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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9729620 No.9729620 [Reply] [Original]

>I dont like onions
How can one hate such a versatile vegetable?

>> No.9729625

By being a child

>> No.9729633

I'm pretty "eh" on onions. I don't mind them, but I can live without them.

>> No.9729637

Raw onions that get put on salads and sandwiches are fucking disgusting. Cook that shit, so it is actually edible.

>> No.9729659

okay, serious answer here.

I've tried to like onions for a very long time because I fucking love Mexican food (legit mexican and tex mex). Most of the foods I enjoy (chili, mexican) are really good, I can stand a slight amount of cooked onion but nothing more.

The first time I recall my aversion was when I ordered a burrito from Taco Johns (without onion) and the last bite I got a giant, raw onion. I gagged immediately and spat it out. I couldn't do it.

I've been trying really hard to enjoy onion because it is in so many cuisines I enjoy but I legitimately can't get it past my tastebuds. it tastes like body odor.

My mom is the same way, so I assume it's some weird genetic shit like cilantro. It fucking sucks because Mexican is my favorite eithnic food and I want to enjoy onions.

>> No.9729705

By knowing how spice properly.

>> No.9729726

>low test beta detected

>> No.9729732

>turned off of vegetables because of a bad experience from a fast food establishment
Have you considered ending your life?

>> No.9729745

I'm a pretty big onion hater but it's almost entirely raw oniocusinens. Cooked ones are fine and stuff like french onion soup is one of my favorites.

At some point if you like to cook you have to come to terms with onions. There pretty much isn't a cuisine on earth where some form of allium isn't the bedrock of it.

I don't understand how people can eat like a burger with a huge fuck off slice of a raw onion on it. They are so distinct and pungent to me even having one on it and removing it later makes most of the burger still taste of onion.

>> No.9729748

Onions are the best, I feel bad for those who say they don't like them.

Take some time and slowly carmelize some onions and put it on a burger or steak, I can't comprehend not liking that.

>> No.9729870

I don't understand going onions. I didn't like them a lot when I was a child, but that changed when I was about 10yo, I love onions now, I cannot have a burger or sub sandwich without them.

Onions + spicy mustard + lettuce = God tier sandwich

>> No.9729875

Unless i cook it & season it or pair it raw with a sandwich or burger I'm generally not saying ( hey there's onions here ) and taking a bite out of one.

>> No.9729876

I fucking love onions every time I have a vegetable heavy stew (which is nearly daily due to leftovers) I add a whole medium yellow onion diced up into my bowl after heating it

I think I need help

>> No.9729925

I don't like raw onions. Not ashamed to say so.
Not loathing or such, and won't deny food with onions in it, but I prefer no onions in my salad etc.
OTOH, fried or otherwise cooked onions - yummy.

>> No.9729992

om nom nom, I ate them raw just like apples.

>> No.9731144

Raw onions are great in chili

>> No.9732261

/fit/ pls go

>> No.9732323

Girlfriend hates the crunch of onions. Even when they get cooked like crazy they apparently still have crunch. How can I cure her of that shit? Really annoying to either use 2 pots or use onion powder.

>> No.9732455

Remove all her teeth, and she'll realize how much she misses crunchy stuff.

>> No.9732853

Red onions are delicious. Every pizza I make at work or every time I go to subway etc I always add extra red onion. Yellow onion is a different story, I don't like it nearly as much.

>> No.9732875

My son was the same way. Somewhere between 10 and 11 he was all like "wtf, i like onions now"

>> No.9732885

Eat lots of raw onions to build your testosterone and beat her to a pulp. It's what she craves

>> No.9733046

Onions are good when fried in butter with mushrooms. I refuse to eat them raw.

>> No.9733267

>I gagged immediately and spat it out.


>> No.9733301

I don't dislike onions for the most part but I don't think they're amazing either, I'll put them in chili or meatloaf or whatever but that's about all I really enjoy them in

>> No.9733775

It wasn't because of a bad experience; it was the first experience where I really overtly recall extremely disliking onions. It's an example of while eating the unexpected, it still was really fucking horrible tasting (as in, not a case of "oh my god I can't eat this because it has x in it and not even noticing if no one had pointed it out).

I've had onions in cooked curries and the like and that's fine as long as it's a small amount. The taste just is extremely overpowering.

>> No.9733819

they never tried french onion soup

>> No.9733865

I love onions but I feel like mushrooms are nearly in the same pantheon of versatility yet I don't really like them

>> No.9734166

Replace onions with Shallots, it’s a different taste altogether and it’s I. The same family of veg

>> No.9735618

>having foods you don't like
what's it like being a complete pleb? It's okay to enjoy certain foods more than others, but to be completely disgusted by ANY type of food... it's a miracle your genes actually made it this far being revolted by anything that provides sustenance.

>> No.9736764
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i like the flavor of onions but don't like texture

>> No.9737064

Had this friend who hated onions. Always would go "eww" on them, dig any cafeteria food to toss it out and if something got remotely close to it's flavor, he wouldn't eat it

How do you not punch such a faggot?

>> No.9738592


i can't even imagine gagging and spitting out my food if i find a bug in it.

>> No.9738612

onions make my farts very not okay smelling
people have gagged when unfortunate enough to be around
this is honestly one of the worst parts of colon problems for me, my farts have always smelled bad but when i eat a trigger food it's unnatural how bad it is
the worst part is when i accidentally fart a little tiny one that doesn't sound at all and hardly feels like anything, then people cover their faces and leave the room

you'd think it's funny but when it's bad people get pretty seriously offended by the odor and exchange a lot of "what the fuck is wrong with you" and "what died in your ass"

i love the taste of onions fuck

>> No.9738617

This and sautéing with a little bit of dry white wine

>> No.9738700

it’s crunchy but wet and fleshy, like a roach. fuck you im not eating something that reminds me of festering roaches. like why eat something that seems like literal vomit? i don’t care if that’s your fetish fuck off.

>> No.9738746

This is, by far, the most retarded reason I have ever heard for disliking something.

I can only assume you have no friends because there is no way you would have been able think that anyone would ever accept this excuse unless you were completely devoid of all forms of social interaction.

>> No.9738853

onions are disgusting. they look like tape worms when cooked and make me dry heave.

>> No.9738961

Tfw I'm one of those people who like raw onions on burgers

>> No.9738992

Onions are great. Red, yellow, white, green, raw, roasted, grilled, fried, all good for different reasons and with different foods. Not liking onions is like not liking potatoes.

>> No.9739117


>Hey, if we chop up these onions real fine and use cover our meat in it, it acts as a natural tenderizer and flavoring agent
>Nah, fuck that, let's leave the onions as large as possible and don't bother marinating with it or cooking it at all, nevermind whatever benefits it could have given

The vast majority of people who "cook" with onions don't know how to fucking use them, which is why I never eat anything that other people make with onions; because they're fucking retarded and fuck it up almost always all the time.

>> No.9739145

this. stop being defective.

>> No.9739226

They're fine in some cases. If you're one of the freaks who enjoys raw fucking onions you should see a specialist. Who enjoys food that tastes and smells like sweaty, hairy armpits?

>> No.9739233

My sister hates them because a mix of she's picky and my mom used to pile onions on everything she could. I like them, though.

>> No.9739676

they ruin most foods by being over powering. like pickles on a sandwich.

I can eat just a raw onion by its self and have no problem.

cooked texture is fucking awful and stringy

>> No.9740064

Y'all niggas crazy, take a 1/4-1/2 stick of butter, put the onion in a microwaveable dish in there, salt the onion a little, put the onion in there for like 8-12 minutes depending on your microwave wattage, season with sea-salt and freshed cracked peppercorn to taste with it. It'll give you cummies.

>> No.9740964

Onions are a mineral

>> No.9740988

Picky eaters in general should be removed from the gene pool

>> No.9741809

Become a raging alcoholic. You'll love em

>> No.9741930

No, that's entirely overreacting. At the age of 18, everyone without serious health issues certified by independent MD's, should be isolated and forced to endure 1 week of water only. The % of picky eaters in the US would drop from 80% to 10%. Ironically it would solve the fake allergy problem too.

>> No.9742089

Good idea. Let's meet up and start abducting volunteers

>> No.9743395


>> No.9743407

No sweat smells of onions or garlic if you eat a bottle of them
(so does pee my piss stinks of garlic)

>> No.9743417

Or you could do the same thing on a pan like a normal person
Or are you one of those people who dosent have a cooker?

>> No.9743468

they give me intense headaches
garlic too

>> No.9743484

I dislike onions, their texture when raw or cooked in large pieces, ever since i was a tiny kid, despite living in slavland where they're used for almost everything. Unless it's crispy i rarely use it.
Red onions however i really enjoy and add to a ton of meals.

>> No.9743592

Why do you keep going on about mexican? The thing that's special about onion is that EVERY cuisine has it as a main ingredient. It's the most widespread ingredient except for salt and sugar