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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9723628 No.9723628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>shop at asian supermarket
>don't have to deal with white people while I'm there

>> No.9723643

But I'm white and you can usually find me at Asian markets. Better watch out or I'll sneak up and colonize you from behind.

>> No.9723651
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>shop at english supermarket
>don't have to deal with white people while I'm there

>> No.9723653

>shop at Walmart
>have to deal with illegal spics and niggers while I'm there


>> No.9723657

It's literally a scientific fact that non whites gain psychological benefits from and enjoy being around whites. You shitskins provide nothing of value on the other hand. Google it. Read the research.

>> No.9723669

Run into any qt girls?

>> No.9723677

I am white. I just don't like being around obnoxious honkies who don't eat vegetables.

>> No.9723694

Maybe you should move out of your white trash area, cracker

>> No.9723696

I'm sure that self-hatred is extremely attractive to women lol

>> No.9723704

yeah, but then you have to deal with the rudest ppl on earth:

old ass fob china ppl

>> No.9723708

Asian here. We don't want you around. Fuck off. No one likes some weird self hating faggot.

>> No.9723709
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I don't care about women.

>> No.9723723

It shows

>> No.9723726

It's 2017 anon. Accusing someone of being a homosexual is not an insult.

>> No.9723728
File: 128 KB, 295x343, 1511061056986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you regret making this thread yet?

>> No.9723729

>shop at asian supermarket
>feel like a tourist in my own country

I'm usually not one of those guys that just goes for ramune, pre-made sushi and snacks, but I still feel like some of those old Asian cashiers are judging me.

>> No.9723737

Keep telling yourself that you fucking fruit. It will never be normal, least of all for you, even if everyone else pretends it is. You will always know you're a fucked up freak.

>> No.9723750

Why is it so hard to keep all of you try-hard intrnet is srs-biznis retards in one basket?

>> No.9723751

I'm not even gay. Once you realise that random people's opinions don't matter you get freedom.

>> No.9723757

I don't feel that way because I buy only whole ingredients so it looks like I know exactly what I'm doing. And I bring a box so they don't need to hold up the line bagging stuff.

>> No.9723758

I buy coconut milk, cheap produce like ginger, and a few sauces. Then I dip. Mine smells like fish 24/7 and is graveyard-tier quiet.

>> No.9723761

Not really making sense of this post. Try again later after you calm your mentally ill faggot mind down.

>> No.9723776

It really wasn't cryptic. Try building some reading comprehension and come back. Also, not gay, just tired of you morons shitting up blue boards with your assblasted political nonsense.

>> No.9723784

Are you the one who made a thread about how you don't like being around white people? And now you're mad that it "got political".

Fucking kys wtf

>> No.9723791

Leave the trailer park behind Cletus, or even leave America. You won't look back.

>> No.9723793

One of my favorite things is making friends with Asian people that have been surrounded by whites their entire life and striking up conversation about how shitty most white people are in their daily life. So many different Asian groups in the US surround themselves with only their specific group and network with whites and don't realize that basically all other minorities suffer through the same shit as them. Its usually minor stuff but it really shocks a lot of 2nd and 3rd generation Asian kids how similar their lives are to black people after being sheltered from it by their parents trying to work the racists system in the US.

>> No.9723796

No, that was me.

>> No.9723803

Sure it is, faggot

>> No.9723804

>caring about western standards of self esteem

hapa spotted

>> No.9723807

And yet they still think of you as monkeys and have no respect for you at all, and value their interactions with whites.

Weird. Keep telling yourself it's different though. Maybe that will make it true. Protip: There's a reason that Asian women go for white guys and not filthy niggers.

>> No.9723814

>heres what your people think
Yep this is what winning an argument probably looks like

>> No.9723816

Nope, believe it or not I'm not the only one who's getting sick of your /pol/ shit. 4chan is turning on you fucks. Mods gave you a shitpost trashcan and your own fucking trashcan rejected you guys. /pol/ is no longer the entertaining board. It's now the cringy retard LARPfest board.

>> No.9723827

This is cringe. Is this really what goes on in your head? Holy fuck.

>> No.9723834

Do you really lack this much self-awareness? Who am I kidding, you all do.

>> No.9723835

t. the madcap blogger
follow my livejournal!

>> No.9723840

You just monologued about /pol/ like some ass hurt freak...

>> No.9723844

this is true, /pol/ is a cancerous echo chamber ever since Trump won

>> No.9723858

Respond to this: >>9723807

I want to be sure your gross ass faces reality. I want you to know that every race hates you. Every one. It's not a white thing. Every race ever has always been disgusted by your kind.

>> No.9723900
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>Once you realise that random people's opinions don't matter you get freedom.
Other people's opinions are highly relevant to your freedom. Conservatives try to regulate other people's bedroom, liberals try to regulate other people's thoughts. Both can fuck with you.

If the majority (including migrants obviously) is not convinced freedom is important then getting fucked out of your freedom is in fact the most likely outcome.

>> No.9723972

There's a difference between asshurt and annoyed. You guys feel the need to step into any conversation that isn't even about politics and spew your political opinions all over the place. That annoys me. Me being asshurt would involve crying because I disagree with you, not just being pissed off that we can no longer have one conversation on this site without your /pol/-tier rambles.

>> No.9723985

No, sorry this is bullshit and that's easily proven by looking at the OP of this thread. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.9724004

>Conservatives try to regulate other people's bedroom
No they don't. They don't care. They just don't want you marrying. Considering homosexuality is a mental disease it shouldn't be accepted so freely.

>> No.9724023

>You guys feel the need to step into any conversation that isn't even about politics
If you complained about that in a conversation where that actually applies it would carry more weight. A thread like this or a chickfila thread going down this road proves nothing after all ... it's going down the path the OP set.

>> No.9724033

Fuck off Russian shill

>> No.9724043
File: 210 KB, 900x452, 1508930194423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit PLEASE kys

>> No.9724044


>> No.9724045

Dude, no one gives a shit what gender you like to stick your dick in unless you're a closeted evangelical fundamentalist. Do you really want to claim allegiance to those raving lunatics? I guarantee you, your orange fool doesn't give a shit.

>> No.9724056

Do you want to talk to me or the absurd strawman that exists solely in your head?

Haha I already know the answer

>> No.9724057

More like you feel comfortable while everyone else wonders why a 300lb pig is shopping in their market.

>> No.9724063

i sure do love food and cooking

>> No.9724067

Then go to foodandcooking.com/forums you fucking Russian bot

>> No.9724069

This is the best response in any thread on this board. Hats off to you sir.

>> No.9724071

how am i a russian bot you paranoid freak?

>> No.9724077

Holy fucking reddit

>> No.9724080

Its /pol/ what did you exspect

>> No.9724085

>libshit accuses some random fag of being a russian spy, like hillary always said
>must be pol

>> No.9724089

I am white and I work at an Asian Grocery store in Chinatown


>> No.9724094

What if perhaps not everyone is a libshit or from pol? What if some people in the world don't give a toss about american politics? Did that ever occur to you?

>> No.9724099

>thinking dumbass libshits aren’t part of /pol/
You’ve never been on that board clearly

>> No.9724102

are you a janitor?

>> No.9724105


>> No.9724111

Your thoughts when your fellow white yet severly obese americans come to the store just to buy candy and scream about all the weird food?

>> No.9724120

>go to asian supermarket
>fat middle aged white guy walks in
>yells across the store to the butcher "HEY Y'ALL GOT OO-DAWN NOODLES??"

He was in the aisle where all the noodles were, too, he just couldn't read the runes. Or the price tags on the shelf, which were in english.

>> No.9724142

No the Janitor is Mexican


I try to be polite and understanding. The fatties that come in to buy just the simple stuff usually keep their comments to themselves. Also, honestly, I see more of the opposite. people telling me about obscure stuff that they've had and want to recommend.

>> No.9724144

Today on things that never happened.

>> No.9724146

Do asians come in that don't speak english?

>> No.9724150

It actually did happen, though. Sorry I didn't snapchat it for you.

>> No.9724157


Fucking old ass Asians that pay with EBT never speak English.

Also Chinese tourists, and study abroad students don't usually know English either

>> No.9724170

Are you referring to el juden