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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9739955 No.9739955 [Reply] [Original]

Why do avocados trigger such intense autism in so many people? How did they ever become a meme?

>> No.9739964

avocados are the favorite food of the average soyboy nu male

>> No.9739984

n = autism(average food+pop culture) / bandwagoning

>> No.9739992

i like avocados but they are too expensive.

I have it every now and then, its good fat.

>> No.9740006
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catchy song though

>> No.9740051

wtf goop

>> No.9740082

>Work in shitty restaurants for living
>companies constantly putting avocados on EVERYTHING
>still have to use them during the winter when they're all garbage tier BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU STOP SELLING FRUIT DURING THE SEASON ITS BAD
9/10 avocados are fucking garbage anyway
>cut one open and its more black than it is green
>throw it away
>open another one and it's a literal rock that you have to wait a day or two to use


>> No.9740098
File: 1.58 MB, 2400x1600, avocadocut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't people use their fingers? It takes just as long and is considerably safer.

>> No.9740100

>Okay we got $29 for the week. What do we need?
>Well whatever you do get us 7 limes.

>> No.9740381

How could you not notice it's unripe before cutting it?

>> No.9740404

It's not unreasonable to have a lime each day. For a rich celebrity shopping at a white store, she did pretty well overall.

>> No.9740425

Exactly. One lime per every day of the week. I myself just squoze the last of my limes on my breakfast

>> No.9740446

I usually get a big bag for a dollar from the Asian grocery's clearance rack. They keep well refrigerated.

>> No.9740509

They're all unripe
Theres no such thing as a good avocado during the winter but we keep fucking buying them because people eat that shit up

>> No.9740516

because hipster normie faggots discovered them and overused them
/ck/ being full of autistic, picky, contrarians decided that they are now a "meme food"
fuck you faggots avocados are delicious and so is sriracha, just dont go all bugman with them and its fine

>> No.9740551

you dont even have to, just place the half on a cutting board and tap the blade into it just enough so that it bites into the pit, comes right out and theres no risk to yourself whatsoever

>> No.9740568

Wrong again, Mr. Silverberg


>> No.9740793

>I'm a fatass numale with saggy breasts attracted to traps and have to blame food for causing it to happen

>> No.9741106


>> No.9741131

Because instead of buying homes, millenials are buying smashed avocado toast

>> No.9743099

We're not buying because it's so often no cheaper than renting, and the new economy has us moving frequently.

>> No.9743112

When you buy a house, you don't waste money because the mortgage goes into equity on the house. Renting, you're throwing money away.

>> No.9743137

Cry more while posting on your ifag7q

>> No.9743923

abatap pls

>> No.9743932

>faggot doesn't hormones are produce from fats
if you have to avoid soy, then you already got low test, buddy

>> No.9743937

this isn't real r-right?

>> No.9743940

avocados dont ripen until they come off the tree anyway

>> No.9743943

sriracha is garbage

>> No.9743962

As a diabetic type 2 I am glad avocados exist.

>> No.9745240

They taste like vegetable oil to me.

>> No.9745490

and poor nicaraguans