

>> No.9745511

So sorry OP; both that your sister is marrying a nigger and that your dad got fucked up the ass by (I assume) the extended nigger family.

>> No.9745512

This is why you lost.
I am not American btw
Nothing makes you a better person than poor swamp people

>> No.9745524


I'm sorry, anon. The food looks delicious though. You and your dad should go fishing or hunting together, you know to spend quality time with each other.

>> No.9745541

What went so wrong in your sisters life that she thinks it's ok to marry a nigger let alone fuck one?

>> No.9745546

How would you feel if your sister married an Asian instead? Do you only hate blacks, or is it because the husband isn't white?

>> No.9745549

Influence, her friends in school or maybe she watches keeping up with the kardashians
Not him but I'd easilly accept my sister marrying an Asian or even Mexican over a black. Take that as you will

>> No.9745557

Not him, but I would see Asian as an upgrade and Mexicans as more or less the same.

>> No.9745559

Virtue signal more retard

>> No.9745565
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Is it worse than her marrying a white guy who likes watching her take BBC crwampies?

>> No.9745570

I hope more people in your family boycott this "wedding"

>> No.9745571

I married a nigress. I know it's not right, but is it better than a white woman marrying a black man?

>> No.9745574

Oh no sweetie.... but umm, maybe you didn't get the memo 'kay? Buuuut I'm like 100% sure that all men are literally created equal

>> No.9745575

>getting creampied by niggers either way, one just has the addition of an annoying libcuck numale

It's bad either way, but I'd take OPs situation over that.

>> No.9745580

thanks for confirming that you are indeed from reddit

>> No.9745584

but chances are you'll have a mongrel

>> No.9745587

So you've never watched world star hip hop videos on liveleak?

>> No.9745588

Not him but I would approve of my sister marrying an Asian or white man. I wouldn't approve of a Hispanic but I'd accept it. I would highly disapprove of her marrying a camel fucking shitskin and I would outright disown her if she married a nigger. And I'm not even racist.

>> No.9745590

I've had 3.

>> No.9745593
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>And I'm not even racist.

fucking kek anon come on

>> No.9745597

This board is cucked beyond redemption.

>> No.9745602

>Must wait before reporting another post.
Guess I'm buying a pass.

>> No.9745603

stay mad nigger

>> No.9745608

I'm not. There's nothing wrong with niggers, so long as they stay on their side of the tracks.

>> No.9745610

post pics

>> No.9745611

I wasn't mad to begin with.
Stay mad, literal nigger.

>> No.9745619
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Hard finding one with all 3 together

>> No.9745622

>not honor killing your sister for shaming your bloodline

Just how beta can you be anon

>> No.9745627

you happy?

>> No.9745632

I refuse to believe you just posted pictures of your children on this site.

>> No.9745633

>>sister is getting married to a nigger saturday
can you imagine what would come out of her butt in a year

>> No.9745634

With the kids? Yeah. Incredibly. The wife is whitewashed when it comes to speaking mannerisms, but is lazy as fuck.

>> No.9745636

I mean you know the rules of the game. I mean yo’ bitch just chose me. Now we can settle this like you got some class or we can get into some gangsta shit.

>> No.9745640

You must be new here then. The pics I post aren't incriminating in any way, and since I'm not a cumdumpster or blogger, there's no reason for vengeance against me.

>> No.9745643

>actually ditched your sisters wedding because of /pol/ memes
About as autistic as showing up in a ninja costume and doing the naruto run down the isle

>> No.9745646

I'm not new here and I don't know why you would even say that, but whatever man, suit yourself. I would never post my kids here.

>> No.9745650

I bet OP's new extended family will try to extortion his family.

>> No.9745651
File: 31 KB, 500x498, jesus-hates-you_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have serious problems

>> No.9745653

You have cute kids, anon.

>> No.9745654

>taking op post seriously

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.9745657

Nice facebook pic dude :^O

>> No.9745659

found the nigger
he may have missed this one but he'll surely show up for the divorce one

>> No.9745663

This site ain't what it used to be. I'd even post pics of my kids on /b/, if the thread called for it.