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9743817 No.9743817 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have a particularly good use for duck fat and duck stock?

I roasted a duck for Thanksgiving and rendered out a lot of fat. It was an entire duck since I got it from the Asian supermarket so it came with the head, neck, and feet. So far I've found a lot of "amazing duck stock" recipes but little information on how to use my bounty. Most sites that mention duck at all only seem to think the fat is good for fries and other roasted potato dishes.

Any decent ideas for what to use the fat and stock for that doesn't involve making fries?

>> No.9743830

confit the leftover meat in it. The broth I'd use to make a hearty duck and dumplings soup

>> No.9743968

Duck fat is GOAT for sautee.
Try a fingerling potatoes.

>> No.9744005

Why can't white people believe there is a use for duck besides with potatoes

>> No.9744121

I'm not white, check your privilege shitlord.

>> No.9744253

Duck fat is extremely flavorful that it's going to overpower the ingredients of anything that isn't neutral in the first place so using it is a waste of ingredients.

That's why starches like potatoes or rice are perfect for duck fat.

>> No.9744304

No OP, but how would I confit a duck if I don’t have a bunch of duck fat on hand to start with? Could I use another fat without fucking up the flavor?

>> No.9744313

no it really wouldn't be the same. you could do like a conserva with olive oil or use all lard for a pork confit, but mixing would ruin the flavor I'd imagine

>> No.9744387

I've successfully used duck fat as a substitute cooking fat for pan vegetables, but also as a finishing fat when pan searing a nice rump steak instead of butter. Changes the flavour profile a bit but fuckan delicious.

>> No.9744388

i keep the rendered duck fat in a ramekin and take out a tablespoon of it to use in place of butter for frying things

mushrooms, veg, other meats, it's all good

like >>9744253 said there will be a bit of ducky flavour though, if you have the stock you can add a splash with garlic, soy sauce and some cornstarch slurry to make duck sauce for your stir fries

>> No.9744390

You can do duck fat confit with otger things than duck byw

>> No.9744650

Why not experiment with duckfat rouxs and bechamels? I bet you could make a furious duck etoufee.

>> No.9744662

>Any decent ideas for what to use the fat and stock for that doesn't involve making fries?
Too many to list.

The fat can be substituted for any cooking oil. You can saute veggies (or whatever) in it. Use it for stir-fries. Use it to coat veggies you will roast in the oven. If you have enough you can deep-fry in it. Use it when you make a roux, etc.

The stock? Great in any kind of soup, stew, or braise. Cook beans in it. Reduce it to create sauce. Use to to deglaze & make pan sauces.

>> No.9744666

>2 T olive oil
>bay leaf & thyme
>duck stock
>duck meat
>salt and pepper
>grilled cheese side

duck noodle soup

>> No.9745208

psh wrong. you can pretty much divide cuisine in france into three regions - the part where olive oil is the main fat used in cooking, the region where butter is the main fat, and the region where duck fat is the main fat. i used get it for free all the time from work because we were rendering so much, but it's got tons of uses that aren't potato related, confit being the obvious example.

my favorite use is for burgers. vacuum seal some patties, put em in a water bath at 145c for 2 days, take em out, heat some duck fat to 500c, flash fry the patties. best fucking burger ever, perfect pink medium throughout with no gray.

t. a burger

>> No.9745214

You use it in the same way you use any other fat or stock, it just tastes like duck.

>> No.9745221

I disagree I think using a bit of 100% pork lard wouldn't be horribly detrimental if you need a little filler fat. It's a very mild fat so it won't taste "porky". At worse the natural duck flavor will be diminished some but if you're in a pinch and it's what you got going for it.

>> No.9745759

I like to make asian style soups with duck broth. I also use it in gumbo, along with the rendered fat for a roux.

I love duck, it's definitely top tier poultry.

>> No.9747399

What is an Asian style soup? There are tons of countries in Asia, with completely different styles of cooking