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9733005 No.9733005 [Reply] [Original]

>celebrating the genocide of an entire race by genociding an entire species

Do American's really do this?

>> No.9733012


>> No.9733019
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>> No.9733022

i aint white so that shit doesnt matter to me and i cant get in trouble for it

>> No.9733028

>Genociding a species
We aren't genociding turkeys we breed them at a rate significantly higher than we kill them. Their genes are safe. Natives on the other hand...

>> No.9733072

>implying most of it was even remotely intentional
>implying the shit indians would do to other tribes wasn't happening before whites even got to america

Most deaths were done via diseases and indians having a fuck all immune system to half of the stuff, and spreading the stuff around during trade.

>> No.9733094
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>> No.9733106

It's good to be king

>> No.9733509

This board needs flags and ID’s in the worst way.

Also, genocide:
-Disease: overwhelmingly unintentional
-Starvation: they killed as many bison as whitey
-Interbreeding: happens to every race

Pretty sure there was never a formal program of genocide, anon.

Last thing to consider... you want to name white men who’ve killed a lot of injuns, look no further than Johnnie Walker, James B Beam and Jack Daniels.

PS Turkey is mighty tasty, thanks America!

t. Australian

>> No.9733546

Muh genocide, why do people attributed this to Thanksgiving? The Jeffersonian Era of the Indian Wars wasn't for another 200 years later. Even so 90% of the native population was wiped out by disease.

>> No.9733563

Ask the United Tribes that were at war with the offending tribes about what really went down.

We befriended a side and helped banish the losers. The Onida Tribe still thanks the US for helping to bring peace to the East Coast.

>> No.9733564

>Pretty sure there was never a formal program of genocide
No but people get their panties in a wad over the trail of tears and other meaningless shit.

>> No.9733567

people want to think they are smart without doing research and start shit at the dinner table, I bet most people think that the thanksgiving was a thing just before 1776.

>> No.9733589

Apples to oranges anon, and while I do disagree with modern animal farming practices I’d hardly call it genocide. If you fee that strongly about it, go vegetarian or just reduce your meat consumption to only include ethically raised meats.

While much of the death wasn’t the result of systematic genocide, there was an undeniably systematic effort to remove Native peoples from their lands, strip them of their culture, and to deny them basic human rights. I don’t believe those are things anyone can really blame on present-day white Americans, but racism against Native peoples still exists in many forms. It’s best to be aware, seek education, and treat what remains of Native peoples and cultures with the utmost respect.

>> No.9733597

>Do American's really do this?
I'll give a shit when I see every Indian casino in the US shut down for that day all over america as protest.

>> No.9733612


Your brain has been genocided by jews

>> No.9733764

>native americans
Nigger they're still here in abundance. We obviously didn't do a good job and take it out on the fuckin' birds.

>> No.9734195

>mfw I live less than a mile from a res
Hey! Pocahontas, Sorry about that whole trail of tears thing. Please don't scalp me.

>> No.9734220

To be fair, it was mostly the spanish that did the killing of the natives, americans just did a little mopping up at the end

>> No.9734224

no culture, our included, deserves respect.

>> No.9734246

>Yet it's increasingly clear that most of the carnage had nothing to do with European barbarism. The worst of the suffering was caused not by swords or guns but by germs


>The scope of the epidemics over the years was tremendous, killing millions of people—possibly in excess of 90% of the population


>> No.9734254
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>tfw your ancestors had nothing to do with the genocide of the red man and you celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA because it's so comfy

>> No.9734277

>le annual genocide party hurr
SJW spotted

Thanksgiving doesn't celebrate genocide, it celebrates the generosity of the Indians who were too stupid to ensure a future for their children and their race

>> No.9734380

>the genocide of an entire race
Christ, I wish that were the case. Really getting sick of you prairie niggers bitching about this every Thanksgiving.

>> No.9734394

Thanksgiving as a holiday was instituted during the restoration as an attempt to help bring the country back together. If I am remembering correctly, the pilgrim/Indian shit didn't crop up until after ww2, possibly as late as the sixties.

The fact that some fucking moron PR people decided to saddle this weird first dinner mythology to it has nothing to do with the holiday, and the myth is ONLY perpetuated from like kindergarten to third grade.

And shit, it probably isn't even taught the same way anymore

>> No.9735526
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>Native Americans died because their immune systems hadn't evolved to combat all of the diseases brought over the ocean.

Please do some research, and educate yourself.

>> No.9735555

You do some research faggot, there are more Injuns now than ever before

>> No.9735557

Indians aren't considered human

>> No.9735570
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You ain't American enough to understand my friend.

>> No.9735588

Are you really so stupid that you do not know that I was referring to the Indian population of the past, and that today's Indians are the survivors that developed immunity to those diseases?

>> No.9735594
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>Do American's
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9735670

>caring about redskins
fuck off soyboy.

>> No.9735798

>Do American's

based esl bros's...