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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9742132 No.9742132 [Reply] [Original]

>"No pickles please."
Is the the warcry of women and soyboys?

>> No.9742136

Yes, if someone doesnt like pickles i like them less

>> No.9742138

no, you say very strange things.

>> No.9742140

McDonald's pickles are soggy and gross.

Because they buy a trillion gallons at once for pennies on the dollar and let it sit for years.

>> No.9742142

>women and soyboys?
I thought the conservative propaganda would have us believe these people loved the pickle. Pick a fucking side of the argument you fucking losers. You come off as just hating everything for no reason.

>> No.9742146


>> No.9742149

this is an adult site kid, leave immediately

>> No.9742156
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You seriously have beef with the word gross?

>> No.9742159

customizing orders in general is for soyboys. Formerly this practice was mainly done by niggers. Order the item as it was intended or get something else. And vegetarians who order something "except with no meat," should be round up and shot.

>> No.9742160
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>You come off as just hating everything for no reason.
You think?

>> No.9742167

>i politicize food because my whacko talk shows znd /pol/ told me to
>but i'm not the cuck

>> No.9742183

>gimme dem extra pickle boys

>> No.9742190

>I abuse green text so people notice my half assed strawman arguments

Watch out, the boogyman /pol/ might call you a cuck then you'll have to go back to reddot

>> No.9742195
File: 130 KB, 586x506, 20171123_172210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor /pol/. They try so hard.

>> No.9742220

>No pickles please
This is the way to make sure you get served a freshly made sandwich. You lose nothing by dropping the pickles, and they can't just hand you the default "as-packaged" sandwich that has been under a heat lamp for 45 minutes. Only republicucks would feel so persecuted and angry that other people ask for what they want. Please go back to pol.

>> No.9742236

Freshly spat on sandwich*

>> No.9742267

Nice try, i don't wear maga hats, treat the staff like my brothers and sisters, and tip well like libruhl is supposed to ;-).

>> No.9742268

No, it's the warcry of picky eaters and really has no correlation with women. I think you might wanna go back to rebdit with this incel bullshit that's been spilling out over the boards lately

>> No.9742292
File: 122 KB, 300x300, frameperfection-profile_image-b4dacf6a5df1820e-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipping at McDonald's

>> No.9742350

4chan has been pretty redpilled on women since like 2007.

>> No.9742362

Kill yourself

>> No.9742370

it's not gross, faggot

it's aged, like cheese, wine and spirits.

>> No.9742381

And nigger came from /pol/? Fuck off, newfag roodypoo.

>> No.9742385

Yeah this isn't true at all though. 4chan has always been edgy but this obsession with women being the root of all evil is basically flavor of the month, maybe 2 months old at most. it's obnoxious.
Also saying redpilled is really fucking rebbit, sure, it started here, but with a twinge of irony to it, now it's literally smug fedora tier wankery, if there's one thing iconic about 4chan it's knowing no one is hot shit.

>> No.9742388

t. Newfag

>> No.9742395

yes,/pol/ literally invented not liking niggers...before /pol/ niggers were highly regarded

>> No.9742405

I don't know whose side you're on, soyboy.

>> No.9742408

I've been here since a few months before the mass immigration from the boxxy videos. maybe not a true oldfag but definitely wouldn't call myself a newfag anymore

>> No.9742409
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>cuck carts
I can't tell anymore if /pol/ users are mentally challenged or top tier trolls.

>> No.9742411

This isn't even really wrong. Nigger as a term was thrown around since the beginning, but more because it was a bad word, real racial tension first started with /news/

>> No.9742437
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>> No.9742490

Maybe it depends on the board. /v/ has hated women for a good chunk of its lifespan, /a/ regards them as disgusting 3DPD, /pol/ thinks they need to shut up and take care of babies of their race, /r9k/ genuinely hates women and always has since /adv/ was made to contain relationshit but /r9k/'s righteous redpilled nature concerning women is being ruined and cucked by fervent """fembot""" posters/threads, /tg/ is measuring how many spiders a vagina can contain and making -4 STR memes.

All of this is business as usual for those boards.

>> No.9742533

Are even half of the things on the Enlightened circle real?

>> No.9742550

How do you think those memes are even remotely close to the fucking obnoxiously overplayed roastie posting going on now? I started on /v/, it's never been this bad, and the 3dpd was always tongue in cheek.
The tg shit was more about realism than woman hate.