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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, Brad Leone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9726398 No.9726398 [Reply] [Original]

What's his problem?

>> No.9726401

Hes from new york.
Also, think he might be a pure pwnage fan.

>> No.9726417

He just likes fermenting things.

>> No.9726419

Terrible channel.
absolutely no originality at all.

>> No.9726429

Don't you say a single thing about this sweet angel

>> No.9726486

He has a son with a woman with whom he cohabitates but has not married. He's a sinner in the eyes of the Lord.

>> No.9726502

Brad is a sweet angel boy no bully

>> No.9726510

Everyone is a sinner in the eyes of the Lord.
That's the whole point of Christianity you fucking retard.

>> No.9726523

Laying with a woman whom you have not married is adultery, which is a serious sin covered in the Ten Commandments.

Bringing a child out-of-wedlock into the world (i.e. tainted with sin) is also a grave sin.

>> No.9726796

>new york
LMFAO dude you are unwavy af

that man is from Philly and anyone who isn't a flyover should instantly be able to recognize that accent. when the fuck was the last time you heard a new yorker pronounce "water" like "wouder"?

>> No.9727087

Don't you have a 14 year old gril to molest or are you not running on the evangelist/republicuck ticket somewhere?

>> No.9727116

Thank you

>> No.9727121

He is awesome, but I wish the editor if the video would stop. I usually can't watch more than a minute than getting angry at her/his dumb editing.

>> No.9727145


>> No.9727366





>> No.9727373

I see a lot of people just talking about how handsome he is, I guess that's why nothing is original because they're not using him for his cooking ability

>> No.9727377
File: 36 KB, 1080x1080, Bon Appetit video producer Vincent Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this is what Vinnie looks like

>> No.9727420

Baby's first sunday school class-level understanding of christianity.

>> No.9727983

>What's his problem?
Nothing. Cool dude. Fun videos. Likes fermenting shit, likes his coworkers, decently successful at his chosen profession. Seems like a good guy I'd get a beer with.

>> No.9727985

he thinks boiled cabbage is food.

>> No.9728029

Lol, tell that to the christian/republicucks.

>if we run mephistopheles or beelzebub on the ticket we can win against jesus christ on the democratic ticket.

>> No.9729002

Being a charismatic, likable and handsome person who hosts an interesting cooking show.

>> No.9729011
File: 256 KB, 1080x1350, 23498110_196977257532317_6990425866878582784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stalking Brad on Instagram

>> No.9729141

could also be baltimore to be fair

>> No.9730200

That Vinny/Vinnie/whatever guy is from suburban Philadelphia (Delaware county), but I don't know if Brad is. Also, Baltimore doesn't say 'wooder' quite the same way as Philadelphia does. It's more like 'wore-dur.' Slight R-sound before what should be a T (but is pronounced as a D).

>> No.9731164

I occasionally do work with bon appetit and know brad sort of well, ama

>> No.9731180

How tall is he exactly?

>> No.9731226

Is he as condescending in-person as he in the show?

>> No.9731244

As far as cancers go, the Christian LARPers are one of the worst

>> No.9731246

Has he railed everyone bon appetit?

>> No.9731247

he's pretty tall, maybe like 6'2"

He is actually pretty nice for the most part but he definitely knows how popular he is getting and thinks pretty highly of himself at bon appetit. Meanwhile Andy is a massive fucking asshole

>> No.9731252

>Andy is a massive fucking asshole

>> No.9731254

Nah he has a girlfriend

>> No.9731259

What about the rest of the YT cooking crew? How's Claire?

>> No.9731261


Looks like a dog

>> No.9731264

Yeah can't fucking stand the guy, I am relatively unimportant on most sets I work on and for the most part people are super chill and nice but Andy treats anyone who isn't his superior with such little respect

>> No.9731281

Claire is super nice, all of the people at food 52 are pretty nice, Food network people are super boring and mostly like corporate career drones but by not mean, just boring. I actually am working on producing video content for stuff like Eater, Munchies, bon appetit and am genuinely curious as to what kind of food video content you guys like/ want to see more of.

>> No.9731298


Does Brad ferment things out of the videos? Does he pay as much attention to the food he makes when the camera is off too?

>> No.9731372

Not OP here, but I think brad only does Bon Appetite part time and co-owns a bar in Manhattan.

>> No.9731386

I'd like to see more celebrities cooking videos with celebrities in particular who DONT know how to cook. Enough with these celebrity chef collabs.

>> No.9731677

Each episode has a different celebrity guest. Jamie Oliver teaches him or her to cook a particular dish. So far, my favourite guest was Lindsay Lohan

>> No.9731691


I'm >>9731164 this guy and yeah your right, he only works there occasionally, but he may be getting a cooking tv show.

Yeah we have been trying to get things like this it can be so hard to get people who aren't chefs to do it though. I want to start a cooking show with rappers in the same vein as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_RoKIMyP80

>> No.9731710

I'd watch a show where transsexual chefs teach Jim Norton cooking.

>> No.9731905

>Yeah we have been trying to get things like this it can be so hard to get people who aren't chefs to do it though.

I can appreciate this challenge-- its already a pain to get my friends and family interested in cooking, I can only imagine what it might be for a stranger/celebrity.

However the appeal of a show like this is actually amazing: Celebrities are happy as they get to promote whatever they're promoting, producers/content creators are happy because it has a wide audience appeal, and viewers are happy because its something entertaining they can see themselves in (the idea that cooking is hard and "Relateable" is widely held and the basis of many TV cooking shows, but that's just my opinion)

>> No.9733511

>Andy is a massive fucking asshole
How about Adam or Chris?

>> No.9734376

>/ck/ hates him because hes getting popular and has a great personality

why am i not surprised?

>> No.9735273

i don't know, the guy over on /his/ is pretty funny, especially if you point out that the bible has no real mention of hell as modern christians believe it to be. Also that out of the mere 22 times gehenna or hades is mentioned in the new testament it can easily be construed as allegorical

>> No.9735289

What is your problem with his problem?

>> No.9735322

>viewers are happy because its something entertaining they can see themselves in

I don't get this part at all. If I want to learn about cooking from watching a video I don't want gimmicks like celebs, humor, etc, involved. I want to watch an expert show me how the food is prepared, and ideally explain the how-and-why behind it. If the person doing the instruction isn't an expert, or if there are unwanted distractions, I don't see the point.

Now I guess some people might watch it if they happen to like the celeb in question, or if it has some kind of humor value. But this seems stupid from a premise of "people who want to learn", at least IMHO.

>> No.9735329

>t.cultural anthropologist & linguistics professor

>> No.9735860

Never met Adam but most people i talk to seem to love him, I like Chris a lot

>> No.9736010

nobody here hates steve1989

>> No.9736014

Is he ((()))?

>> No.9736034

is he gaping vagina?

>> No.9736084


>> No.9736104

I'm so fucking glad Hoosiers don't have an accent.