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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9726287 No.9726287 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good onion-centric dishes?

>> No.9726307
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>> No.9726316

Boil them and serve in cream.

>> No.9726467

Just use onions to flavor things. Soup? Add an onion. Meat? Cook it in onion or top with caramelized onions or both. Want a snack? Half pat of butter, sliced up onion and your favorite herbs and fry it. Making a sandwich? Onion slice on it. Theyre like 10 cents each and go with everything.

>> No.9726801


>> No.9727634

bloomin' onion

>> No.9727697

I really wish I had pics of you /ck/ fags, you're probably all fucking obese.

OP is trying to boost test, as in, he wants to look good, serving shit in cream isn't good for you you fucking imbecile.

>> No.9727719
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You read that and took it seriously? You're a fucking retard. Nobody shitposting on /ck/ has enough test to bother with, you flatulence fetishist.

>> No.9727738

i treasure it when people take buttfuck retarded posts seriously and get ferocious about them

>> No.9727743

>You read that and took it seriously? You're a fucking retard. Nobody shitposting on /ck/ has enough test to bother with, you flatulence fetishist.

Nice damage control you literally mongoloid.

>> No.9727751
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>> No.9727757
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If you can find any correlation between test and onions in this random ass distribution you're sharper man than i.

i'm indian and we basically eat onions as a staple food. if not for poverty that part of the map would be the darkest shade. no one would accuse us of being high test

>> No.9728001

It's not about eating them, it's about eating them raw.

Also reminder that you need to actually work out as well.

>> No.9728021

Daily reminder any effect of onion on test hasn't been collaborated by anything but rat studies and this onion meme comes from Reddit.

>> No.9728049

100% incorrect.

I created this "meme" on /fit/ two days ago. Really goes to show how dumb the majority of you fuckers are, claiming you know shit you don't.

>> No.9728086

my crazy vegan aunt has been drinking onion "shakes" for almost a decade.

>> No.9728104

We've passed a point where I don't know if this is just some guy trying to be funny or this is actually real. I seriously wouldn't put it passed some /pol/ type to be doing this, I really wouldn't.

But what do I know I'm just a soy boy

>> No.9728111

There's dozens of threads all over 4chan. Pictures of people showing their onion meals.

It's legit.

>> No.9728114
File: 86 KB, 609x865, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I copied a reddit meme onto /fit/, that means it's MINE

You can leave now.

>> No.9728121
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enjoy your gyno soyboy

>> No.9728126
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>redditor can only sputter about his soy meme

Door's right there.

>> No.9728134

Not surprised in the slightest.

>> No.9728172
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Maybe you shouldn't get your dietary advice from Reddit regurgitating rat studies after all.

>> No.9728184
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T. soyboy reddit shill

Haven't been on reddit in months, but I can tell you go there everyday.

>> No.9728190

>It's not about eating them, it's about eating them raw.

fuck that, cooked onion is best onion

>> No.9728229
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>Not eating raw onions

You're never going to make it

>> No.9728263

Mujaddara -- lentils and rice with caramelized onions and spices.

>> No.9728272
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Eat your damn onions

>> No.9728301
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Indians also eat a lot of onions raw. they're had raw along with most meals. most indian side "salads" are just onions with lime and salt. most indian snacks are also topped with raw onion.

and saying you need to work out is a cop out. raised test levels will add muscle mass on their own.

>> No.9728305

>in months

You should go back.

>> No.9728350
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hot dogs with a shitload of onions

>> No.9728387
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bon appetit

>> No.9728479

did you...did you just sauté some onions? is that your dinner?

>> No.9728490

why eat onions when garlic is much tastier and has more of whatever bullshit is in onions that you think will make you less of a bitch.

>> No.9728505

Yes. My mind actually does feel a bit more clear.

>> No.9728511

onions are supposed to fog your mind

>> No.9728871


>> No.9728872


>> No.9730244

genovese di napoli
first, you wine-caramelise 3kg (6,5lbs) of thinly sliced onion in either pure olive oil (but not extra virgin; just normal or pomace) or a mix of olive oil and animal fat (lard for most people, chicken grease for jews) and remove from the pan
then, you cook a crushed tomato and minced carrot and celery in more olive oil and deglaze with wine
next, you sear meat in the tomato-mixture, pork and/or beef for most people, chicken, faraona or other bird meat if you're a jew. make sure to use on-the-bone meat
finally, you re-add the onions as well as just enough stock to cover and bring the whole thing to the boil then allow to reduce, stirring often, until the agitation of the boiling stock breaks down the softened onion bits and turns the whole thing creamy and the cooking fat used begins to be visible again. use either veg stock or a stock that matches the meat being used
when all cooked, you stir in several chopped leaves of herb celery and lid the pot, allowing it to infuse while you boil pasta to serve it on

if it sounds confusing, i can provide a video from yt, but it will be in spaghettispeak rather than english, sorry

surprised myanmar isn't darker since just about all their stews and curries are basically based on chingchong-style genovese di napoli. delicious food they've got there

>> No.9730346

This might be sacrilege, but that sounds a bit like the process for some curries. Slow cooking a ton of onions, then braising them with meat down into a tomato based sauce.

>> No.9731656

not sacrilege at all. the only difference is the herbs/spices and oils used, curries don't tend to use wine and that genovese di napoli only uses 1-2 tomatoes for all 3kg of onion.
as far as curries go, though, i only know of burmese curries and ethiopian stews which do a similar process with the extreme amount of onion but the seasonings and oil used are completely different.

>> No.9732600

So it's basically stew thickened with onions instead of some starch?

>> No.9734737


I believe this is the study the rumor is based on. To replicate what they did in the study, the average man would need to drink a measly 2-3 ounces of onion juice a day. I'm not sure, but based on a video I watched, a single normal sized onion should produce 5-8 ounces or so.

>> No.9734742

Also worth noting the study was done in Iran:
>Author information
>Department of Veterinary Pathology (YRC), Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Iran. arashkhaki@yahoo.com

>> No.9734744

>the onion meme experiment came from Iran
>Iran has one of the highest per-capita onion consumptions

>> No.9734757

The best way to eat a lot of raw onions is to do it like the Iranians do it. Cook some kebab or real savory meat dish and have a raw onion cut into sections on a side plate. Have a bite of the savory main course, then in the same mouthful take a bite of raw onion. Pretty easy to eat about 1/4 of a small onion per meal this way.

>> No.9734758

>In this study, naringenin (NAR), 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), genistein (GEN), coumestrol (COU), quercetin (QUE) and resveratrol (RSV) up-regulated steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StaR) mRNA levels in KGN human granulosa-like tumor cells. Most of the phytoestrogens tested also increased CYP19A1 (aromatase) mRNA levels via activation of ovary-specific I.3 and II promoters. Yet, only NAR (3 and 10 μM), COU (10 and 30 μM) and QUE (10 μM) also statistically significantly induced aromatase activity in KGN cells after 24 h. 8-PN, aromatase inhibitor letrozole and estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780 concentration-dependently inhibited aromatase activity with IC50 values of 8 nM, 10 nM and 72 nM, respectively.

You know what aromatase is responsible for? It's responsible for converting free testosterone into estrogen.

>> No.9735358

it's like a tomato sauce, only onion rather than tomato. an onion sauce. the sauce is served with pasta as first course, typically something like paccheri or other fork pasta. Then, the meat is served as second course.
with stew, everything is served together, it has a lot more liquid, and it's served with the starchy component (rice or pasta or puré or polenta) on the side.